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Nathan Wolfe: Wolfe Brother’s Series, Book Two

Page 10

by Lynn, Sandi

  “I figured she was taking them to a spa retreat. Not Vegas! How the fuck are we supposed to let loose and enjoy ourselves with our mother hanging around?”

  “I’m sure they’re staying at a different hotel. There’s no way Mom would infringe on her son’s bachelor party.”

  “Really? Do you truly believe that?” I asked.

  “Bro, I’m trying to be optimistic. Don’t ruin it.”

  Chapter 27


  We’d finally landed. After grabbing our bags, the three of us headed to the limo that was waiting for us. Thank God there were two limos. One for us and one for the ladies. With them taking a separate limo, that meant they were staying at a different hotel.

  “The city of sin.” I grinned as the three of us climbed inside.

  “I’m going to seduce Aspen all over again,” Elijah said. “I’m going to pretend we never met and reenact our amazing night in Hawaii.”

  Mason and I both rolled our eyes.

  “Elijah, this is your bachelor party. You’re spending it with us. Besides, I’m sure Mom is going to keep the girls very busy,” I said.

  “Yeah and they aren’t staying at the same hotel as us anyway,” Mason spoke.

  “Doesn’t matter. I’ll find her.”

  I sighed as I silently cursed my mother for doing this.

  We arrived at the Bellagio and when we stepped out of the limo, another one pulled up behind us.

  “No. No. No.” I looked at Mason.

  “Shit,” he said as the women climbed out.

  “Perfect.” Elijah smiled as he walked over to Aspen and hugged her.

  “Mother, may we have a word with you?” I asked through gritted teeth as I lightly took hold of her arm and led her away from the other girls.

  “Of course, darlings. What’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong? Let us tell you what’s wrong with this picture. This is Elijah’s bachelor party. How the fuck are we supposed to have a wild time when you brought Aspen here?!”

  “Yeah, Mom. You really put a damper on things,” Mason said.

  “Don’t be silly, boys. Go have all the wild fun you want. I know I will, and I won’t judge you. Besides, what’s the harm? Elijah and Aspen are both happy to be here together. Stop being selfish and think about your brother. I need to get us checked in, and I suggest you do the same.” She smirked as she walked away.

  “Did she just tell us to stop being selfish?” Mason asked.

  “She sure the fuck did.” I slowly shook my head.

  “Hey,” Elijah spoke as he placed his hand on my back. “Let’s go get checked in and get this party started. We’re all meeting at the pool.”

  “All of us?” Mason asked.

  “Listen, Mom had good intentions and I know you’re not happy about it, but I am. I promise that we’ll do some things alone. Just the three of us.” He smiled as he walked away.

  “Well, look at it this way, at least he didn’t warn you about Allison,” Mason said.

  “He doesn’t have to warn me. Nothing is happening anyway. I have other women to explore here. She made it clear we were never having sex.”

  We went up to our suites, got settled, changed into our swimsuits and headed to the pool area. The place was swarming with beautiful women in sexy bikinis. This was my slice of Heaven.

  “Boys, over here,” my mom shouted as she waved in her bikini. “I’ve rented us the Chairman’s Cabana.”

  “Is she wearing—” I lowered my Ray-bans.

  “Unfortunately,” Mason sighed. “There’s two lounge chairs available over here. Let them stay there.”

  “We’re good right here, Mom,” I shouted.

  “Suit yourselves, party poopers.”

  “Like she can talk,” I said.

  Mason and I took our seats directly across from the cabana where they were at. After placing our order for the Bellagio Mojitos, I placed my hands behind my head and took in the exquisite views of the young and sexy women with bikinis that barely covered anything.

  “Bro, look.” Mason hit my arm repeatedly.


  “Look at Allison over there.”

  I slightly pulled down my Ray-bans as she stood there in a hot pink bikini that left my imagination running wild and left me completely speechless.

  “Damn, she’s got a hot body,” Mason said.

  “Why are you pointing that out to me? Are you trying to make it worse?”

  “Sorry, man.”

  Hot wasn’t a strong enough word. I needed to keep my eyes off her and focus on the multiple women here that would have sex with me.

  Chapter 28


  I didn’t know we were going to Vegas. All Caitlin told me was to pack a couple of swimsuits and some evening wear. I was in total shock when I stepped on the plane and saw Nathan sitting there. I wondered why he wouldn’t come join us in the cabana. Perhaps he felt uncomfortable because of his mother. I couldn’t imagine he was happy that she infringed on his party plans for Elijah. Or maybe it was because of what I’d said at dinner the other night.

  I couldn’t help but stare at his ripped body from across the way. Not to mention the way his hair was perfectly styled and the Ray-bans he wore.

  “He’s a handsome man, isn’t he?” Caitlin walked over to me with a smile on her face.

  “Who?” I nervously asked.

  “Nathan. I saw you staring at him over there.”

  “No. I wasn’t.” I bit down on my bottom lip.

  “It’s okay, Allison. To be honest, I thought maybe the two of you had gotten together when I saw you at his place that night.”

  “Caitlin, no.” I shook my head. “That was totally just business. Besides, I just haven’t been the same since Jared passed away.”

  “Of course you haven’t. Losing the love of your life is hard. It feels like you’re carrying around this heavy weight in your chest and in your heart. A weight that you think will be there forever.”

  “Yes. Exactly.”

  “But it won’t be there forever. Let me ask you something. Do you think Jared would want you to put your life on hold because he passed away?”

  “No. He always wanted the best for me, and he always made sure I was happy. But I have zero interest in dating someone again.”

  “Because you’re afraid you’ll find and fall in love with someone and then you’ll experience a tremendous amount of guilt. Am I right?”


  “I get that. I really do. Let me give you a little piece of advice. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having a little sex to get you through the day. Nobody says you have to meet someone and fall in love. You’re a young and sexy woman. Just have some casual fun now and again. Your body and your mind will thank you.” She smirked. “Remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”

  I couldn’t believe my boss was telling me to go have sex with someone. Was she referring to her son? Did Nathan say something to her about our conversation? I knew they were close, but I didn’t think he would talk to her about everything.

  I took a seat in the lounge chair as I sipped on my margarita. Marie and Colleen, Elijah’s and Aspen’s secretaries, were on either side of me. My eyes kept diverting across the way to Nathan as two women were over there talking to him and Mason. I noticed the wide grin on his face, and it made me uncomfortable.

  “Look at those two over there soaking up all the attention,” Marie spoke.

  “Yeah. Look at those muscular bodies,” Colleen spoke in a daze.

  “They’re both manwhores,” I blurted out. “At least I know Nathan is.”

  “Trust me,” Marie spoke. “Mason isn’t any better.”

  “And who cares if they’re manwhores,” Colleen said. “I’d still do both of them, and at the same time.” She smirked.

  Nathan and Mason both got up from their lounge chairs and headed over to the bar.

  “Excuse me ladies,” I spoke as I got up from my chair.

  Walking over to the bar where Nathan and Mason stood, I ordered another margarita.

  “Having fun yet?” Nathan asked as his eyes roamed over my bikini clad body.

  “Totally. How about you?”

  “Of course. I always have fun when I come here. I’m actually going to head up to the suite to shower and change for dinner. Apparently, my mother took it upon herself to make reservations for all of us.”

  “Yeah. She told me.” I looked down and his six pack was staring me in the face.

  “I’ll talk to you later, friend,” he said as he grabbed his drink.

  “Yeah. See you around, friend.” A small smile crossed my lips.

  I sighed as I took my drink back to my chair. As I was sitting there sipping on it, all Colleen kept talking about was sex as hot guys walked past us. I wouldn’t lie and say I wasn’t horny, because I was. And every time I looked at Nathan, it intensified. For the first time since Jared passed away, I wanted sex. Did I feel guilty for wanting it with someone other than my husband? Yes, of course I did. But he wasn’t here anymore, and I couldn’t spend the rest of my life sexless, even though that’s the way I thought before I met Nathan. And how would I ever know if I was ready if I didn’t try? I told Nathan the other night I couldn’t sleep with him out of fear because I knew he wanted it and a part of me did too.

  It became too real the moment I stepped inside his apartment. The reason I confronted him about it was because I thought if I heard him say yes, I would be appalled. But the opposite happened. It turned me on and freaked me the fuck out, so I had to escape as quickly as possible.

  “Screw it,” I spoke as I got out of my seat and slipped into my coverall.

  “Screw what?” Marie asked as her and Colleen both stared at me.

  “I wasn’t going to take a nap before dinner, but now I’m really tired between the alcohol and the flight, so I’m going to close my eyes for a bit up in my room. I’ll see you two at dinner.” I casually smiled.

  “Okay. Get a lot of rest because we’re going to be out all night. Remember this is the city that never sleeps,” Colleen shouted as I walked away.

  I didn’t know what suite Nathan was in and I couldn’t very well ask him in case I chickened out, so I needed to come up with a plan. That’s when I saw Mason walking through the lobby.


  “Hey, Allison.” He smiled.

  “Which suite is Nathan staying in?”

  “He’s in the one next to mine. Follow me. Is there a reason you’re going up there?”

  “I forgot to ask him about something for Ruby and I was headed to my room anyway, so I thought I’d stop up and ask him before I forgot again.” I lied.

  “I see. Okay.”

  We stepped off the elevator and Mason led me down the hall to Nathan’s suite.

  “He’s in this one.” He gave me a playful smirk.


  I stood there for a moment and took in a deep breath before knocking on the door.

  “Allison? What are you doing here?”

  I gasped and my heart started to rapidly beat as he stood there holding the door open with a towel wrapped around his waist.

  “You’re not with anyone are you?” I asked as I bit down on my lip.

  “No. Come in,” he spoke with the gesturing of his hand. “Is everything okay?”

  “You told me the other night that if I ever needed anything to call you.”

  “Yeah. I remember. Is there something you need?”

  I inhaled a deep breath before placing my hands on each side of his face and brushing my lips against his.

  Chapter 29


  I was unprepared and in shock, to say the least. The silky feel of her lips was everything I’d imagined. I wanted to devour her, but something was holding me back. Pulling back, I stared into her beautiful eyes as my hand rested on her cheek.

  “Allison, do you know what you’re doing? Or is it the alcohol?”

  “I know full well what I’m doing, Nathan,” she spoke in a soft voice. “I want this. I want to have sex with you.”

  “But you said—”

  “Forget what I said.” She brought her finger up to my lips.

  That was all I needed to hear as I grabbed her and smashed my mouth into hers. My cock was already standing at full attention and begging to be taken care of. I took the ties of her coverup, untied them and slipped it off her shoulders as her fingers loosened my towel and it fell to the ground. Picking her up, I carried her to the king size bed and gently lay her down while I stroked the outline of her breasts that were partially hidden by her bikini top. As our lips collided, my hand ran down her torso, feeling the softness of her toned flesh as my fingers pushed their way down her bikini bottoms. A sensual moan escaped her lips the moment I touched her sensitive area, and my desire to be inside her was burning out of control with roaring flames inside me.

  As I broke our kiss, my fingers hooked into the sides of her bottoms and slowly pulled them down. Reaching behind her, she untied her bikini top and threw it over the side of the bed. The corners of my mouth curved upward as I stared at the gorgeous naked body lying in front of me. Hovering over her, my tongue circled around her hardened peaks before wrapping my lips around them while my finger plunged inside her. She arched her back in pleasure and her moans heightened as my finger explored the inside of her. My mouth made its way from her breasts down her torso and stopping at her clit as I softly circled it with my tongue. To taste her this way was everything I’d imagine it would be.

  “Oh God,” she moaned as her hands tangled through my hair.

  She was on the brink of an orgasm. I could feel it, and nothing gave me more pleasure than to help her with it. As my mouth continued to devour her, I brought my hands up to each of her breasts and took her hardened peaks between my fingers, softly stroking them as I could feel the wetness pour from her.

  “Oh God. Please don’t stop,” she voiced as her legs tightened and she let out a howl that was sweet music to my ears.

  Making my way back up to her, one small kiss at a time, I ran my fingers through her hair as I softly kissed her lips.

  “Did you enjoy that?” I whispered in between kisses.

  “Yes,” she replied with bated breath.

  “Good, because the best is yet to come.”

  Climbing off her, I grabbed a condom from my wallet, tore off the wrapper and rolled it over my throbbing cock. Hovering over her, I brought her arms over her head and held onto her wrists as I stared into her eyes and slowly pushed my way inside her. A deep moan rumbled in my throat as her pussy wrapped around my cock, taking me in inch by inch. I moved in and out of her in a steady rhythm, taking in the sounds of pleasure that escaped both of us. I picked up the pace as did the sounds of our moans. Her body released another orgasm and I had no choice but to come with her as I slowed my thrusts and exploded. Letting go of her wrists, her arms wrapped around me as I collapsed on top of her. I could feel the racing of her heart as it took a minute for us to regain our breath. Rolling off her, I removed the condom and threw it in the trash can next to the bed. She rolled on her side and stared at me with a smile across her lips.

  “I hope I met your expectations.” I grinned as I softly stroked her hair.

  “You did. That was amazing.”

  Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

  “Nathan, it’s me. Open up.”

  “Shit.” I jumped up from the bed. “It’s Elijah. I’m sorry, love, but you need to hide in the closet,” I said as I grabbed her swimsuit from the floor and threw it at her.


  “Trust me. Please. I’ll get rid of him.”

  The knocking wouldn’t stop as I wrapped the towel around my waist and answered the door.

  “For fuck’s sake, Elijah. I was in the shower.”

  “Oh. Sorry. I thought maybe you had someone in here.”

  “Wish I did to be honest.” I smirked. “
What’s up?”

  “Mom is taking the girls out on the town after dinner, so it’ll just be the three of us. I thought maybe we could hit the poker tables.”

  “Excellent idea. We’ll do that.” I patted him on the back and led him to the door.

  “I know you’re pissed because Mom brought the girls here. But, bro, I’m happy she did.”

  “Brother, I’m cool with it. We’ll still have our fun. No worries. Okay. Goodbye. I’ll see you at dinner.” I opened the door.

  He looked at me with a narrowed eye.

  “What is going on with you? Why are you in such a hurry to have me leave?” he asked as he turned around and walked to the bedroom.

  “I have to get ready for dinner. You know Mom will kill me if I’m late.” I followed behind him.

  “Why isn’t the bed made? he asked.

  “I took a nap, bro. Jesus Christ. What the fuck is this?”

  He looked around and then walked back to the door.

  “It’s nothing. I’ll see you at dinner.”

  The moment he walked out and the door shut, I let out a sigh of relief.

  “What was that all about, Nathan?” Allison asked as she stood in the doorway of the bedroom.

  “Listen, Allison,” I said as I walked over to her and placed my hand on her cheek. “Elijah can’t know what happened here. It has to be our secret.”

  “Why?” Her brows furrowed.

  “Because he has a rule about me and Mason having sex with his employees. He’s already threatened me about you, numerous times, and I don’t want to cause a rift between us at his bachelor party.”

  “Okay. I wasn’t planning on telling anyone anyway. So, what happened between us is our little secret.” She smiled.

  “Perfect.” I leaned in and kissed her lips. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m great. I better go and get ready for dinner. I’ll see you down there.”

  “Wait,” I said as I opened the door and looked both ways down the hallway making sure nobody was around. “Okay. All clear.” I smiled as I kissed her forehead.


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