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The Sacrifice (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles Book 4)

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by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  The Sacrifice

  By: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn


  Chapter One

  Sibling Bonds

  Chapter Two


  Chapter Three

  Thicker Than Water

  Chapter Four

  Bearer of Bad News

  Chapter Five

  Facing Evil

  Chapter Six

  They Always Find Us

  Chapter Seven

  Family Secrets

  Chapter Eight

  The End of Things

  Chapter Nine

  Old Loves Die Hard

  Chapter Ten

  The Earth Moves

  Chapter Eleven

  The Choice

  Chapter Twelve


  Chapter Thirteen


  Chapter Fourteen

  Close Calls

  Chapter Fifteen

  More than My Own Life

  Chapter Sixteen

  The Consequences of Death

  Chapter Seventeen



  Main Characters


  I want to dedicate this book with so much love to my sister, Kara Desiree Matthews. You are my sister, my friend and my angel. I love you more than you could ever know.


  Dreams…For most people dreams meant they can step out of reality for a while. For me, they have always been something that I needed to protect my family, my friends and the world in general. They have always been my reality because they bring me visions of the future. The problem was that it had been a year after the battle with the fallen and I hadn’t dreamed a vision in all that time. My dreams had been just that…Dreams.

  I suppose I should have been relieved because my visions warned of danger and the absence of them meant we weren’t fighting for our lives. However, I wasn’t. I was anxious because though there were times that I wondered whether I had lost my gift, deep down, I realized it was still there, waiting for an opportunity to come to life but I didn’t know when and until then, I didn’t know if we were safe.

  That nervousness continued as every night remained calm but I realized the peace was bound to end. Maybe that was another reason why I was so anxious. Maybe it was because I realized that when my dreams turned to visions, it would be sudden and it would be because something evil was on its way.

  Worse, I understood that no matter how much I tried to prepare myself for the impending danger, I wasn’t prepared. I was never prepared because I could never guess what danger would be next until the vision happened.

  Those thoughts were flitting through my head as I laid down exactly a year after my last vision. I had fallen asleep quickly, hoping for a vision that would tell me whether we were safe or not.

  Disappointment followed when I opened my eyes in my dream and found Drake and Gloria’s house looming over me. I gazed up at it pursing my lips as I thought of the people who lived within. They were members of the Appointed like me. Drake had super hearing while Gloria could know anything about an object or a person with a touch. Unfortunately, at one time Drake had been possessed by the demon, Asmodis and had almost killed us within the house that stood before me. It had been a long time but just the sight of the house used to terrify every member of the Appointed. Since Drake’s possession ended, I tried not to think of it but sometimes, it would creep into my mind.

  I shook my head and pushed the thoughts away. Slowly, I lifted my foot and took a step toward the house and breathed in frustration. I had control of myself which meant that this was probably a normal dream. Regardless, it was not a vision. I was a slave to my future self in visions with the exception of looking into another’s future when my future self was there. I wouldn’t have been able to move on my own.

  I stared back up at the house, wondering why I was dreaming about this house when a strong wind whipped around me. A prickling on the back of my neck warned me that something wasn’t right. I gazed around me and jumped as I felt something hit my leg. I paused and cautiously glanced down. I laughed at my nervousness when I found a piece of pink construction paper plastered to my thigh. I was sure that there had never been a death by construction paper so I felt silly because of the fear.

  I pulled the paper from me, shaking my head and then, gazed down at a crude child’s drawing. I lost my smile as I frowned and stared down at the drawing sketched out in crayon. The people were the normal stick people but the lines were bold and jumped out at me. I swallowed as I gazed at it in shock.

  A cross was erected in the center of the page with two more on either side of it and on it was a drawing of Christ during the crucifixion. Children surrounded him, reaching for him. I didn’t have to decipher what was being depicted. Those children were the original Appointed and it showed their faith and love.

  I frowned as I flipped the paper over, finding another drawing on the back. This time one of the children were surrounded but they were obviously dead with crayon red blood running beneath them and a black x for each eye. A chill fell down my spine as I read the name written at the top. Alexandra Denton 6 years old. Apparently, I had drawn these pictures when I was six but I had no recollection of it at the tender age of nineteen. I suppose that didn’t mean anything when I had been known to forget things from that time period. After all, I had forgotten the Appointed and what had happened with Drake for over a decade. Maybe this was one of the things I hadn’t recovered.

  My brow creased as I tried to remember but suddenly, laughter surrounded me breaking my concentration and jolting me back into the dream. I blinked as I took it in and then, my heart sank with the familiarity of it. It disturbed me that I could be so familiar with Satan himself that I could recognize his laughter. I narrowed my eyes as I raised my head and peered at him with animosity so absolute that I vibrated with it. I had nearly forgotten that this was a dream.

  “You can’t be here,” I said, angry at him for frightening me and angry at myself that I had allowed him to, “It’s not your time.”

  He grinned lighting up his beautiful face in a horrid way that made me think of torture and pain, “I’m not here yet. This is a dream but you know that,” he said, laughing again, “However, don’t get too comfortable. I will step foot on earth soon. I found a loophole.”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head, refusing to believe him. After all, he was the master of lies, “There is no loophole. You can only enter earth when it’s your time.”

  He grinned again, “But Alex, there is a loophole but you’ll find that out soon,” he said, raising his eyebrow, “And even if I fail, there is still something wonderful in it for me. It’s a win either way. Do you want to know what will be my prize if you do stop me?”

  “No,” I said, sure he was just trying to play with me and make me afraid and I wasn’t going to let him bait me.

  “I’ll tell you anyway,” He said with a shrug. He began to chuckle as clouds began to move across the sky and gather behind him. The thunder began to roll a moment later, shaking the ground beneath us. His face calmed in a way that caused my heart to trip over itself and suddenly, he grinned but it was full of dark delight, “One of you will have to sacrifice yourselves to stop me. One of you will shed your blood because of me.”

  I shook my head but the horror of his statement sank into me. I closed my eyes as my heart pounded in my chest and when I opened them, I was back in my room shocked as I realized that I had been warned through a dream and not a vision. Lucifer’s laughter still echoed through my brain as the f
ace of each member of the Appointed flashed through my mind. I shook my head again, trying to convince myself that Lucifer was lying but something still told me that he wasn’t and he was willing to play the dark game until one of the Appointed was dead.

  Chapter One

  Sibling Bonds

  Bastian gazed at me skeptically. I had always hated that expression. His eyebrow was raised and a slight grin lifted his lips which effectively made me feel like a child who was being a bit too imaginative. I hated it even more because he was our protector which meant that he was our walking library. So, he was more intelligent than any of us. However, it didn’t mean that he was never wrong. Still, I shifted suddenly self-conscious as he sighed and then, rolled his eyes.

  “Tell me about the dream again,” He said as he glanced around the room at the other members of the Appointed. It was obvious that he was gauging their reactions. When he saw their serious expressions, he lost his smile and stared back at me.

  “My God, Bastian,” My best friend, Lynne said, rolling her blue eyes as she cuddled her newborn son, Caleb against her chest, “How many times does she have to tell us?”

  Lynne was beautiful with long black hair and the body of a super model. She could also fly. Bastian was equally beautiful with blonde hair and blue eyes. He reminded me of a surfer but instead of hanging out at the beach, he usually had his nose stuck in a book even though I doubted that he needed to study. He absorbed knowledge as soon as he glanced at anything that held it. Lynne was engaged to him and Caleb was their son.

  Bastian grinned at her with affection clear in his eyes and then, shook his head, “Well, let’s go over it slowly,” he said, glancing back at me, raising that brow again, “What’s the first thing you saw when you entered the dream, Alex?”

  I sighed, exasperated but answered him anyway, “I told you, I was looking up at Gloria and Drake’s house,” I said, frowning as I glanced at Gloria and Drake. Gloria and Drake were Lynne’s parents. Gloria looked just like an older version of her daughter except for her hair which was long and blonde and skin tone which was porcelain. Her husband, Drake had dark hair and eyes and the mahogany skin his daughter possessed.

  “What were you thinking as you looked up at the house?” Drake asked, frowning. My attention moved back to Bastian as I flushed wishing that he hadn’t asked that question. Slowly, my gaze moved back to Drake as guilt moved through me.

  “I was thinking about Drake’s possession and how we had almost died there,” I said, wincing with each word as Drake shifted uncomfortably, “I’m sorry, Drake. It just pops into my head sometimes. I can’t help it.”

  Drake gave me a pained smile and nodded his head, “Mine too,” he said sympathetically, “I don’t ask for it either. So, don’t feel bad.”

  “What happened next, Alex?” Bastian asked, gaining my attention once more. I glanced around, finding comfort when I met the eyes of my boyfriend, Ky. His indigo eyes met mine and I took a deep breath as I turned back to Bastian less frustrated than before.

  “A wind whipped around me and a piece of construction paper flew into my leg,” I said, leaving out how it had scared me. I pursed my lips and then, continued, “On one side was a child’s drawing of Jesus’ crucifixion. The Appointed were reaching for him. On the other side were the Appointed surrounding a dead member. Also, my name was written in crayon at the top along with age six.”

  “Do you remember drawing those pictures?” Bastian asked, frowning as he studied my face.

  “No,” I said, shaking my head and then shrugged, “But I’ve been known to forget things. You do remember that I forgot the Appointed for a whole decade, don’t you?”

  Bastian rolled his eyes and continued to question me, “Then, Lucifer came right?”

  “Yes,” I said, narrowing my eyes at the mention of Satan’s name, “He was standing on the street. He said, he was coming and the only way for us to stop him was for one of us to die.”

  “No, he said, one of us had to be sacrificed. I think there is a difference in just dying and a sacrifice,” my friend Leighton said. I turned to him. His brown eyes were sad behind his glasses. He rubbed his hand over his recently cut brown hair as he shifted guiltily. He had the ability to enter into others dreams and pull them into his. I had no doubt that he had been there during Lucifer’s visit though he had probably hidden so Lucifer wouldn’t see him.

  “But you saw it, right?” I asked, frowning as I crossed my arms over my chest, defensively, “You don’t think it was just a dream, do you?”

  “No,” Leighton said, gazing at Bastian steadily, “I don’t.”

  Bastian shrugged away Leighton’s opinion and turned back to me, “Alex, I realize that both you and Leighton believe this but the fact is you’ve been wrong before. There is really no proof that Lucifer is coming.”

  I narrowed my eyes, angrily as I stood and faced him. I couldn’t understand why he was being so cocky. It was definitely out of character for him and it was making me mad. I tilted my head as I studied him hoping that my anger would fade but it didn’t, “Has a sacrifice of one of the Appointed happened before?” I asked, raising my chin in a challenge because I already knew the answer. It had been drawn by me when I was six.

  Bastian’s eyes widened and he winced before speaking, dreading to answer, “Yes but it was centuries ago and I don’t know how Lucifer was going to return. Still, I doubt it will happen again. I think Lucifer is just trying to frighten you and to be honest, it seems he did.”

  I stepped toward him as my anger rose a notch, “Regardless of what you say, I think he’s coming back,” I said, narrowing my eyes, “It might do you good to realize that you aren’t always right either, Bastian.”

  I didn’t give him time to answer. Instead, I turned and walked out of the room with my heart in my throat. I had never felt the need to hurt Bastian but I couldn’t understand what was wrong with him. He was being an ass.

  Ky caught up with me and grabbed my forearm just as I reached the sliding glass door that led to my home’s deck. I turned to him, “Are you going to tell me that you don’t believe me either?” I asked as I faced him furious that no one but Leighton was taking up for me. Ky hadn’t even spoken up for me. It was important that he defended me. The last time no one believed me I ended up spending time in a mental facility because a demon attacked me and made me look like I’d tried to commit suicide.

  Ky flinched and I calmed almost immediately. He shook his head and then, ran his hand through his black hair nervously, “I wouldn’t say that because I do believe you,” He said, frowning as he met my eyes, “I think he’s just afraid to see it because of the baby. If they are in danger, then so is Caleb.”

  I sighed in relief as I faced him, “Then, what do we do now?” I asked with wide eyes, “What can we do to stop him when they aren’t listening to me?

  Ky shook his head and then, spread his hands out in front of him, “The only thing we can do…Wait.”


  I tried to relax as I laid in my bed that night. I closed my eyes and wondered briefly if Bastian might have been right in his assumptions and I was being too hard on him. There were so many questions that remained unanswered. If Lucifer had known how to come back, why had he waited so long to attempt it? Our group of the Appointed was no more special than any of the others before us. As a matter of fact, I was positive that there had been more exemplary groups than ours. After all, some had given their lives to save the world. None of us had. I sighed as I finally convinced myself that maybe I had been wrong. I was even going to apologize to Bastian. Somehow, admitting that to myself caused me to relax and I was able to fall asleep.

  When I opened my eyes, I found that I was standing on a gravel road that was vaguely familiar. There were trees making a canopy above me and nightfall was just beginning to darken the sky. Whistling reached my ears and I turned to find my dad’s son…my half-brother, Matt walking down the darkened path from a barn that I realized was on his mother’s property
. Only recently had I begun to see Matt again. When my father was in the deep abyss of drugs and alcohol, his mother hadn’t allowed him within his reach. I suppose I could understand but it had been thirteen years and at fifteen, he was finally able to see us again. Instantly, the bond returned between us and though there were only a few, he did have memories of playing with me when we were small.

  I called out to him happy to see him but he didn’t hear me as he walked by. My blue eyes widened as I realized that this was a piece of Matt’s future. That’s why I was able to move. I wasn’t really there. Neither was my future self. I was merely a spectator.

  I watched as a wind whipped around him ruffling his brown hair. I stiffened as eyes the same color as his hair widened in fear as a growl rose through the air. A tremble worked through me as fear for my brother slid down my spine.

  “Run!” I screamed even though I realized he couldn’t hear me but still, it seemed he listened because in that second, his feet began to move.

  He raced away from the sound and only then, did I see what was chasing him….One of the fallen angels. He was massive in comparison to my brother with muscle after muscle rippling across his nearly seven foot frame. His red hair whipped behind him like fire. His eyes were scarlet red.

  “No!” I screamed just as the fallen reached him but the scene changed as the fallen angel grabbed him by the neck. Still, the scene before me was just as terrible.

  My seven year old little sister, Ariel was holding our youngest sister, Annaleigh who was just a year and a half old. They were huddled in a corner as the shadow of a fallen angel fell over them, surrounding them in darkness.

  “Ariel!” I screamed, terrified. I wanted to save them but I didn’t know how. Tears fell down my cheeks as I watched the fallen angel pick up the smallest of my sisters and I screamed, “Annaleigh!”

  I inhaled deeply ready to scream again but instead, I sat up in my bed. Sweat poured from me as I glanced around my bedroom. A tremble moved through my body as I tried to calm my racing heart. Tears still poured down my cheeks as I sobbed.


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