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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

Page 14

by Lindsay Downs

  Taking a seat on one of several settees, Kathleen watched and waited while Simon, Matthew, and her father talked in whispers by the desk.

  “Your Graces, m’ lords and ladies, Rick from Radcliffe Hall requests to speak with you,” Brown announced from the door.

  “Send him in,” Roger ordered.

  Kathleen studied the young man, her smuggling leader, as he marched in and bowed.

  “Speak,” Simon told him.

  “Your Graces, m’ lords and ladies, a short while ago I heard from one of my friends that Jonas Ringer was seen in the village. What is even more disturbing in the report I got, is that it seems he was only interested in you, Lady Kathleen.”

  Hearing those words sent a shiver down Kathleen’s spine. Now she knew she had seen the man, and for some reason he was coming after her.

  “Rick, do you know why, of all the people, this man is focused on my daughter,” Roger demanded.

  “M’ lord, I wish I could answer your question but I’ve no idea. With your permission, I will have a few select members of the crew dig deeper to see if they can learn the answer.”

  “Yes, you may, and report directly to His Grace and Lord Matthew. They will then tell me what you’ve learned,” Roger stated.

  Kathleen waited until Rick left then turned to Matthew. “On my word, I won’t leave the grounds without you to accompany me. I will though continue to make the runs.”

  “I agree to the first part, but under strong objections I consent to the second as I will be with you,” Matthew declared.

  “Thank you. Now do any of you gentlemen have a suggestion on how to stop Ringer?”

  “Yes, but as the dinner this eve will only be those in this room we will explain then,” Simon stated.

  Accepting his decision, Kathleen let Matthew escort her to the front door. There he bowed to her curtsey.

  “Until this eve, my dear lady.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Attired in his finest evening jacket of midnight blue, wearing black trousers and a cravat tied with the help of Connor Matthew, Viscount Rathbourne, paced about the office. In his hand he held an unsipped glass of whiskey. What he couldn’t understand was why he was so nervous, in close to a panic. This was supposed to be a pleasant dinner with only close friends and his betrothed.

  Yes, that had to be the problem, Kathleen. Tonight she’d be wearing a gown, of what color and design he had no idea. At least when a few eves ago he had proposed to her she’d been wearing the pastel-yellow gown he’d seen. For this dinner she had refused to even share the slightest hint as to what the dress looked like.

  “Matthew, whatever is troubling you can’t be all that horrific. Or considering the track you’re laying down on my rug, I could be wrong,” Simon announced.

  “You don’t know the half of it. Kathleen at almost every turn has amazed me. Never have I met a challenge I couldn’t conquer. She I can’t.” Matthew waited until his uncle had stepped in and then offered him a whiskey.

  “From the glass in your hand, I don’t see the need. If you don’t mind, I’ll liberate that one from you.”

  Handing the untouched drink over, Matthew started to take up his pacing, but a scowl from Simon stopped him. Frustrated, he took a seat at the desk, not caring now the chair belonged to the duke. Looking over to the man, he saw a smirk on his face, and Matthew didn’t know whether to be angry or what at him.

  “Now that you’re a little more settled, would you care to explain why you’re so flustered?” Simon inquired.

  “Emma and I would also like to know. In all my years, I’ve never seen you so disconcerted.”

  “Serena, could his worry be because Matthew has no idea what Kathleen’s gown or hair will look like? To this day, I love keeping my Simon guessing as to what I’ll be wearing. On several occasions I’ve left him speechless,” the duchess stated.

  “Emma, our Kathleen has already done that and not once but twice.”

  Now Matthew panicked even more on hearing his mother refer to Kathleen as “our Kathleen”, and they weren’t even married yet. What would his wife do once they were? He could only surmise that she would keep him guessing when they were attending a party or ball. Mayhap, he should keep her hidden away in the country. The only problem with that plan was that both sets of parents would come down on his head. That is, after Kathleen went after him. No, somehow and someway he’d have to learn to overcome her surprises.

  “Then shall we be off as I know the carriage awaits us as do Roger, Elsie, and Kathleen. I also swear not to be tongue-tied on seeing her,” Matthew declared.

  The looks of amusement he got from the others didn’t aid in easing his anxiety as they made their way out to the carriage. Much to Matthew’s happiness, the drive over to the Ashburn estate was silent. However, he was worried by the glances shared between his mother and Simon, as well as Emma.

  As Matthew escorted his mother down the corridor to the countess’ parlor, he heard laughter emanating from the room.

  Then he heard, “Darling, with that gown and the way your maid did your hair, once again I can assure you Matthew will be speechless.”

  A glance at him from Simon, and a titter from Emma and his mother, firmed Matthew’s resolve not to. At the door he took in a breath and guided his mother in, stopping to give Roger and Elsie a bow. When he felt his mother release her hand from him, Matthew then turned to Kathleen and froze.

  Tonight she was wearing a red gown trimmed in silk ribbons of a lighter shade. Glancing up, he saw her hair was piled high with several tendrils hanging down framing her face. The picture was made complete by the crown of roses perched delicately on top of her head.

  Matthew was so taken by her beauty he attempted to speak. Opening and closing his mouth, he wasn’t surprised when no words came out.

  Yes, he thought, she’s brought me to silence. Again.

  “Elsie, we heard your comment about making my son speechless, and Kathleen has achieved that for the third time. I compliment you and her,” Serena declared.

  “Yes, my betrothed has, but I’ve finally found my tongue. Kathleen you have exceeded your two previous times with that gown and your hair.”

  “He speaks. I was beginning to wonder if I was marrying a mute or not. Now, Matthew come and sit beside me,” Kathleen said.

  With a nod, he waited until his mother and Emma were settled then he joined Kathleen on the settee. A tap on his leg brought Matthew’s attention to Simon.


  “I would strongly recommend you get used to becoming silenced by Kathleen’s beauty, especially when wearing such a lovely gown. My darling wife continues to amaze me.”

  “Thank you, dear husband. Kathleen, by surprising Matthew you’ll find you will be continually showered with jewels,” Emma stated.

  Hearing those words from the duchess had Matthew turning his attention to Kathleen only to see her smile and give Emma a head bob. Now, he was truly in trouble. The last thing he needed was the ladies joining forces against him. However, seeing Roger and Simon nodding to Emma’s comment, Matthew suspected the battle was lost even before he had taken to the field.

  He was saved from this line of discussion continuing when Brown stepped into the doorway and announced dinner. With staff present formality would be called for. Standing, Matthew was about to assist his mother up when she stood and shook her head. Turning to Kathleen, he offered his hand which was accepted with a smile.

  After escorting Kathleen to the dining room he seated her on her usual chair then took the one across from her. As the meal progressed the conversation revolved primarily around the activities in the district.

  Finally, with the meal, of several courses over, at Roger’s suggestion they retired to his office, who started the discussion.

  “Gentlemen, earlier we had discussed how to find Jonas Ringer. Now would be the perfect time to tell the ladies to see if they agree. As, Simon, you came up with the idea I’ll turn this gathering over to you.”

  “Simply put, we approach the Earl and Countess of Redditch and demand to be told were their son is. If they continue to claim he was sent out of the country, we will then need proof he is not here.”

  “Simon, may I ask a question?” Kathleen said.


  “What about telling them he was spotted in Cornwall. Would that spur them into being more forthcoming?”

  “I don’t believe that would. If anything they would dig their heels in and resist any of our attempts to find Ringer. Possibly even, if he’s still here, slip him out of the country or north to Scotland,” Matthew replied.

  “Then, I recommend on the morrow you three gentlemen ride over to their estate,” Emma uttered.

  “Yes, I agree, but when you go make sure you have several well-armed grooms along. We ladies don’t need our men coming to harm,” Serena told them.

  Hearing that gave Matthew a thought.

  “Emma, as much as I approve of your suggestion shouldn’t we wait a few days until we hear back from Rick? He might be able to uncover irrefutable proof the man is here. Then, with that in hand approach the earl and countess,” Matthew explained.

  What did surprise him was the nods of approval from everyone on agreeing with his suggestion.

  “The more I thought about what I saw today, I’m getting nervous and wonder if, even going for a walk might not be dangerous for me,” Kathleen admitted.

  “I know what I’m about to say will most certainly cause a stir within this room, but I must anyways. Also, this is nothing against you, Roger, but you’re not a young man, while Matthew and Simon are. As Radcliffe Hall is smaller thus easier to protect from unwanted visitors, our daughter with Serena and Emma in residence I feel you should retreat there. Also, if Jonas Ringer is keeping a watch over this mansion he wouldn’t expect to find you there,” Elsie declared.

  “My dear, that’s so true, and I approve of your suggestion,” Roger uttered.

  Matthew did like the idea of her being under the same roof as he. The only problem he foresaw was whether he would be able to keep his hands off her.

  “Elsie, so to maintain propriety and protect Kathleen from any unwarranted late night visits, she may share my suite. Heavens the room is large enough for an extra bed,” Serena said.

  “Mother, your suggestion does have merit, but how would I get there if here is being watched? Not to mention my wardrobe?”

  “Tonight, when we retire back to the Hall come with us. We have the carriage so you wouldn’t be seen by anyone. As for your gowns and dress have your maid pack a satchel with what you’ll need for the night and the morning,” Matthew explained.

  “Tomorrow, I’ll have Cowell and Wats send their men out to scour the estate for signs of an interloper. If they do, I’ll have a watch set to apprehend the man or men,” Roger told everyone.

  “Yes, and if they don’t find anything, not that I won’t and don’t appreciate the invitation, will I be able to return here?” Kathleen asked.

  “Only if no evidence is found, otherwise you’ll have to remain under Matthew’s and my protection,” Simon declared.

  “Then, if you’ll excuse me, I need to change into a more appropriate gown and instruct Patty to pack a bag,” Kathleen expressed.

  “Don’t worry about bringing your maid. Mine will help you with changing,” Emma said.

  “Thank you. I shouldn’t be long, and I’ll return here.”

  Matthew helped her stand then escorted her to the door. Once there, he watched as she glided down the hall to the stairs. A cough coming from either Simon or Roger brought his attention back to the room.

  “As you can plainly see, Simon and ladies, the poor boy is totally smitten. I’ll wager he won’t sleep well this night,” Roger teased.

  “On both points you are correct. I believe a footman should be placed outside your suite door Serena,” Simon replied.

  “And another guarding his as well,” Emma retorted.

  All Matthew could do was glower at his uncle and the man’s wife. Unfortunately, they only smiled back at him. With a groan, he retook his seat wondering what or who would be next to make his life miserable. He was pleased when silence prevailed until Kathleen returned. Matthew enjoyed seeing she’d changed into a simple, light brown carriage dress which complimented her eyes.

  “Matthew, do I wish to learn why no one is talking or have you all run out of words to say this eve?”

  “My dear, you don’t. All I can tell you, there will be no late night walks to the kitchen by me, under risk of severe bodily harm,” Matthew explained.

  “Thank you. Now, as you can see I’m ready whenever you wish to leave.”

  “Then, shall we depart?” Simon urged.

  Matthew stepped up to Kathleen, offered his arm, but was pleased when she settled her hand in his. With Simon and Emma leading, the mothers along with Roger trailing, he guided Kathleen to the front door, there to be met by Brown.

  “M’ lady, your hooded pelisse as requested. Your satchel is already safely in the boot,” the butler said.

  “Thank you, and hopefully Her Ladyship will be returning in the morning as this slight change in direction is for her safety,” Matthew stated, then draped the cape over Kathleen’s shoulder, and once she covered her head with the cowl he escorted her to the carriage.

  Once everyone was settled Matthew rapped on the coach roof and they started for Radcliffe Hall.


  Marching into the dining room after the worst night’s sleep he’d ever had, the morning improved when he was met by his betrothed gracing him with a warm smile.

  “Morning, Lady Kathleen. How was your sleep?”

  “Very well, m’ lord. Regrettably, you seem to have had a bad night or are you always this grumpy looking in the morning?”

  Matthew wished he could have told her that every time he closed his eyes thoughts of her a few doors down crept into his mind. He wished he could tell her he kept thinking of her, thusly no sleep. Fortunately, he had nothing special planned for the day so, with luck, he would be able to rest.

  “No. Usually I wake smiling and in a pleasant mood.”

  With that said, he stepped over to the sidetable and started to select breakfast meats along with several eggs and toast. Placing the plate on the table across from her, he started to break his fast when Simon and Emma entered. He started to rise but stopped when his uncle waved him back down.

  “Husband, if I’m not mistaken, a certain viscount looks the devil this morning,” Emma teased.

  “I believe you are correct. Mayhap he had impure thoughts of a certain young lady?” Simon jested.

  With a glance to Kathleen, Matthew noticed her cheeks pinken slightly. Of course he could feel his face warm on Simon’s words because they were true.

  “Are they making you uncomfortable, m’ lady. If so I will send them to the kitchen to have their breakfast,” Emma inquired.

  “I’m not sure. I will have to get used to the occasional ribald comments once we marry. I’m sure your family will be in the forefront of delivering them,” Kathleen added.

  “In any case, I do believe a certain gentleman should apologize for his words,” Matthew declared then glared at Simon, earning a giggle from Emma.

  “Lady Kathleen, please accept my request for forgiveness. And yes, you’re correct we are a caring family but love to tease the younger ones such as my nephew.”

  “Thank you and accepted. Will you be joining us for breakfast?”

  “Yes. This way we can get an excellent start on the day. I’ve already informed the duke we will be returning to the dress shop. This time so I may have a new gown created for your wedding,” Emma said, then started to set up her plate.

  A short while later Matthew handed Kathleen into the carriage. Once she was settled beside Emma, he climbed onto Devil’s back with Simon riding Satan. Giving Toby a nod, he followed the coach out and into Cornwall. Helping Kathleen down, he waited until the ladies were in the shop
before turning to the duke.

  “Do you have any idea how we can spend the time while our ladies look through fashion plates and discuss different fabrics?”

  “Not a clue. I do believe we should make ourselves scarce though. Mayhap, take a walk down by the docks,” Simon suggested.

  “Yes. We’ll leave Toby, Rick, and the footmen here to watch over the ladies,” Matthew suggested.

  As they strolled along Matthew glanced at the faces of the men. Unfortunately, many wore beards which made picking Jonas Ringer out next to impossible. Then he remembered, most sailors tended to wear them as shaving and hot water weren’t always available. Not discouraged, he continued to study them on the off chance one wouldn’t look at him.

  At the docks Matthew suggested they separate. This way they would be able to cover the most area in the least possible time. Accepting Simon’s nod as one of agreement they took different paths along the dock.

  Even though Matthew saw quite a few sailors and dockworkers, none of them even mentioned the latest murder, which he found unusual. He was about to turn back when from, he guessed a small boat below him, Matthew heard, “Did you hear about Newcomb?”

  “No. What?”

  “Rumor has it he had his throat slit, was wrapped in an old sail, and dumped into the channel.”

  “That sounds like the work of Jonas Ringer. Good thing I don’t run with them, and I pity anyone who does. I am aware smuggling is and can be a dangerous business, but that man makes doing runs even more risky.”

  “I’m glad the missus won’t let me join one of the crews. Now, let’s get finished then go to the inn for a pint.”

  As quietly as possible Matthew stepped back so when the men climbed the ladder he wouldn’t scare them. Once they stuck their heads up and were on the dock he walked up to them.

  “Gentlemen, welcome. I’m Viscount Rathbourne and staying at Radcliffe Hall. I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. I was the person who found Paul Newcomb, and the man was identified by a certain person who will remain nameless. Now, think carefully before answering my next question.”


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