Play for Me
Page 18
“Afraid not,” commented Bryce. “So, Miss Secret Agent, how long are you planning on sticking around?”
“Until the mission is accomplished,” said Sam with a straight face.
“You know, you are a trip,” said Bryce laughing.
“Yup! Leave them laughing when I go,” said Sam. Bryce turned out to be pretty funny, but nothing compared to Ian. “So, Mr. Boston, what are you doing down here? I take it you’re not on a secret mission.”
“So, you don’t recognize me?” asked Bryce.
“Um.” Sam stared at Bryce intently. He did look familiar, but from where? “Sorry, I don’t know anyone from Boston.” She shook her head.
“Okay, I’ll give you a hint. Actually, this is the first time in a long time.” Bryce cleared his throat and started to sing. “If I told you once, then I told you twice, girl. I’ve got to move on,”
“A musician,” said Sam breathlessly. “Bryce Black from Sacred Crows.” Sam shook her head in amusement. “I should’ve known.” Sam couldn’t stop laughing.
“Why? What’s so funny?” Todd appeared to be a little miffed.
“Oh no, don’t get mad.” Sam couldn’t stop laughing. “Okay, I’ll tell you,” she cried. “Do you know why I look so familiar to you? Do you?”
“No,” said Bryce thoroughly exasperated.
“Jordan Stevens is my twin brother. He toured with you last year?”
“He never told me he had a twin sister, but my God. The resemblance is amazing!” said Bryce totally blown away. “Are you working for Jordan? Is he here?”
“No, no, no,” laughed Sam. “But he is coming here next week to see me, will you be around?”
“Hell, yes, I’ll be here. Where are you staying? Do you want to go out for a drink or something?”
“Thanks, but no thanks. I’m kind of seeing someone at the moment,” said Sam. She hoped Ian wouldn’t mind if she said that.
“That’s a shame,” said Bryce, clearly disappointed. “He’s from here?”
“Well, he lives here now. Ian Andrews.”
“You’re the Sam Ian has been talking about? Ian is one of my best friends! He designed my house for me. Oh, for Christ’s sake, don’t tell him I hit on you.”
“I won’t say a word,” promised Sam. “I tell you, isn’t it a small world?”
“Ian is out of town right now,” said Bryce. “Really, if you don’t know anyone I’ll be more than happy to show you around. As friends. Now, I can see why Ian is totally nuts over you. You’re just his type!”
“Now, I’ll take you up on your offer,” agreed Sam.
“Well, what do you want to do first?” asked Bryce, eager to help out.
“Jordan and my best friend Deb are coming in next week, any ideas where I should take them?”
“Sam, my friend? Stick with me,” said Bryce. “Where are you staying? You didn’t answer me.”
“Oh, I’m staying at a rented house while I’m here,” answered Sam. “I’ve got wheels to get around, so I’m good to go.”
“I’ve got plans this evening, but why don’t we go to dinner tomorrow, I mean if you’re not busy,” suggested Bryce.
“Good idea. I do have some plans for tonight, too, so tomorrow works for me.” Sam felt relieved he didn’t expect her to go at a drop of a hat. She had to mentally prepare for this.
“Do you want me to pick you up or do you want to meet me?”
“How about we meet here, and go from there?” Sam liked this idea.
“Great. Eight sounds good?” Bryce smiled fondly at Sam.
“Eight it is.” Sam and Bryce shook on the deal and parted their separate ways.
Sam finished up at the restaurant and then went home and back to work. She felt glad she was making friends and finding her way around. The next morning, she tried not to let the fact Ian hadn’t called get to her. Working through the day, she looked forward to the evening where she would meet Bryce at the restaurant.
“Have you heard from Ian at all?” asked Bryce as he pulled out Sam’s chair.
“Thanks,” replied Sam. “No, I haven’t. It’s been almost a week, but I’m sure he’s okay.”
“I don’t think he can talk about it,” remarked Bryce.
“I know. It’s hard, but it is what it is. I have to believe that or else I’ll go nuts.” Sam looked at the menu. “What do you recommend?”
“Definitely the appetizers and the fresh fish. You do eat fish, right?” Bryce looked up from his menu.
“Yes.” Sam gave her order to the waiter and turned to Bryce. “So, Jordan is coming on Monday, and so is my friend Deb. Maybe we can meet for dinner one night and then I know Jordan’s going to want to play at some club. Deb and I will hang out then maybe do some girl stuff. I don’t know when Ian will be back, so I can’t vouch for him.” A shadow passed over Sam’s face and then she smiled brightly.
“Well, Jordan can hang with me because I know just the place. As far as you and your friend, there are a lot of cool bars to go to. Sounds like fun.” Bryce scribbled his number on a napkin and handed it to Sam. “Call me when they get here.”
“Well, well, well. Look who is still here,” said Drew as he ambled to their table. He appeared to be alone, with no body guard in sight.
“Hey, Drew,” said Bryce cautiously, noticing how tense Sam had become.
“Drew.” Sam seethed inside. He certainly didn’t give up!
“I knew if I hung out here long enough, I’d run into you. Where is Jett and your pretty little boyfriend? You know my offer still stands?” Drew took his finger and ran it down Sam’s arm.
“Please, don’t touch me,” hissed Sam as she pulled away from his touch.
“We’re in the middle of something,” said Bryce, sensing trouble and came to Sam’s rescue.
“How long are you staying here? Maybe we can go out.” Drew completely ignored Bryce.
“It’s none of your business,” said Sam sharply. “The answer is still no. There’s nothing left to talk about. As Bryce said, we are in the middle of something. Please leave.”
“No one tells me to leave,” snarled Drew, who had apparently had too much to drink, became louder by the minute. His behavior had caught the attention of not only the other guests, but the manager as well.
“Sir, this lady has expressed she wants to be left alone. Other than throwing you out, I would highly suggest you leave her alone.” The waiter and manager took a stance with Drew.
“I’ll go,” threatened Drew. “But remember this, Sam. You haven’t seen the last of me yet.” He turned and stalked out of the restaurant.
“I am so sorry, Bryce. This is so embarrassing.” Sam’s cheeks were as red as could be.
“He is a total ass, Sam. It’s not your fault.” Bryce had taken her hands because Sam visibly trembled with rage. “Easy. Do you want to tell me what’s going on?”
“I don’t know where to start.” Sam had unshed tears in her eyes, and accepted the napkin Bryce handed her.
“From the beginning would be good.” Bryce handed her the glass of wine and waited patiently.
“I’m here because I work for Jett Robinson.”
“I’m sorry. We don’t get along very well.” Bryce played with his beer mug.
“Yeah, he’s made a list of enemies. I didn’t like him myself at first, but since I’ve been working for him, he’s been nothing but fair. My brother Jordan got me the job. He and Jett get along really well.”
“I can’t understand how Ian puts up with him, yet he does.” Bryce shook his head.
“That’s how Ian and I met. I had my interview with Jett the same day Ian had to go over Jett’s house plans he’s been working on.”
“So, you’re here to make sure it gets done while Jett’s on tour? Maybe I should move, since this island isn’t big enough for the two of us.”
“I don’t think he’s going to be staying here that much,” answered Sam truthfully.
“Okay, back to
the Drew part.”
“I play guitar like Jordan. While I had been in Los Angeles for my interview, Jordan and Ian talked me into jamming with a group. Jett had been there and he heard me. Here he had just hired me to work on his emails and fan mail. He didn’t realize I played and now he wants me to play backup on some of his new tracks.” Sam took another sip of wine. “When I went home to Chicago to pack and arrange for me to be in Los Angeles, I again jammed with Jordan and Jett at the House of Blues. Drew had been there.”
“Who was playing? I have to hear you play.” Bryce seemed very interested.
“Asylum Monkees.”
“They’re okay.” Bryce shrugged. “Did Drew approach you then?”
“No.” Sam shook her head. “Jett and his manager decided I should hang out here until the house is finished. It worked out great because Ian and I had just had a first date. We were trying to work out the logistics of me being in California and he lived here. Then Jett got a call from Drew saying he was in Maui and he wanted to talk to him. So, Jett and I flew down, but Jett didn’t want me having anything to do with Drew.”
“Finally, one thing we can agree on,” commented Bryce, absorbed with this story.
“Drew told Jett he wanted to hire me from him and to play with his band. Also, Drew wanted me to be his girlfriend. Of course, Jett and Ian wouldn’t have anything to do with me meeting him, but I thought it would be best if I did. You see, I have a black belt in karate and can pretty much take care of myself.”
“And it doesn’t hurt that Ian was a Navy seal,” added Bryce.
“I told Drew I wasn’t interested, and that I am seeing someone. Needless to say, he doesn’t take no for an answer.”
“I’ll watch your back,” said Bryce. “Let’s hope he doesn’t find out where you’re staying. You might want to stay at Ian’s or maybe my house until Ian gets home.”
“Thanks for the offer, but I have my dog with me. I can’t impose on people,” said Sam gratefully.
“You know, Sam? I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. Life with you is never dull, is it?” Bryce chuckled.
“Funny you should say that,” laughed Sam. “Ian said the same thing.”
“Ian is a lucky guy.” Bryce’s smile was genuine.
“Okay, Bryce. Let’s change the subject. Where can I take surfing lessons? I want to surprise Ian.”
“First question. Can you swim?”
“Yes, though, I’ve never swam in an ocean before. Only pools and Lake Michigan beaches,” answered Sam.
“The ocean is similar to Lake Michigan. Here, let me write down where this guy is at and tell him I sent you.” Bryce jotted another number down on Sam’s napkin.
“Now, let’s enjoy the night and if Drew shows up, he’s going to be sorry he messed with you.”
Chapter Sixteen
Ian took off his binoculars and scratched his eyes. He felt tired, hungry and horny for Sam. This had been the third day he and Rock had watched the coast for any activity and hadn’t found anything going on. Ian started to think his information may have been incorrect. Ian glanced at Rock who slept while Ian stayed on watch.
“Stop staring at me,” mumbled Rock. “I need my beauty sleep.”
“Yeah, you do. Man, this is bogus,” complained Ian. “I think they’re on to us and have moved on.”
“Yeah, I think so, too,” yawned Rock. He picked up his phone and called Terri. “My lady love? Are you there?”
“Yeah, I’m here and I’m not your lady love,” groused Terri. “What’s going on?”
“Zip. Nada. I think we have some bad info. Ian and I are going to do some digging. This is a waste of time.”
“I agree. Make sure you have your phones on at all times,” warned Terri.
“Yes, Mother,” mimicked Rock.
“Asshole,” returned Terri.
“You love every minute of it,” laughed Rock as he hung up the phone and turned to Ian. “Let’s go back, get some shut eye and take a shower.”
“Maybe not in that order, but it’s a good idea,” agreed Ian.
They got up and uncovered their bicycles from the brush. They headed back to the rented house on the beach. Moving carefully, they approached the house and climbed up the front step. Ian moved first with Rock behind him looking for anything unusual. Seeing the area clear, Ian checked the string on the door to make sure it had not been disturbed and it had. Putting his finger to his lips, Ian turned to Rock and they both cocked their guns. Ian listened intently and heard music playing along with the sound of men laughing. Ian turned to Rock and made a gesture to circle the house for further investigation. The two of them carefully walked around the house and found two cars parked in the sand. Keeping low, the two men circled the cars and found them both empty of passengers, but guns and other ammunition were strewn on the upholstery.
“How many?” whispered Ian to Rock.
“Looks like there are about four people,” answered Rock. He quietly opened the door of the vehicle and reached inside, taking the guns.
“Mayday,” whispered Ian into his phone to Terri. “We need back up at the crib.” Crib signaled their location.
“What’s going on?” Terri sounded tense.
“Someone crashed our party,” answered Ian. “There looks to be about four men of Hispanic descent, two vehicles with ammunition.”
“Make and model of vehicles?” asked Terri and Ian told her. He waited as she ran a match. “They’ve been stolen.”
“No surprise there,” remarked Ian and he finally caught Rock’s attention.
“Four of them,” said Rock. “One’s asleep on the couch; the other three are sitting at the table playing cards. Made themselves quite at home. Here’s what we’ll do.” Using his knife, Rock slit all the tires on the vehicles. Satisfied, they soundlessly crept up the steps, opened the door slowly to assess the situation. Bottles of beer were strewn everywhere and the men appeared to be quite intoxicated. Bundles of drugs were stacked up on the kitchen counter, as well as a scale and other drug paraphernalia.
Nodding to each other, they made their move. “Freeze!” shouted Rock and aimed at the table. He shot one man in the hands while Ian took care of the other three, knocking them unconscious. Ian quickly moved to the couch and jammed handcuffs on the unsuspecting man who had yet to wake up. Rock quickly applied handcuffs to the other two, while the man who had been shot screamed in pain.
“What the fuck are you guys doing?” one man who had been shot cried out.
“Don’t like it when someone uses my house as a drug cartel,” replied Rock smoothly.
“Hey, man, these are not our drugs,” he replied. “We were just told to watch them. I’m gonna die from bleeding to death.”
“Should have thought of that before you did something stupid like this.” Ian just shook his head. “Listen, we want some answers.” Ian held his gun at the man’s face. “Talk, buddy.”
“Got nothing to say. I want a lawyer.” The man shuffled and tried to run away, but Ian’s back-up had arrived and shoved the man on the ground.
“What’s going on?” asked the agent after showing his FBI card to Rock and Ian.
“This is our house and we haven’t been home for a while,” said Ian. “These guys decided to make it their party home. Don’t appreciate it.”
“Lock ‘em up,” said the FBI agent to his partner. The men were led out of the house to the paddy wagon where more police and an ambulance arrived at the scene. By now, the situation had turned chaotic and Rock and Ian let them do their thing. Ian and Rock went upstairs to collect their clothes and checked in with Terri before they left.
“Good work. It appears while you two were elsewhere, the Garcia cartel decided to use your house as a front. Bad news, though. They know it’s a government operation. There’s a leak somewhere so watch your backside. Don’t go straight home. There’s a boat about a mile down the road waiting for you.”
“Duh,” commented Rock and shook his head. “Who d
o you think the leak is?”
“I have no idea.” Ian shook his head, confused.
Ian and Rock were quiet on the boat trying to catch up on some much needed rest from the adrenaline from the raid. Ian’s thoughts were on Sam. It had been a week since he had spoken to her. He hoped she would still talk to him. Ian shook off a feeling of dread about Sam not wanting to see him again. As soon as they were off this boat, they were headed to Los Angeles and then he would fly to Maui to cover their tails, Ian called Sam from the airport.
“Hey, there,” said Ian cautiously.
“Ian!” shrieked Sam. “Where are you?”
“LAX,” said Ian happily, liking Sam’s enthusiasm.
“I did nothing, but worry about you,” admitted Sam. “I’m so glad you’re okay. Right? You’re okay?”
“I’m fine,” assured Ian. “I should be there in about five hours. Is it okay if I swing around to see you?”
“Absolutely,” squealed Sam. “I’ve got so much to tell you!”
“Babe, I’ll be there as soon as I can,” said Ian. God, he couldn’t get there soon enough.
Smiling, Sam checked the time and realized Ian would be there around dinner. She checked her grocery supplies and noticed she needed more wine. She happily made a list and went to the store to pick up the items. Once home, she sat down and started to go through Jett’s emails. Sam felt guilty because she had ignored them for a couple of days. She logged on and groaned when the count read over two thousand.
“Jett, this is the second time I’ve written and I don’t want a subscription. I want you!” read the first email Sam opened. Sam groaned. Did these people crawl out of the woodwork?
For two hours straight, Sam plowed through the emails, filing them in their perspective folders. Her back ached from hunching over the laptop without a break. She stretched and looked at the time. Two more hours to go before Ian’s arrival. She happily got up and took a shower, dressing in a sexy red sundress with matching sandals. Sam started dinner, poured a glass of wine, sat down at the piano and began to play. At first, she started with scales to warm up and then she proceeded to her favorite ‘Beethoven Moonlight Sonata’. Feeling inventive, she started playing a tune that popped into her head.