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Bailey, Shawn - A Lover's Concerto [Young, Hot, and Talented 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 11

by Shawn Bailey

  “I think you are wonderful,” Sean said. “You’re gorgeous and talented, and you’re warm and caring. My folks will love you. Half the battle is already won.”

  Frankie smirked. Got him. Jonas calmed down a little after hearing Sean praise him. They arrived at the Montgomery mansion. Sean showed their VIP Pass to a guard at the gate, and the guard let them through. A valet met them. They grabbed their instruments out the back of the SUV, and a butler met them at the door and escorted them through the house. Frankie looked around wondering what Adam’s life was like growing up there. He spotted pictures of the family all over the place.

  Luke appeared, looking elegant in a black tuxedo. Like Sean he chose a cummerbund over a vest. “Are you guys ready?”

  Frankie nodded. “Yeah. I don’t want to know what’s waiting for us to that ballroom.”

  “You have a stage,” Luke said. “That’s all that matters. “I’ll go take Sean to the table and I’ll be right back to introduce you. So don’t move.”

  Luke didn’t have to worry about that. Frankie was afraid to move or touch anything.

  Luke and Sean left them.

  “Can we really do this?” Jonas asked.

  “Yes,” Frankie said. “Our parents’ death shouldn’t be in vain. Let’s make them proud of us.”

  Luke appeared. “This way,” he said, leading them to an area just off the dining room. He took them up a flight of stairs and placed them before microphones. “I’m going out to introduce you.” He stepped behind a curtain. “Ladies and gentleman, performing for you tonight are two very talented young men born and raised right here in New Orleans, Louisiana. It is an honor for me to present Jonas and Frankie…The Kerrys.”

  The curtain opened, and Frankie’s fear disappeared. He began playing.

  * * * *

  “You guys were great,” Adam said, hugging Frankie and Jonas later after their performance ended. “What a wonderful debut.”

  “I am proud of you guys, too,” Tory said. He pulled an older black woman forward. “This is my wife, Elaine.”

  Both Frankie and Jonas shook the lovely woman’s hand.

  “Tory has told me so much about you, and our daughter Amanda just loves Kalen.”

  Sean came forward with two older people. “Mom and Dad, this is Jonas Kelly and his brother, Frankie.”

  Jonas got a big bear hug from Sean’s father, and his mother kissed Jonas on the cheek.

  “It is nice to finally meet you,” Mrs. Johnson said. “You have to bring your brothers to our house for dinner.”

  Jonas looked happy.

  Frankie was glad. He hoped Sean and Jonas would be together for a very long time.

  “Your turn,” Adam said to Frankie.

  Frankie looked behind Adam at the people who resembled him. They were smiling.

  “Jonas and Frankie, these are my parents Carolyn and Arthur Montgomery, my brothers David and Michael, and their dates Carlos and Carla.”

  Frankie caught David’s eye and smiled at him. So David likes guys, too.

  Everyone shook hands and hugged.

  Frankie didn’t even remember whether he’d met the governor or not that night. There were just so many people congratulating them.

  * * * *

  “Are you sure your parents like me?” Frankie asked Adam as they soaked in a sunken bathtub at Adam’s mansion.

  Sean and Jonas had gone to pick up Kalen from the sitter, and Adam promised that he might bring Frankie back home later.

  “They loved you,” Adam said. “My mother wants me to bring you to dinner next week. And you’ll have to bring your violin because my father loves classical music. He’s thinking about paying you to give me lessons.”

  “What about your brothers?”

  “David thinks you’re cute.”

  “Ew, don’t tell me that,” Frankie said. “Tory’s wife is pretty.”

  “They’ve been married since high school. I think she’s a keeper,” Adam said.

  “Where did Luke disappear to tonight?”

  “His boyfriend finally arrived.”

  “Oh,” Frankie said, settling back. “I can get used to this tub.”

  “You’re welcome to come over any time and soak.” He stood up. “But now I think it’s time for us to get out and go to bed.” He stepped out and began drying off.

  “But it’s so nice and comfy in here,” Frankie said. He checked out Adam’s butt when Adam wasn’t looking. He wondered if Adam would give him a chance to top him again.

  “I’ll make you warm in bed,” Adam said, holding out an oversized towel for him.

  Frankie got out the tub and allowed Adam to dry him off.

  A bottle of something chilled in an ice bucket on a small table in Adam’s room.

  “What is that?”

  “Sparkling cider,” Adam said. “I thought you might like to celebrate.” He popped the cork and filled two glasses. He handed one to Frankie and made a toast. “To Frankie Kelly. May your star continue to shine brightly.” He touched glasses with Frankie.

  Frankie sipped the cider and giggled. “The bubbles are tickling my nose. Thank you for the toast. If it wasn’t for you, none of this would be possible.” He voice cracked. He fought to control his emotions. He didn’t want to appear weak in front of Adam.

  Adam lifted Frankie’s chin and kissed him. “I love you, Frankie. I’d give you the world if I could.”

  Frankie finished the cider and crawled into Adam’s big bed. He didn’t want to top Adam anymore. He was perfectly happy playing the bottom to a man he absolutely adored.

  Adam made love to him slowly and passionately, covering his body with heated kisses.

  Frankie held on long, fighting off the orgasm until Adam was about to come, too. They came together for the first time. It felt magical to Frankie. He dozed off in Adam’s arms feeling loved and cherished.

  Chapter Eleven

  Instead of a housewarming, Frankie and Jonas decided to have a barbeque in the huge backyard the following Saturday, one week after the governor’s dinner. Jonas had invited most of his friends. Sean had invited over some of his and so did Adam. Tory, unfortunately, couldn’t make it because and his wife had a prior engagement. David and Carlos arrived with gifts for Kalen. Adam was running late, working at the hotel, but he sent Luke with a bouquet of roses for Frankie, which Jonas teased him about. Luke also brought along his boyfriend, Gerard Tyler. The two of them clicked the moment Luke introduced them.

  Gerard was cute, about Frankie’s age with jet-black hair and blue eyes. He dressed quite stylishly for a barbecue in slacks and a shirt. And he had a soft voice. Frankie could certainly see what Luke saw in him.

  “Luke says you play the violin. I play the drums,” Gerard said. “Maybe we can get together for a jam session.”

  “I’d like that,” Frankie said. “Have you graduated from high school yet?”

  Gerard chuckled. “Yes, I get that very often. I suppose you do, too. I attend the university near Audubon Park, and I’m nineteen years old.”

  Frankie sighed. “I wished I could go there, too.”

  “What’s stopping you?” Gerard asked. “We have an excellent music department.”

  “I can’t fit it into my schedule right now. Before Adam discovered us I was on my way to audition for the New Orleans Symphony Orchestra. Now I have a record contract and many responsibilities.”

  “Hello, Frankie.”

  Frankie turned around. Myron had arrived. “Hello, Gerard, this is Myron, a friend of my brother.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Gerard said. “I better get Luke before he starts taking over the barbeque grill.” Gerard left them.

  “This is a nice place you have here. I’m so glad you’re off the streets.”

  “Me, too,” Frankie said. “Have you seen Jonas?”

  “Yes,” Myron answered, looking him over from head to toe. “He introduced me to Sean. He seems like a nice guy.”

  “He is,” Frankie said.
  “How did all of this happen?”

  “A guy heard us playing in a park,” Frankie said. “He found out that we were homeless, and he invited us to stay at his hotel for a weekend. After that he introduced us to a friend who owns an entertainment company.”

  “Wow, I’m so glad for you guys. What were the chances that someone who owned a hotel would be so nice? But I always knew you’d go far.”

  “Thanks,” Frankie said. Myron never acted this civil to him before. “Would you like something to eat?”

  “Sure,” Myron said, following him to the grill area where Sean put ribs and hamburgers on their plates. They added beans and other stuff as they moved down the food line.

  Frankie found some seats at one of the tables, and Myron sat down next to him.

  “What’s next for you guys?” Myron asked.

  “We’re trying to cut a CD,” Frankie answered. “We’re taking lessons, and Kalen has just started daycare.”

  “I saw him earlier with Jonas. He’s growing like a weed. He’ll probably be taller than you soon.”

  “That won’t take much,” Frankie said, still sensitive about his height.

  “You know I’ve always liked you.”

  Frankie bit into his burger. It melted in his mouth. He’d have to thank Sean for grilling. “So Jonas recently told me.”

  “He told me you have a boyfriend now. I wished I would have made my move sooner.”


  “Is he here?”

  “Not yet,” Frankie said. He still had no feelings for Myron. “He’s at work.”

  “What does he do for a living?”

  “He owns a hotel,” Frankie said.

  It took a few minutes for Myron to understand. “Oh, you mean you’re dating the guy who let you stay at his hotel?”

  “Yeah,” Frankie said. “If it wasn’t for him, we would still be homeless. He’s a nice man. You’ll like him.”

  “I don’t want to like him,” Myron said, sounding defeated. “But I’m glad you’re happy.” He started eating his food.

  Maybe if Myron would have said something months ago they could have been friends. But they could never be lovers, especially since Myron already slept with Jonas.

  Adam finally arrived, looking simply gorgeous in tan slacks and a tan-and-yellow pullover shirt. He spotted Frankie and waved.

  Frankie waved back. “That’s Adam,” Frankie said to Myron.

  “He’s younger than I expected,” Myron said. “You must be very good in the sack for him to buy you this house.”

  “It has nothing to do with sex. Adam is kind and generous. And he adores Kalen.”

  Myron rose. “Keep me in mind if the two of you ever break up.”

  “Got you,” Frankie said. Hell would freeze over first.

  Myron walked away and went over to talk to some of his other friends.

  Adam came over to Frankie. “Isn’t that Myron?”

  “Yes,” Frankie answered.

  “Are you guys friends now?”

  “No, but I don’t think I hate him anymore,” Frankie answered. “How was work?”

  “One of the rooms had a leak, the copier broke, and the band scheduled to perform tonight cancelled.”

  “You poor thing,” Frankie said, trying to sound supportive. “Are you ready to eat?”

  Adam nodded. “Yes. Sean’s been bragging about his barbeque skills for years. Now I have to taste it for myself.”

  “He has a right to brag,” Frankie said, showing Adam his empty plate. “Wait here. I’ll fix you something.” He walked to the grill, got Adam some food and a cold beer, and returned to the table.

  “Thanks,” Adam said. “Where’s Kalen?”

  Frankie pointed. “He’s charming your brother and his boyfriend.”

  “David likes kids,” Adam said. “He and Carlos are thinking about adopting after they get married.”

  “They’re getting married?” Frankie asked.


  “I’m so happy for them. And I think adopting a baby is a good idea. Kalen needs some friends.”

  “You do, too,” Adam said. He bit into the ribs. “Um, this is good.”

  “I think I’ve found one. His name is Gerard Tyler.”

  “Luke’s boyfriend?”

  Frankie nodded and wiped barbeque sauce from Adam’s chin. “Did you know he plays the drums?”

  “No,” Adam answered. “Is he any good?”

  Frankie shrugged. “He wants to get together with me for a jam session.”

  “Is he a top or a bottom?” Adam asked.

  “Does it matter?” Frankie asked. “I thought you wanted me to make friends.”

  “Yes, if he’s going to be hanging out with you. I’m a very jealous person when it comes to you.”

  Frankie chuckled. “I think he’s a bottom, and I’m not interested in any guy but you.”

  “Good answer,” Adam said. “I’m kind of stuck on you, too.” He paused. “Oh, before I forget. Tory’s found you an orchestra. You start practicing with them next week.”

  “Really?” Frankie asked excitedly. He hugged Adam “You are so good to me.”

  “I haven’t done anything. You’ll have to thank Tory.”

  “I will,” Frankie said. “You guys are the best.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Luke went through the stacks of images, trying to choose the right ones for the Kerrys’ publicity pictures. “Do you know there’s not one bad photo in this bunch?”

  “Yeah, I know,” Adam said as he fantasized over one of Frankie’s pictures. “Why didn’t you tell me that your boyfriend was a drummer?”

  “It never came up,” Luke replied.

  So far Luke had been a very good publicist, getting the Kerrys booked on local radio and television shows, and was at the moment trying to line them up for festivals throughout Louisiana so the public could find out about them. Right now Jonas and Frankie were at the recording studio with Travis practicing the new songs he wrote for them.

  Sean entered their new office space carrying cups of coffee and pastries. The two of them would be leaving shortly to go over to one of the local television stations to finalize an upcoming musical spot on a very popular news show. The Kerrys had to start somewhere, and Adam thought introducing them to New Orleans first was a very good idea. “Thanks,” Adam said, accepting the coffee. They had a long day ahead of them, and he still had to get over to the hotel to check on things.

  Sean gave Luke his cup and then sat down to help Adam look at more venues. Adam had given Sean a list of upcoming Louisiana festivals, and so far everyone on the list welcomed the group and wanted them to perform.

  “How are you guys getting along at home?” Adam asked Sean. He hadn’t been over in a while and hoped they were adjusting to the neighborhood.

  “We’re getting along fine,” Sean bragged. “Frankie takes care of the inside of the house while I take care of the outside.”

  “What does Jonas do?” Luke asked.

  “Jonas takes care of me,” Sean answered.

  Both Luke and Adam chuckled.

  “He also looks after Kalen while Frankie and I clean up. And he’s writing songs in his free time,” Sean said.

  “Have you guys registered online for classes yet?” Adam asked.

  Sean nodded. “Jonas and I have, but I don’t know about Frankie. He pretty much stays to himself or he’s hanging out in the studio. Sometimes he goes out there at night and plays the violin after Kalen goes to sleep.”

  So things hadn’t changed. Adam sighed. “I want Frankie to get out more and make some friends.” He turned to Luke. “Do you think Gerald would mind going over and hanging out with him?”

  Luke shrugged. “I don’t know. I will have to ask him. He’s pretty busy with school and his job.”

  “He has a job?” Sean asked.

  Luke rolled his eyes at him. “Of course he does. He works at a clothing store across the river at the Oakwood Mall. He has
this thing for clothing and fashion.” He chuckled. “I think he spends most of his money on clothes. You should see his closet.”

  “I bet you’re not complaining?” Sean teased.

  “Hell no. Gerald always looks and smells nice. And he has the biggest collection of briefs and socks I’ve ever seen. He likes to be colored coordinated.”

  Adam listened to their conversation. Frankie could use a friend like that, and if Gerald was a good drummer, maybe he could talk the Kerrys into letting Gerald join their group in the future.

  “Look at this,” Sean said excitedly. “One of the local radio stations is hosting free concerts in the park and they’re looking for some home-grown talent to participate.”

  “Get them on the phone,” Adam said. “Let’s see if we can book the Kerrys for a weekend.”

  Sean dialed the number and handed the phone to Adam after he talked for a while.

  “Yes, they’re brothers, and they play classical and pop music.” He put the man on speakerphone so Sean and Luke could hear the conversation.

  “That would be a little different than what we’re used to.”

  “You have enough jazz and Zydeco musicians here in New Orleans,” Adam said. “Give people something different. These guys are sensational.”

  “They would have to audition,” the man said. “When can I hear them?”

  “When do you want to hear them?” Adam asked. “They’re busy at the recording studio at the moment, but they can take a break and come over to meet with you.”

  “I have some free time tomorrow morning,” the guy said. “Can you get them here by ten?”

  “Yes,” Adam answered. “Give me the address.”

  Sean copied the information down. “I’ll have them there by ten,” Adam said. “Thank you.” He disconnected the call and slapped hands with Sean. “We need a couple more gigs like that.”

  “I’ll have to take them shopping today for something to wear,” Luke said. “First impressions mean everything.”

  “Have you picked out something for them for the news show?” Adam asked.

  “I’m working on that, too. I might as well buy both outfits today.”


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