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Bailey, Shawn - A Lover's Concerto [Young, Hot, and Talented 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 12

by Shawn Bailey

Adam looked at his watch. It was close to lunch so it was too early to bother Tory to see what Jonas and Frankie were up to. “I’ll pick up Kalen from the nursery so you can take Jonas and Frankie shopping this afternoon. But first I need to get over to the hotel to see what’s going on.” He rose. “You guys keep working. I’ll see you later.” Adam left his office and had George drive him to the hotel.

  * * * *

  “That sounded good,” Travis said to Frankie and Jonas.

  They were in the recording studio working with the small orchestra Tory had hired, and Tory had invited a few influential friends in the music world to sit in while they rehearsed. The guys in the music booth with them were busy turning their sounds into an album.

  “Frankie, I need you to take the song from the top again,” Travis told him. “And smile a little. This is supposed to be fun.”

  It was hard to smile and play the violin at the same time. “Okay.”

  The musicians began playing again, and Frankie sung the first verse of the new song Travis had written for them. It was a rhythm and blues number…something different than what he and Jonas were used to performing.

  Jonas sang the second verse. He sounded great. Deep-voiced guys didn’t usually have problems singing songs like this, while he had dig a little deeper and try harder.

  They sounded in sync on the chorus, and Frankie simply dug the orchestra. He had gotten to know all of them and he liked working with them. They weren’t the New Orleans Symphony, but Frankie had resigned to the fact this was what he was supposed to be doing.

  Several hours later Tory called an end to the recording. “I think we have the album done. You fellows were great.”

  Frankie liked hearing that since the man had invested a good deal of money in them.

  “You’ll start working with Antoine tomorrow afternoon so you’re free to go home and relax.”

  Antoine Fredricks was their dance instructor. Frankie liked him, too. The man had some pretty smooth moves.

  Jonas was busy checking his messages as they left the recording studio and headed out to their van. “Luke is waiting for us at the office. He’s taking us clothing shopping.”

  Frankie looked at his watch. “What about Kalen?” The nursery would be dropping him off around six.

  “Adam is picking him up. He says the two of them will hang out together until we finish.”

  “Lucky Kalen,” Frankie mumbled. He’d been so busy lately that he hadn’t been able to spend any time with Adam in weeks. He climbed into the passenger side of the van.

  “Myron said hey,” Jonas told him as he climbed into the driver’s seat and put his cell phone away.

  “You need to change your cell phone number,” Frankie said sarcastically.

  “You can’t beat a guy for trying,” Jonas said as they left the parking lot and headed to Adam’s office. “Are you hungry?”

  Frankie nodded. He hadn’t had time to eat breakfast this morning, and they had worked right past lunch.

  “Call Luke and Sean and ask them if they want us to bring them something.”

  Frankie called Sean first and then Luke. Sean wanted a burger and fries, and Luke just wanted a salad. Sean also told him that Adam had gone to the hotel to check on things.

  After picking up the food Jonas headed to the office. Frankie made sure Jonas took his insulin while they waited in the fast food line earlier so it could kick in before he ate.

  Jonas had rolled his eyes at him and called him a mother hen.

  Frankie was used to Jonas calling him names, but he didn’t care as long as Jonas took his medicine.

  Sean climbed inside the SUV with them later when they went to the mall and told them about the audition with the radio station.

  “Far out,” Jonas said. “We know a thing of two about performing in parks.”

  “Then you have to wow them at the audition tomorrow,” Luke said as he drove.

  “Where are we going?” Frankie asked.

  “To the Oakwood Mall. You guys need some clothes for the audition tomorrow, and while we’re there we’ll pick out something for your television debut.”

  “Our television debut,” Frankie said. “Ooh, I heard the cameras put ten or twenty pounds on you, so maybe I shouldn’t have had that cheeseburger and malt.”

  “Yeah, your ass is fat enough,” Jonas told him.

  “Oh, you did not just go there?” Frankie argued playfully with his brother. “We can’t all be slim and trim like you.”

  Sean and Luke chuckled from the front seats at their antics.

  “I don’t think your ass is too big at all,” Luke said to Frankie. “It’s just right.”

  Frankie stopped laughing and shrank back in his seat. “Thanks.” He looked at Jonas for some help and his brother just shrugged.

  “How was your rehearsal?” Luke asked.

  “Fine,” Jonas answered. “We finished with the album.”

  “That’s great news,” Sean said.

  Frankie didn’t say anything. He was still taken aback by Luke’s comment. Though he thought about making a play for Luke before he started dating Adam, everything had changed and he wasn’t a cheat. So all comments about his ass were off-limits to Luke. That went for Myron, too.

  “What’s on your agenda for tomorrow?” Luke asked.

  “Dancing. We’ll be working with Antoine.”

  Sean chuckled. “You grew up in New Orleans. What is he going to teach you…ballroom dancing?”

  Jonas chucked. “Probably. I wonder if he knows how hard it is to dance with a guitar.”

  “Try doing it playing the violin,” Frankie said. He looked out the window trying to see the Mississippi River as they crossed the bridge. Going over large bodies of water used to make him nervous.

  Luke got over and prepared for the upcoming exit ramp. Minutes later they had found a parking spot and got out of the van.

  “In a year of so you won’t be able to walk through a mall like this without being mobbed by fans,” Luke said to them.

  “Then Adam will have to hire us bodyguards because I don’t want to be mobbed by a bunch of teeny-boppers,” Jonas said.

  For someone so young, Jonas had a lot of old sayings, Frankie thought. And, he was truly a diva.

  Luke took them into an exclusive clothing store that Frankie heard of before. The mannequins were dressed in some pretty trendy outfits.

  “What are you guys doing here?”

  Frankie turned around and saw Gerard Tyler staring at them. He looked really cute in the black pants, white dressed shirt, tie, and little name tag.

  “We came for your expertise,” Luke said. “Jonas and Frankie need something for a television appearance and for an audition with a radio station for an upcoming outdoor concert.”

  “Hmm,” Gerard said walking around them. “Their skin is so pale. They need some color to even out their tones. Let me see.”

  Gerard walked over to a rack and began looking through. “What are your sizes?”

  Frankie and Jonas told him.

  Gerard started snatching items from counters and hangers and handing them to him and Jonas. “I feel so special dressing you guys for your television debut. Maybe I should become your fashion coordinator.”

  “It’s fine by me,” Frankie said. “But you’ll have to talk to Adam.”

  He sent them both into the fitting rooms.

  Frankie changed quickly, liking the way the pants fit his bottom and digging the vest. Gerard had given him a pair of navy pants, a white shirt and a yellow sweater with a navy sailboat motif on the chest pocket. He stepped out of the fitting room to get their opinion.

  “Perfect,” Luke said, checking him out.

  Frankie shuddered. The man was doing a slow perusal of his person…front and back.

  Jonas stepped out in dark green trousers, a black shirt, and a tan sweater.

  “I like it,” Sean said. “You look like a college professor.”

  “You have some strange tastes,” Luke sai
d to Sean. “I like it, too, but they’re going to need something a little more professional for the radio station.”

  “I have just the thing,” Gerard said, dashing off. He returned several minutes later. “These just came in.” He handed both of them a hanger and sent them back into the fitting room.

  “I don’t know about this,” Frankie said as he checked out his appearance in the outfit.

  “Come out and let us see,” Sean said.

  Frankie stepped out.

  “Oh my gawd,” Gerard said. “You look smashing.”

  “You do,” Luke said.

  Jonas stepped out. “I’ve never worn anything quite like this before.”

  Frankie chuckled. “It’s you.”

  “Turn around,” Sean told Jonas.

  Jonas turned around.

  Sean kept looking at Jonas. “I love the way that faux leather hugs your butt.”

  “You would,” Frankie said. Gerard had given him brown leather pants and Jonas black. They both had matching leather jackets but different shirts. “I looked like a throw-back to the seventies.”

  “You do look groovy,” Sean said to him.

  Jonas laughed.

  “Don’t encourage him,” Frankie said to his brother.

  “Adam will go gaga when he sees you in this outfit,” Sean said.

  “Why would Adam go gaga?” Luke asked.

  Frankie ignored the question. Gaga? Really? “These pants are riding up my butt.”

  “That’s because you’re wearing the wrong underwear,” Gerard said.


  “I got just the thing.” Gerard disappeared again and came back with two boxes. He handed one to him and the other to Frankie.

  Frankie opened the box. “On my gawd. I can’t wear those.”

  Jonas looked inside his box. “I can.”

  Frankie scowled at him. “You would.”

  “And you need accessories,” Gerard said. “A couple of bracelets and some rings.”

  “I’m not wearing a bracelet,” Jonas said. “I do have some scruples.”

  Frankie shook his head. No, he really didn’t.

  “Don’t be so fussy,” Gerard said. “How about a nice watch?”

  “That’s more like it,” Jonas said.

  Sean chuckled.

  Frankie rolled his eyes. It was a good thing no one would see them but the guy at the radio station.

  “I think you should wear these outfits on television,” Luke said. “The girls will go wild.”

  Frankie gawked. If he had any friends, he would be the laughingstock of the neighborhood.

  “I think so, too,” Sean said. “Just think how cool you look when you perform in front of the cameras.”

  “I’m already cool,” Frankie said.

  “Sure you are, but that outfit will make you look even cooler.”

  Frankie doubted that. He caught Luke staring at him oddly.

  “Go change,” Gerard said to him.

  Frankie walked back into the fitting room and put his clothing back on. Jonas had beat him back out and was talking with Sean by the underwear counter. No, he was actually picking out other pairs with Sean’s help. Luke was on the phone.

  “Do you want to come over to my place this weekend for a jam session?” Gerard asked Frankie as he rang up their order.

  “I’d like that,” Frankie said. “But let me check my schedule. I signed my life away to the recording studio, and they have taken it over.”

  “Have you registered for the university yet?”

  Frankie nodded. “I’m taking a couple of online business courses first. I need to learn everything there is on managing money. I don’t want to be one of those singers who end up owing the IRS because someone mismanaged my funds.”

  “I hear you,” Gerard said. “We can order pizza and maybe watch a movie.”

  “I don’t want to take over your entire Saturday. Luke might have other plans.”

  Gerard pouted. “I don’t get to see him very much lately. He’s usually very busy.”

  “Sorry,” Frankie said.

  “It’s not your fault. It just goes with the job. What about Adam? Is he around much?”

  Frankie shook his head. He had confessed to Gerard that he and Adam were dating and asked him not to tell Luke. “No, he’s been busy, too. I think I might get a glimpse of him tonight when he drops Kalen off.”

  “He’s babysitting?”

  “Yeah, he picked Kalen up from the nursery while we shop.”

  Luke came over and paid for their purchases. “Are you ready?”

  Frankie noticed Luke didn’t kiss Gerard on try to flirt with him.

  “Yes,” Jonas answered for them.

  “I’ll see you later,” Luke said to Gerard. “We’re off to buy shoes.”

  “What’s wrong with the shoes I have?” Frankie asked Luke outside the clothing store.

  “A man can never have too many shoes,” Luke said. “I have a pair for every outfit.”

  * * * *

  “Hello, Adam.”

  Adam looked up to find Nico Washington standing in the doorway. Nico had lost some weight, had cut his hair shorter, and wore a great-looking suit that fit him like a glove. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

  Nico walked into Adam’s office at the hotel. “I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop in and say hello.” He kissed Adam on the lips and then sat down.

  “You look fantastic, not that there was anything wrong with you to begin with. What did you do?”

  “I changed my diet,” Nico answered. “I cut out red meat and sweets.”

  “Your boyfriend must love it.”

  “We’re not together anymore,” Nico said. “We broke up a couple of weeks ago.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Adam said, sitting down again.

  “I’m not,” Nico said. “He wasn’t the right guy for me. I kept trying to compare him to you.” He paused. “How are the Kerrys?”

  “They’re fine,” Adam said. “They have an audition tomorrow to perform at a festival that a radio station is hosting, and they’re going to be on the Friday morning news.”

  “It’s sounds like they’re moving up in the world. Are they still living here?”

  “No,” Adam answered. “They’ve bought a house.”

  “Did they buy a house, or did you buy it for them?”

  Uh-oh, here it comes. “Does it matter?” Adam asked. Nico had changed his appearance on the outside, but he was still catty on the inside. “They’ll never sleep on another street.”

  “Are you dating Frankie?”

  “Yes, I guess you were right.”

  “He’s just a kid, Adam. You need a man in your life.”

  “Don’t,” Adam said. “You made the call. Frankie and I are happy.”

  Nico leaned forward. “Can he make you feel as good in bed as I can?”

  Frankie never asked such questions about Nico. “Yeah, he’s very warm and loving.”

  “Yeah, but can he suck your cock like you like it? You know how you love me lick your balls.”

  “He knows what I like,” Adam answered.

  Nico chuckled. “And what are you going to do when he finds someone younger than you?”

  “That will never happen,” Adam said, getting angrier by the minute. “Frankie loves me.”

  Nico got out of his seat and walked around to the back of his desk. “Come on. I love you, too. Give the kid up. You and I are made for each other. I miss it when you thrust deep inside of me.”

  Adam’s cock refused to harden.

  Nico sat down on his lap.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m letting you feel the heat of my ass.”

  “Don’t, Nico,” Adam protested.

  Nico moved his butt around and then tried to kiss him.

  Someone cleared a throat behind them.

  “Oh shit,” Jonas said, staring at him and Nico. Sean and Luke stood next to him.

e was there, too. He just stared in disbelief.

  “It’s not what it looks like Frankie,” Adam tried to explain.

  “Oh!” Luke gasped.

  Frankie turned and ran out of the office.

  Nico stood up laughing. “I told you he was a kid.”

  “Will you please leave?” Adam said to Nico. “Frankie is never going to believe that I had nothing to do with this.”

  “I wouldn’t,” Jonas said.

  Nico sashayed to the door. “I’ll call you later, Adam.” He left.

  Adam knocked everything from his desk to the floor. “Damn.”

  “Where’s Kalen?” Jonas asked.

  Adam pointed to the door that led to the inner room of his office.

  Jonas walked past his desk and entered the room.

  Adam stood up.

  “I believe you,” Sean said.

  “Why?” Adam asked.

  Sean pointed toward Adam’s crotch.

  “When did you start dating the kid?” Luke asked.

  “Several weeks ago,” Adam answered.

  “That explains a lot.”

  Jonas walked back in with a sleeping Kalen in his arms.

  “Why do you believe me?” Adam asked Sean.

  “Because you don’t have an erection. If a guy was rubbing his ass on me like Nico was just doing you, I would have a woody. You don’t.”

  Jonas looked at Adam’s crotch. “That’s true. But Frankie won’t believe you.”

  “I better go find him,” Adam said.

  “No,” Jonas said. “You stay here. I’ll find him and try to talk some sense into him.” He left the office with Kalen. Sean followed.

  Luke remained behind.

  Adam sat down in his chair and banged his hand on the desk. Damn that Nico. He was never going to forgive him for this.

  * * * *

  Frankie had run all the way to Canal Street before he realized it. His heart felt like it was about to explode, and the tears threatened to spill. He should have seen this coming. How could Adam resist someone who looked like Nico Washington? And the bad part of all of this is that Adam had left Nico for him. Why? Life would feel a whole lot better right now if he hadn’t gone out to dinner alone with Adam that night. His heart wouldn’t be breaking, and he and Adam would still be friends. Now he didn’t know what they were.


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