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The Sacrifice (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles Book 4)

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by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  No matter what Bastian said, I no longer believed him. What I had witnessed was not a normal dream. It was brought to me in warning that Lucifer was coming and he wasn’t just coming for those who were part of the Appointed. He was coming for those we loved.

  Matt, Annaleigh and Ariel were on his list and that frightened me. They could not defend themselves. We had to protect them but I didn’t know how.

  “Alex,” Kelly said, sleepily from across the room, pulling me from my thoughts. Concern laced her voice as she sat up in bed and studied me silently with green amber flecked eyes. She tilted her head and then, frowned, “Are you okay?”

  “No,” I whispered in a tear drenched voice. I shivered as I glanced out of the window terrified that I would see one of Lucifer’s brethren standing on the other side. I turned back to Kelly as fear pierced my heart again. Kelly was member of the Appointed as were my brother’s Jonathon and Jeremy. All of my siblings were in danger but I also believed others were too. Bastian’s doubt drifted through my mind again and I shook my head to push the thought away. Regardless of how much Bastian had tried to convince me otherwise, I knew that Lucifer wasn’t bluffing. He had come to me not to taunt but to tell me that a war was on its way and the only way to stop it was for one of the Appointed to die.

  Chapter Two


  I stepped onto the deck of my home and took a deep breath as I moved to the rail to gaze into my backyard. It was dark but somehow still beautiful and calming. Tears wet my cheeks as I whispered the name of someone who I should not be able to see but somehow I had been granted the ability.

  “Semarias,” I whispered the name of my guardian angel. His name had barely left my lips when I sensed his presence behind me. I turned to him with tears in my eyes as my gaze swept over him, grateful that he was now visible. I found more comfort in the fact that I could see him even though I realized he was there most times.

  “Did you see?” I asked, taking a shaky breath, “Did you witness my vision?”

  Semarias nodded, “I did,” he whispered, stepping closer, “I didn’t think you’d want me to pull you out of the vision before it finished showing you what you needed to see.”

  “Thank you,” I said, swallowing as I tried to stop trembling, “You were right. I needed to witness it even though it was hard.”

  He frowned as he gazed into my eyes. His face was dark with sadness, “You’ve already called the others?” He asked, tilting his head as he continued to study me.

  “I’m going to,” I whispered as my body shook, “I just needed a few moments first.”

  “I understand,” He said, as he pulled me into his arms, trying to soothe my tears.

  I allowed all of the tears to come then as I hiccupped sobs. Semarias was absolutely silent as I cried until my tears were spent. Finally, I gazed up at him, “I’m so scared for them. I’m so scared for all of us.”

  Semarias wiped my tears with the pad of his thumb. He gazed down into my eyes, “What can I do?” He asked, brushing my hair back from my damp face, “How can I help take away the pain?”

  I frowned as I thought of everything and then, my eyes widened as I realized that he may know the answer to the most important question, “Do you know how Lucifer is allowed to come to earth?” I asked, blinking back the tears, “Do you know how he tried to come to earth the last time that one of the Appointed had to sacrifice themselves to keep him in hell?”

  Semarias frowned. He shook his head but he was obviously listening for someone else to give him an answer. His face fell when no answer came, “I don’t,” He said, shaking his head, causing his long black hair to brush against my cheek, “This must have happened a long time ago. The method he is trying to use must be very old…ancient even for it to be hidden from me. It must have happened before my birth. It may have even happened with the first of the Appointed.”

  I sniffled as my shoulders turned in and I sighed, disappointed. I lifted my gaze back to his and raised my brows, “Is there someone you could ask?” I said hopeful.

  He thought for a few moments and then, he nodded, “Michael,” He said with a soft smile and then, caressed my cheek, “I could ask Michael. He’s one of the oldest angels. He was certainly alive. He was here before there were Appointed.”

  “He was the one who cast Lucifer into hell,” I said with wide eyes, “If there is a way that Lucifer could come back before his time, then he would know. I just don’t understand how this could happen. Maybe he could give us some answers.”

  “I don’t either,” he said and then, shrugged nonchalantly, “There is a chance he’s lying. He may not have a way. He may be trying to frighten you or even distract you.”

  I nodded, “There is that chance,” I said, hopeful, “But it has happened before. Bastian has heard of it though he doesn’t know how Lucifer was going to return and one of the Appointed did have to sacrifice their lives to keep it from happening.”

  Semarias’ gaze darkened, “I will find out,” He said, troubled and then, sighed sadly, “Hopefully, it is just a lie. Maybe Bastian was mistaken or maybe it was a false history.”

  Tears filled my eyes as I thought of the Appointed and my other siblings, “But what if it’s not?” I asked, terrified “Then, one of us will die and he’s after Matt, Ariel and Annaleigh,” I began to sob again though I tried not to, “I can’t lose any of them, Semarias. I can’t.”

  He embraced me again, “Don’t cry, Alex,” he said in a voice full of emotion, “I’ll find out what we can do. I will help you.”

  I nodded, “You’ll need to be quick,” I whispered.

  He smiled reassuringly and then, caressed my cheek again, “I’m going now,” he said and then, he was gone leaving me alone with my worry and tears.


  It was just after dawn when the Appointed arrived. There was only one difference between this meeting and others. My mother was present. After her possession during the last fight with the fallen, she hadn’t forgotten though the others who had been possessed did. I suppose God had decided that since her children were involved that she needed to know. However, even though my mother now knew about us, she usually avoided the meetings. I understood. After all, who would want to know that their children were in constant danger and there was nothing they could do about it? So, of course, I never pushed her to attend. I only told her that a meeting would happen so she would be able to avoid it.

  I was surprised that when I told her after Semarias’ departure that a meeting would be happening, she insisted on being a part of it. I winced inwardly. She was about to find out that her daughter was often in the presence of not only demons but Lucifer and that one of her children would possibly be sacrificing themselves to save the world. I could not imagine how this would be accepted by her. My brothers and sister must have had the same thoughts because they sat beside her as we waited for the Appointed to arrive ready to jump if she broke into hysterics. Worse, was the suspicion that Matt, Annaleigh and Ariel weren’t the only ones in danger. What if the rest of the descendants were too?

  I paced until the door opened and Ky entered. As always, the Appointed came in a wave after the first arrival where my house seemed empty only moments before and then, it was so full that it would be a claustrophobic’s nightmare. My mother sat quietly glancing around in silence with wide eyes. She gazed at me as I stood in the center afraid to speak in her presence but I realized I had to.

  “I had a vision while I dreamed last night,” I whispered, shifting uncomfortably as I glanced at my mother and then, my father who was also a member of the Appointed. I briefly wondered how long it had been since my parents willingly stood in the same room and shook the thought away so that I could continue, “And it seems that Lucifer was telling the truth. He’s starting a war but this time, it won’t be just us.”

  My mother’s eyes widened and I saw Jeremy put his arm around her shoulders to steady her. I raised my brows, wondering if she was going to able to handle the rest
of the meeting.

  “Who else?” My father asked, stepping forward and causing me to turn my attention to him.

  I licked my lips, nervously, “I saw Matt, Daddy. He was running from a demon. Then the dream shifted and I witnessed Ariel holding Annaleigh in the corner. A demon was coming for them. He grabbed Annaleigh right before I woke up.”

  A tremble shook through my father and I saw my mother’s eyes widen in pain. Though my parents had divorced my mother who was not in love with him anymore still cared what happened to him and that care extended to his children.

  “We’ll figure it out,” he said, frowning but he rose his chin determined.

  “Annaleigh and Ariel live with you so I’m not so worried about them being protected,” I said, quietly, “But Matt is alone in this and he doesn’t even know he’s in danger.”

  “I said that I’ll figure it out, Alex!” He said in a voice I had not heard him use since his last bout of drugs and alcohol. I flinched and guilt flooded his face before he ran his hand through his dark blonde hair. His blue eyes met mine, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled.”

  I nodded my forgiveness as I turned to Bastian, “I was thinking of something this morning after I called all of you. I don’t think it will end with Matt, Ariel and Annaleigh. I believe that he’ll send his demons after our descendants.”

  Bastian glanced at Lynne as she held their son. It was very likely that he was one of the descendants who would take Lynne, Bastian, Gloria or Drake’s place if they died, “Did you see who the rest of the Descendants are?”

  I shook my head disappointed, “No,” I whispered as my eyes filled with tears, “I wish that I had.”

  “What about Caleb?” Lynne asked, cuddling her little boy close. Tears were already gathering in her eyes.

  “I didn’t see him,” I said, swallowing the lump that had begun to form in my throat, “I don’t know. You know I won’t know until I can see it.”

  “Then, what good is your gift!” She cried and I flinched at her outburst, “If it can’t protect us or our children, what good does it do?”

  Bastian’s eyes widened as he glanced from her to me. My heart froze as guilt flooded me because I hadn’t been able to see whether her child was in danger or not. Bastian must have seen it in my face, “I’m sorry, Alex,” He said as he frowned at Lynne and then, turned back to me, “It’s not your fault. The vision will come if we need to protect him. I’m sure of that. You’ve saved us all before with your visions.”

  I wanted to believe him but even as Lynne sobbed her apology, the absolute sense of failure engulfed me.

  Chapter Three

  Thicker Than Water

  It had been hours but Lynne had not stopped sobbing. Instead, she buried her face into her son’s cheek and cried. Each tear made me drown in guilt a little more. By now, I thought her tears would have dried but they still flowed. Instead of calming, she hugged her child close as she cried in pure fear for the baby boy she loved more than her own life. It was a love that had caused her to lash out in panic even though she had not really believed her words. It had caused her to be desperate. As I watched her rock her son I realized how strong the bond was. It was pure and unbreakable but as strong and wonderful as it was, it had the power to destroy. If something happened to Caleb, Lynne would be inconsolable. She would be broken.

  My eyes slid to my father. We shared the same bond. He was willing to do anything for me and I would do anything for him. We would die for each other. We would go through any amount of torture to keep each other safe but there were others, I would do the same for. My eyes moved to Kelly, then Jeremy and Jonathon. The same feeling was mutual between us. We would go through any amount of hell for each other and if anything happened to one of us, the rest of us would break. Then, my gaze moved to Gloria and Drake. Lynne was their only daughter. Caleb was their grandson. They would die for them willingly and I knew without a doubt they would die for each other. I had already witnessed many of the things they had endured to keep each other safe. There was nothing they wouldn’t go through.

  Other bonds came to me. Ky tightened a protective arm around me. He was another person I would die for and who would give their life for me. Daniel was another. I blinked as I faced Bastian. Bastian would surely die for Lynne and he would die for her. My eyes widened as I thought of Catherine and Jace. They had the same relationship. If one of them was in danger, their sacrifice would be easy. I frowned as Leighton’s face crossed my mind. He would certainly die for Sarah and Jeremy would die for Raina and she would die for him.

  I had wondered what was different about our group of Appointed than the others. I had wondered why Lucifer chose this time to come back. I blinked as I realized the answer. Any other generation may have sacrificed for friendship or duty but we would sacrifice for our relationships with each other. Never before had there been so many strong bonds among the Appointed. Never before had the Appointed been made of so many fathers and mothers and siblings and significant others. Add all of that with the fact that we would die for each other just based on our friendships, it made it very hard to understand who the sacrifice may be. Worse than that was the pleasure that Lucifer would feel for whoever shed their blood. It would be precious to him because it would be shed in love and would cause the most heartache.

  “Alex, what’s wrong?” Bastian asked frowning as he finally noticed the expression on my face. He tilted his head as he moved closer to me. Ky tightened his arm around my shoulder as he noticed my distress.

  “I think I know why Lucifer chose now,” I said as my wide eyes met Bastian’s. His face darkened in confusion and he shook his head.

  “What do you mean?” Bastian asked, confused, “He chose now because he thinks he has an opportunity.”

  I shook my head, “It’s more than that, Bastian. Look around,” I said, glancing from him to the rest of the group. I spread my hands out toward the Appointed, “Never have there been so many couples or so many close family members in the Appointed. There are more strong bonds here than there has ever been.”

  “So…What difference does that make?” Bastian said, shrugging but he seemed disturbed. I rolled my eyes. For such a smart man, he wasn’t seeing the whole picture. I groaned in frustration.

  “It’s the bonds. That’s why he chose us,” I said, raising my brows as I stared at him but he still seemed confused. I kept my eyes firmly on his and spoke slowly, hoping to make him understand, “If he’s to be stopped, he doesn’t want just any sacrifice to do it. He wants a sacrifice that will break a sacred bond. He wants to break us. He wants to break God’s heart. He wants to punish. What better way to do that than to take someone that we have deep and unbreakable bond with?”

  The breath seemed to go out of Bastian and Lynne stopped sobbing and gazed up at me. She blinked in shock as she took in my words, “What does that mean?”

  I stared into her eyes, “It means that we don’t know who will give in,” I said, raising my chin, “It means that it could be any of us but if we don’t find a way to stop it, one of us will sacrifice ourselves because we are bonded. When that happens, it will destroy us. It will destroy the Appointed.”


  All of our visitors left as the sun set. They all promised to stay safe and alert. I had spent the whole day with the Appointed and I was sad and exhausted. Worse, I was afraid for everyone. As usual, I stepped out onto the deck trying to find some type of peace that I could grab onto and maybe find some hope to go with it. I needed something that would tell me that everything was going to be alright. I sighed as I gazed out over the backyard and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes for a long moment before opening them again, feeling only a little better.

  “Alex,” Semarias said behind me. His voice was a gentle caress, I had grown used to. I sighed because as comfortable as I was with him, I felt guilty for it for so many reasons. He was in love with me and though I had once professed not to have the same feelings for him, I wasn’t sure if that was
the truth anymore. Something had evolved in our friendship and I was constantly pushing those feelings away. Even if what I was feeling was love, I refused act on it. He would fall. I couldn’t be responsible for that and I was with Ky. My feelings for Ky hadn’t changed. Unfortunately, Daniel was also another that I loved. I realized that being in love with three men didn’t make me a good person but I couldn’t help it. I could only try to continue to do what was right.

  I turned to him and my heart nearly stopped in my chest. His face was dark and thunderstorms flashed in his eyes. His black hair blew behind him and his wings were stretched out to their full length. His breaths were coming quickly and I could tell that he was having trouble keeping his emotions from controlling him. The one on the surface was the most frightening…Anger. He seemed like he was about to go to war, causing a new emotion to slam through me. I had never been afraid of Semarias but suddenly I was.

  “Semarias, what’s wrong?” I asked, flinching when he stepped forward. He tilted his head and then, took a breath.

  “I found out how Lucifer is going to try to return,” he said, through clenched teeth as he opened his eyes. Slowly, he was beginning to calm but I realized that the thunderstorm within him was just below the surface.

  I swallowed over my fear of him and forced my gaze to remain on his face. Whatever he had been told had caused Semarias to become angry which meant that whatever he’d been told was extremely bad, “How?” I asked barely above a whisper. A muscle in his cheek jumped as his face became cold.

  “It’s an ancient way, like I thought. There are angels that are bound until the signs release them. They chose to be these angels. They aren’t fallen. They are just bound,” he said as the shadows deepened on his face. His chest was rising and falling quicker than it had before, “He’s kidnapped them and plans to release them here on earth.”


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