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Forced To Kill The Prince

Page 82

by Hollie Hutchins

  Owned By The Ancient King

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  A Super-Steamy Alien Abduction Romance

  “We are a very ancient civilization. Our civilization is older than the known living human on your planet. But, we have a very small population, and because of that we have started to become inbred, which is something I do not want to continue for many reasons. We do not believe that marrying into your family will further the bloodline. And, for this reason we had to search for outside ways to help further the continuation of our civilization. With this being said, we commissioned the Grays to search for an exceptional woman in the galaxy, and bring her to Nofolya – our planet. You were the woman they found. I want you to know that you will be one of the most revered members of our society. Your role is not something that we take lightly. However, the one exception is that you must choose a mate out of the two men we have chosen for you.”

  * * *

  Chapter One

  The fire in the small wooden fireplace cackled as it grew. Hungrily eating the kindling, and the newspaper I had tossed in there. Standing back and rubbing my arms, I basked in the warmth that filled the entire span of the room. Light illuminated around me, like the sun when it rose from the east every morning. The sun had already started to descend in the sky, and I was glad I had gathered enough wood to keep me warm for the rest of the night. I had a lot of work that would keep me up the rest of the night, and I wanted to guarantee that the room would stay warm. There was no way I could work when I was cold, and I had limited resources here at the cabin. It was not equipped with central hear or air, and this was the best way to keep the room at a comfortable temperature for the rest of the night. The sound of the fire soothes me, since it was the only other noise in the room, besides the endless clacking of my fingers on my keyboard. After turning on the lamp on my work table, I sat back down to a night of organizing my research.

  The cabin was wedged in the middle of the Massachusetts forest, and I had inherited it from my parents. We used to come here every summer, and some holidays. I had kept up the tradition as an adult because it was my escape away from the stress of the world. Every couple of months, I would pack up my work, and head into the mountains for some quiet, solitude, and a chance to commune with nature. The great thing about the cabin is that there was no television or any other type of technology that would distract me, except my laptop, which is essential to my work. Before I knew it, I had made a serious dent in my to- do list for the night, and I thought I would reward myself with a cup of hot chocolate and ginger snaps. I hummed a tune while I was making my snack, when a big blue light flashed throughout the house. The light blinded me for what felt like forever, and the mug of hot chocolate crashed to the floor, splashing chocolate all over the floor and the walls. Trying to avoid the broken shards of ceramic, I moved away from the general vicinity of where I was standing as my eyesight came back to me. The light had left a lingering blue glare in the corner of my eye, and I was trying to regain my composure, and figure out what had caused that bright blue light. I was about to find out.

  As soon as I thought that I might have been out of my mind for a moment, the blue light flashed again. But, this time all of the lights in the room starting going on and off, my laptop started flashing, and my printer started making a noise I had never heard of before, and it was excruciating. I put my hands over my ears to block out all the noise, while I tried to turn things off before they shorted out. I could feel my heart rate start to rise, as the stress of the blinding light, the high pitched noise, and the need to avoid the mess on the floor, started to overwhelm me. While I tried to find the source of this entire calamity, I found my breaking point. Someone was clearly trying to break into my cabin, and I needed to do something to protect myself. Grabbing a baseball bat that leaned against the closet door, I held it high, in hopes of scaring off whoever was trying to hurt me.

  “I’m armed.” I yell to the air. “I would stay back if I were you. I have a pretty nice swing, and I won’t hesitate to show you if you make yourself known.” I scream over the noise that starts rattling in my head. For what seems like an eternity, the noise finally stops, and the room is filled with blissful quiet. The pounding in my head started to dissipate, and I found myself lowering the bat, sighing in tremendous relief. Setting the bat back against the wall, I notice a sort of eerie feel in the air and a sucking sensation starts to come through the walls. A whoosh of cold air erupts around me as four grey beings emerge from inside the cabin walls. I rub my eyes in disbelief, and hope that what I am witnessing is really just an illusion caused from the effects of the previous incident. But, when I moved my hands away from my eyes, the beings were moving closer to me. I was standing in the middle of the room, and every part of me was screaming to run. I couldn’t move. It was like my feet were cemented to the floor. These gray beings resembled something out of a movie. They had no real form, but you could definitely tell they were not from this planet. They moved in slow motion, and I could do nothing to protect myself. I didn’t know what they wanted from me, but it must not be good. Otherwise they would have knocked on my door, instead of going through my walls. A strange clicking noise, the same one that I had heard from my printer, came out of their mouths. It must be how they communicated with each other, and they must be talking about me because one of them reached his arm out to touch me. He grabs me by the arm and throws me over his shoulder. My body is still paralyzed. My brain was sending signals to my body to do something, anything to change my situation, but to no avail. Where would I run anyway? There was no one around for over a hundred miles. The grey beings continued talking as they carried me up the ramp to their ship. Another blue light emitted from the inside, and everything went black. I went limp in the being’s arms.

  Chapter Two

  A bright white light pierces through the darkness. My eyelids flutter open and I am staring at a solid white room. The walls are empty of any decorations or features, and the room is as sterile as any operating room I had ever been in. I slowly sat up, in what I assume was a bed. I was covered in a white comforter that matched the room, which really belonged in this featureless room. The only color I was afforded was the dark blue of space shining in through the round window across from me. Standing up, viewing my surroundings, I put my hands on the wall, attempting to find a way out. There was no door, and the only way to the outside world was through this glassless window. Stamping my foot in frustration, I walked over to the window and stared outside at the endless amount of space right in front of me. I had never seen anything so beautiful before. I was surprised at my level of acceptance of my current situation. There’s a part of me that knew I should be upset at what had happened to me. I was actually mad that I wasn’t feeling any level of fear at this particular moment. Why wasn’t I feeling any type of fear? Is this what they called suppressed rage? Did I have all of these feelings pushed down inside of me waiting to come out at any given moment?

  As the ship continued on in space, the sky got darker and darker. Stars appeared in the sky like polka dots on a canvas, but I didn’t recognize any of them. They didn’t look like any of the stars I used to gaze up at night when I was staying at the cabin. These stars were different and I they were more beautiful than anything I had ever seen before. It might be because they were so close I could almost reach out and touch them, but they fascinated me. I wonder what galaxy we were in now. I was actually wondering where we were going, and what was going to happen to me. I knew that I should feel afraid, but I wasn’t. There was a whole new world out there waiting for me and I was actually excited to see it, whatever the outcome. Since there was nothing else to do, I stared out of my window for what felt like forever. A planet came into view, and it seemed like this was our scheduled destination because the ball kept getting bigger and bigger. I went over and sat down on the bed because my legs were getting tired from standing, but I never took my eyes off of the green planet that was getting closer to me.

  The ship made a
quick jolt and I held onto the bed for fear of falling off. A bright blue sky came into view as we entered this new planet’s atmosphere. The space craft started descending and after a fairly easy landing one of the walls of the room opened and I was staring at a beautiful green, lush valley in front of me. I walked out of the room cautiously, surveying my surroundings. I had no idea who I was going to run into. As soon as my feet touched the ground, the door to the room closed, and the ship ascended back into the air and disappeared from view, leaving me alone in this strange new world. Before I could figure out what I was going to do, I noticed a group of women coming my way. They didn’t look much different than me, except for their style of dress. The woman leading the group was wearing something that resembled a toga, but it was tied at her waist, instead of at her shoulders by a clip. The color of her gown matched the green surrounding me. If I didn’t know any better, I would have mistaken her as a forest fairy. She smiled at me as she approached. Saying something in a language I didn’t understand, she took my hand and indicated that I should follow them.

  The other women in the group chatted loudly. They would giggle and then rub their hands on my arms and through my hair. I didn’t know how to respond and just smiled politely. I didn’t want to do anything to cause them to turn on me. The women led me away from the valley, and into a city. When we got to the wall of the city, I stopped and stared in awe. Standing in front of me was a golden palace. It reminded me of the palace I saw in books about the Forbidden City in Ancient China. The women took me up the steps; every person turned their heads toward me and stared. I felt like a movie star. I was waiting for the paparazzi to come out and start taking my picture, the flash of their cameras going off in my face. A guard smiled at the women holding my hand and opened the great big brass door. There was a huge commotion in the room, people were running around and taking their places. The woman led me to a wooden throne that had claws that burrowed into the floor. Images of creatures I had never seen before were carved in the sides of the nine foot throne. But, the throne isn’t what made me stop dead in my tracks, the man sitting on the throne was. The man towered over the nine foot throne. His stance exuded power, but his dark, deep blue eyes drew me in. His eyes were a blue I had never seen before in a man; the palest deepest blue of the Atlantic Ocean. The hair on his big burly arms and that on his head matched the hair of an Irish Celt. It was as red and wild as the leaves that fall away in the wind during autumn. His skin was pale and iridescent, I could almost see the veins in his skin, and he was covered with the hide of another creature I didn’t recognize. The woman kneeled in front of the man, and I followed in her footsteps, waiting for his next command.

  Chapter Three

  A hush falls over the throne room as the King rises to speak. Taking one step at a time, I tremble, but do not move my head from the floor for fear of what he might do to me. His gigantic boot stops inches from my head, as he bends down and raises my chin up with his forefinger. A wide smile appears on his lips and I sigh in relief.

  “Please rise Sandy, and let me look at you.” Obediently, I stand, letting the King get a good look at me. He walks around me slowly, taking in every aspect of me with his eyes. He stops right in front of me, planting two feet firmly on the ground; he gazes into my face for what feels like an eternity. I start to feel a little uncomfortable, at his lack of candor, but again, I am not familiar with the customs of these people. “You must be wondering why you were brought here.” he said to me, cocking his head in an indication for me to speak.

  “Yes, your highness. Why did you bring me here?” I asked. A bolt of confidence ran through me and I raised my head to meet his gaze. He threw his head back in laughter.

  “What a spunky one you are. This one does have a backbone.” he said speaking to all who were in the room. She heard a reserved laugh coming from all of them, as if it seemed they were afraid to do anything that doesn’t match the king’s emotions. “I like that in a woman.” he said turning his back and walking back towards his throne. “We are a very ancient civilization. Our civilization is older than the known living human on your planet. But, we have a very small population, and because of that we have started to become inbred, which is something I do not want to continue for many reasons. We do not believe that marrying into your family will further the bloodline. And, for this reason we had to search for outside ways to help further the continuation of our civilization. With this being said, we commissioned the Grays to search for an exceptional woman in the galaxy, and bring her to Nofolya – our planet. You were the woman they found. I want you to know that you will be one of the most revered members of our society. Your role is not something that we take lightly. However, the one exception is that you must choose a mate out of the two men we have chosen for you.” Two men walked out of the crowd, as if on que. One of the men was six foot six, rustic, athletic build, and gorgeous. I gasped when he winked at me. The second of the two was short, five foot five, but also handsome. “I see that you are interested in the men we have chosen for you. Let me introduce them to you. This is Braun” he said pointing towards the tall, athletic specimen in front of me. “As you can tell, he is very athletic, and would probably be very good in bed. However, he has a very low 1Q – just at the one hundred mark- we should say. So, your conversation would be very limited I guess. And, this is Skelton. He might be a little short for your taste, and can be quite neurotic, but he is highly gifted. Your children would be highly intelligent, and you would never run out of things to talk about. The one perk to this plan, is that you must breed with whomever you choose. And, when I say breed, I mean have lots and lots of babies. So, tell us Sandy, which one of these men do you chose to be your mate? The king asked me.

  “I – I.” I didn’t know how to answer. I was shocked at the proposal they were giving me. I mean, I knew there were reasons they wanted to bring me here. They wouldn’t have gone through all the trouble if there wasn’t. But, I didn’t think it would be for breeding. Shouldn’t I be offended that they wanted to treat me as a baby making machine? When I looked in the king’s face, and the face of the rest of the people in the room, I didn’t see any ill will towards me. They had a need, and I could fulfill that need for them. This was actually a very honorable position. I would be making a difference, something I had wanted to do my whole life. And, now I had a chance to do it.

  “You need time to think don’t you?” The king asks me. “We understand this might be a little overwhelming for you and something hard to grasp, but we don’t mean you any harm. We want you to be comfortable here, and a part of our society. Please take all the time you need.” With a wave of his hand, a servant brought a chair up and positioned it to the side of the throne. Sandy sat down and pondered her current situation. Her eyes moved from Braun to Skelton, and then back to the King. An idea started to form in my head. It was risky, but the King did say that he liked her spunkiness and there was nothing spunkier than the move she was about to make. With shaky knees, I stood from my chair and addressed the King.

  Chapter Four

  “Your majesty – “

  “Please, call me Leo.” I was thrown back at his humbleness. I have never known a king who would throw away his title to be called by his mere name. This was a confidence boost in itself. The King must really respect me enough to let me call him by his first name.

  “King Leo,” I wasn’t going to drop the King no matter how confident I was. Walking down the steps, and into the middle of the throne room, I stood tall and addressed the rest of the room. “When I was taken from my home last night, I had no idea what to expect or what would become of me. I passed out in fear when I was taken aboard the ship, but when I woke up I felt surprisingly calm. I had no idea why because any sane person would have freaked out waking up in a sterile white room, alone. Maybe it was the beauty I saw outside my window. Whatever the reason, I wasn’t scared. I had a gut feeling that no one would harm me, and I was right. From the moment I walked off the ship, and stepped onto your
planet, I have been treated with the utmost respect, and for that I am truly grateful. “I said, walking the length of the room and glancing into as many eyes as I could. I mustered up the courage to say what was on my mind. There was no heading back now. I had made my decision, and I needed to make it very clear to all the people standing in the room, particularly the King. “I have listened to the plea of King Leo – in behalf of his people – and I want to help. I know this might sound selfish, but I like the fact that I’m needed here. Back on earth, I felt like no one really cared if I was dead or alive, and that really hurts me. With that being said, I have made my decision, and I hope you find it as reasonable as I do.”

  A gasp erupts from the crowd. There is a commotion coming from the back of the room and a small woman emerges from the back. The crowd makes way to let her through. Her gown glowed with a golden hue and kept my attention as she sauntered towards the King. Her gown kept me mesmerized, and I forgot what I was saying. Her very presence was captivating to everyone else as well.

  “Oh, please continue my dear.” she said with a smile. “I was just so eager to hear the news that I had to come up here and here it for myself. I was indisposed earlier, but I am feeling much better.” she said with a giggle.

  “Thank you.” I responded. I had no idea who this woman was, and no one had made an introduction to me, but she must be pretty important. King Leo and the woman were looking at me now, waiting for me to continue. So, I did.

  “As, I was saying, I have made a decision that will help fix the problem within your society. But, it is not what King Leo has proposed. I will not take Braun or Skelton as my mate, not because I feel they are beneath me, but because I feel that someone else is better equipped for this position.” I paused for effect.


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