The American Lover

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The American Lover Page 27

by G E Griffin

  It helped massively that Caleb never minded if I talked about Drew. When I asked if it bothered him, he said it really didn't, and tried his best to explain how he saw things.

  “I ask myself if your Drew is up there watching us, would he be happy about what’s going on between us? I’m pretty sure the answer is that he would, that he’d see I’m doing my best to look after the little lady he loved so much.”

  Just as I understood Caleb’s need for total transparency, he accepted that he had to let me know if he was going to be delayed, or back later than expected. He understood that otherwise, I'd be worrying that history was repeating itself, that he’d been in an accident like Drew. So he was always very good about keeping me updated on his whereabouts, which I really appreciated.

  Although I still found it hard to believe that a guy like Caleb was happy to be with me, when he could pretty much have the pick of anyone he wanted, I did believe that I could trust him absolutely, that he’d never cheat, not after everything he’d been through with Cassie.

  In the back of my mind, maybe I suspected Caleb was with me precisely because I was plain, and therefore unlikely to draw much male attention, making it far less likely I’d be tempted to cheat on him. But he got cross if I said anything about him being out of my league in the looks department, and kept telling me that I was beautiful, and sexy.

  I thought he was just being kind and trying to make me feel better.

  That was until I saw some photos Caleb had taken of me one day on the beach when we’d been messing around together. In these pictures, I saw this happy, carefree girl laughing, her sun-kissed hair blowing in the breeze, her eyes sparkling with love for the person behind the camera, and I saw that being in love was making this girl - me - look really quite beautiful. Because that’s what love can do to a person, it can bring out their inner beauty, and of course I had fallen totally, madly, crazily, head over heels, in love with Caleb.

  How could I not? He was gorgeous, kind, loving, and caring, and now that I’d got under his skin enough to see how vulnerable he was, I really wanted to show him that not every woman was as two faced and untrustworthy as his ex-wife had been. I had to find the strength to support him and be there for him, and the good thing was that thinking about Caleb, and putting his needs ahead of mine was finally helping me climb out of my grief and stupor of the last two years. Caleb knew all about my baggage, but he was there helping me unpack it, so I had to do the same for him.

  Another reason I’d settled in so well and didn't miss home nearly as much as I thought I might was Caleb’s family.

  I was understandably very nervous the first time he took me home to meet them. I found excuses to put off meeting his family for as long as I could, thinking they must be worried about their son getting involved with a rather kooky, weird English girl, and that they’d have much preferred him to pick a nice uncomplicated home-grown-all-American girl, but Caleb wouldn’t let me hold off on meeting them for too long.

  “It’ll be fine, Faith,” he assured me. “My family are all really looking forward to meeting you. They certainly won’t be giving you a hard time, so you have nothing to worry about.” Unlike my family, eh?

  Even so, Caleb sensed my nerves when he took me home to meet them, so he gripped my hand tightly as we walked in together, giving me a big reassuring smile, and keeping me right by his side.

  But I needn’t have worried. His family welcomed me with open arms, and could not have been nicer.

  And my word, there was no doubt that good looks certainly ran in the Mackenzie family. Caleb’s dad, Nate, and his two brothers, Seth and Lucas, were all a variation on the same theme, with their striking amber eyes, and thick dark hair, all carrying off the casual jeans and casual shirt look to perfection.

  His dad was still a very handsome guy, very distinguished looking, his dark hair streaked with grey, like some kind of silverback to these impressive Mackenzie men.

  In total contrast, Caleb’s mum, Hannah, was much smaller and petite, fair haired and pretty, although she too was rocking the casual jeans and T-shirt look. I was glad I’d taken Caleb’s advice not to dress too formally, so my comfy jeans and top fitted right in with his relaxed family.

  Right now Hannah was beaming at me, as if I was somehow the answer to all her prayers, and I felt myself starting to relax a little. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all. Maybe Caleb’s family weren’t going to be as hostile as mine had initially been.

  “Welcome to California, Faith. We’re so happy to have finally gotten to meet with you, after hearing about you from Caleb,” his mum greeted me with a big welcoming hug. “I expect everything seems very different from London, so I would love to help you get settled in and show you around, as I know how busy my son always is.”

  “Thank you, I’d like that,” I smiled back, relieved at the genuine warmth of her greeting, before finding myself wrapped up in another big hug, this time from Caleb’s dad. Remembering how great Caleb was at giving hugs, I guessed it must run in the family.

  “Really good to meet you, honey. Can't be easy having your own folks so far away, so we just want you to know that you can always turn to us, if you find yourself getting homesick in any way.”

  Lord, his dad had got that same wonderful whisky burr to his voice too, in fact Caleb was basically just a younger version of his father. Well, if this was what he was going to turn out like in middle age, sign me up now, I couldn't help thinking.

  Next up was Seth, who looked very much like Caleb, just slightly leaner, with more of a curl to his hair. He was the car mechanic brother, the one who reminded Caleb of Drew, I recalled.

  Seth greeted me with yet another of the Mackenzie trademark hugs.

  “Great to finally meet you, Faith,” he said with a lazy smile as he let me go.

  “Yeah, I gather I have you to thank for sending Caleb over to London,” I smiled back.

  “Damn straight I did. Someone had to kick his sorry butt into action,” he chuckled as he glanced over at Caleb. “My big brother likes to think he’s the clever one, but sometimes he’s just plain dumb.”

  “Hey, less of that you doofus. Just because I like to think things through before I act does not make me the dumb one,” Caleb retorted, as he cuffed his brother’s head playfully, leading Seth to try and put his brother in a head lock as they wrestled together.

  “Okay boys, settle down,” their mum remonstrated, as I imagine she must have done countless times when her boys were growing up.

  “Yeah, boys, you just carry on squabbling, then Faith will realise I’m the only civilized one here. I’m Lucas, by the way. Pleased to meet you. Hope you're settling in just fine anyhow.” The third of the Mackenzie brothers spoke up as I received yet another Mackenzie hug, but a briefer one this time - Caleb had said Lucas was the shyer, quieter one, and that he worked on the farm with their dad. He was pretty gorgeous too, with shorter hair, and slightly darker eyes.

  “I am, thank you. I’m certainly loving the Californian climate, that’s for sure,” I replied.

  “Well, now the introductions are out of the way, why don’t we get on with the cook out?” Caleb’s mum suggested, holding her arm out to lead the way.


  “Faith honey, I was hoping I’d get you on your own for a few minutes, so we girls could have a little chat.”

  Caleb’s mum gave me a warm smile as we busied ourselves clearing up and loading the dishwasher in the big farmhouse kitchen. Caleb had been so sweet and thoughtful, staying by my side the whole afternoon, keeping hold of my hand so he could give it a reassuring squeeze every now and then, knowing how nervous I’d been about meeting his family. But when he looked at me to see if it was okay to go off with his brother to look at some new piece of farm equipment, I smiled and nodded to let him know I was fine about being left alone with his mum. I really liked Hannah; we just seemed to hit it off right from the start.

  “What I wanted to say was… well, truth is, Nate and I really w
ant to thank you,” Hannah continued.

  “Thank me? What for?” I asked, puzzled.

  “For giving us back our son, the real Caleb, instead of the cynical, party animal he’s been acting as since his divorce. Nate and I are so thankful to see the change in him, the way his kind and caring side has returned, and we’re sure it’s all down to you,” she said, as she put her hand on my arm.

  “I don't know about that… I haven’t really done anything,” I murmured, embarrassed.

  “Oh, trust me, you have, Faith. You see, Caleb kind of shut down his emotions after his divorce, just burying himself in his work, spending what little free time he had going out clubbing. He’s never brought anyone home for us to meet since his divorce, so that’s how I know you must be someone pretty special,” she told me. “I'm just so thankful the first impression you must have gotten of Caleb didn't put you off. You know, the flashy, materialistic kind, who feels the need to show off with a swanky sports car, or have a different girl on their arm every week, that sort of thing. Our boy certainly wasn’t brought up that way, he was always so level headed and family orientated, but I guess it was just his way of dealing with the fallout from his divorce, after Cassie… well, let’s just say that not only did she cheat on him, she said some nasty things that damaged his self esteem, and that’s what made him act out of character.” Hannah’s face darkened at the memory.

  “Yeah, Caleb has told me a bit about some of the things she said,” I admitted.

  “He has? Well, that’s good, I’m glad he feels able to open up to you, that’s another way I think you’re so good for him. I could just tell from the first moment he walked in with you today, holding your hand so tightly in his, keeping you close by his side the entire time, that there was something real special going on between you, because that kind of closeness was never something I saw between him and Cassie. In fact, I don’t ever recall seeing them holding hands or looking at each other that way, or even speaking to each other very much at all. So I’m delighted to hear that you and Caleb talk to each other, as communication is just so important in building a solid relationship.”

  “Well, Caleb is very easy to talk to, he’s a very good listener. He was there for me at a difficult time, he saw me at my worst and still stuck around, whereas I think most men would probably have run a mile,” I smiled, thinking of how wonderful Caleb had been when I had my melt down after the first time we slept together - not that I was going to tell his mum any details about that of course.

  “That’s exactly what I'm talking about, how you reached Caleb, got underneath that hard shell he’d put up, claiming there was no such thing as love, for goodness sake. So, what I wanted to say, was that since he’s met you, he’s become far more like his old self again, the kind, caring, loving person we all know him to be. His brothers have noticed the change too, and we’re all so relieved, because we were all pretty worried about the effect his marriage breaking down had on him,” she admitted.

  “He obviously loved Cassie very much, so it must have been a pretty tough time for him,” I said quietly, as I passed some plates to Hannah for her to put in the dishwasher, wondering if I really wanted to open this particular can of worms by continuing with the topic of Caleb’s ex-wife. But part of me was very curious to hear more about their marriage, even though I wasn’t sure I should be discussing it with his mother behind his back. But Hannah had been the one to bring the subject up, and as I wanted to understand him better, I decided to forge ahead.

  Hannah snorted with derision.

  “I’m sure Caleb thought he was in love with her when they got married, but only because he didn't really know what real love was at the time. Truth was, once Cassie had set her sights on landing Caleb because she could see what an excellent provider he’d be, she ruthlessly dug her claws into him and refused to let go, while my foolish son just went along with things.”

  “Can I ask if you were close to Cassie?”

  “No, she and I were never close, but I can assure you it wasn’t for lack of trying on my part. Not having a daughter of my own, I really wanted us to be friends, but any time I tried to reach out, Cassie made it perfectly clear she wasn’t interested, that she had her own mother and sister, so she didn't need me. It got to the point where I was made to feel like a nuisance, the nosy, interfering mother-in-law, when all I wanted was to be close to my son and his wife. Was that so wrong of me?” Hannah sighed.

  “Of course it wasn’t,” I assured her. “I really don't understand why she would be that way with you.”

  “Perhaps it was me, finding it hard to let go of my son, but I’ve always been close to my boys. I hope you don't think I'm being too pushy with you either, Faith. You will tell me if I overstep the mark, won’t you?” A worried look passed over her face.

  “Hannah, you’ve been nothing but kind and supportive towards me today, and I’m very grateful to both you and Nate for making me feel so welcome. I really want us to be friends, and I think Caleb is lucky to have such a loving and concerned Mum - or should I say Mom?”

  “Mom or Mum, makes no difference, but you do have the cutest English accent, Faith,” she laughed. “And I’m so glad you want us to be friends, because that’s exactly what I want too. You know, I’m really hoping perhaps you’ll be able to get my son to relax and become less of a workaholic. Caleb’s always been very hard working, very driven and determined to succeed, which Cassie somehow managed to interpret as being boring. That’s what she used as her justification for being unfaithful to him, and that’s why he reacted the way he did, changing himself just to try and prove her wrong, that he wasn’t boring.”

  “So you think that kind of party lifestyle was just a front? That he won’t miss it, and he really is as ready to settle down as he claims?” I voiced my concerns. “Also, I’ve seen pictures of Cassie, and she was gorgeous, stunning in fact. I just find it hard to believe sometimes that a plain Jane like me will be enough for someone like Caleb.”

  Hannah stared at me.

  “Now you listen here, Faith. We may have only just met, but I can already tell that you have far more natural beauty, inside and out, than Cassie ever did, so don't you dare sell yourself short. Caleb may have been taken in by her apparent beauty in the first place, but he found out the hard way that she wasn’t actually a very beautiful person on the inside, which is where it really counts. And you know, that girl always had to work very hard to look good, with all her makeup, and hair extensions and lord knows what else, whereas you don't need to bother with any of that. You’re just a sweet, natural beauty,” Hannah insisted.

  “That’s kind of you to say. I’ve always been the Tom boy in our family, so I never really got into any of that girly grooming kind of thing, especially as Drew - my husband - always preferred me natural,” I smiled wistfully.

  Hannah reached out and squeezed my hand.

  “Caleb told us how you’d been widowed, that your husband had passed, and I’m so sorry for your loss, my dear. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for you to lose your husband so early on in your life together.”

  “Yeah, it’s been a tough couple of years. But I’m getting there.” I took a deep breath and pulled my shoulders back, determined not to let my past cast a pall over things.

  “And I’m assuming being with Caleb is helping things along, right?”

  “Yes, it really is. He pushed me to make a fresh start by coming over here, and I guess he was right.”

  “So no regrets so far about coming to California? Even though it’s meant leaving your family behind?” Hannah probed.

  “No, none at all. Don't get me wrong, I love my family very much, but they can be somewhat overprotective, and maybe it’d become too easy for me to just let them take over. Caleb helped me see that it was time for me to break away, even if it was scary.”

  “So, Caleb said you were here on an initial six month contract. Any thoughts on whether you’ll be staying on when that comes to an end? I'm pretty sure that
would be my son’s preference.” Hannah winked.

  “We’ll just have to see how things go, whether the bank even offers me another contract when the time comes,” I stated noncommittally.

  “Yes, but even if they don't, wouldn’t you stay on anyway, you know, if things are working out between you and Caleb?”

  I looked at Hannah’s sincere face, not wanting to shatter her dreams of a happy ending for her son, but not wanting her to get her hopes up either. I decided to open up to her, use her as a sounding board, as I already felt that I could trust her, and there wasn’t anyone else I could turn to who knew Caleb the way she did.

  “I really don't know, to be honest, Hannah. I don't deny Caleb’s been really great, so supportive, but knowing what a lovely guy he is, I worry that what he feels for me is more like sympathy or pity, and that’s not enough, because it’ll wear off in time. So, that’s why I want to give him plenty of time, not rush into anything, make sure he’s not just being swept along on the rebound after Cassie. After all, from what you’ve said, he was mistaken about his feelings for her, wasn’t he?”

  “I guess I can see where you’re coming from, but I think he learnt a valuable lesson from his experience with her, which helps him see things more clearly now. Has he said anything to you about staying on?”

  “Not really. Hopefully I’ll have a better idea of how things stand by the time I go back to England for my sister’s wedding in August.”

  “Is Caleb going to the wedding with you?”

  “He’s invited. It’s up to him whether or not he takes up the invitation,” I shrugged.

  This was something we’d both avoided discussing so far, because bottom line was if we’d called an end to things by then, there’d be no point in him coming with me.

  And I couldn’t just assume Caleb would be coming with me, because that would imply we were definitely something more long term, maybe even the whole love, marriage and babies deal we’d briefly touched on before I’d left England that had convinced me he was serious, but which hadn't been mentioned since. He knew how I felt about wanting babies, but as he’d said he wasn’t ready for that yet, I had to wait for him to bring the subject up again, when he felt he was ready. After such a nasty bitter divorce, I could totally understand if he was reluctant to tread that path again, and maybe now that we’d spent more time together, he was having second thoughts.


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