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Bailey, Shawn - A Lover's Concerto [Young, Hot, and Talented 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 13

by Shawn Bailey

  Frankie heard a car horn blowing behind him as he stood on the corner. He looked in its direction and saw their SUV. How was he going to face Sean and Jonas? They’d seen everything, too.

  Jonas continued to beat on the horn, making other drivers look his way.

  Frankie started walking toward the van before Jonas got a ticket for disturbing the peace. He opened the door and climbed in. No one said a word to him. Jonas just drove away from the curb and headed home.

  Frankie didn’t even remember getting out of the SUV and walking inside. He just went straight to his room, ran a tub of water, and climbed inside. He didn’t shed one tear. Maybe this meant he was now a grown-up.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Do you think Frankie will be here?” Luke asked as he and Adam waited to go to the radio station.

  “I don’t know,” Adam said. “I haven’t talked to him since he ran out of the hotel.” Adam had told Luke everything since Luke’s livelihood at the moment depended on the Kerrys’ success. “I should have run Nico out of my office. I knew he was going to try something.”

  “Why didn’t you?” Luke asked from his seat.

  “I don’t know. I guess I kind of felt sorry because we broke up the way we did.”

  “Bad move,” Luke said. “A jilted lover is the worst kind.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Adam looked at the clock. They had an hour to make it to the radio station for the audition.

  The door opened and Sean walked in. “Good morning. We’re here.”

  “Frankie?” Adam asked.

  “He’s in the van,” Sean answered. “He hasn’t said a word, but he’s dressed and ready to audition.”

  Luke stood up. “I think you and I better take my SUV.”

  “Good idea,” Adam said. He wanted to talk to Frankie so badly his heart hurt. But he could only imagine how the younger man felt. He must be so devastated. At eighteen everything was a tragedy. Adam grabbed his briefcase and followed Sean and Luke out of the office and the building.

  Frankie didn’t even look his way when they arrived at the radio station and he got out of the van. Nor did he say anything on the way up in the elevator. He just clutched his violin case. The dark sunshades he wore probably hid his swollen eyes. He bet Frankie had been crying all night.

  The elevator door opened, and they stepped out onto the floor of the radio station. “Hello, my name is Adam Montgomery,” he said to the secretary. “We have an audition with Mr. Charles Youngblood.”

  “Yes, Mr. Montgomery,” the woman said. “Mr. Youngblood is expecting you. Just go down that hall. The studio is on the right.”

  “Thank you,” Adam said. He turned and the others followed him down the hall. Adam knocked on the door and then entered. He found two older white guys seated in an actual studio with a stage. One of the guys stood up.

  “Hello, I’m Charles Youngblood.”

  Adam shook the man’s hand. “I’m Adam Montgomery.” He introduced the others. “These are my assistants, Luke Austin and Sean Johnson. And these are the Kerrys…Frankie and Jonas.”

  Charles shook everyone’s hand. “It’s nice to meet all of you. This is Mr. John Turner. He owns this radio station. He wanted to sit in for the audition.”

  “No problem,” Adam said.

  Charles turned to Jonas and Frankie. “We’re ready when you are.”

  Frankie removed his glasses.

  Adam gazed at him. His eyes don’t look swollen. In fact, Frankie looked down right cute in his new outfit. Jonas did, too.

  Frankie and Jonas took to the stage carrying their instruments, while the rest of them sat down. And for the next half hour the Kerrys entertained them with a variety of songs from classical to a new soul number Adam hadn’t heard before. He liked it.

  Charles and John clapped when the audition ended.

  “I like them,” John said. “They’re in.”

  “Thank you,” Jonas said.

  Frankie remained quiet.

  Adam and Luke looked over the contract while the Kerrys packed their instruments.

  “I want them for this weekend,” John said. “We can pull in a young crowd if they know these two are going to perform.”

  “Do you have any publicity pictures of them we can use?” Charles asked.

  “Yes,” Luke said, opening his briefcase and taking out some photographs. “I can send them over the Internet to your publicity department, too, when I get back to the office.”

  “Excellent,” Charles said. “We need to get them to the printers as soon as possible.”

  The contract stated that the radio station would pay the Kerrys a ridiculous amount of money for performing for the two afternoons. Good, they needed this little nest egg. He, Sean, and Luke would also get paid well, too.

  Jonas and Frankie signed the contract and then audition ended.

  “I’ll get in contact with you during the week with the details,” Charles said to Adam.

  “I’m looking forward to hearing you play again,” John said to the brothers. “I love classical music.”

  It was close to noon when he and Luke returned to the office.

  Sean had taken the Kerrys out to lunch and would be dropping them at home to rest afterward. Jonas had a class he had to study for, and Frankie still hadn’t said a word to him.

  After tying up some loose ends at the office, Adam got ready to leave. “Maybe I should stop by Frankie’s and apologize,” he said to Luke.

  “He’s not at home,” Luke replied.

  “Where is he?” Adam asked.

  “He went over to Gerard’s place.”

  “How do you know this?” Adam asked.

  Luke pulled out his phone. “Gerard texted me earlier. They’re going to have a jam session. They were supposed to meet this weekend until the Kerrys got that radio gig, so Gerard invited him over today.”

  “Gerard doesn’t have to go to work?”

  Luke shook his head. “He’s off today so he can give Frankie plenty of face time.”

  Adam didn’t know if he liked that or not. “Aren’t you a bit nervous about those two being together?”

  Luke shook his head. “No. They’re friends and they’re both bottoms.”

  “Aw, Frankie’s a switch hitter,” Adam confessed. “He can wear both hats.”

  Luke looked at him curiously. “Is he any good at it?”

  Adam nodded. “He has made me come a time or two, or maybe three.”

  Luke smirked. “I trust Gerard.”

  “Okay, I trust Frankie, too. And he needs to be around someone his age.” Still Frankie was mad at him and might do something foolish. Adam grabbed his briefcase. “I’m on my way to the hotel. Don’t forget to set the alarm.”

  Luke waved good-bye to him and went back to work on some publicity pictures for the Kerrys.

  Adam got into his car and drove away from the office building. He did trust Frankie. And why would he have sex with Gerard when the two of them hadn’t officially broken up?

  * * * *

  “I’m glad you came over,” Gerard said to Frankie after their jam session ended.

  The pizza and soda had arrived, and Frankie was starving. “I’m glad I came by, too.” He’d had Jonas drop him off instead of going to lunch with him and Sean.

  “I heard about what happened between you and Adam,” Gerard said as they sat at the table in his kitchen. “I’m willing to listen if you want to talk about it.”

  “There’s nothing to discuss,” Frankie said. “It’s over.”

  Gerard chuckled. “No, it isn’t. You can’t just fall out of love that fast.”

  “I can,” Frankie insisted.

  “Luke seems to think that Adam is innocent.”

  “I know what I saw,” Frankie said. “His ex-boyfriend was sitting on his lap kissing him.”

  “Ah, the ex was kissing him, not the other way around.”

  Frankie lifted a piece of pizza out of the box. “It doesn’t matter who initiated it. Nico was on
my lover’s lap and Adam allowed it.” He bit into his food.

  Gerard took out a slice and began eating, too. “Luke flirts with a lot of guys.”

  This Frankie was well aware of. Luke had flirted with him a time or two. “Has he ever cheated on you?”

  Gerard shrugged. “I’ve never caught him at it, but I suspect he has.”

  “And you’re okay with it?”

  “I love him,” Gerard said. “I can’t get upset if I haven’t seen him humping some guy.”

  Frankie sighed. “Adam let another guy kiss him.”

  “Yes, his ex-lover whom Adam has probably kissed a thousand times before. I can understand why you want to break up with him, but I wonder if it’s worth the pain. I don’t know this Nico fellow, but I kind of think Adam’s not dumb enough to invite the man over to his hotel knowing that you were on your way over to pick up Kalen.”

  Damn, he did know everything. Frankie stopped chewing. He didn’t think Adam was that foolish either, but he knew what he saw.

  “I think you should give him a chance to explain,” Gerard said. “All relationships have problems. It would be nice to think that you can be happy in love twenty-four-seven, but life doesn’t work that way.”

  “I can’t talk to him right now,” Frankie said. “I have to have my head on right for the news show and the concerts this weekend. You are coming, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah,” Gerard said. “I wouldn’t miss it.” He paused. “Have you ever kissed any other guy besides Adam?”

  Frankie shook his head.

  “Would you like to?”

  Frankie gazed over at Gerard’s beautiful face. “Yes, but I won’t. Thanks for the offer.”

  Gerard chuckled and went back to eating his pizza. “You’re a good guy, Frankie. Adam knows that, too.”

  * * * *

  Adam kept looking at his phone, wanting to pick it up and dial Frankie’s number. But he was afraid he might get rejected. For not stopping Nico from kissing him, Adam had lost the love of his life with a stupid decision.

  He lay awake in his bed hugging the pillow Frankie usually slept on when he spent the night. He didn’t know how he was going to fix this, but he knew he should wait until next week before approaching Frankie with an apology. This weekend was too important for the Kerrys and he didn’t want to mess it up for them. If he ever got his hands on Nico, he would choke him silly.

  He chuckled weakly. His cock hadn’t even budged when Nico tried to seduce him. Did that mean that no guy could do it for him except Frankie? Damn, he was getting hard just thinking about Frankie’s kissable lips. Adam slid his hand inside his briefs and stroked his dick. He hadn’t jerked off this much since he was a teenager. Once other guys learned that he was gay they were throwing ass at him left and right. But now a curly haired moppet had emotionally neutered him. “Oh,” Adam moaned as he imagined Frankie’s mouth on his cock. He stroked faster, needing a quick release. “Ah!” he gasped as he shot cum into his palm. “Great,” Adam said aloud as he wiped his hand with a tissue. He lay back on the pillow. “I want Frankie,” he said. He didn’t know what he had to do, but he would get down on his knees, crawl, and beg Frankie to forgive him. It couldn’t end this way. He loved Frankie and Jonas and little Kalen. They were a part of his family, and he wanted them back in his life. Adam closed his eyes, hoping things would get better tomorrow.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Friday rolled around, and Frankie got out of bed at four in the morning. He and Jonas were scheduled to perform on the seven o’clock news, and he had to get showered and dressed by five or Sean was going to kill him.

  Kalen had spent the night with Amanda, and she had volunteered to drop him off at the nursery. Frankie had told Mrs. Griffith, the lady who ran the daycare that he and Jonas would be on television and that Amanda would be dropping Kalen off. Mrs. Griffith said she would make sure that Kalen and the other kids watched their performance.

  Adam and Luke met them at the television station, and the morning went by in a blur. He and Jonas went into wardrobe and makeup. Lucky for them they had a stylist on hand to fix their hair. He didn’t even have time to get nervous even though Jonas complained about his tight leather pants again.

  They were introduced at the top of the hour and placed before some cameras. All the craziness left his brain as he began to plan his violin. The next thing he knew the news anchorman was standing between him and Jonas announcing that the Kerrys would be performing at the festival tomorrow and Sunday. He guessed Luke must have done his job and told the television manager about their upcoming activities.

  And then he and Jonas sat down with the man for their first professional interview.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, the phones are literally ringing off the hooks here at the news station. My producer has informed me that people are calling in about the Kerrys. They want to know if you’re single.”

  “Yes,” both he and Jonas answered. Luke had told them how to respond if the question ever came up. He said they had to build up their fan base, and a single idol was more appealing than one in a relationship.

  Someone put a picture of Kalen on the screen behind them.

  “Who is this cutie?” the anchor asked.

  “That’s our younger brother,” Jonas answered.

  Frankie still didn’t like using Kalen in their publicity. There were too many weird people in the world.

  “We heard that you guys have been raising him since your parents died.”

  “Yes, he’s our brother and the most important person in our lives,” Frankie said.

  “You guys should be commended,” the anchor said. “I don’t know many guys your age who would give up their lives to raise a younger sibling. I heard he’s a beautiful healthy child.”

  “Hey, Kalen,” Jonas said into the television camera. “It’s me, Jonas.” He waved.

  The anchor laughed.

  “So I’ve also heard that you guys have just finished cutting your first album. Do you have any idea when it is going to be released?”

  “Tomorrow,” Frankie answered. He went through his rehearsed spiel about where the CD could be purchased.

  “I heard you guys not only play the guitar and violin, but you also play the piano,” the anchor said.

  “Yes,” Jonas answered.

  “Do you mind playing something for us?” The curtain opened, revealing two pianos.

  Frankie and Jonas rose and walked over to the pianos. The cameras followed them.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, here’s the Kerrys performing the first cut from the new album, All my Life.”

  Frankie and Jonas sat down at each of the pianos and began to play and sing.

  * * * *

  “Yes, I got in touch with the security service,” Adam said to Tory as he and Luke rode together to the recording studio. He didn’t know why Tory called since they were on their way to see him. “Yes, Luke picked out their outfits. Yes, I know Frankie looked like a hot piece of ass. Yes, I know you’re not gay and only meant it as a compliment.”

  Luke chuckled from the driver’s seat.

  Sean was following them in the SUV with the new crowned princes of New Orleans. Who knew the Kerrys would break a record at the television station for the amount of calls recorded during a live performance? Well, Tory probably knew that was why he had Adam hire bodyguards for the Kerrys. They would begin working tomorrow at the festival and would be with them the rest of their lives, or at least until their careers ended.

  They were on their way to meet with Tory about the concert and the release of the CD. Tomorrow night Tory was throwing a release party at Adam’s hotel in the ballroom. The Kerrys were now scheduled to perform the entire album for the audience, and no one could get in without an invitation. Everyone else would just have to buy the CD.

  “I’ll tell them,” Adam said. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.” He disconnected the call with Tory and telephoned Sean.

  “Yeah, this is Sean.”

  “I k
now who the hell this is. This is Adam. Tory wanted me to tell the Kerrys congratulations.”

  “They hear you,” Sean said. “They’re in the back of the van changing. Jonas said the leather pants chafed his delicate skin.”

  Adam laughed. “Well, Tory liked the way they look in leather. Don’t be surprised if he doesn’t order more outfits like those.”

  He heard a combined groan in the background.

  “Congratulations, fellows. You’re on your way to the big time.” He disconnected the call before he started crying and begging to speak to Frankie. He promised himself he’d give him time to breathe. He was okay just being near Frankie. It was his penalty for what he let Nico do.

  They arrived at the recording studio. The employees and staff clapped as they entered.

  Tory had champagne waiting for them, and Frankie and Jonas got sparkling cider.

  “We’re shooting a video at the festival tomorrow,” Tory informed them. “And on Monday you’ll start working on another video for the CD release. Tory looked the Kerrys over. “Why did you guys change? The leather suits looked good on you. Luke, buy Frankie a red suit like the one he had on today and get one for Jonas in navy.”

  Jonas looked like he was about to faint.

  “Okay, Luke said. “I’ll take them shopping later.”

  “I hired them a wardrobe person this morning. You have good tastes in fashion, Luke and I want you to work with him.”

  “Okay,” Luke said again.

  “They’re going to need something to wear to the release party tomorrow since they’re going to be performing on stage for the crowd. They need something faddish so they can dance the night away.”

  Tory was in good form, Adam noted. The man knew he had superstars in the making contracted with his company now.

  “And I hope I don’t have to remind you guys that image is everything. No kissing or dancing with boyfriends during the concert or at the party.”

  “We know,” Jonas said. “Sean and I will just have to have mad sex after the festival and again after the release party.”


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