Book Read Free

Play for Me

Page 19

by Lois Kasznia


  Ian could hear the sounds of the piano and smiled. The song had a haunting melody, but sounded beautiful. He hesitated before knocking on the door, not wanting to interrupt. He marveled at her talent. He heard the last note and finally knocked on the door. When Sam answered, Ian appeared speechless, drinking in her presence. The color red complimented her complexion. He didn’t even give her a chance to say hello. He immediately grabbed her into his arms and gave her a long, lingering kiss, tasting the sweet, fruity smell of the wine she had been drinking. She tasted like nectar.

  “Oh, Ian,” sighed Sam. “I can’t believe how much I missed you! Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.” Sam kissed Ian again, pulling him into the house and shutting the door. “I have so much to tell you!”

  “When is dinner going to be ready?” asked Ian. If he could, he would’ve taken her right there on the spot. He hoped Sam could read his mind.

  “Whenever I want it,” whispered Sam as she got Ian’s point.

  Ian scooped Sam in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. Once, they reached the room, clothes came off flying. The urgency of their love making seemed endless. Ian, having faced the threat of harm, realized that every moment with Sam counted. He tenderly kissed her lips, her nose and then moved onto her neck, inhaling the sweet smell of her skin. He was definitely in heaven.

  “Oh, Ian,” sighed Sam contentedly. “I knew I missed, you but I didn’t realize how much.”

  Ian lay next to Sam with his head propped up on his elbow and softly stroked Sam’s skin with his fingers.

  “Was it a really bad op?” asked Sam softly seeming to understand his mood.

  “I’ve been on worse, but this was definitely not a good one. Especially when you’re looking down the barrel of a gun.” Ian sighed, torn about his role with the Seals. If he ever lost Sam, he wouldn’t know what to do.

  “Now that I’ve found you, don’t get yourself killed,” said Sam, trying to lighten the mood.

  “I have no intention,” said Ian as he kissed her one more time. “Tell me all what’s going on.” Ian smiled again at Sam, waiting to hear the news.

  “Oh, Ian,” began Sam happily. The next three weeks are going to be so hectic! Would you like a glass of wine? I’m sorry I forgot my manners.”

  “Let me get some clothes on,” said Ian as he picked up his shorts which had landed in the bathroom. He held them up with one finger and smiled at Sam. “We did it again.”

  “You got that right,” laughed Sam as she picked up her sundress which had fallen underneath the bed. “First things first. I met Bryce.”

  “You did?” asked Ian, surprised. “How did that happen?”

  “I just ran into him during lunch,” explained Sam as she started to make dinner.

  “Ran into him, how?” quizzed Ian, not letting this drop.

  “I grabbed a bunch of brochures for my company and looked them over while I ate. He introduced himself and then we got on the subject of Jordan and got carried away.” Sam looked at Ian expectantly. “You’re not jealous, are you?”

  “Maybe a little.” Ian shrugged his shoulders. “You are a great woman, you know.”

  “Well, thank you very much,” said Sam somewhat embarrassed. “But right now, it’s only you, Ian.” She reached up and kissed him on the lips.

  “Good.” Ian slipped his arms around her waist and they stood nose to nose. “So, who is all of this company that I have to be aware of?”

  “Well, my parents are coming,” began Sam studying Ian’s face.

  “I think I can handle that,” said Ian slowly.

  “You won’t be on assignment, will you?” asked Sam anxiously.

  “I don’t think so. If they don’t like me, maybe I can disappear.” Ian raised his eyebrows.

  “Not amused,” said Sam as she pretended to be cross.

  “Who else?” asked Ian.

  “My best friend, Deb, and then Jordan,” finished Sam.

  “I think I can handle those two.” Ian looked at Sam perceptively. “How did all of these people just happen to want to come here?”

  “Hey, when you’re from the Midwest, Hawaii is like a dream vacation,” explained Sam. “Besides the air fare, it’s pretty much a free ride and I don’t mind the company.”

  “Then, I’m not doing my job,” said Ian as he kissed Sam again.

  “Yes, you are,” countered Sam happily. “Besides, I want to play matchmaker. Deb has always had a crush on Jordan, but Jordan just sees her as a little kid, his sister’s friend. With Bryce in the picture, maybe Jordan will wise up and take notice.”

  “Bryce is married,” commented Ian as he munched on a breadstick.

  “Nope. He told me his wife filed for divorce last week,” explained Sam.

  “Doesn’t surprise me, really,” said Ian. “She is no angel.”

  “Why is it that rock stars always marry bimbos?” mused Sam thoughtfully.

  “Beats me,” laughed Ian. “I’m no rock star and that’s why I don’t have a bimbo.” Ian affectionately kissed Sam’s cheek.

  “You are too sweet,” murmured Sam feeling very loved and wanted. “I have a surprise for you, but I can’t show you now. Maybe tomorrow?”

  “Can you at least tell me?” asked Ian hopefully.

  “No, it’s something I have to show you.” Sam smiled secretly.

  “Then I can’t wait.” Ian reached for Sam and held her close. “You know, Sam? I’m not hungry for food right now.”

  “Me neither,” said Sam, giving into Ian’s kiss.


  “Wake up, sleepyhead,” laughed Sam as she tried to rouse Ian.

  “What time is it?” asked Ian as he tried to focus his eyes.

  “It’s six in the morning!” Sam seemed anxious, throwing on a cover up over her swim suit. She hadn’t had the courage to do the bikini just yet. Maybe five more pounds and she would. Ian kept telling her that he loved her body, but she still didn’t agree.

  “What’s your hurry?” Ian propped up on his elbows.

  “This is the best time to show you what I can do! Come on, Ian, please?”

  “Okay, okay.” He yawned and reached for his jeans. “Where are we going?”

  “To the beach. I’m driving.” Sam had her car keys in hand. Cracker pranced about picking up on Sam’s excitement. “No, you’re not going, Cracker. It’s just Ian and me.” The dog seemed crushed at the word ‘no’.

  “I’ve made a breakfast basket for us and there’s coffee to go.” Sam impatiently waited for Ian to get moving.

  “Is this the secret? A romantic breakfast on the beach?”

  “No, it’s something else. Hurry before it’s too late!” Sam went out the door with Ian following her. They arrived at the beach, which had started to fill up with surfers.

  “What’s this?” asked Ian starting to put two and two together. He looked at her in amazement.

  “I’m taking surfing lessons, Ian!” Sam blurted it out since she couldn’t contain herself anymore. “I can surf!”

  “You’re kidding, right? Honey, I don’t want anything happening to you. You said you didn’t know how to swim in the ocean,” said Ian, worriedly.

  “No, I’m good. Really!” She turned to the teacher, Jessie. “Tell him, Jessie.”

  “She’s good for a beginner, dude. She does need a bit more practice before she tackles the big ones. Right now, these waves, she can handle.” Jessie smiled at Sam proudly.

  “Okay, Tiger,” laughed Ian. “Let me see what you can do.”

  Sam eagerly got the board ready and paddled to find the spot. She rode the first wave in like a pro smiling widely for Ian.

  “That a girl,” said Ian, his heart bursting with pride. He had noticed that in the weeks he had been gone, Sam had lost weight and looked tanned and healthy. Even her hair looked sun kissed, slicked back with the salt water. He gave her a huge kiss in front of everyone, not caring. “I am so proud of you. What made you do this?”

  “I’m in Hawaii,” explained Sam smiling. “I wanted to try to see if I could do it. Ian, it is so much fun. We can go surfing together.”

  “Ian is a professional when it comes to surfing,” explained Jessie. “You’re going to need a lot more practice, Sam. Give it some time.”

  “Okay,” said Sam good-naturedly. “I guess it’s like anything else you need to master.”

  “Well, don’t expect me to play guitar or piano,” laughed Ian. “That I know I can’t do.”

  “Hey, Sam,” called Jessie. “The waves are getting a little bigger. You want to try again?”

  “Sure!” squealed Sam as she excitedly ran into the water and remembered everything Jessie had taught her. Concentrating hard, Sam waited for the right moment. She started to stand, but slipped off and wiped out. She landed hard on her rear and the board knocked her in the chin, drawing blood. Stunned, she sat there and let the wave wash over her. Both Jessie and Ian were in the water in seconds flat and pulled Sam to safety.

  “Honey, are you okay?” asked Ian worriedly looking at the cut on her chin. “I think you might need stitches.”

  “I’m just a little embarrassed, that’s all,” said Sam trying, hard not to cry. She didn’t know what hurt most, her chin or her pride.

  “We’re going to the hospital,” confirmed Ian. Jessie had handed Sam an icepack to put on her chin. Ian took Sam’s car keys and drove like hell to the clinic.

  “Do they teach you how to stitch in your Seal training?” asked Sam, trying to make conversation, not liking the grim set to Ian’s chin.

  “I don’t like seeing you hurt,” said Ian softly. “Seals don’t use pain killers for the most part.”

  “My chin is starting to throb,” admitted Sam. “Oh, Ian. I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

  “Things happen,” said Ian trying to lighten up the situation. “Here we are. Go ahead and go in while I park the car.” He wasn’t going to admit how helpless he felt when she wiped out. When Sam hurt, he hurt.

  Four stitches later and a black and blue chin, Ian and Sam returned from the clinic and arrived home. Ian went to the fridge and pulled out some wine, cheese and crackers.

  “I’m proud of you for trying to surf, Sam. I want you to try it again, but next time with me, okay?” Ian held her long and hard. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “Oh, Ian,” said Sam trembling. “I’m just trying to be like the women you like. You know, athletic. I know I can’t be a doctor, but I don’t want you not to like me.”

  “Sam, I like you the way you are,” reassured Ian. “Any suggestions made were to make sure you take care of yourself. That’s all. Hell, I can’t even carry a tune and look at you. You play guitar and piano. And your singing is really good.”

  “When did you hear me sing?” asked Sam somewhat surprised.

  “Yesterday. I almost knocked on the door and I heard you singing while you were playing the piano.”

  “Well,” began Sam as she twirled her wine glass. “I have a secret ambition. I want to be known as a songwriter.” She looked up at Ian expecting disbelief and found none.

  “I think that’s great,” said Ian, having utmost pride in her. “That song yesterday, is that one of them?”

  “Yes,” said Sam smiling. “I have over one hundred of them.” She got up from the couch and pulled out a CD case. “I’ve recorded these.”

  “I’m very impressed, Sam.” Ian meant it. “Can I listen to these?”

  “Sure, or I could play them for you,” said Sam as her phone interrupted them. “Hello? Deb! How are you?” Sam covered the mouth piece and mouthed Deb to Ian. But Ian didn’t pay any attention; lost in looking at Sam’s collection.

  “Sam! I am so jazzed. I am coming out, and my flight arrives Sunday afternoon around three. It’s United. Is that okay?”

  “This Sunday, like as in tomorrow?” Sam couldn’t believe it.

  “Is that too soon? I’m staying a week since that’s all the vacation my work will let me take.”

  “No, no that’s fine,” said Sam doing some quick thinking. “I’ll be at the airport to pick you up. That way we can decide what we want to do. I can’t wait to see you!”

  “Same here!” Deb ended the call.

  “She’s coming in tomorrow, Ian. Is that okay with you?” Sam looked at Ian, trying to see any annoyance about their plans being interrupted.

  “Sure,” agreed Ian, still not really paying attention, absorbed in Sam’s collection of music. “Sam, have you tried to sell any of these?”

  “No, not yet,” said Sam unsure how much to tell him. “I guess I could, but I don’t think I’m ready to.” She looked at Ian, puzzled. “Did you hear what I said about Deb? She’s coming to tomorrow.”

  “Really?” Now, Sam had Ian’s full attention. “That’s kind of soon. What have you got planned?”

  “Nothing.” Sam started to think she should get organized. “I mean Jordan is coming in, too.” Matchmaking thoughts made Sam’s head spin.

  “What does Deb like to do?” asked Ian. “I think that’s most important.”

  “We would go out to dinner; check out a movie or go shopping,” said Sam thoughtfully. “I mean we could go to a club and I bet there is plenty of shopping.”

  “There you go.” Ian felt the problem had been solved until he remembered Jordan being here, too. “What’s this about Jordan?”

  “He’s got a few days off from his tour,” answered Sam. “I think he said sometime around Monday. I’ve got to get organized, Ian. Help!” Sam stood up and headed for the kitchen for a notepad and a pen. “First off, food,” began Sam and Ian groaned.

  “While you get organized, I think I’m going to run to the gym for a work out. If you want me to stay and help I will, but, honestly, I think I’ll be in the way.” Ian’s lips gently brushed Sam’s cheek.

  “You’re right,” said Sam with a smile. “Once I get on a roll, there’s no stopping me.”

  “How is your chin feeling?” asked Ian as he gently grazed it with his fingers.

  “It feels fine when you do that.” Sam put her arms around Ian. “Otherwise, the numbness is wearing off.”

  “I could hold you all day,” whispered Ian.

  “Come back and hold me tonight,” suggested Sam seductively.

  “Will do.” Ian started a long kiss which Sam gladly accepted.

  With Ian gone, Sam ran around the house making sure all bed rooms had sheets and their adjoining bathrooms had towels. Whew! She should have known that Marvin would take care of things like that. Sam began to make a grocery list of the things she would need for both Deb and Jordan.

  Running to the store, Sam picked up plenty of wine, beer and vodka along with other groceries. She finally felt ready to take on her guests.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Deb! Over here,” shouted Sam as she met her friend at the airport. “Look at you! You look wonderful,” exclaimed Sam amazed at the transformation of her best friend. Deb’s parents were from Italy and she always had a beautiful face with big brown eyes and sensuous full lips. She had had a weight problem while living with her parents who thought the world’s problems would be solved by eating. But she had dropped at least fifty pounds and her long sleek black hair had been cut in a flattering style, framing her face.

  “Look at you, too” said Deb. “You’ve lost weight, too, and look at that tan! Your hair has blond streaks. The look of a woman in love.”

  “This job appeals to me,” laughed Sam. “I have so much to tell you. Wait until you meet Ian. He didn’t come today because he knew you and I would talk our ears off. We are having dinner at his house tomorrow night.” They had walked to the baggage claim area to retrieve Deb’s many bags.

  “Don’t laugh! I wasn’t sure what to bring,” explained Deb sheepishly.

  “No problem! I was the same way when I first came here,” admitted Sam. “Hope you like the beach.”

  “I love the beaches,” gushe
d Deb. “This is all so exciting.” They stopped at Sam’s car as she popped open the trunk. “Nice wheels! Yours?”

  “No, everything belongs to Jett,” explained Sam. “You see, he rented the house and the car for me while I supervise the remodeling of his mansion. Deb, you are going to be blown away. I know because I still am.”

  “I think you made the correct career choice,” laughed Deb.

  “I think I did, too,” agreed Sam. “I mean, if someone would’ve told me ten years ago, I’d be doing a gig like this, I’d laugh in their face. Of course, my mother is not pleased at all.”

  “I know. She called me,” said Deb, shaking her head. “I heard she’s coming out here to bring you home.”

  “She can try, but I don’t think so. Look at it here, Deb. Is this almost heaven? The weather, the ocean, the scenery; why would I want to leave this?”

  “Your mother is going to be a tough sell,” agreed Deb, duly impressed. As they pulled into the driveway of the house, Deb was even more astonished. “This is it? This is your house?”

  “No, it’s Jett’s,” corrected Sam with a laugh as she opened the door to the house. “Here, your bedroom is upstairs. I’ll help you with your bags.”

  “And Cracker is here, too?” Deb petted the friendly dog, glad to see someone he knew.

  “He loves the ocean. Only problem is the wet dog smell.” They had reached Deb’s room. “I don’t know what you want to do right now. Are you hungry? Do you want to change clothes and head to the beach? Name your poison,” said Sam, anxious to please.

  “I’m starving! Are you kidding? I’m on vacation!” exclaimed Deb. “Let me change clothes and grab something to eat!”

  Sam busied herself by checking Jett’s emails while Deb changed clothes. It looked like she had to work a little on them today. There were once again over one thousand. Didn’t people have anything better to do than email Jett?

  “I’m ready! Where are we going?” asked Deb.

  “I know of a great place,” said Sam and she headed to the café where she had met Bryce. Maybe he would be there.


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