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Nathan Wolfe: Wolfe Brother’s Series, Book Two

Page 4

by Lynn, Sandi

  “Goddamn it. Elijah just couldn’t keep his mouth shut.”

  “Would you have preferred he told your mother instead? Hand it over and let me take a look.”

  I sighed as I reluctantly handed over the summons. Needless to say, I was more than humiliated.

  “Good. The two of you already met,” Elijah spoke as he walked into the office.”

  “You and I are going to have a nice little chat, alone.” I narrowed my eye at him.

  Allison handed the summons over to Elijah and he took a look at it.

  “Who is this Alessandra Rivera?” He glanced at me. “She’s suing you for five hundred thousand dollars.”

  “She’s a flight attendant, and yes, I know how much she’s suing me for. This is bullshit.”

  “Why is she claiming sexual harassment?”

  “How the hell do I know? The most I’d ever done was talk to her. In fact, I’d only flown with her a handful of times.”

  “Were you suggestive in your conversations?” Elijah asked.

  “Fuck no. You know damn well I don’t mess around with flight attendants for this very reason.” I pointed at him.

  “He doesn’t,” Allison chimed in. “In fact, there is a witness, another flight attendant, who can vouch for him.”

  I stared at her in disbelief that she actually believed me.

  “How do you know that?” Elijah’s brows furrowed.

  “She told me on the flight to Chicago. This is isn’t the first time your brother and I have met. The first time was at the airport, which he neglected to inform me during lunch that he was also the pilot for my flight.”

  “Wait a second.” He laughed and glanced over at me. “Allison is the psycho chick you told us about?”


  “Psycho chick? Really, Nathan!”

  “Thanks a lot, dickwad!”

  “Okay. Both of you calm down. Nathan, don’t worry about this. It won’t even make it to court. Allison, call this woman’s attorney and set up depositions for next week when I get back. Dig up every last bit of information you can on her. Meanwhile, tell me about this flight attendant that told you Nathan doesn’t screw around with the flight attendants.”

  “When I heard him introduce himself over the speaker before the plane took off, I was shocked because I recognized his voice. So I gave his description to the attendant and she confirmed it was him.” She narrowed her eyes at me. “Then she said he can be mysterious when he wants to be, and it was too bad he didn’t mess around with flight attendants. She proceeded to tell me that she considered changing careers just to hook up with him.”

  I couldn’t help but smile when I heard that. Not that I was surprised.

  “Do you remember the name of this flight attendant?” Elijah asked her.

  “I didn’t catch her name. She was about five foot five, short blonde hair, blue eyes.”

  “That’s Elizabeth Dushay.” I grinned.

  Elijah rolled his eyes.

  “Write her name down as a character witness,” he said to Allison. “Allison’s going to be working on your case with me and gathering all the information we’re going to need while I’m in Florida. Like I said, bro,” he hooked his arm around me, “this will all go away soon.”

  “It better. That woman is lying.”

  “Are you one hundred percent sure you don’t know why she would do this?” my brother asked.

  “Now that I’m thinking about it, there was one night during a layover where she was coming on to me. If she wasn’t a flight attendant, I would have taken her up on her offer. But you know where I stand, Elijah.”

  “I know, little brother. Don’t worry. We’ll get it straightened out. Thank you, Allison. You can start gathering the information we’re going to need to get this case thrown out.”

  “Of course,” she spoke to Elijah and then looked at me before walking out of the office.

  “I don’t want her working on this. Do you remotely have a clue how humiliating this is for me?”

  “Water under the bridge, Nathan.”

  “No, Elijah, it’s not water under the bridge. She and her daughter live in my building. And we had a few words last week about how disrespectful her kid is. She can’t stand me.”

  “She believed you didn’t sexually harass that flight attendant, didn’t she?”

  “She would have believed it if Elizabeth didn’t say what she did.”

  “Listen, she’s new to the firm and this is a great way for me to find out how skilled of a lawyer she really is.”

  “So you’re just going to leave my fate in the hands of someone new so you can see if she’s any good. Really, Elijah? Cause if that’s the case, then I’ll gladly let Mom handle it.”

  “It’s not my fault you made a play for her at the airport and pissed her off. Maybe you should have told her you were the pilot.” He smirked. “Don’t worry, you know I have your back. I’m not going to let this case get any further. Anyway, I’m glad the two of you don’t get along because now that she works for me, she’s off limits. Understand?”

  “Yeah. Loud and clear. You don’t have to worry about that.”

  “Good.” He patted my shoulder. “I have to get home. Our flight leaves in three hours and Aspen is already blowing up my phone.”

  “Shouldn’t you be staying around since you’re getting married in a month?”

  “We want to spend some alone time with Mila before we leave for our honeymoon. Aspen is already freaking out about it.”

  Chapter 10


  I went back to my office, took a seat and placed my hands on my head as I took in a deep breath. That man was a Wolfe and I was still in shock over it. We’d made an agreement not to acknowledge each other again, but now that Elijah had me working on his brother’s case, that agreement became null and void. Even after everything that had transpired between us since the first day we’d met, I believed him on this, and I would do everything I could to prove his innocence.

  As I was sitting at my desk, my phone rang with an unfamiliar number.

  “Allison Price.”

  “Allison, It’s Nathan Wolfe. Elijah gave me your number. I just got a call and my boss wants me to come in for a meeting about this lawsuit. What should I do?”

  “When does he want you to come in?”

  “First thing tomorrow morning.”

  “Okay. We’ll go together. I should be there.”

  “Fine. I can pick you up at your apartment at nine. If that’s okay.”

  “Nine is good. I’ll let my secretary know that I’ll be out of the office most of the morning.”

  “Okay. See you then.” He ended the call.

  I sighed as I set my phone down.

  “Bailey, can you come in for a moment?”

  “What’s up?” She walked in with a smile.

  “I’m going to be out of the office most of the morning tomorrow. I need to attend a meeting with Nathan Wolfe.”

  “Lucky.” Her grin widened. “He’s so hot. Don’t you think? And such a flirt.”

  “Aren’t you married?” I cocked my head at her.

  “Yeah. But I can still look, and Nathan Wolfe is one fine man to gaze at. In fact, all the Wolfe brothers are. Have you met the youngest one yet? He’s dreamy too.”

  “Okay. Okay.” I laughed. “I haven’t met the youngest one yet but I’m sure I will. Go back to your desk and try to cool off.”

  There was another Wolfe brother? Good lord.

  I picked up my phone, brought up Nathan’s phone number and stored it in my contacts as “Sexy Wolfe.” Why I did that; I hadn’t a clue. It was the first thing that came to mind. If I was going to be working on this case, I needed to bury everything that transpired between us and put my hostilities aside. Sighing, I dialed his number.


  “Nathan, it’s Allison. I know this is extremely short notice, but are you going to be home tonight?”

  “I wasn’t planning on it. Why?”

  “I was hoping I could drop by and go over a few things with you about the lawsuit.”

  “What time were you thinking?”

  “My brother and his wife are picking Ruby up for the night at six thirty so I can come up around seven.”

  “I’ll make sure I’m home then.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to disrupt your plans.”

  “My plans can be put on hold. I was just going to go out and get drunk to try and forget this mess. But I suppose I can do that at home.”

  “Oh. Okay. I’ll see you later then.”

  I set down my phone and placed my face in my hands.

  “Are you okay?” Bailey asked as she walked into my office.

  “Yeah.” I sighed. “Just tired.”

  * * *

  “Uncle Rick,” Ruby squealed when she opened the door.

  “Come here, pretty girl.” He smiled as he hugged her.

  “Hi.” I smiled as I walked up to him.

  “Hi.” He kissed my cheek.

  “Where’s Darla?”

  “She got tied up in a meeting so she’s going to meet us at the restaurant.”

  “Thanks for keeping Ruby tonight. She’s really excited to spend some time with you and Darla.”

  “We’re excited to spend time with her.” He grinned as he tapped her nose.

  I told Ruby to go get her overnight bag while I went into the kitchen to clean up.

  “How are you, sis?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “I miss him, Rick.” I could feel the tears in my eyes.

  “I know you do.” He wrapped his arms around me. “You’ll always miss him, but you have to move on at some point.”

  “I am. I moved back here and got a new job.”

  “That’s a start, but you know what I’m talking about.”

  “No.” I broke our embrace. “Jared was the love of my life.”

  “I’m ready, Uncle Rick.” Ruby came running into the kitchen with her bag.

  “Then let’s hit the road, little one. I’m starving.”

  “Me too!” She grinned. “Bye, Mom.”

  “Bye, sweetheart.” I gave her a hug. “Be good for Uncle Rick and Aunt Darla.”

  “I will.”

  Suddenly she became quiet and I saw a sadness in her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Are you going to be okay here by yourself?” she asked with a pout.

  Anguish rose up inside me knowing that she worried about me.

  “Of course I will be.” A smile crossed my lips. “Now go with Uncle Rick and have fun.” I gave her another hug. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Mom.”

  As soon as they left, I went into the bedroom to change out of my work clothes. After slipping into a casual maxi dress because it was so freaking hot out, I ran a brush through my hair and freshened up my makeup.

  Chapter 11


  After Allison called, I ran to the store to pick up some things to make dinner for us. It was the least I could do since my awesome attorney of a brother ditched me and left my case in her hands until he got back from his trip. I’d admit I was surprised by her phone call asking to come over to my place. Maybe she was using the case as an excuse and she came to her senses about me. One could only hope. She was sexy as all fuck, and I would say and do anything to get her into my bed. Perhaps tonight that could be arranged. Especially with Ruby out of the picture. Elijah told me she was off limits. But one night in secret wouldn’t hurt anyone.

  As I walked into my building, carrying a couple bags of groceries, I heard Mason from behind.

  “Hey, douchebag. I hope there’s a bag of salt and vinegar chips in there.”

  Turning around, I smiled as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Returning your sweatshirt I borrowed a couple of months ago. Here, let me take one of those.”

  He grabbed one of the bags from my hand as we headed toward the elevator.


  “I thought you have your groceries delivered,” he spoke as we stepped into the elevator.

  “I do. But today I thought I’d go myself.”


  “I’m having a guest for dinner.” I smirked.

  “Is she hot, sexy and willing to please?” A grin crossed his lips.

  “She’s hot and sexy. As for willing to please, I highly doubt it. But I’m hoping after tonight, she’ll change her mind.”

  I grabbed the key from my pocket and unlocked the door to my apartment.

  “Who is this mystery woman you’re cooking for?”

  “Remember the woman from the airport I told you about?”

  “Bro, you need to be more specific. You’re always telling me about women from the airport.”

  “The one who cussed me out.”

  “Oh yeah. The psycho chick. No way. How did you manage to find her? And why?” His brow arched.

  “Long story short. Remember the smart mouth kid in the elevator?”


  “She’s her daughter and they both live in the building. But the real shocker is she’s Elijah’s new associate at the firm.”

  “Shut the fuck up. She works for Elijah and Mom?”


  “If that’s the case, then she’s off limits. Didn’t Elijah warn you already?”

  I sighed as I unpacked the bags and began putting everything away.

  “Yeah. He warned me. There’s more to the story.” I opened the fridge, pulled out a bottle of beer, opened it and handed it to him. “I’m being sued for sexual harassment.”

  “What?” He laughed. “By who?”

  “Some bitch flight attendant that I turned down. I went to see Elijah about it today and of course he was rushing out of there because he and Aspen were leaving for Florida. He’s having Allison gather as much info as she can while he’s gone. Meanwhile, my boss called and wants me in his office tomorrow morning for a meeting. I told Allison and she’s going with me. But she wants to talk to me about the case before tomorrow. So, she’s coming up around seven.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me any of this?”

  “It just happened today. I haven’t had a chance to.”

  “Well, don’t worry about it. Elijah will take care of it. What did Mom say?”

  “Mom doesn’t know, and I don’t want her to.” I pointed my finger at him. “So don’t say a word.”

  “She’s Mom. She’s going to find out.”

  “If and when she does, I’m hoping it’ll be over with.”

  “She’s going to be pissed, bro.” He laughed.

  “The only thing I’m focusing on tonight is Allison.”

  “But she has a kid.”

  “So.” I shrugged. “It’s not like I want a relationship with her. I only want to fuck her.” A smile crossed my mouth.

  “And if that happens and Elijah finds out?”

  “Elijah isn’t going to find out anything. She certainly won’t tell him.”

  “Don’t you think you’re being a little premature? From what you told me, she can’t stand you.”

  “She just doesn’t know me yet.” I winked.

  “Good luck.” He finished his beer.

  Looking at the clock, I saw it was six fifty-five.

  “You better get going. She’ll be here in about five minutes.”

  Just as I said that, there was a knock at the door.

  “Shit. She’s early.” I looked at Mason.

  “Five minutes. Big deal. She probably can’t wait to get in your pants.”

  “Get the fuck out of here.”

  I walked over to the door and opened it.

  “Hey, Allison. Come on in.”

  “Nathan.” She nodded.

  “This is my baby brother, Mason.”

  “Hi, Mason. I’m psycho chick from the airport. I’m s
ure your brother has told you all about me.” She extended her hand.

  He couldn’t contain his laughter and I was going to kill him.

  “Nice to meet you, psycho chick.” He placed his hand in hers. “I’ll let you two get on with your meeting. I’ll talk to you later, bro.”

  He walked out and I shut the door.

  “Please, make yourself comfortable. I was just about to throw a couple of steaks on the grill.”

  “I’m not staying. I just came over to ask you a few questions.” The tone in her voice was serious and I needed to lighten her mood.

  “Well, I bought a steak for you and I’ll answer your questions over dinner. Until then, I’m not saying a word.” I gave her a smirk. “How do you like your steak? Wait. You do like steak, right? You’re not a vegetarian, are you? Please for the love of god tell me you eat meat.”

  She let out a light laugh.

  “I like my steak medium rare.” Her lips formed a smile.

  A laugh and a smile. So far, we were off to a good start and I was starting to feel confident about tonight.

  “Two medium rare steaks coming right up.” I winked as I took the steaks out on the terrace and put them on the grill.

  “Is there anything I can help with?” she politely asked.

  “Do you like sweet potatoes?”

  “I do.”

  “Would you mind throwing them in the microwave? It’ll be quicker than putting them in the oven.”

  “Sure. I can do that.”

  “Thanks. They’re on the counter by the sink.”

  I stood at the grill, watching the steaks and her as she put the potatoes in the microwave. Every time I saw her, she was more beautiful. And that body. Damn. My cock was starting to misbehave. I saw her open the refrigerator and shake her head.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked from the terrace.

  “You don’t have cinnamon butter?”

  “No. Why?”

  “How does one eat a sweet potato without cinnamon butter?”

  “To be honest, I never thought about it.”

  “Then you’re in for a treat. I have some down in my apartment. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay. Just walk in when you get back.”


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