Fleischer, Richard, 305, 315
Flesh+Blood (movie), 346
Flex magazine, 288
Folino, Paul, 475–76
Fonda, Henry, 208, 276
Fonda, Jane, 276, 289, 292
Fonda, Peter, 157
Fong, Matt, 543
Ford, Gerald, 244
Ford, Harrison, 408
Ford, Tom, 445
forehead moves, 202
Foreign Press Association, 205
Foreman, George, 606
48 Hours (movie), 318, 340
Fosse, Bob, 262
Fox Studios, 338, 355, 413, 440, 475
Fox TV network, 366
Franco, Francisco, 233
Frazetta, Frank, 229
Free to Choose (TV show), 284
Freud, Sigmund, 604
Friars Club, 357, 358, 360
Friedman, Milton, 284–85, 286, 426, 571, 604
Friedman, Rose, 284, 286
“fuck you” letter, Arnold’s, 609–12
Fugard, Athol, 263
Gabor, Zsa Zsa, 424
Gaines, Charles: Arnold first meets, 153–54
background and personality of, 154
filmmaking interests of, 157
promotion of bodybuilding and, 153–55, 156, 162, 188
Pumping Iron novel/film and, 154, 157, 169, 171, 188, 189, 198, 256
Stay Hungry novel/film and, 153, 157, 173–74, 184
Weider meeting with, 153–54
Whitney Museum exhibition and, 198
Gallant, Ara, 210, 240–41
Garbo, Greta, 340, 341
Garcia, Bonnie, 551–52
Gava, Cassandra, 269
GE Capital, 428
Germany: Mr. Olympia contest (1972) in, 143–45. See also Munich, Germany
gerrymandering. See redistricting
Gerstl, Fredi, 26–27, 47, 60, 133, 143, 291, 293, 294, 295, 328, 470, 617
Gerstl, Karl, 25, 26, 27, 29
Ghostbusters movies, 360, 361, 373, 379
Gibson, Mel, 541
Gilardi, Jack, 192
“girlie men”, Arnold’s comment about, 525–26
gladiator fantasy; Arnold as teenager and, 26, 27, 273
Glaser, Paul Michael, 344–45
goals, Arnold’s: accomplishment of, 402–3
and acting/movies, 142, 298–99
Arnold’s belief he will achieve, 299
Arnold’s views about, 137–38
Arnold’s writing down of, 137–38, 140
and balancing of work and family, 402–3
in bodybuilding, 55, 103, 110–11, 137–38, 189
California governorship and, 466, 483
financial, 423, 424
gym management and, 142
Maria-Arnold relationship and, 318
publicity and, 58
Pumping Iron film and, 189
Weider-Arnold relationship and, 103
and Weider’s goals for Arnold, 142
Goddard, Paulette, 205
Gold, Joe, 86, 87, 159, 160, 251, 293
Goldberg, Whoopi, 441, 446
Golden Globe Award: Curtis nomination for, 412
for Stay Hungry, 204–5, 208–9
Golden Guardian exercise, 564–65
Golden Raspberry Awards, 315
Gold’s Gym (Los Angeles): Arnold’s early days at, 68, 85–91
Arnold’s first view of, 82
Arnold’s math tutor at, 137
Arnold’s seminars at, 117
Arnold’s training at, 91–96, 111, 124
Butler and Gaines research at, 154, 155
description of, 85–86
ex-prisoners at, 143
Franco at, 68
members of, 99, 159
promotion of bodybuilding and, 159
Pumping Iron film and, 194
selling of, 251
Vince’s Gym compared with, 85
women as members of, 159–60
Good Morning America (TV show), 390, 499
Good Morning, Vietnam (movie), 417
Gorbachev, Irina, 616
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 493, 580, 597, 616–17
Gordon, Larry, 334
Gortner, Marjoe, 188
Gorton, George, 467, 468, 469, 473
The Governator (Arnold cartoon), 598
governor, Arnold as: access to, 517–18, 521–22
accomplishments of, 518, 544, 547–48, 583–84, 587
Ammiano story and, 609–12
apologies of, 544
Arnold as role model and, 604
Arnold’s broken leg and, 553–54
Arnold’s principles of success and, 605, 608–12
Arnold’s views about, 587–88
and Arnold’s views about investing, 542
ballot-initiative process and, 523, 527–28, 531, 562, 584–86, 608
bipartisanship and, 518–20, 535, 543, 555, 562, 584
Brown as successor to, 586
challenges of, 587–88
contradictions in Arnold’s life and, 604
defeats of, 533–35
elections of 2004 and, 520–21
elections of 2005 and, 573
elections of 2006 and, 532, 537–52
fence mending of, 545–46
final days of, 586–89
first term of, 515–35
former governor’s advice to, 514
Great Recession and, 570–80
humor and, 609–12
inaugurations of, 513–14, 554, 555, 556
legacy of, 539
living arrangements of, 517
Maria’s views about, 589
mistakes of, 528–29, 533–34
most difficult deal of, 577
opposition to, 545–46
Plan B and, 608–9
popularity/approval ratings for, 520, 521–22, 523, 529, 538, 544, 577, 582–83, 584
reform agenda of, 527–35, 557, 589
salary for, 598
second term of, 553–62, 563–89
smoking tent of, 521–22
special election (2005) and, 530, 531, 532–35, 544, 545, 562
special election (2008) and, 578–79
staff for, 515–16, 518, 530–32, 534, 535, 537–42, 557
State of the State speeches of, 544, 554, 555, 556
swearing in of, 513
“Tapegate” and, 551–52
trade missions and, 537, 539, 540, 586, 616
transition period for, 515
vision for California of, 539–40, 541, 543, 544–45, 552, 555, 556–57, 604. See also specific issue
Governor’s Council on Fitness, California, 486
Governors’ Global Climate Summit, 580
governorship, California: Arnold announces candidacy for, 498
and Arnold as Collectinator, 513
Arnold’s appreciation of military services and, 398
Arnold’s campaign for, 394, 487–88, 498–512
Arnold’s decision to run for, 489, 491–98, 594
Arnold’s exploration of running for, 466–76
Arnold’s goals and, 466, 483
Arnold’s movie career and, 470–71
Arnold’s press conference about, 503–5
Arnold’s self-image and, 463–64
and Arnold’s views about California, 486
and authority of governor, 503
ballot initiative approach to, 471–76
Davis recall and, 479–80, 482–83, 484–85, 486, 488–89, 491
elections of 2006 for, 484–85
and jokes about Arnold entering politics, 463
Nixon urges Arnold to run for, 405, 406
Proposition 49 and, 473–76
Rice as candidate for, 484–85
Rove’s comments about, 484–85
special election (2003) for, 488–512
White’s assessment of Arnold’s potential to run for, 466, 467–70
Gramm, Phil, 368
Graves, Ernest, 114
Graz, Austria: Arnold at vocational school in, 29, 33–34
Arnold’s childhood/youth trips to, 7, 13–14, 15, 47
Arnold’s early jobs in, 18–19
Arnold’s panhandling in, 15
Arnold’s visits to, 133
Aurelia’s funeral in, 453
Gerstl as member of city council in, 294
Meinhard at school in, 11
Great American Workout, 388–90, 454
Great Depression, 570, 587
Great Recession (2008), 570–74
Green, Dan, 226–27
Greene, Shecky, 163
Gretzky, Wayne, 441
Grier, Rosey, 222
groping accusations, 510, 511
Guber, Peter, 351–52
Guido’s Restaurant (Los Angeles), 292
gyms: as Arnold’s replacement for Schwarzenegger family, 29
Arnold’s views about, 156
function of, 293
girls/women as training in, 55, 251
job offers to manage, 142. See also specific gym
Hafström, Mikael, 600
Hall, Arsenio; Arnold’s music video with, 420
Hall, Douglas Kent, 226–27
Hall, Kevin Peter, 335–36
Hamill, Dorothy, 424
Hamilton, Linda, 312, 392
Hammer, Armand, 373, 375
Happy Anniversary and Goodbye (TV show), 165–68, 174
Happy Days (TV show), 208
Hard Rock Cafe, 401
“Hasta la vista, baby” line, 391
Hawaii: Arnold’s bodybuilding competition (1969) in, 96–97
Maria and Arnold’s trip to, 319
Schwarzenegger family vacation in, 470
Hayden, Tom, 292
Hayes, Isaac, 159, 161
Health & Tennis Corporation, 228
health care: Arnold as governor and, 555, 557, 558–61, 562, 572, 587
Arnold’s principles of success and, 605
Obama-Arnold relationship and, 582
Schwarzenegger Institute (USC) studies of, 600
health insurance, Arnold’s, 96
heart surgery, Arnold’s, 430–41, 459, 460, 461, 594, 598
Hein, John, 476
Hepburn, Katharine, 276
Hercules in New York (movie), 25, 113–15, 165–66, 204, 423
Hernandez, Danny, 419–20
Hertzberg, Bob “Huggy,” 477–78, 531
Hier, Marvin, 292–93, 366–67
Hill, Walter, 340, 341
Hitchcock, Alfred, 309
Hoffman, Dustin, 210, 299
Hollander, Roberta, 437
Hollenbeck Youth Center (Los Angeles), 419, 420, 467, 479
Hollywood: Arnold’s dreams about going to, 31
Arnold’s first views of, 83–84
Arnold’s post–heart surgery and, 438–40, 598
as copying town, 374
Davis as ideal of husbandly devotion in, 325
Kennedy’s 1980 campaign and, 240
liberalism of, 410
reaction to Mildred-Joseph situation in, 598
Reagan presidency in, 283–84
rejections in, 237. See also movies; specific person, studio, or movie
Holmes, Larry, 252
Homeland Security Department, U.S., 565
homosexuality, 49, 109–10, 159
Hoover Institution, 284, 502
Hopper, Dennis, 157
horse incident; as Arnold’s closest call, 414–16
housing/mortgage problems; Arnold as governor and, 557, 570, 571, 572
Huffington, Arianna, 489, 508–9, 510
Huffman, Alice, 552
human growth hormone, 65
Hummer, Arnold’s, 400, 428, 470, 603
humor: in action movies, 338–40
Arnold’s principles of success and, 609–12
Humphrey, Hubert, 84–85, 243–44
hunger; Arnold’s principles for success and, 618
Hurd, Gale Anne; 299, 302, 311–12
Hurricane Katrina, 546, 563, 566, 567–68, 570
Hyams, Peter, 460
Hyannis Port, Massachusetts: Arnold’s first visit to, 223–26
and Arnold’s proposal to Maria, 320–21
Kennedy family get-togethers in, 246, 455–56
Kennedy (Teddy) and Arnold discussion at, 500–501
Maria-Arnold wedding in, 323, 327–33
Maria on vacation in, 505
Shriver family vacation in, 579
I Am Legend (Arnold offer), 440–41
ice cream business, Arnold’s, 14–15, 26
idols. See role models/idols
immigration issues: Arnold’s post-gubernatorial activities and, 597
Arnold’s rules and, 604
and Arnold’s status as immigrant, 138
Obama-Arnold relationship and, 582
Indian gaming issues, 520, 545
infrastructure issues: Arnold as governor and, 534, 539–40, 541–42, 546–47, 552, 555, 561, 571, 587
Obama-Arnold relationship and, 582
Republican Party and, 562
Inner-City Games, 419, 420, 470, 472–73, 480
instincts; Arnold’s views about, 607–8
insurance; and concerns about Arnold’s post–heart surgery movies, 459, 460, 461
Interior Department, U.S., 588
International Creative Management, 192–93, 298
International Federation of Body Builders (IFBB), 65, 101, 110, 251, 456
International Mining, 291
International Olympic Committee, 102
Iraq; Arnold’s visit to, 488
Ireland; Arnold and Park on exhibition circuit in, 61–62
Ironman (movie), 337
Ironside, Michael, 348
Issa, Darrell, 484, 489, 502
The Jackie Gleason Show (TV show), 74
Jackson, Alphonso, 572
Jackson, Jesse, 506
Jagger, Bianca, 214–15
Jagger, Mick, 214–15
Janz, Franz, 33–34
Japan; Weider-Arnold trip to, 103, 104
Jaws (movie), 236
The Jayne Mansfield Story (movie), 232
Jenner, Bruce, 220
Jessel, George, 357
jet planes: Arnold’s buying of Boeing 747, 427–30
Arnold’s campaign for governor and, 507
Arnold’s Gulfstream, 393, 394
corporate, 442–43
Jews, 293, 332
Jingle All the Way (movie), 410
Joel, Billy, 424
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Special Olympics promotion at, 373
John Paul II (pope), 617–18
Johnson, Hiram, 468, 505, 587
Johnson, Lyndon B., 242, 372
Johnston, Dick, 161
Jones, Bill, 503
Jones, Grace, 305–6, 307, 330–31
Jones, James Earl, 263, 271, 272–73, 375
Jones, Quincy, 328
Joseph (Mildred and Arnold’s son), 592, 594–95, 596
Junior (movie), 374, 381, 423
Jurassic Park (movie), 407, 410
Kallianiotes, Helena, 190
Kassar, Mario, 345–46, 347, 470–71
Kaufman, Elaine, 209. See also Elaine’s
Kennedy, Caroline, 213, 222, 223, 225, 329
Kennedy, Courtney, 455
Kennedy, Edward “Teddy”: Arnold as governor and, 530, 532, 541, 550
Arnold’s campaign for governor and, 500–501, 505, 532, 550
Arnold’s first visit to Hyannis Port and, 225
Arnold’s political ambitions and, 466, 500–501, 505
Arnold’s proposal to Maria and, 320
Chappaquiddick and, 248, 249
Davis special election campaign and, 506
death of, 579
elections of 2000 and, 529
health care reform and, 560–61
influence on Arnold of, 500–501, 505
at Kennedy Celebrity Tennis Tournament, 221, 224
at Kennedy Center promotion of Special Olympics, 373
at Maria-Arnold wedding, 329
Maria’s feelings about politics and, 493
1980 presidential campaign of, 239–40, 246, 247–49, 252, 255, 472
Reiss as law clerk for, 472
Shriver (Eunice and Sargent) honeymoon and, 378
Thanksgiving celebrations and, 455
Kennedy, Ethel, 220, 221, 224, 320
Kennedy, Jacqueline. See Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy
Kennedy, Jacquie, 217–18, 219
Kennedy, Joan, 320
Kennedy, John F.: Arnold’s views about, 206, 580
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