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Page 4

by Jordan Silver

  I slid out from under her in the cooling water and stood behind her. That ass, fuck, it was gonna take a whole tube of lube to get in there since she’d been so tight on my finger, but there was no way I was passing that up. Maybe not tonight though.

  I caressed her perfect globes, pale and plump. My cock was searching, nosing around between her spread thighs as she leaned against the marble wall. “I can’t…” Her voice was weak and there were tears of exhaustion. “Yeah you can.” I held her hips in my hands and led my cock up into her pussy at an angle. “Push back for me babygirl, that’s it, that’s it.”

  I watched my angry looking cock split her pink pussy lips as I slid into her nice and slow. It was getting easier to gain entry now that she was all lubed up from the tongue fucking. I wrapped one arm around her middle and the other over her tits to hold her in place for the power fucking I was about to unleash on her.

  She started moaning from the first stroke and didn’t stop until I was offloading in her sweet pussy again. I let the water out with my cock still in her, pulled out, turned her around in my arms and slid back in before turning on the showerhead.

  We stood under the streaming water for what felt like forever while I slow fucked her as she laid limp in my arms. Her body might’ve had enough but her pussy never stopped milking my cock. It was the most intense fucking experience of my life, pun intended.


  That night we fucked like we were the last two people on earth. Yes fucked because that’s what the fuck we did. We made love maybe once or twice, but that night was more about a branding than anything else. In my opinion when a man’s gonna put him stamp on what’s hit to keep other motherfuckers at bay, he can’t go soft.

  She got her loving in between, but the night was all about me showing her who her daddy is. If the multiple fucks didn’t get the message across the shit I whispered to her while I was balls-deep should do the job. There was no question who she belonged to, and whose pussy she had between her thighs. Whatever was going to come will come, but that pussy was on lock.

  We came up with a scheme to keep her in my house and in my bed that whole weekend, and from the ease of it I kinda got the idea that her family life was a little lax. I didn’t really care right then, I just wanted to have more of her and now I was going to have the whole weekend. More than enough time.

  We didn’t want to leave the house, didn’t want to be around people, so we stayed in and got to know each other in more ways than one. We fell into the daddy babygirl roles as if we were made for them and I found that I liked taking care of her, liked knowing that she was mine.

  I taught her all the ways in which to please me while learning what made her hot enough to try to break off my dick with her tight hot pussy. She liked being eaten out from behind while she was on her hands and knees, as much as she liked my finger in her ass.

  By the end of that second night she was able to take two fingers up her ass as I was preparing her slowly but surely for my cock. She learned to talk dirty while I was balls-deep in her little post virgin snatch, and when she realized how hot that shit made me she upped the ante on my ass. Sometimes just the shit she said would have me ready to shoot off.

  I taught my little girl everything there was to know about fucking and lovemaking. “Fucking is fun baby, lovemaking is a whole other realm.” She didn’t know the difference so I showed her, and by the time I was spilling my third or fourth ounce of jizz in her unprotected womb, there were tears in her eyes.

  I learned that she loved to fuck when she was in a certain mood, so we usually started shit off with two rounds of hard fucking before I calmed her little high school ass down long enough to get some loving in. Lucky for us both I could go all night, especially with her as my incentive.

  Her body was a mess of black and blue love bites all over her skin from her neck to her pussy lips, which I’d sucked between my teeth until I marked her there too. Let anyone else go sniffing around my pussy, there was no doubt that shit was bagged and tagged.

  My cock had never been so fucking happy in his life, all she had to do was roll over in bed in the morning and I was in her. In fact I spent that whole weekend watching her sleep so I could pounce as soon as her eyes flickered open. That’s when I wasn’t sucking her pussy until she woke up with my tongue already buried in her cunt and a finger or two in her ass.

  The only time we weren’t fucking or making out is when we were eating. We hardly slept and even in the shower I was inside her. She spent the whole weekend impaled on my cock in one way or another and sometimes she cried for the pain in her sore pussy so I’d lay her back somewhere, whether it was the floor, the kitchen counter or even the wall, and eat her little pussy until she came on my tongue. It was no use though because as soon as I tasted her thick pussy juice I was forcing my cock back into her again.

  As with all things, that idyllic weekend came to an end. For the next few weeks we snuck away every chance we got. She’d leave school at lunch and I’d leave work and we’d meet at my place and fuck the hour away. She’d had a few sleepovers with my daughter, during which she’d sneak into my room when the others were down for the night. We were almost caught the night before in fact…


  “Shh, you have to be quiet or I’ll stop.” I covered her mouth with my hand as I fucked into her in the dark. The only light was the paleness of the moon as it shone through my bedroom window. I had been half asleep when she snuck into my bed. I hadn’t been expecting her tonight, since a few of her friends were here as well.

  We’d flirted with each other under the unknowing eyes of the others all night, and I’d even been able to cop a feel here and there without anyone being the wiser. It was risky but I couldn’t help myself, and neither could she. It was like we’d grown addicted to each other. I even managed to finger her pussy at the kitchen table during the dinner of grilled burgers I’d thrown together for them.

  She wasn’t too pleased when some of the others started vying for my attention, but if she’d been paying attention instead of being eaten up by the green eyed monster, she would’ve noticed that I wasn’t reciprocating,

  I only had eyes for her. On the other hand, my daughter’s reaction to her friends’ antics convinced me that I was right to hold off telling her. She was not amused to say the least.

  I was half asleep when I felt a warm body crawl into my bed. I knew it was my babygirl because of the way she knew to go right for my dick. She thought I was asleep when she crawled in between my legs and fondled my balls the way I’d taught her.

  She licked and sucked them into her mouth one after the other before licking up my shaft. My cock was already weeping by the time she covered the slit with her tongue and licked, before sucking my cockhead into her sweet mouth.

  My hand coming down to guide her head on my rod let her know that I was awake and enjoying the show. Especially after she threw off the sheet and I saw her pale ass cocked in the night like she was waiting for me to stick it from behind.

  “Bring my pussy over here.” I smacked her ass lightly until she twisted around and planted her knees on either side of my head so I could lick up into her pussy. I held my too large cock in place with my hand around the base so she could suck me off while I ate her pussy out.

  My tongue found its rhythm and she was soon riding my tongue like a dick and creaming my face. We came together, me filling her mouth with my first heavy load while she squirted into my mouth.

  I flipped her around and sat her on my cock, which was still hard and she sighed with pleasure. My hands went into action; one going straight for her tit while the fingers of the other went to her clit.

  “Fuck yourself babygirl take what you need.” Her pussy was like a furnace, all the flirting and secret touches right under everyone’s nose had turned her on I could tell and I had to grab ahold of her hips to keep her from hurting herself.

  “Shh, shh, it’s okay baby take your time.” She gets like this sometimes and I’m never quite s
ure what’s going on inside her head. Once she told me her urgency stems from fear of losing me, I figured that’s what was going on now.

  “I’m not going anywhere baby, you’ll never lose me, never.” I sat up beneath her and sucked her plump nipple into my mouth while fucking my dick up inside her hard, but not hard enough to shake the bed. I was very aware of the other occupants in the house and it kind of added a new element to our lovemaking. “I need you daddy.”

  “I’m right here babygirl right here.” I held her closer as her body seemed to shake. I tried pushing her back to look into her face but she became a clinging vine and wrapped herself around me. “No daddy, just hold me.” I held my baby tight and whispered in her ear until she calmed down a little.

  “Fuck me daddy, I want to be fucked.” She had fast learned the difference between my fucking and my lovemaking, and since she’d seemed to need it I was making love to her even though I was so hot I wanted to fuck into her like a stallion with his mare. But now that she seemed to be over whatever it was that was bothering her…

  I lifted her off my dick and put her on her knees before getting up behind her. “I’m gonna eat your pussy some more.” She wagged her ass at me egging me on. I spread her fat pussy lips open and dug in with my tongue. She bit into the pillow and grabbed the sheets when I eased two fingers into her ass hole while tonguing her pussy to orgasm.

  When she was nice and primed I rose up behind her and slammed my cock home. Her body jerked hard once and she came all over my cock. Her screams were barely muffled by the pillow, and I was two steps away from not giving a fuck. I can see why some men lose their fucking minds over pussy, hers was sure to make me stupid as fuck.

  “You good?” I leaned over her back so I could feel her nod her head in the dark, before I started power driving into her young upturned pussy for all I was worth. There was something about the others being here, about that element of almost being caught that was making us both out of control.

  “I’m gonna fuck this pussy so hard you’re gonna beg for mercy, but you have to keep quiet and don’t wake the others or I’ll pull out.” She nodded her head and bit the sheet as I went to work on her pussy, but then she got loud.

  That’s when I threatened to stop fucking her if she didn’t quiet the fuck down. She got her shit together and only soft groans and whimpers could be heard coming out of her as I let her have the full force of my dick.

  I knew I had to be hurting her little pussy, she was still so fucking tight and her pussy didn’t seem to ever want to stretch. Add the fact that she makes my dick harder and longer than it’s ever gotten before and well there you have it.

  “I’m gonna cum in you now ready?” She nodded in the dark and her pussy clenched around my dick trying to empty my balls. My back locked up as I started spurting up inside her. I actually felt the velocity of that shit as it left my dick and wondered how the fuck it wasn’t coming out the top of her head.

  We should’ve left it there, we’d already skirted close to the edge as it was with so many people in the house, but neither of us were willing to let the other one go. I ran a bath in the en suite bathroom, part of my ritual after having her. Like I said, her home life wasn’t much and because of the secret nature of our relationship, I tried to make it up to her in other ways.

  Taking her from my bed, I laid her in the warm water filled with bubbles after she released me from the lip-lock she had me in. I grabbed the soft washcloth and starting at her feet, bathed her. Of course there were stolen kisses and hidden touches beneath the water that led to more, and before you know it I was fingering her to orgasm while I sucked on her tongue.

  I took her from the water and back to my bed where the sheets were almost off the bed from our earlier round. Laying her back on the bed, I buried my head in her freshly washed pussy for a taste. She rode my tongue like a good girl and begged me to fuck her. “Make love to me daddy.”

  Climbing up her body, I teased her pussy with my cock, running it up and down her slit until her fat clit was stiff and standing at attention. When she started keening in her throat in heat I decided to take it easy on her and slid inside. We both liked missionary, and since it was the best position for lovemaking, we usually gravitated to it when that was the mood we were in.

  I held her as close as our bodies would allow, with my face buried in her neck as my cock rubbed against her pussy walls, slamming into her cervix with each stroke. “Can you feel that baby? feel how hard you make me?”

  “Uh-huh.” She was throwing her pussy back up at me hard and I tried to slow her down by taking slow sweet thrusts into her hot cunt. That’s when I heard footsteps outside my door. Next came my daughter’s voice calling out for me. “Dad, are you up?” Her voice was a whisper and I knew she wouldn’t open my door without an invite.

  I didn’t know whether to feign sleep and answer or what. Brianna and I had both stopped moving at the first sound of her voice, but I noticed something amazing. The pussy under me was cumming and cumming hard. She was getting off on the threat of being caught. “What is it sweetheart?” I made my voice as tired as I could make it as I started moving again.

  “Oh never mind dad night-night.” she moved off back down the hallway towards her room. “That was close.” I pushed her hair back and looked down into her fever bright eyes as I started fucking in earnest, it seems she wasn’t the only one excited by the prospect of being caught in the act. “Fuck me daddy, fuck me hard.”

  She attacked my mouth as her pussy tried to break my cock off at the root. She thrashed beneath me in the throes of an intense orgasm that had her lifting me with her body. I fucked into her hard enough to take her back down to the bed and then proceeded to fuck her unmercifully.

  We were like two wild things as we rolled around on the bed, her nails drawing blood down my back as my cock did it’s best to fuck her into oblivion. Each time I thought my dick was done for the night, that he couldn’t possibly go another round, she’d turn those big brown eyes on me and my cock would spring the fuck back up.

  Or she’d stretch and open her legs showing me her fresh fucked pussy with my seed oozing out of her and I’d fall on her like a starving beast. It was without a doubt the most erotic night of my life so far, and I knew it was because of her and what she made me feel.

  I didn’t want to let her go anymore than she wanted to leave, but we couldn’t risk it. “You have to go babygirl, thanks for coming to see me.” I kissed all over her face as she wrapped her strong young legs around me. “One more.” I whispered the words as I slipped into her, ignoring the soreness in my dick as her hot juices coated me.

  By the time she crawled out of my bed the sun was already coming up and we were both tired as fuck. I ate her pussy one last time in the shower before sending her on her way back to her friends who were none the wiser I hope. I still didn’t know what my daughter had been after.

  Chapter 5


  Now as I lay here on the edge of my bed going over all that had happened between us in the last few weeks, I knew something was gonna have to break soon. She was getting restless I could tell. She needed me as much as I needed her, and this having to separate at night was fast losing its appeal.

  I was doing this shit for my daughter yes, but was it really fair to Brianna? My heart actually hurt for that girl, something I’d never experienced before. I think after the teenage fatherhood thing I’d put my emotions on lock, it was as if I already had a family, me and my kid, and I wasn’t looking for any more permanence in my life.

  I’d made Crystal my whole life, even when she was only spending weekends with me, and now there was something else that I wanted; something that I knew was going to cause a riff between us.

  Brianna felt like I was choosing sides, choosing my daughter over her. Either she was too young to understand, or that jealousy streak I’d sensed in her to rival mine was rearing its head. She refused to listen, and the more we fucked, the more obsessive she became. I couldn’t bl
ame her I wasn’t much better.

  We’d become each other’s drug of choice, every free moment was spent together and we’d already started taking chances to be together. I felt like an ass with the sneaking around shit, but my daughter’s abandonment issues were never too far from my mind.

  The problem was, my woman had issues of her own and she was looking for me to have the answers. No matter what, she was staying with me though, that much I was sure of.

  In the short time since we’d met, I ‘d gone through a drastic change. Where before I shied away from anything even resembling commitment, I was now obsessed with way of tying her to me permanently. The shit scared me because I knew that I was willing to lose a lot to keep her. That shit made me feel like the worse fucking human being on earth, but it’s what is.

  One day my daughter will grow up and start a life of her own away from me, what then? Would I look back on this as a lost opportunity? Fuck that, it will never happen, there’s no way I would ever let Brianna go, she’s in my blood.

  We’d already talked about our future together. She is gonna stay local and go to college here, because there was no way I was letting her out of my sight for four fucking years. I couldn’t go a whole day without seeing her, and my possessiveness was out of control.

  I didn’t even want her smiling at another man. I’d become this whole other person since meeting her. A man who had thoughts of keeping his woman all to himself and not sharing her with anyone, not even her friends. I don’t know what the fuck that was.

  I knew I wasn’t worried about the age thing, it worked for us, but just the thought of some other dick sniffing around her was enough to make my ass postal.

  We had our first fight over that shit about a week ago. The way shit was going you’d think we’d been together for years instead of a few weeks, but that’s how intense we were.


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