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Page 3

by Jordan Silver

  This could only mean one thing… “Hey Brianna.” I could’ve played the game, told her Crystal wasn’t here and gone through the whole spiel, but she had that hungry as fuck look in her eye again and my cock was already on the scent. He’d been waiting, the fuck, barely giving me a moment’s peace.

  Maybe now my shit could get back to normal and I would stop scenting her pussy everywhere I turned, because sure as the sun was setting, I was going in that pussy tonight, no ifs ands or buts.

  I opened the door wider for her to pass under my arm before closing and locking it. She walked ahead of me back into the den. “Can I have one of those?” she turned and pointed at my beer. She was nervous as hell but that’s okay, she got this far I’ll take care of this rest.

  “Nope.” I took one more swig as I kept my eyes on hers. In my head I was already plotting out my course of action. I had to at least eat the pussy first before I fucked because no doubt my monster was going to fuck her shit up. I wonder if I could keep her here the whole weekend?

  “What why, my parents let me have one all the time.” She was still on the beer. She pouted those beautiful bee-stung lips at me, and barely escaped being taken down right then and there. What the hell was it about her that lit my burners? Yes she was gorgeous, but I’ve had that before. Was it the fact that she was young? I don’t know, whatever it was I was all in.

  “That maybe all well and true but I want you to have a clear head for this.” She blushed and took a step back as her hand fluttered up to her chest. I rested the half empty bottle down on the closest table and advanced on her.

  “A clear head for what?” She swallowed hard enough for me to hear and her eyes went to half-mast. She might’ve been just a little afraid of what she’d set off, but her heat was already rising up to my nose.

  “When I fuck you in about ten minutes. Come.” It didn’t even enter my mind that I might’ve misread the situation, and that little telltale hitch in her breathing told me more than words; that and the pinpoints of her nipples as they pressed against the material of her top.

  I held my hand out for hers and led her to my bedroom and the sea of bed waiting there. “You ever did this before?” I canned the jealousy that question awakened, because that shit didn’t even make any sense. Suddenly I wanted all her firsts to be mine, I wanted to own the being standing in front of me the way I never wanted to before.

  For the past week she’d walked in my dreams, plagued me at all hours of the day and night and made for some hot and heavy me time sessions. I knew she’d fucked with my program when none of the pussy on my roster appealed. I didn’t want a fill-in, I wanted the real deal and now here she was.

  She shook her head no, but the slight tremble in her body and the blush that ran from her cheeks to her chest had already told me that she was green. I let my finger trail the heat of her skin as I tried for patience. If I did what I wanted to her, she wouldn’t walk straight for a fucking week. It was best if I gave myself some time to cool the fuck down.

  That shit lasted for as long as it took for me to get her out of that scrap of a top. Her fucking tits bounced into sight and I was on her before the material hit the floor. I sucked her plump nipple into my mouth hard enough to make her legs twitch. She was close enough that all I had to do was lower her to the bed and follow her down.

  “Open your legs.” I helped her spread her legs with her pussy still encased in those scandalous shorts so that I could fit between them. I pressed my cock into her pussy and ground into her as I milked her tit. It had been a while since a woman made me growl, this girl, I had the feeling she was going to have me howling at the fucking moon before long.

  I ate at her tits until my cock juice was staining the front of my shorts and hers, and her pussy’s scent was more than tickling my nose. “You ready for this? Be ready for this.” I helped her pull off the shorts, which I threw far away with thoughts of finding her something else to wear later.

  Those shits were a walking advertisement and if things turned out the way I hoped, what she was advertising will no longer be for sale. The little next to nothing panties were next to go and I took the time to appreciate the fact that she came dressed to impress.

  “Umm, smell that pussy.” She jumped when I ran my nose along the crease of her thigh. She was one of those sensitive types; this ought to be fun. “I’m going to examine your pussy to test the strength of your hymen.”

  I had to make sure she didn’t have one of those thick layers of skin that was a bitch to break through. I didn’t want to have to use my fingers to break her in, I wanted that first blood on my cockhead, this shit meant something to me. I wasn’t sure exactly what, but I knew the fact that she’d been on my mind for more than five minutes since we met and we hadn’t even fucked yet, said a hell of a lot.

  I dropped my shorts while kneeling on the floor between her legs. One look at my shit and she would be out the door. I spread her open with both thumbs and inhaled the bouquet. Her pussy was pretty, unblemished. I could see her virginity when I opened her pink gash and the pre-cum leaked from my cock and hung in a string to the floor.

  “Down boy, I want her on my tongue first, you’ll have to wait your turn.” I wasn’t shy about talking out loud in front of her, I like a little conversation with my fucks. I was sure I’d have her onboard with that before long. Unless I’d lost my touch, and I was pretty sure that wasn’t the case.

  Before I made another move, as much as I wanted to devour, I took the time to appreciate her body. She was fuck fine. Five foot two of compact abs and tight ass with those tits that had to be a DD; on her tiny frame they looked massive.

  They felt amazing in my mouth too. Her pussy wasn’t completely bald, she had shaved it in a cute little strip that led from the clit to her Mons. The rest of it was smooth to the touch like she’d taken the time to take care of it before coming to offer herself to me. I appreciated shit like that and thought she should know.

  “You have a pretty little pussy.” I didn’t tell her that I was actually measuring her to see how much damage my dick was gonna do to her. I knew there was no way to avoid a little discomfort this first time. Who am I kidding? A lot of discomfort, but if I could spare her some I would.

  “Has anyone ever played with your pussy before baby? You can tell daddy, don’t be shy.” I don’t know where that shit came from it just slipped out, but it seemed to fit and didn’t freak her out none, so I left it.

  “A little.” Her voice was strained because unbeknownst to me I had grabbed her thigh none too gently at her answer. I was surprised at my reaction. “Who, who touched you?” I found myself spreading her pussy lips open again to make sure that peace of flesh was really there. That was mine, I don’t know why the fuck I felt so strongly about it, but I was. “Just a boy I knew.”

  “Where is he, who is he?” I was up on the bed at her side leaning over her with my hand around her throat, not hurting, but the threat was there. “He’s no one, just someone I knew.” I started to ask her how long ago but decided to squash it, as long as she knew that after today no one was to go anywhere near what’s mine we’ll be fine.

  I slid my hand between her thighs and cupped her heat. “When I fuck this it belongs solely to me. There will be no other fingers or anything else inside you after today.” I let my fingers sink inside her and started the slow process of finger fucking her to orgasm. “Scream into my mouth.” I caught her just as she was about to go off and she screamed sweetly into my lungs as I thrummed her clit and fucked her tight pussy with my fingers.

  I licked her juices off my fingers but that wasn’t enough, it had only awakened my thirst. I climbed down off the bed again and knelt at her feet, spreading her legs wider so that my shoulders would fit. “I want you to play with your tits, that’s a good girl. Daddy loves your tits, pull them, harder, that’s it, now try to get your nipple in your mouth.” Her tits were big enough she could do it, all she had to do was lift her head a little bit.

  I looked down
at her pussy that was glistening with her juices and my mouth watered. “Tell me if I hurt you.” I didn’t offer to stop, why lie, but I would ease up if she complained. The first taste of her on my tongue I knew she was gonna own me. There’re some things in life you just know, and the young tasty pussy in front of me was going to rule my fucking life for the rest of my days.

  It wasn’t just the taste, it was the feeling like a bomb detonating in my chest at the feel of her, the way she was so vulnerable and trusting in my bed. I closed my eyes and drowned in her essence. She let go one of her tits so she could grab my hair as she fucked herself on my tongue.

  Her body moved on its own accord as I sunk my tongue deeper while letting my nose play with her clit. “Ohhhh, ooohhhh, yessss.” Good, she was noisy, I like that shit, she was about to get a hell of a lot noisier.

  I didn’t want to prolong this first introduction, didn’t want the fear of losing her virginity to rear its ugly head. Plus the fact that if my dick got any harder he would destroy her. I took one last lick of her fat cunt lips and eased my fingers inside up to her hymen.

  I fingered her sweet pussy while sucking her clit into my mouth. She had one of those protruding pudendum with the large clit that stuck out of its hood. Which meant she was extra sensitive and would love to fuck. How the fuck had she made it to eighteen with her pussy in tack?

  She came a fuck load in my mouth and screamed the house down while smashing my face into her pussy with the strong hold she had on my head. “Fuck this is going to be good.” I stroked my cock to let him know it was his turn next. “I want you to spread your legs as wide as you can for me babygirl. Daddy’s going to fuck your little pussy now.” She used her hands to hold her legs open for me as I got up on the bed.

  I slid up between her thighs and kept my body close so there would be no peeping. “Kiss me babygirl.” We had fallen into some sort of routine here. I was daddy and she was my babygirl, somehow it didn’t have any of the negative connotations I’d always associated with such things, and she seemed to have a very strong reaction to being called that.

  “Are you my babygirl?” I tested it out by whispering those words in her ear right before nibbling it.

  “Yes, yes I am.” Her body was trembling and her legs rubbed against the outside of mine as I settled myself.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, it’s going to hurt I won’t lie to you. I’m a big man and you’re a virgin with a tight little pussy. No don’t tense up you’re mine now I’m gonna take care of you always.” With that I took my cock in hand and ran the fat head against her pussy’s slick opening. She hummed in her throat and pushed up against me; so I used my cockhead to tease her slit to her clit and back.

  “You ready to fuck?” she nodded but there was a hint of fear there. The heat of her pussy was almost scalding when I slipped the first inch inside. She was so tight my cockhead was already stretching her open and that wasn’t even half as big as my base.

  This was going to be one hell of a tight fit. My cock almost shot off at the thought. “Brianna, baby, you have got the tightest pussy, fuck, hold on.” I let her dig her nails in my shoulders as she took the massive cock that looked like it was splitting her in two.

  I had to take my time, couldn’t fuck all the way into her like I wanted to, but it was tough holding back. I used little short jabs back and forth, opening her up more with each stroke. Her pussy was grabbing at my cock even as it was fighting me with its tightness.

  “Hold on.” I knew I was going in on this last stroke, already I was about to cum and I hadn’t even breeched the walls as yet. “Look at me while I take you.” I don’t know why I felt the need to have her staring into my eyes and me hers at the precise moment I took her innocence, but I knew I had to.

  Her eyes were fever bright with lust and pain as I lowered my head to take her lips. I whispered words of encouragement in her ear as I felt her tremble with fear. “I won’t hurt you any more than is necessary, but I promise after this first time it will never hurt again. Thank you for waiting for me.”

  “Owwww.” She screamed out loud and there tears in her eyes, tears but also determination as I hit her hymen. I held her eyes with mine as I reared back and slammed through her barrier and still I wasn’t all the way in.

  She screamed and bucked and tried to throw me off but I held her pinned beneath me with my much bigger body.

  “Shh, I know, I know, it’ll get better soon baby I promise.”

  I tried easing my dick out and going back in slow but it was no use, her pussy was just too tight. I started taking soft jabs into her pussy while thumbing her clit. Her pussy clamped down in climax and her thick juices made it easier for me to slide in deeper.

  I was gritting my teeth hard enough to crack them to keep myself in check. When I finally got past the hallway point I relaxed a little and gave her time to get used to me. my dick was too thick to go any farther so I started to slow fuck her with the eight or so inches that were inside her tight cunt.

  She started pumping her pelvis up against mine and making these fuck me noises in her throat. I fucked her with her tight ass in my hands, pulling her harder onto my cockmeat. She was really getting into it now, slamming her pussy up to me, digging her nails into me while chanting daddy-daddy-daddy.

  Her body grew hot as fuck both inside and out as her pussy pulsed and sucked around my cock. She arched deeply and her pussy sucked another inch of my fat cock into he r depths but no more. I made sure to hit her clit with each stroke for added pleasure as I took her tit into my mouth again.

  The sound that came out of her mouth then had me pulling back in shock. “Fuck me!” I could only stare down at her and hold on for the ride as she fucked herself harder and harder on my cock.

  When her body stopped shaking from what had to be the most intense orgasm I’d ever seen a woman have, I couldn’t help peppering her little face with kisses and heaping praise on her head for having the most amazing fucking pussy in creation. And I hadn’t even plumbed her depths yet. Fuck.

  “You okay babygirl? Gimme your tongue.” I suckled her tongue and her pussy went off again. This girl was super excited and her pussy was on fire. We shared a ling heated kiss of passion as I moved my cock in and out of her slowly, then faster. She mewled into my mouth and wrapped her legs tighter around me, trying to pull me deeper inside her cunt.

  She did some kind of clutch and release thing with her cunt walls and something that had not happened to me since I was a very young man new to fucking occurred, I started to cum before I was ready. I drew her body in closer to mine while my cock pulsed inside her. Maybe this was for the best; maybe if I offloaded in her pussy first it would make it easier for her to take all of me.

  I wasn’t about to go soft any time soon anyway. So I pulsed my first batter of baby making cum inside her pussy while I tongue fucked her mouth. My dick slid in deeper, mission accomplished and her little arms and legs wrapped around me like she’d never let me go.

  Chapter 4


  That night after I’d breeched her for the first time, and after kicking myself in the ass for cumming inside her unprotected pussy, I took her into the bath and took care of her. It came so naturally, although I’d never done this shit before with anyone.

  She seemed to need a lot of cuddle time, which I was more than happy to give her as I sat behind her in the tub and washed her hair. “I want you again, are you too sore?” She turned her mouth up to mine in answer and I just lifted her there in the warm water and sat her down on my cock.

  She laid her head on my chest and we just sat like that for a while with my cock dancing inside her as her pussy flexed on my rod. I could feel my dick getting longer and harder and pretty soon it wasn’t enough to just sit still anymore. “Let’s fuck.”

  I pushed her back so I could reach her tits while guiding her hips with one hand. “You’re so big daddy.” My cock grew another inch at her words as I palmed her tits and tried to let her do the fucking this t
ime so she could take as much or as little of me as she wished.

  “You want daddy to cum in your tight little pussy again?” I loved the danger of it, for some reason the guy who always wore a rubber, was willing to take that chance. In fact if I were honest, I think there was a ghost of a whisper of me wanting to breed her on purpose. I’ll have to take that shit out and examine it later.

  I like the sounds she makes when I’m inside her. The way her body reacts to mine, to my nearness. For some reason, I was more in tuned with her than I’d ever been with anyone else before. I knew what was happening, felt it happening, and just let myself fall headlong into it with her.

  The walls of her pussy clung to my dick making it almost next to impossible to fuck in and out of her. that’s because the more we fucked the harder my dick got. “Your scent is driving me mad.” I left her tits long enough to kiss her swollen lips as she sped up her movements on my cock.

  When she came and was breathing heavily into my mouth, I lifted her off my dick and stood her up over me. “Hold on to the wall.” She leaned over as she looked down at me, wondering what I was gonna do next. I didn’t leave her wondering long.

  I licked her pussy, all that juice she’d just releases with her last cum and sucked her clit into my mouth, making her cry out and hump my face.

  Spreading her pussy open I made love to her inner and outer lips. I was being as tender as I could because I knew what was coming next. It might’ve been the gentlemanly thing to do, to leave her alone for tonight seeing as how I’d just torn her hymen, but I’m a realistic fuck if nothing else and that shit wasn’t about to happen.

  I fucked her pussy with my stiff tongue making her cream all over my face. My fist was wrapped around my cock pumping up and down but not enough to bring me off, no way. all my cum was for her tonight. She came in my mouth and her body slumped forward into the wall. “Stay where you are.”


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