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Nathan Wolfe: Wolfe Brother’s Series, Book Two

Page 3

by Lynn, Sandi

  I inhaled a deep breath as I sat down in one of the high back gray leather chairs. A moment later, a tall and handsome man entered the room.

  “Allison, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Elijah Wolfe.” He held out his hand.

  Standing up, I placed my hand in his.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Wolfe.” I smiled.

  “My mother will be joining us in a few minutes,” he spoke as he sat down in the seat across from me and opened up the file folder he had in his hand. “You previously worked for Roth & Associates in Chicago?”


  “May I ask why you left?”

  “I needed to move back to New York.” I folded my hands on the table.

  “Sorry I’m late. You must be Allison. I’m Caitlin Wolfe. It’s so nice to meet you.” A smile crossed her face as she extended her hand to me.

  “Likewise, Ms. Wolfe.”

  “Your father has told me a lot about you. I want to say how sorry I am for your loss.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate it.” I could feel the sting of tears rising.

  “Loss?” Elijah looked at me.

  “The reason I moved back to New York, Mr. Wolfe, was because my husband passed away a year ago. I grew up here and my family is here.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss, Miss Price.”

  “I gave your boss, Harry, a call the other day and he had nothing but stellar things to say about you. He was quite upset that you quit. He also told me that he offered you a substantial pay raise to stay and you turned it down,” Caitlin spoke.

  “That’s because I needed to move back here. Not just for me, but for my daughter.”

  “You have a daughter?” Elijah asked.

  “Yes. She’s nine years old.”

  “I have a six-month-old daughter at home, and as a parent, I would also put her best interests first.”

  I gave him a small smile. “Both sets of her grandparents are here as well as her uncle. She needs to be surrounded by her family.”

  “I agree.” He softly smiled.

  “And family is very important. I don’t know what I’d do without my boys. I think you’re a perfect fit for our firm,” Caitlin said. “If you accept the position, you’ll be working under Elijah. He’ll show you how we do things around here.” She smirked. “Also, if you accept the position, we’ll need you to start right away. Say, tomorrow at nine a.m. Would that be a problem?”

  “No. Not at all.” I grinned.

  “Excellent.” Elijah smiled.

  “Perfect.” Caitlin stood up and extended her hand. “Welcome to Wolfe & Associates.”

  “Thank you. Thank you so much.” I lightly shook her hand.

  “Elijah will go over everything with you, introduce you to the staff, and show you your office. In the meantime, I have a meeting with a client.”

  Chapter 7


  I opened my eyes to the sound of a text message coming through on my phone. Grabbing it off the nightstand, I saw I had a text from Mason.

  “Bro, I’ll swing by your place around one and we can go get our tuxedos.”

  Looking at the time, it was ten a.m.

  “I’m just getting up and heading for a run. Care to join me?”

  “Can’t bro. Amelia is still here and we’re having breakfast. Another time.”

  “I take it your date went well then.”

  “I’ll tell you about it later.”

  Climbing out of bed, I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a tank. Walking into the bathroom, I splashed some cold water on my face, fixed my hair and then brushed my teeth. After putting on my sneakers, I glanced at the island where the paper sat that I wrote on last night. Grabbing it, I folded it and placed it in my pocket. Stepping inside the elevator, I pushed the button to the lobby. It stopped on the twenty-second floor. When the doors opened, that same little girl stood there and narrowed her eye at me.

  “You again,” she spoke as she stepped inside.

  “My feelings exactly, kid. Why do we keep running into each other? And why is it you’re always by yourself?”

  “I’m going down to the art room. My grandma is on the phone and said she’ll be down in a minute. She’s going to paint a picture with me.”

  “Where’s your mom?”

  “She’s at a job interview.”

  “Ah. Hopefully she gets the job. Today’s your lucky day.”

  “Why is that?” She looked up at me.

  Reaching in my pocket, I pulled out the folded piece of paper.

  “Here’s the list of everyone that lives in the building.”

  With a narrowed eye, she took it from me, unfolded it, read it, and then handed it back to me.

  “I can’t believe you actually did that,” she laughed as the doors opened to the lobby and we both stepped out.

  “I did it to prove to you that I’m not a liar.”

  “Why do you have to prove anything to a nine-year-old?” She continued laughing as she walked towards the art room.

  “Listen here, you little brat. It’s obvious your mother hasn’t taught you any manners. Your lack of respect is appalling.” I followed behind her.

  “I don’t like you, Nathan. So do me a favor and don’t talk to me again.” She stuck her tongue out at me and then ran into the art room.

  I was straight up fuming as I left the building and started my run. How dare she? What a brat. I could only imagine what kind of mother she had. And when I meet her, I’m going to tell her what a disrespectful child she was raising.

  I ran the mile to Central Park and kept running as I listened to my favorite band: The Beatles. As I was running, this super-hot chick in skintight booty shorts and a sports bra gave me a flirty smile as she ran past me. I turned around and ran backwards for a moment as I stared at her fine ass. Damn. I needed to get home and take a cold shower.

  * * *

  After we got fitted and ordered our tuxedos, Mason and I headed to Tavola in Hell’s Kitchen for some pizza.

  “Fill me in on your date last night,” I said as I brought the beer bottle up to my lips.

  “It was nice. She was nice. The sex was nice.”

  “Are you going to be ‘nice’ about it when you tell her you don’t want to see her again?” I smirked.

  “I already kind of told her that my work schedule is crazy for the next month.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She said she’d love to see me again and to call her when I have some free time.”

  “And now you’ll ghost her.” I let out a chuckle.

  “Pretty much.” He grinned as he drank his beer. I really have no interest in seeing her again. How was your run this morning?”

  “Aside from running into that smart mouth little brat, it was fine.”

  “Who?” His brows furrowed. “You mean that little girl in your building?”

  “Yes. Let me tell you what happened. I made a list of all the tenants in the building and put it in my pocket for when I saw her again. I was on my way down for a run when the elevator stopped on her floor. She stepped inside and I handed her the list. She proceeded to laugh and basically mocked me for doing it and then asked why I felt the need to prove myself to a nine-year-old.”

  Mason let out a laugh as he practically choked on his beer.

  “Damn, Nathan.”

  “It gets better. I told her it was obvious that her mother didn’t teach her any manners and that her lack of respect was appalling. You know what she did?”

  “I can only imagine.”

  “She told me she didn’t like me and to never talk to her again, and then the little brat stuck her tongue out at me.”

  “Holy shit.” He continued to laugh.

  “It’s not funny.” I pointed my finger at him. “In fact, I’m going to find out which apartment she lives in and then I’m having a little chat with her mother.”

  “Bro, come on. She’s nine. Let it go. What is going on with you? You’ve been acting weird ever si
nce that trip to Chicago. Does this have something to do with that girl you met in the airport rejecting you?”

  “No.” My brows furrowed.

  “I think it does. First her and now this nine-year-old who can’t stand you. You’ve had more rejection in the last week than your whole life.” He laughed.

  “You’re an asshole, little brother. If we weren’t in a public place, I’d fucking throw you to the ground.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, we need to finalize our plans for Elijah’s bachelor party.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that.” I smirked.

  * * *

  After we left Tavola, I hailed a cab home. Mason was right. I did need to let it go as far as that little brat was concerned, but something inside me was hell bent on having that chat with her mother. Maybe I just wanted to see for myself what kind of person was raising that kid.

  “Good day, Nathan.” Vincent tipped his hat as he held the door open for me.

  “Hey, Vincent. You know that little girl and her mom who just moved in not too long ago?”


  “Whose apartment did they take over? I wasn’t aware one had become available.”

  “Mrs. Fritz. She had to be transferred to an assisted living home. It happened when you were gone that week to Paris.”

  “Ah. That explains why I haven’t seen her around. Thanks, Vincent.” I patted his shoulder.

  I stepped into the elevator and took it up to the twenty-second floor. After I knocked on the door of apartment 2210, I placed my hands in my pockets. Within a few moments, the door opened, and that little brat stood there, staring at me with wide green eyes.

  “Is your mother home?” I asked.

  Before she could respond, I heard a woman’s voice.

  “Ruby who is at—” Suddenly, she stopped when she saw me. She stood there in shock as did I.


  “Nathan? What the hell? Ruby, go to your room for a bit.”

  The child turned around and ran as fast as she could.

  “What are you doing here? How the hell do you know where I live? Oh my God. You tracked me down!”

  “Hold on a second.” I put my hand up. “I didn’t track you down. I live in this building. Up on the twenty-fifth floor to be exact.”

  Chapter 8


  “You live here?” I asked. “In this building?”

  “Yes. I’m in apartment 2508. I had a couple run ins with your kid and I wanted to have a little chat with her mother. I didn’t know it would be you. But now it all makes sense.” He shook his head.

  “What makes sense?” She narrowed her eye at me.

  “Nothing. I’m sorry to have bothered you.” He turned and headed towards the elevator.

  “Wait a second!” I voiced loudly as I ran after him. “What do you mean you had a couple of run ins with Ruby?”

  The doors to the elevator opened, he stepped inside and then turned and looked at me.

  “All I’m going to say is the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

  Before I could say a word, the doors closed. Pushing the button, I tried to stop it from going up so I could get an explanation from him. What the hell was he talking about? I went back inside my apartment and gripped the edge of the marble island. I couldn’t believe he lived in the same building. Out of all the damn apartment buildings in New York City, I had to move into the one where he was at.

  “Ruby!” I shouted. “Come out here, please.”

  “Is he gone?” she asked as she looked around.

  “Yes. Now I want you to tell me what’s going on? He said he had a couple of run ins with you. Explain yourself right now, young lady.”

  She lowered her head and began to tell me.

  “Ruby.” I walked over to her, bent down and lightly grasped her shoulders. “You know that wasn’t nice.”

  “I know, Mom. I’m sorry.”

  “Well, you need to right this wrong and you know what you have to do, right?”

  “Yes.” She nodded her head.

  “Go get your shoes on.”

  We took the elevator up to the twenty-fifth floor and stood outside the door of apartment 2508. After knocking, I grabbed hold of Ruby’s hand. The door opened and Nathan stood there glaring at both of us without saying a word.

  “Ruby has something she would like to say to you.”

  “Come on in.” He gestured.

  “I’m sorry for what I said, and I’m sorry for sticking my tongue out at you. It won’t happen again.”

  He knelt down so he was at her level and extended his hand to her.

  “I accept your apology, Ruby.” He smiled and my heart started to flutter.

  “Thank you, Nathan.” She placed her hand in his.

  “Ruby, go down to the apartment. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  She opened the door and walked out.

  “The more I thought about, I know exactly what you meant when you said the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. It must be the effect you have on women,” I spoke with irritation.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, love. I have the opposite effect on women. Most of the time I can’t get away from them fast enough. So maybe it’s you who has the problem.” A smirk crossed his lips.

  “You know what, Nathan, I thought I saw the last of you at the airport. But since we’re living in the same building, it’s inevitable that we’ll run into each other. Let’s make an agreement that neither one of us will acknowledge the other.

  “Fine with me,” he spoke.

  “Good.” I turned around and opened the door.

  He lightly grabbed hold of my arm and spun me around. His face was mere inches from mine as his sexy green eyes stared into me. My breath hitched and my heart started racing.

  “We’ll just pretend we never met,” he spoke in a low voice.

  “Good idea.”

  He let go of my arm, and I walked out of his apartment, shutting the door behind me and trying to catch my breath as I stepped into the elevator. When I went back to my place, I found Ruby sitting on the couch playing her Nintendo Switch.

  “Are you okay, Mom?”

  “Of course, sweetheart. Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked as I picked up the blanket from the floor and began folding it.

  “Just making sure.”

  I put the blanket away and kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” I spoke.

  I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. After turning on the shower, I closed the lid to the toilet, sat down, placed my hands in my face and began to cry.

  Chapter 9

  One Week Later


  I hadn’t seen Allison or Ruby all week, which was fine with me. I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that she lived in the same building. She looked just as beautiful that day I saw her at her apartment as she did at the airport. I didn’t tell my brothers about our recent encounter because I didn’t want to hear their shit.

  I was just getting ready to head out the door when I heard a knock. Opening it, a guy in a pair of blue dress pants and a polo shirt stood there.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Are you Nathan Wolfe?”


  He handed me an envelope.

  “You’ve been served,” he spoke and then walked away.

  “Hey! I ran after him. “What the hell is this?”

  “Open it and find out.”

  He stepped into the elevator, the doors shut, and he was gone. Shaking my head, I opened the envelope as I stepped back into my apartment.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

  Pulling my phone from my pocket, I immediately called Elijah.

  “What’s up, Nathan?”

  “Elijah, I need your help. I’m being sued.”

  “What?! What for?”

  “Sexual harassment.”

  “Shit, Nathan. Get to my office now.”

  “I’m on my way. Hey, don’t mention this to Mom.”

  “Just get here as fast as you can.” He sighed.

  I stepped into the building and took the elevator up to Elijah’s office. The moment the doors opened, I saw my mother standing there.


  “Nathan, darling.” She grinned. “What are you doing here?”

  “Hey, Mom.” I kissed her cheek. “I was in the area and thought I’d drop by to see you and Elijah.”

  “Aw, you’re so sweet. I’m on my way out but Elijah is in his office.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Phew. Dodged that bullet.

  Letting out a deep breath, I walked down the hallway and found Marie sitting at her desk.

  “Hey, Marie.”

  “Hey, Nathan. Elijah said you were on your way over and to wait for him in his office. He’s with a client in the conference room.”

  “Thanks.” I gave her a small smile.

  After stepping inside, I took a seat behind his desk and picked up the picture of him, Aspen and Mila. As I was setting it down, the door opened, and my jaw dropped.

  “Nathan?” Allison asked in shock as she stood there and stared at me.

  “What are you doing here?” My eye narrowed at her.

  “I work here.”

  “Wait a minute. You work here? You work for my mother and brother?”

  “Your mother and brother? Your last name is Wolfe?”

  “Yes. What are you? A secretary? Paralegal?”

  “I’m a lawyer.”

  I sighed as I leaned back in Elijah’s chair and slowly shook my head.

  “Well if you’re looking for Elijah, he’s with a client,” I said.

  “I know. He asked me to come down and meet with his brother until he was finished. I had no idea you were his brother.”

  “Oh hell no. I’m not discussing this with you. Where’s Aspen?”

  “She’s at home. They’re leaving for their trip today.”

  “Shit. I forgot they were leaving. Sorry, sweetheart, but this is a personal matter.”

  “Hand over the summons, Nathan. I already know you’re being sued for sexual harassment.” She held out her hand with a smirk across her face.


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