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Enduring Everything (Marked Heart #1)

Page 4

by M. Sembera

  Turning in to the meeting room we walked in together before I took a seat and Jackson stood at the front.

  Thirty minutes into the meeting, I couldn't help daydreaming about the trip we were going on. Wondering where we were going and what it was going to be like, I was surprised at Jackson's last announcement.

  Smiling at me, he announced, "Mr. Thomas will be in next week to oversee and advise in my absence," I could feel my face turning red as he continued, saying, "My gorgeous secretary and I will be on our honeymoon."

  Amongst the hum of whispers, a voice broke through, questioning, "Isn't that against policy?"

  My initial embarrassment instantly turned to irritation as I glanced over to see Marabeth with a snide expression on her face.

  Although I was a bit shocked, she was bold enough to call Jackson out in a meeting like that, I knew she had a thing for him. Marabeth Laurence was a perky, formerly blond, redhead with curves that every man in the office drooled over. Ever since she started out as the receptionist while working her way through school, she was into him. I knew she had a crush on him when she asked me if he was seeing anyone. Of course that was years ago before I came to work here. She couldn't understand why he kept turning her down. You would think she would be right up Jackson's alley but she wasn't quite the emotional cripple he was into, thanks to his friendship with me.

  When I looked at Jackson as if to say, 'I know she didn't' he quickly gave me an 'I will handle it' expression.

  "The policy was set in place to prevent favoritism and to ensure a stable work environment. If she and I were coworkers or in the event she was an accountant here at the firm, there might be cause for concern. However, there is only one secretary so unless our receptionist, Mrs. Oleander, has an issue, I do not see a violation of the policy," Jackson firmly stated.

  Simultaneously, ever person in the room turned to look at Mrs. Oleander.

  Visibly taken aback at being put on the spot, Mrs. Oleander, who was close to seventy years old, cleared her throat before saying, "Well honey, you're cute and all but I think Ren is better suited to you than me."

  Suddenly the room erupted in laughter as most everyone, including me, found her comment hysterical.

  Smiling wide, Jackson gave the receptionist a wink before replying, "Thank you Mrs. O, I think so too."

  As my laughter subsided, I made a point to glare at Marabeth, who was not amused, before turning my focus back to Jackson.

  "If there are no further questions, Ren and I are taking an early lunch and everyone can get back to work," Jacks shared.

  The meeting was called to a close.

  Jackson received a few pats on the back and handshakes in congratulations. I received nods and smiles also, except for Marabeth who bumped me on the way out before making a disgusted noise and rolling her eyes at me.

  I was about to turn around and say something to her, when I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a soft voice say, "Don't give her a second thought honey. Marabeth is used to getting what she wants. I love my niece but she can be bratty when she's not getting her way."

  Smiling at Mrs. Oleander, I replied, "Thank you, I don't want this to be an issue here."

  Giving me a sweet smile, she informed, "She's between boyfriends and is just being a sore loser. Be happy honey."

  Nodding, I gave her a hug.


  On the way to the courthouse, Jackson was smiling and I was trying to decide what Mrs. Oleander meant by saying Marabeth was a sore loser. I mean seriously, I wasn't aware that she was even in the running to be with Jacks.

  As soon as the car stopped in the parking lot, I turned to him and asked, "Did you sleep with her?"

  Clearly thrown off by my question, he shrugged and shook his head, before I said, "Marabeth. Did you sleep with her?"

  Giving me an absurd look, he replied, "No."

  Raising my eyebrows at him, I questioned, "Are you sure?"

  With a slight laugh, he answered, "We have never slept together or had sex."

  "Well, she had a really adverse reaction to your announcement, so I just thought I would ask," I said.

  After a heavy sigh, Jacks explained, "I knew she liked me when she started working at JPT. Mrs. O told me she had a crush on me, before she retired and came back as our receptionist. A few years ago I was partnered with her on an account and she was coming on to me so I told her it was against policy for employees to date. I was trying to be polite because we work together but Ren, I didn't like her then and I don't like her now."

  "So, is it even a rule?" I asked.

  Laughing, Jacks said, "Hell, I don't know. My dad told me not to screw around at work when I first started but that may have been just for me."

  It probably shouldn't have made me laugh, now that we were in a relationship, but I had known Jacks long enough to hear Mr. Thomas saying that in my head and find it funny.


  Dinner with The Roberts'

  When the work day ended, we made a quick stop by my house to change clothes before heading to Emerson and Amila's for dinner. It was sort of a full circle moment for me. Back when we were teenagers and Emerson's parents owned the house he and Amila now lived in. Jackson picked me up for our first date from there. Feeling the same excitement as I did the night I stood in the kitchen waiting for Jackson to pick me up, this was our first official outing as a couple.

  Pulling up in front of the Roberts' house, Jackson asked, "Do you think our marriage license will be okay at home by itself?"

  I couldn't help laughing at him as I replied, "That may be the strangest thing I have ever heard someone say."

  "But it's there all by itself, cold and alone with no signatures to keep it warm," he added.

  Shaking my head, I laughed, "Okay Jacks, let's go in. I think maybe you need to eat something. Either that or spending the last few days with me has finally made you lose your mind."

  Pretending to be insulted, he replied, "Just because I care, I won't tell our sweet little license you were unconcerned about its safety when we get home."

  Laughing, "Oh my gosh! Jacks, you are so weird! Get out of the car," I opened the passenger door and stepped out.

  Jackson got out of the car after me and walked around to meet me. Placing his arm around me with a wide smile, we walked up to the Roberts' door.

  The moment the door opened, a group of kids ranging in ages from five to thirteen, greeted us. Emerson and Amila had seven kids total. Smiling and greeting them as they hugged me and latched onto Jackson, I adored each and every one of them. Lola, the youngest had dimples and perfect little golden curls. Luke, who was eight, had dark blond hair and a permanent mischievous expression. Max was nine with black curly hair and big warm brown eyes. Jenna, now ten, was as sweet as they come with her green eyes and red hair. Then, at twelve and thirteen, there were Silvia and Trent who were the only ones adopted as newborns and looked very much alike with their light brown hair and hazel eyes even though they were not blood related to each other. The Roberts' house had never been so full of love and happiness, in all the years I had been coming there, as it was when Emerson and Amila filled it with children.

  Emerson stepped into the living room from the kitchen appearing thrilled. Reaching around the kids he gave me a firm hug before shaking Jackson's hand and patting him on the back.

  "It's about damn time," Em laughed as the kids blurted, "Uuuummmm," in unison at his use of a curse word.

  "Is Amila in the kitchen?" I asked making my way through the living room.

  Emerson gave a nod before I left the room.

  "Hey," I greeted as Amila walked over and hugged me.

  Letting go of me, she said, "Let me see it."

  I was confused until she grabbed my left hand and held it up and then hugged me again.

  Smiling at her, I asked, "Where's Charlotte?"

  Concern instantly spread across Amila's face as she answered, "Upstairs."

  "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" I ques

  Nodding, she replied, "I don't want to spoil the evening but Ren, I don't know what to do. She doesn't listen, won't follow our rules and I am starting to think she hates us."

  Taking a deep breath, I knew what was coming next. As bad as it sounds, if it were any of their other kids, I would be more than happy to help. There was something about Charlotte that I just did not like. She was actually a beautiful girl with big clear blue eyes and long corn silk blonde hair but from the first day I met her, although I would never tell Amila, I couldn't stand to look at her.

  "She just turned seventeen and I'm worried we haven't had enough time with her. She will just leave when she turns eighteen and be lost forever. Ren, Em thinks..." she shared before I stopped her, saying, "I will think about it, okay. Jacks and I will be gone all next week but when I get back, I promise we can talk more about it."

  Appearing relieved, she hugged me a third time before saying, "Let me round everyone up for dinner."

  Sitting in the dining room at their massive table, we ate and laughed and caught each other up on everything. A few of the kids talked to each other while Trent and Max kept their focus on Jackson squeezing in basketball conversation whenever they could get a word in edgewise. Jackson volunteered at Emerson's foundation teaching sports fundamentals. Really, I think he just liked playing ball with the kids there on Wednesday nights. Em told me once, something about sports being an important fundamental of life and trusting other people. When everyone was done eating, each kid took their plate to the kitchen, except for Charlotte, who sat there with her plate full of food.

  With Emerson, Amila, Jackson and I the only ones left at the table with Charlotte, I wished she would just leave the dining room if she wasn't goin to eat.

  I saw the look on Amila's face was nothing but love and concern as she asked Charlotte, "Do you want me to make you something else?"

  Giving Amila a dead stare, Charlotte said, "I told you I wasn't hungry."

  Emerson quickly snapped, "Charlotte," trying to correct her attitude toward Amila.

  Glaring at me, Em's warning didn't faze her, as she questioned, "So you're why I had to come down?"

  Tilting my head to the side, I said, "Excuse me?"

  Rolling her eyes with a heavy sigh, Charlotte said, "Are you the reason why I had to come down here and sit at the table," as if I was slow and needed extra explanation of her question.

  I could feel Jackson's hand run across my back, in a calming fashion, before I stated, "That depends, is there something you would like to say to me if I am?"

  Shifting in her seat, she narrowed her eyes, questioning, "What makes you so special?"

  Emerson and Amila called her name in unison.

  As I snapped, "At the moment, my self-restraint," Jackson slid his hand down my back, wrapping his arm around my side.

  Amila shouted at her, "That's enough, go to your room."

  Charlotte hopped up from the table before giving an 'I just got my way' smirk and pranced out of the dining room.

  After Charlotte's little display, Em and Amila seemed sad and Jackson and I felt it was time to leave. They apologized for her behavior and we assured it was okay and thanked them for dinner.

  The moment Jackson and I were back in his car, I turned to him saying, "Do you believe that girl?"

  Shaking his head, Jacks agreed, "Yea, she seems difficult."

  Feeling bad for my friends, I fussed, "What were they thinking taking her on?"

  It wasn't really a question but when I looked at Jacks, his expression revealed that he knew the answer.

  "Someone needs to put that girl in her place," I added before Jackson said, "Ren, she's just a kid and you know she has a history."

  Outright angry about her now, I stated, "I don't care what she has, and she is seventeen and in the eyes of the law that makes her grown. Em and Amila are just going to have to find out the hard way that you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved."

  The expression on Jackson's face shut me up, once I realized what I was saying.

  We pulled away from the Roberts' house in silence. I didn't like Charlotte and I couldn't think of one good reason that would change my mind. Still, I knew I had gotten carried away with my little rant. Leaning towards Jackson, I rested my hand on the top of his leg.

  He glanced down at my hand, asking, "Do you mind if we don't go straight home?"

  Smiling at him, I replied, "You can take me anywhere you want."

  The mood in his car changed almost instantly as Jacks stopped at the red light and kissed me until the car behind us started honking because it turned green.

  Jackson pulled into a wooded area right outside of my neighborhood. Smiling wide, I remembered the little clearing well. It was the spot of a few memorable things and where he asked me to officially be his girlfriend so many years ago.

  "And what do you expect us to do out here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

  With a convincing smile, Jackson replied, "A little more than the first time I brought you."

  Shaking my head, I laughed at him.

  "It's more open than I remember," I said when he stopped the car.

  Leaning his seat back, he shared, "Yea, they cleared some more trees out."

  "Oh, I wonder why?" I asked, moving my seat back even with his.

  Turning his head towards me, he answered, "Someone bought the property and is building a house."

  I couldn't help being a little sad that such a memorable place for us could just be sold like that.

  "Does that mean we're trespassing?" I asked.

  Smiling wide, Jackson questioned, "That depends. Do you like the idea?"

  Shrugging, I answered, "I guess. It's kinda exciting, like we are being naughty."

  Jacks gave me a confused look before he said, "Naughty, huh?"

  Nodding at him, I smiled.

  Unsure if naughty was really the word for what we did at the clearing but he did get farther with me than he had the first time he brought me there. Jackson's car wasn't particularly make-out friendly, so we gave up and went home. Only making it as far as the living room when we did, I might have lost my mind if it had taken longer than five minutes to get home.


  My Wedding Day

  As luck would have it, Mrs. Thomas' side of the family did a little bit of everything. One of her cousins was a preacher and more than happy to marry us. I wondered at first why Jackson never offered his cousin when Hert and I were looking for a church to marry us. Before we gave up after months of searching for a church and ended up at the Justice of The Peace. When I realized, even as mental question it was a really stupid one. I toyed with the idea of wearing the champagne gold dress Mrs. Thomas made me years ago for a Society Event but decided against it for a turquoise maxi dress that reminded me of the one I wore on my first date with Jackson.

  I stepped outside to meet Jackson in front of the preacher. He was standing under a beautiful wooden arch covered in flowers that his cousin Oran made for us as a wedding present. Jackson had on a crisp white shirt, black slacks and the biggest smile I had ever seen. After much deliberation on the matter, Gus' oldest son, Auggie, walked with me. Mr. Thomas stood next to Jackson along with Braden, and William. Mrs. Thomas was waiting on my side next to Amila and Penny. When I met Jackson under the arch, he pulled me close and kissed me. The preacher cleared his throat before assuring it wouldn't take long and then we could go back to kissing. Everyone laughed and it was a happy moment, especially because, I wasn't nervous at all.

  The wedding lasted about ten minutes which was just fine with me. No matter how many times Sophia had assured me I should go ahead and get married, I still felt like I was missing something without her there with me. Most of Jackson's family came over to the Thomas' for our little ceremony. Emerson and Amila brought all their kids. However, I would have been fine if they had left Charlotte at home. I watched her like a hawk after the ceremony just waiting for her to be rude to Mr. or Mrs. Thomas, so I
could lay into her. Surprisingly, she was very well behaved.


  We had about an hour before we needed to leave and catch our flight. It had been a wonderful day so far and knowing we were going out of town for a real honeymoon made me feel like it was only going to get better.

  I was thanking Mrs. Thomas for everything when Jackson walked up behind me, saying, "Would you like to dance?"

  Turning, I nodded, barely hearing music in the background.

  Taking my hand while wrapping one of his arms around my waist, he leaned to my ear and whispered, "I love you, wife."

  Swaying back and forth with him, I smiled up at him, saying, "I love you, husband."

  Just as he leaned down to kiss me, Amila broke in, saying, "Y'all have the whole week to do that, we want to give you our present before you go."

  "You didn't have to get us anything," I assured before pulling away from Jackson.

  Smiling, she said, "Well, it's from everyone."

  With a heartfelt sigh, I grabbed Jackson's hand and followed Amila.

  Wildly curious, I couldn't imagine what it was when I was informed our present was already at my house. And seriously, no matter what I said, who doesn't love presents. Everyone walked with us four houses down to my house.

  Emerson opened my front door and said, "After you."

  Still holding hands with Jackson, we stepped into my house.

  Overcome, I said, "Oh my gosh!" as my eyes filled up with tears.

  Almost covering the entire wall in the living room was a huge black wall hanging that said Ren & Jacks. As I stepped closer, I noticed everyone had signed it with silver sharpie. Looking over all the signatures, I noticed Braden wrote 'I always knew you wanted to kiss him' over his signature. Laughing as I looked at all the other signatures, I saw Sophia and Ailin had signed it too.

  Turning around, I pointed to their names asking, "How did y'all do that?"

  Amila smiled, replying, "She emailed theirs and we copied them."

  Placing my hand over my mouth, I leaned into Jacks as he wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. Not knowing exactly what to say or do, it was so sweet and sentimental. I followed Jackson's lead and hugged everyone as I tried not to burst into tears.


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