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Nathan Wolfe: Wolfe Brother’s Series, Book Two

Page 9

by Lynn, Sandi

  “Hey, Mom. You didn’t have to cook dinner.”

  “Hello, darling. Ruby asked if I could make her some soup.” She smiled.

  “Where is Ruby?”

  “She’s down in the art room with that little friend of hers. I told her to be back by seven.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  “I met a friend of yours today,” my mom spoke as she stirred the soup.

  “You did? Who?” I asked as I grabbed a wine glass.

  “A tall and brutally handsome man named Nathan.”

  “Oh. Really?” I poured some wine into my glass.

  “I met him when I was bringing Ruby home from school. He seems like a nice man. He was very polite.”

  “Yeah. He’s nice,” I spoke as I brought the glass up to my lips.

  “You told me he was cute, Allison. That man isn’t cute. He’s beyond sexy as sin.”

  “Mom, stop it!”

  Damn it. I had to tell her I was having dinner with him tomorrow night because I needed her to watch Ruby for me after they had their dinner.

  “I’m having dinner with him tomorrow. Could you and Dad stay with Ruby until I get back?”

  “Say what? My daughter is having dinner with a man?” She smirked.

  “Stop.” I put my hand up. “It’s just a friendly thank you dinner. That’s all.”

  “A thank you for what?”

  “I handled a small case for him. Elijah was out of town, so he asked me to help out. It was no big deal.”

  “If you say so. And yes, your father and I would be happy to stay with Ruby after dinner.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” I kissed her cheek.

  Chapter 24


  Instead of taking Allison to a fancy restaurant, I chose to bring in the chef my mother used at times, Roberto, to cook a gourmet meal for us. I felt having dinner on my terrace was more intimate and quieter for us to get to know each other better. Would she feel the same way? I wasn’t sure. My guess would be no, but I was taking my chances anyway. Plus, I wasn’t sure if she was going to be pressed for time because of Ruby. It would be more convenient to have dinner at my place if that was the case.

  Knocking on the door of her apartment, I nearly lost my breath when she opened it and I saw her standing there in a short floral black and white sundress with her hair in loose curls that flowed over her shoulders.

  “Hi.” Her lips gave way to a beautiful smile.

  “Hi.” The corners of my mouth curved upward. “Wow. You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “I am.”

  The moment we approached the elevator, the doors opened, and Mr. & Mrs. Lenox stepped out.

  “Good evening, Nathan. How are you?” Mr. Lenox asked.

  “I’m good, George. You’re looking very lovely, Bianca.”

  “Thank you, Nathan. You’re such a sweet boy. Who is this gorgeous woman with you?”

  “This is Allison Price. She lives in apartment 2210. Allison, meet George and Bianca Lenox.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you both.” She smiled.

  “It’s our pleasure, my dear,” George spoke. “We better get going. We don’t want to keep Bob and Anna waiting. You two have a nice evening.”

  “And you as well.” I gave them a nod.

  The moment we stepped into the elevator, I pushed the button to the twenty-fifth floor and nervously waited for Allison to ask what I was doing.

  “Why are we going up? Did you forget something?” she asked.

  “I’ll explain when we get to my place.”

  I opened the door to my apartment and the aroma of fine cuisine infiltrated the air around us.

  “Welcome to Casa Wolfe. Fine dining at its best.” I grinned. “I have reserved the best table in the place, and I hope it meets your expectations.”

  “What?” She laughed.

  I took hold of her hand and led her to the round table covered with white linen that sat on my terrace. Pulling out her chair, she gracefully took her seat.

  “We’re having dinner here?”

  “Let me explain my reasoning for this. I wasn’t sure if you were going to be pressed for time because of Ruby. So, I thought it would be best to skip the crowded restaurants and have a quiet dinner here close to home. That way when you need to leave, all you have to do is step on the elevator.”

  “That was very sweet of you. Wow, this view is amazing.”

  Roberto poured us each a glass of chardonnay and told us dinner would be served shortly.

  “I take it he’s the chef?”

  “Yes. He cooks for my mother periodically. Great guy and a wonderful chef. I know you won’t be disappointed.”

  So, Mr. Wolfe. Tell me about you.” She picked up the glass and brought it up to her lips.

  “Well,” I wrapped my hand around my glass, “you know my family already. What you may not know is that my father left us when I was two years old. Elijah was four and Mason had just been born. He told my mother that he couldn’t do the father thing anymore and he wanted more out of life.”

  “That’s terrible.”

  “Yeah. Father of the year.”

  “So you never knew him?”

  “No. Once he left, he never looked back.” I took a sip of my wine as Roberto set down our plates in front of us.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. A man who could walk out on his wife and children and forget they ever existed isn’t worthy of knowing us.”

  “Your mom and Elijah are both lawyers. When did you decide you wanted to become a pilot?”

  “The first memory I have was when I was five years old and my mother took us on a trip to Hawaii. I remember sitting in the airport and looking out at all the planes that were parked at the gates. Instantly, I fell in love with planes. It had become somewhat of an obsession. I loved the idea that a plane could transport you into a whole new realm of different worlds. Different types of foods, sounds, people, languages. My bedroom quickly became filled with everything aviation, including numerous model airplanes and books about flying took up my entire bookcase. My mother brought in a painter and had my ceiling painted with clouds and stars. And then she had different small planes hanging from the ceiling. I would lay in bed at night and just stare up at them and fantasize about flying. The thing that excited me the most was the thought that I never had to be tied down to one place very long. When I was fourteen, our housekeeper’s husband was an ex pilot who fixed planes. She introduced me to him, and he taught me how to fly. When I turned sixteen, I flew my first solo plane. When I was seventeen, I got my private pilot’s license and when I was eighteen, I obtained my commercial pilot certificate. When I was twenty-one, I started working for the airlines, and got promoted to Captain when I was twenty-nine.”

  “Wow. It seems like flying is your life?”

  “It is. I can’t imagine my life without it.” I smiled. “Just like Elijah can’t imagine a life without the law and Mason can’t imagine a life without fires.”

  “All three of you seem very close.”

  “We are. We’re as tight as brothers can be. Don’t get me wrong, we do have our differences at times, and we like to fight. But at the end of the day, we’ll always have each other’s backs no matter what. You know, I admire you.”

  “You do? Why?” She cocked her head with a light smile.

  “Because you went to college and law school while you had a kid. Not many people can do that.”

  “I have a great family. Ruby wasn’t planned, and when I found out I was pregnant, it really hit us hard. I was ready to give up college so Jared could finish his degree. But my parents wouldn’t hear of it. Before I had Ruby, Jared and I got married. It wasn’t a big wedding or anything. It was done at the courthouse. After that, my father put us up in an apartment and helped us out financially and with Ruby. It was hard but we did it, and I don’t have one regret. Speaking of family, my mom mentioned that she met you.�

  “Yes, we met. Your mother is an attractive woman. I see where you get your looks from.” I gave her a wink.

  Chapter 25


  “Thanks.” I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. “By the way, did you know that your mother is my father’s attorney?”

  “Say what? No. I didn’t know that.”

  “That’s how I got the interview at Wolfe & Associates. My father mentioned I was a lawyer and your mother had an opening at the firm.”

  “That’s great. I’m happy it worked out the way it did. Want to hear something really weird?”

  “Sure.” I smiled.

  “Aspen’s father and my mother had carried on a secret relationship for years and no one ever knew. That’s how Aspen got hired shortly after her father passed away. Boy, when she found out, it was a shit show. And on Thanksgiving too. Eventually they talked it out and all is good.”

  “How did she find out?”

  “I was looking for a deck of cards because we were all going to play poker and I found a picture of my mother and some guy hidden in the cabinet. When I pulled it out, Aspen walked over and saw it. That’s when everything exploded.”

  “Wow. I’m not sure I would have wanted to be there.”

  “I didn’t even want to be there after that. Aspen said some things to my mother, ran out of the house in tears, Elijah ran after her and the rest is history.”

  As I sat there and listened to him, I knew the only reason he planned this dinner for us at his place was because it was close to his bedroom. I wasn’t stupid and he knew it. But yet, he didn’t care. I did believe though there was some truth to what he said about being pressed for time because of Ruby. Like I’d said before, I always knew when people were lying.

  “Can I ask you something, Nathan?”

  “Of course, love. You can ask me anything you’d like.”

  “You wanted to have dinner here because you were under the impression we were going to have sex. Am I right?”

  “Allison, I would never.”

  I sat there and narrowed my eye at him as he poured me another glass of chardonnay.

  “You’re lying. There’s one thing you should know about me and that is I know when people lie. I know when my clients are lying to me, the opposing attorney, witnesses, friends, everyone. So just come clean.”

  He took in a sharp breath as he picked up his glass.

  “Fine. Is it so wrong that I want to have sex with you and have wanted it since the first day I laid eyes on you? Is it so wrong that I find you incredibly sexy and I can’t stop thinking about it?”

  “I’m flattered, Nathan. I really am. But my wound is still fresh and open, and I just can’t. But I like you as a friend and Ruby adores you, and we want you in our lives, as our friend.”

  He sat across from me slowly nodding his head.

  “Okay, Allison. I completely understand, and I like you and Ruby as well. So friends it is.” He extended his hand to me from across the table.

  “Thank you for understanding. If the circumstances were different.” I softly placed my hand in his.

  “I get it. I really do, and I’m sorry for your loss. As your friend, I’m always here if you want to talk.”

  I gave him a small smile as I placed my napkin on the table.

  “I should get going. It’s getting late and I’m sure my mom and dad want to get home.”

  “Yes. Of course.” He got up from his seat.

  “Thank you again for a wonderful dinner. I really enjoyed it.” I softly kissed his cheek.

  “You’re welcome, Allison. I’ll see you around. If you ever need anything, give me a call.”

  “I will. Goodnight, Nathan.”

  “Goodnight, Allison.”

  I shut the door behind me and let out a deep breath. If only the circumstances were different.

  * * *

  “Well, how was your date?” My mom asked with a wide grin as I stepped through the door.

  “It wasn’t a date, Mom. It was a thank you dinner between a client and his attorney.”

  “And where did Nathan take you for dinner?”

  “He brought in a chef up to his apartment and we had dinner on his terrace.”

  “Sounds like a date to me, sweetheart.” My dad smirked.

  “It wasn’t. He told me he did it in case I was pressed for time having to get home for Ruby.”

  “Alright, dear. Keep telling yourself that.” She kissed my cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow when you get home from work.”

  “Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad.”

  “It was our pleasure, princess,” my dad spoke as he kissed my forehead.

  As soon as they left, I went into the bathroom and started the water for a bath. After pouring in some rose scented bubble bath, I climbed in and lay there as I thought about Jared. Tears started to stream down my face like they did every night. I missed him so much and the life we had. But I knew deep down in the core of my soul that I had to move on at some point because he was never coming back.

  Chapter 26


  I stood there with my hands tucked into my pockets as the door shut. Sighing, I walked over to my bar and poured myself a scotch, downing it in one gulp. This was not how I planned the evening would go. She showed me tonight that she was a wounded bird unable to move on. Grabbing my phone, I sent a text message to Mason.

  “Can you meet me at Rudy’s?”

  “Your dinner date is over already?”


  “I’ll be there in fifteen.”


  I arrived at Rudy’s before my brother did, so I took a seat at the bar.

  “Hey, Nathan. Usual?”

  “Hey, Hanna. Yeah and make it a double. Pour Mason one as well. He’ll be here soon.”

  “Coming right up.”

  As soon as Hanna set the drink down in front of me, I felt a hand on my back.

  “What’s going on? Why did your date end so early?” Mason asked as he took a seat on the stool next to me.

  “Hey, Mason.” Hanna smiled at him.

  “Hey, Hanna. Thanks.” He smiled back as he picked up his glass.

  “Allison called me out. She asked me if I arranged dinner at my place thinking she’d have sex with me. Then she went on about how she knows when people lie to her and told me to come clean.”

  “Damn, bro. What did you say?”

  “I told her the truth and she said that she likes me as a friend. Do you believe that? Women don’t want to be friends with me. They want way more. With the exception of a couple of them around the world.”

  “Friends have sex,” he spoke. “It’s not like you want a relationship with her or anything.”

  “She said if the circumstances were different. But her wound is still fresh and open, and she can’t.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Bro, put yourself in her shoes. Men are different. We want sex all the time. We don’t get emotionally invested like women do. She’s still not over her husband’s death and it may take her years before she is. My advice to you is to forget about Allison. Yeah, she’s hot and a great woman, but you’re just wasting your time chasing her. Listen, we leave for Vegas Friday morning. You can have all the sex you want there. We all can. Well, not Elijah of course. But we have nobody stopping the two of us from having the time of our lives.” He patted my back.

  “You’re right, brother. Look out Vegas, the Wolfe brothers are coming to town.” I grinned at him as I held up my glass.

  “Damn right.” Mason smiled as he tipped his glass to mine.

  * * *

  Elijah’s driver drove the three of us to the hanger where the private jet my mother rented for us sat. We boarded the plane and took our seats.

  “This is weird,” Mason spoke.

  “What is?” Elijah asked.

  “This is the first time the three of us are traveling together solo where one of us can’t scope out women for sex.”

bsp; “Damn. I never thought of that,” I spoke. “Sucks to be you, Elijah. Are you sure you don’t want one last fling before you tie the knot?”

  “What the hell is wrong with you? Absolutely not. Aspen is the only woman I want for the rest of my life. But I don’t expect the two of you to understand that. Maybe someday you will.”

  I let out a chuckle. “No offense, bro, but I’m happy being a forever bachelor. I’m not tying myself down to one woman.”

  “Me either,” Mason chimed in.

  “Suit yourselves. To be honest, I already miss Aspen and Mila.”

  “God, Elijah. You’re not going to be a Debbie downer on this trip, are you?” I asked.

  Suddenly, we heard multiple voices as more people stepped onto the plane. Turning around, my eyes widened when I saw my mother, Aspen, Colleen, Marie and Allison.

  “What the hell?” Mason said.

  “What is going on?” Elijah asked with a smile as he got up and hugged Aspen.

  “Surprise!” my mother spoke. “We’re having Aspen’s bachelorette party in Vegas!” A wide grin graced her face.

  “You’re kidding me,” I said.

  “I knew there was an ulterior motive when she told us she rented us a private jet.” Mason sighed.

  “Don’t worry, boys. We won’t cramp your style. We’ll be sitting up there, sipping mimosas.” My mother smiled.

  “Hi Nathan,” Allison spoke.

  “How long have you known about this?”

  “I just found out on the way here. Your mother kept it a secret until this morning. All she told us was that she was taking us away for the weekend, but she wouldn’t say where.”

  “What about Ruby?”

  “She’s staying with Jared’s parents. I better get up there with the girls.”

  “Yeah. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “This party just got a whole lot better.” Elijah grinned.

  I rolled my eyes and then whispered in Mason’s ear.

  “This is totally fucked up. How could Mom do this to us?”

  “Are you really surprised, bro? Seriously? You know how unpredictable she is.”


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