On Frozen Hills
Page 10
Once their plates were empty and their bellies full, they sat back in the chairs and sighed.
“Man, that was good. We should come down here for supper. It’s dressier, but I can handle that, can you?”
“If supper is as good as breakfast, you can count me in.”
“The prices aren’t that bad.”
“It’s because they want you to spend your money in the casino.”
“True, but I could eat in this restaurant until we leave. That was some damn good food. Wish we’d checked it out when we first got here.”
“You and your stomach. All you think about is food.”
“That’s not all I think about.”
Ivy blushed as the waitress returned with the receipt for Jace to sign. Ivy stood and stretched after sitting so long. Jace stood and looped his arm around her waist.
“Oh, we have to take in a show. If we don’t do anything else, we have to do that.”
Jace smiled. “Is this what you want to do? I believe there’s another one we could check out.”
“No, I think this would be a great way to end our trip.”
Jace pulled Ivy closer to him. “If that’s what you want, then it’s what I want,” he said, kissing her on her nose as he stepped away. He stepped up to the window and bought their tickets, then and handed them to her. She gave him a big grin, jumping up and down while she wrapped her arms around him.
“Thank you so much. I can’t wait for tonight.”
“So what do you want to do now?”
“Well let’s go check out the fitness center. We’ve both been slacking on that since we’ve been with the family.”
Jace grimaced. “Okay, let’s go get changed and head back down. I hope I can survive, since it’s been about a week since I’ve done any running or weight lifting.”
They finished their walk around before wandering back upstairs to change into exercise clothes. Ivy walked out of the bathroom, dressed to work out. Jace wasn’t. “Aren’t you changed yet?”
“No. I sat, and I crashed.”
“Get your ass in gear. I’m not going to let you get lazy on me. We need to get back into our routine—we don’t have many days left before we need to be back in New York and you get back to the firehouse, and I don’t think your captain will be happy with you if you get too lazy.”
“Shit. You’re right. I’ll be on kitchen duty all week when I return if I don’t get back on track. He never misses a thing.”
Ivy smirked. Jace’s captain at the firehouse was a strict one. He ran his department with an iron fist. But Jace’s goal was to get his own house later. As much as Jace complained about all the crap the captain put him through, he loved it. Oh, it just about killed her when he left for his shifts, what with never knowing if he would be back or not, but this was what he wanted to do, and she supported him, just as he backed her in whatever she did. They headed out of the room and down to where pain was sure to welcome them.
A couple of hours later, Ivy and Jace dragged their wobbly bodies back to their rooms, where Ivy flopped onto the couch and closed her eyes. “What the hell was I thinking?”
Jace laughed. “You were the one who wanted to exercise. Looks like you need to keep to it more than I do. I do not flop all over the couch.”
Ivy lifted her head a fraction and stuck out her tongue.
“Oh, that’s mature.”
“I never said I was mature. I’m with you, remember?” Ivy said with one eye barely open.
“So you’re saying I’m immature?”
Ivy grinned but didn’t respond. Jace moved slowly to the couch and swung her up and over his shoulder.
“What the hell are you doing, you big lug?” Ivy shrieked.
“I’m a big lug now? Hmm. Now I know where I stand.” Jace continued to the bedroom, where he threw Ivy onto the bed. Ivy pushed herself toward the headboard, but Jace grabbed her feet and pulled her back down toward him, all the while grinning at her. “You just love teasing me, don’t you, my love?”
“Who said I was teasing?”
Jace leaned forward until he was lying on top of her and his knees were digging into the bed. He placed his forehead onto hers and gazed into her eyes. “I would never hurt you, don’t you?”
Ivy reached up and moved some of Jace’s hair out of his face. “Yeah, I know that, and that you were playing, just like I was.”
Jace nodded and kissed Ivy on her nose. “I suppose we should get cleaned up. Before too long it’ll be lunchtime. Have you thought about what you want to do after lunch?”
“A nice hot bath sounds good right now to me.”
“You take your bath while I take my shower.”
“But then again, maybe I should wait until after you shower.”
“I don’t think you’ll get your shower done since you can watch me in the tub,” Ivy pointed out.
“Well, maybe I want to watch you.”
“Um, no. I want to relax and not feel like I have someone stalking me.”
“I’ll always stalk you.” Jace laughed.
Ivy rolled her eyes as she pushed Jace off her, then headed toward the bathroom. “Get your damn shower done so I can sit and soak in the tub. Then once I’m done, we can go down and get something to eat.”
Jace grumbled, making his way to the bathroom. Ivy picked out her clothes for the show later and laid them on the bed. After what seemed like forever, the door to the bathroom opened and out walked Jace in a plume of steam. His hair was sticking out everywhere. Ivy started laughing at the sight. Jace looked at her questioningly.
“You should’ve seen the way you came out of the bathroom. It was like you were in a movie or something.”
He shook his head. “Only you would think that. You and your movies.”
Ivy stuck her tongue out at him as she passed him going into the bathroom. “My turn, finally.”
Ivy drew her bath and added lilac-scented bubble mix to it. It smelled like Vermont in the summer. She stepped in and sank down into the bubbles that buried her. She moved her arms, and the bubbles swirled around. Ivy thought about the type of dress she wanted for the ball. She had a couple of colors in mind, but decided to call Tessa after her bath. She knew better than to wear the same color as her sister. Tessa had been known to freak out if someone wore a color or style she had on.
Ivy closed her eyes and sank below the bubbles. Holding her breath under the water, she thought about her life with Jace and their future together. Ivy slid her way back up through the water to see Jace standing above her with a weird expression on his face.
“Everything okay?”
Ivy wiped the bubbles and water from her eyes and mouth. “Yeah, why?”
“I called out to you a couple of different times and got no answer. Then I saw you under the water.”
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Just a few seconds.”
“For your information, I do this quite often. It’s almost like it helps to clear out my thoughts.”
“Hmm, never knew that.”
“Usually when I do this you’re at the firehouse. It helps me to relax when you aren’t with me.”
“I understand. No need to explain any further.”
Ivy grinned up at Jace with a small smile. He understands. “I’ll be out in a few more minutes. Then we can figure out what we are going to do for lunch or whatever.”
“Sounds good. I plan to relax after lunch. Whether it’s just watching TV and cuddling up to you on the couch or me falling asleep in the recliner.”
Ivy shook her head and splashed him. “Get out so I can finish enjoying my bath. I didn’t bother you during your shower.”
Jace tried to run before the water hit him. The water hit the floor, and Jace slipped and fell on his ass. Ivy started laughing while Jace glared at her.
“You think that’s funny?”
“Yep. Serves you right for bothering me.”
Jace grumbled as he go
t up and walked out.
Later, Ivy strolled out of the bathroom, picked up her cell phone off the dresser, then went into the living room. She looked through the contacts on her phone and found Tessa’s number.
“What the hell are you doing calling me?” Tessa asked.
“I thought I’d call you and see about colors for the dresses, but if you’d rather just wear the same kind of dress, then okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Now just wait a minute. There is no way in hell am I going to wear the same thing as you.”
“I thought so.”
“So, what do you have in mind?”
“Well, I was thinking a light blue or purple dress. Not sure of the style until I see it. What about you?”
“The colors I’m sure you already know. Purple, orange, and red, oh, and black if I can find them.”
“Oh, Dad is going to love you for sure.”
“Eh, what else is new.”
“Well, I’ll let you go. We’ll meet you tomorrow at the shop.”
“Yeah, the highlight of the past couple of days, looking forward to dress shopping with my sister,” Tessa said flatly.
“Everything okay at home?”
“Dad’s been a jerk as always. Mom about left at one point and went back home,” Tessa finally responded.
Ivy sat in total shock. “What the hell?”
“Never mind. I didn’t say anything.”
“Oh no you don’t. You can’t say something like that then try to cover it up. It doesn’t work like that.”
“Wait until you see them. That would be better. It’s hard to explain. I think Mom has had enough.”
“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Ivy woke up on the last morning at the casino. The concert had been awesome. She was still tired and didn’t want to get up, because they’d had a late night. She hadn’t checked the clock to see what time it was when they’d gotten back into their room, but it had to have been after midnight, as tired as she was. Stretching, Ivy realized she didn’t want to leave.
She’d been enjoying her time with Jace. They’d learned a little bit more about each other. Ivy reached for Jace, but he wasn’t on his side of the bed. She walked toward the bathroom, only to see the door was closed. She could barely hear the shower running. Ivy padded toward the bathroom. She pushed the door open and stood in the doorway watching Jace.
The shower was glass-enclosed, so it left nothing for the imagination. Ivy didn’t know how long she stood watching before Jace realized she was there.
“What the hell?”
Ivy smiled. “Did I scare you?
“A little. Last I knew, you were asleep.”
“I was, but I woke up and you weren’t there. I heard the shower running, so I’ve been standing here enjoying the view.”
Jace shook his head. “I’ll get finished up so you can take one if you like.”
“Okay, I’m going to start getting packed.”
“Sounds good. I’ll pack my stuff while you’re in the shower.”
Ivy went back into the bedroom, where she threw her bag onto the bed before pulling her clothes from the dresser. She didn’t want to leave and deal with her father. She picked a simple outfit for the day since they were going to be trying on gowns in Albany. Once she had her bag packed, she only had a few odds and ends left to finish up with after her shower, and then she’d be done.
Ivy sat on the bed and started thinking about the conversation she’d had the previous night with Tessa. She found it hard to believe after all the years her parents had been together, her mom was finally doing something about the way her dad had been treating her.
Ivy sighed as Jace walked out of the bathroom.
“What has you sighing?”
Ivy shrugged. She didn’t want to get him involved.
“Oh no, don’t pull that crap with me, Ivy Ann Mercer! I know it’s something, so tell me.”
“Fine. Tessa told me last night on the phone Mom threatened to leave Dad. I don’t have any clue if she’s serious or not. I’m worried because what if she is serious, Jace? That’s going to change everything.”
Jace sat next to Ivy on the bed and grabbed her hand off her lap. “Let me tell you something. Your mother has been through a lot with your father over the years. I could tell in the few days we were there that she was starting to come to her wits’ end with him. If that is what she decides to do, then you need to support her decision. You know what my life was like when my father left. This is somewhat the same. I’m sure you standing beside her will mean the world to her.”
Ivy dropped her head, a couple of tears sliding down her face. She didn’t say anything at first, instead taking the time to process everything Jace had said. He was right. Ivy had seen what he had gone through in high school without his father around. He had argued with his mother and blamed her for his dad leaving, only to learn later it hadn’t been her fault.
“I understand that, Jace. It’s just a lot to take in. This was something I never in my wildest dreams thought would ever happen to my parents. I’ve seen it happen to others, but I was always so sure it wouldn’t happen to our family.”
“Nothing is ever for certain today. Hell, I thought the same thing with my parents as well. But no matter what happens, your mother is a strong woman. She’ll hold her own against your father.”
“I do get what you’re saying, babe. I have to process this. What’s going to happen with everything if it’s true? So many questions I want answers to.”
“I understand you want answers, but we don’t know what’s going to happen and it’s your mother who needs to worry about it all right now, not you.”
Ivy sighed and gathered her clothes. “I’ll get my shower done and then we can go eat after that.”
In the bathroom, she stood in front of the mirror and saw the look on her face. I won’t let this get to me. I’m stronger than that. Taking a deep breath, Ivy went about getting herself ready for the day.
A few hours later, they were on the road, heading toward Albany. Ivy stared out of the window at the barren trees. Snow was falling once again, and though it was beautiful watching the white flakes fall, Ivy was tired of the snow. Jace was dancing in his seat to the music on the radio, and Ivy couldn’t help but laugh.
Jace raised an eyebrow. “What’s so funny?”
“As if you don’t know.”
“I’m watching you chair dance while you drive. It’s funny.”
“I’m glad I could provide you some entertainment while we’re on the road.”
Ivy patted Jace on the leg. “Well I’m glad for that. You’re helping keep me calm. That’s for sure.”
“What’s going on?”
“What isn’t going on in my brain right now? I’m worried I’m going to say something stupid in front of Mom or go off on Dad when there might not be a problem,” Ivy confessed.
Jace placed a hand on top of Ivy’s. “Babe, listen to me. Go with the flow. If something happens, we’ll deal with it then. But until then, stay relaxed.”
“Is that even going to be a possibility for me? You know how I am.”
“I have all the faith in the world in you. Just lean back and relax. It’s you and me, babe. You’ve got to realize I’ve got your back.”
“You don’t know how much that means to me.”
Ivy did as Jace suggested and leaned back and listened to the music. When her favorite songs came on, she sang or even danced in her seat and sent Jace into fits of laughter.
“Wow, we’re here already?” Ivy soon exclaimed.
“Yep, time passes fast when you’re having fun.”
Ivy rolled her eyes at Jace and his corny attempt at a joke. Tessa and her mother were waving at them with big grins on their faces. Ivy waved back as she reached and unbuckled her seatbelt.
“Well, they’re smiling.”
“Don’t read into things,” Jace warned.r />
Ivy smiled, aware what he was thinking. She checked out the nameplate on the building, Serenity Elegance, and pointed at it. “Go figure Dad would pick a place with Elegance in the name.”
“Yeah, well you can see how picky he is about things. He has to have everything his way or nothing at all.”
“I know. Well let’s go in or run for it and never look back.”
“It’s about time you guys got here. I was beginning to wonder if you were going to skip coming,” said Tessa.
“Why would we do that, Tessa?” joked Jace.
Tessa narrowed her eyes at Jace before responding, “I know you don’t like getting fitted for monkey suits.”
The grimace flitting across Jace’s face made Tessa laugh. Tessa patted Jace on the arm. “No worries. We shouldn’t be here too long.”
This time Ivy laughed. “Yeah right. Between you and me, we’ll be the ones holding everyone up.”
Behind Tessa, their Mom and Dad walked up. “Are you guys ready to get started?” Vivian asked.
“Well, I am. But I don’t know about Jace.”
Vivian peered over at Jace and started laughing. “It seems like you don’t want to be here.”
“No, I don’t. I hate wearing suits or tuxes. The last time I wore a tux was at our senior prom.”
“Ah so it’s been a few years then,” Vivian joked.
“Just a few.”
All the while Michael stood quietly beside Vivian and watched everyone. “I think we need to move toward the counter and get checked in for our appointment.”
Ivy glanced at her dad in surprise. He was being easy-going, and that was unlike him. She glanced over at her mom briefly to see she had a sly smile on her face. Ivy slightly nodded her head and looked back at her dad.
“I suppose you’re right. I can’t wait to get my dress found and get back on the road.”
“You’re so picky when it comes to finding the right dress. It was the same way when you went shopping for your prom dresses. I’m sure it will be the same here,” Michael said with some laughter in his voice.
Ivy looked at her father somewhat confused. “Okay. I should wait until we get back home, but your change of demeanor is too much for me. I don’t believe for one second you’ve gone from the father who’s always been thickheaded to one who’s trying to be upbeat.”