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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

Page 15

by Lindsay Downs

  “Yes, m’ lord. I’ve seen you around the village several times,” the older of the two said.

  “Thank you. Now, are you sure Jonas Ringer is the man who killed Newcomb? Also, can you tell me where he’s hiding?”

  “Yes, I know he slit the man’s throat as I’ve seen him do the same to one or two others in the past. As for where he lives, that I can’t tell you. Not that I don’t want to, I can’t.”

  “I don’t understand,” Matthew said.

  “The only time he comes out is to tell his crew of a ship coming in. Once the goods are unloaded he waits until everyone has gone then leaves,” the same man told Matthew.

  He couldn’t believe the detail he was getting about Ringer, almost like this person he was talking to was in the crew. Focusing his attention on the man’s face, in particular the eyes, he didn’t see the cold, black he’d been told. Not to mention he wasn’t wearing a beard and possibly was too young.

  “Sir, I don’t wish to learn your name, but you seem quite knowledgeable about Ringer. Could you be one of his crew?”

  “Yes, I am, m’ lord.”

  “Do you make a nice sack of blunt with him?”

  “No. He keeps most of the coin for himself.”

  “Then, take these coppers, but don’t either of you say a word about speaking with me,” Matthew ordered then handed over the blunt.

  “Thank you, m’ lord, and we will keep our mouths closed.”

  Matthew waited until the men were out of sight then turned to see Simon leaning against a wall.

  “Excellent interrogation of the man. Remind me never to get on your bad side.”

  “How much did you overhear?” Matthew asked.

  “Enough to believe the man will keep a keen eye out, and if he learns something of interest he will contact you.”

  “And as I introduced myself as a viscount and where I’m staying he will easily find me. Now, let’s go see if the ladies are ready to return to either the Hall or Ashburn.”

  “I would suggest the manor. After luncheon, we meet with Elsie and Roger so everyone can learn what you did. Also, to see if Kathleen may return home so you’ll get a good night’s sleep,” Simon joked.

  “Yes, but I doubt that will happen until we share the same bed as husband and wife.”

  Matthew smiled on seeing Kathleen stepping from the shop as he walked up.

  “If you ladies are ready shall we return to the manor for luncheon then visit your parents to see if you’re able to safely return home?” Matthew suggested.

  When they rolled into Radcliffe Hall they were met by not only Serena but Roger and Elsie as well.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Mother, Father, this is a pleasant surprise. Please tell me I can return to Ashburn.” Kathleen glanced over to Matthew. “Not that I didn’t enjoy staying here last night, as I did.”

  “I’m so glad. Shall we have luncheon and Lord Roger can tell us what his men found,” Matthew said.

  Over their afternoon meal, Kathleen learned she’d be able to return to her home as no evidence had been found that someone was watching the mansion. With the meal finished, she let Matthew escort her to the office. This told her one of the men had learned something of import. Settled on the settee, Kathleen looked over to him talking again in a low voice with her father and Simon. This worried her.

  “Emma, do you have any idea what the men are discussing? All I know is that when Matthew met us at the shop he had a strange look in his eyes.”

  “I’m not sure, but I do agree. I noticed an interesting expression with my Simon.”

  “Do you think one or both might have learned something more about Jonas?” Kathleen said.

  “Very possibly,” Emma uttered in a low voice.

  As Kathleen continued to study the men, she now understood the uneasiness the gentlemen expressed on seeing their ladies whispering. For her this experience was very disconcerting. After several more minutes she watched as Matthew came over and sat beside her.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked.

  “Not really.” Kathleen waited while he caught the others attention.

  “While the ladies were at the dress shop, Simon and I took a stroll down to the docks. At first we didn’t learn anything. About to return to collect you ladies I overheard a disturbing conversation. I shan’t bore you with the details, but I was able to confirm Jonas Ringer did murder Paul Newcomb, and he’s still in the area. The individual, on being interrogated further, admitted to having seen Ringer kill several others.”

  “From the person, were you able to learn the man’s direction so he can be hunted down like the dog he is?” Serena asked.

  “No. Seems Jonas protects his privacy very well,” Simon inserted.

  With this new information, which Kathleen found to be disturbing, she began to wonder if she, along with Emma, should make the run tonight. Cocking her head to the side so she was better able to evaluate Matthew’s reaction, she frowned.

  “Considering what you’ve told us I believe I won’t be going with you this eve. For some reason, which we still have no idea why, with Ringer seemingly fixated on me, my safety would be best served staying at Ashburn tonight,” she declared.

  “Simon, I’m in agreement with Kathleen. Tonight, and until the man’s caught or dead, I won’t be joining you and Matthew,” Emma added.

  “Ladies, I believe I also speak for Simon when I say we’re pleased you’ve made this decision,” Matthew told them.

  “On that Kathleen, wife, shall we return to the estate as Matthew and Simon will need to rest as their night will be long,” Roger announced.

  Standing with help from Matthew, Kathleen let him guide her to the front door and to her father’s carriage.

  “Please, remain safe. Tomorrow may I call on you to find out how the run went?” she said.

  “Of course, might I suggest coming over for luncheon as Simon and I will most likely be sleeping in,” Matthew replied.

  Once she was settled on the squabs, beside her mother, Kathleen looked out the door, smiled to Matthew, then sat back.

  A short while later, happy the ride back had been completed in silence, she was handed down from the coach by her father. Kathleen then looked over to her mother. “I’m going to rest for a little while then bathe and dress for dinner.”

  “Then after dining and to help pass the time would you mayhap play the pianoforte for us?” Elsie said.

  “Yes, that’s a wonderful suggestion. I will miss having Matthew joining me in a ballad.”

  Giving her mother a head bob, Kathleen made her way to her suite. Sweeping in, she was met by Patty.

  “Help me out of my dress while I take my hair down. After which put it in a simple braid. For tonight as we’re not having guests a simple chignon should suffice. I’ll wear the blue gown.”

  “As you wish, m’ lady. While you rest I’ll take the dress down and get the wrinkles ironed out. Will you be bathing at six of the clock?”


  With her hair redone and in one of her dressing gowns, Kathleen climbed between the sheets and in minutes could feel her lids closing.

  Kathleen slowly woke when she felt her shoulder being shaken gently. Opening her eyes, she stretched then rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

  “Did you have a good rest, m’ lady?”

  “I did.”

  Since the first time meeting Matthew, this sleep was like all the others, dreaming of him. Unlike previous ones they had been in London at a ball, and he was swirling her around the dance floor in a waltz. What made this even more enjoyable, he was holding her a little too closely which earned scowls from many of the matrons. Not that she had cared.

  “M’ lady, are you woolgathering?”

  “Ah, um. Yes. Is my bath water here?”

  “The footmen brought the buckets up just before I woke you. Now let’s get you in the hip tub, and while you bathe I’ll get out your boots, britches, and shirt for tonight.”

p; “With everything going on in regards to Ringer I’ve, much to His Lordship’s happiness, decided not to go on runs until the man is caught. Even the earl and countess approve of my decision.”

  “As do I, m’ lady.”

  After slipping out of the robe and her undergarments, Kathleen stepped into her private room and tub. Not wishing to dawdle, she wasted no time in washing and finished just as Patty entered.

  Once her hair was washed and partially dried, Kathleen slipped on a robe and with a fresh towel retired to a chair by the fire. There she rubbed her tresses with the cloth then, when satisfied started brushing her hair. This was one task she always preferred to do as Patty was a bit heavy handed in running the brush through her waist length hair.

  Later, dressed in the simple gown and hair in a chignon Kathleen swept down one flight of stairs and into her mother’s parlor. Kathleen took a seat on the settee beside Elsie who was perusing some sheet of music.

  “Are you selecting a few pieces for me to play later? If so, don’t forget to include the Bach Concerto Number One as father loves it.”

  “Yes, even though I don’t have any idea why you need to look at the sheet as many times I’ve heard you play the piece from memory.”

  Not sure she had an answer, Kathleen picked up the several sheets and looked through them, nodding at each and every one. She suspected her mother had selected these particular pieces as Kathleen always relaxed playing them.

  “Ladies, don’t you both look lovely this eve,” Roger declared from the door.

  Kathleen gave him a smile and saw her mother had done the same.

  “I passed Brown on my way here, and the man informed me dinner was set. Shall we?”

  Over a simple and wonderful dinner, Kathleen asked if her father would arrange for either the landau or carriage be available after luncheon.

  “Certainly. Are you going into the village? Or visiting His Lordship?”

  “The second. I wish to hear how the run went, and he recommended to come over at that time,” Kathleen explained.

  “I’ll also have Cowell arrange for several grooms to accompany you for protection.”

  “Thank you, Father.”

  With their evening meal finished, Kathleen followed her parents to the music room. There, for an hour, she entertained them while playing several pieces, including her father’s favorite.

  Pleading fatigue from a stressful day and relaxed by the music, Kathleen retired to her suite. After changing into her nightrail and robe she picked up the book by Galileo.

  “M’ lady, you are aware that book will put you to sleep in short order.”

  “Yes Patty, and that’s why I chose the subject.”

  As promised, within ten minutes Kathleen slipped out of her robe and crawled between the covers. She had barely laid her head down when she was asleep.

  Kathleen woke with a start at hearing her suite door open and someone rush in and up to her bed.

  “Daughter, Toby arrived a few moments ago in a panic. Matthew has been injured. That’s all I was told. Let’s get you in your boots and britches. Father has already sent word to have Marigold ready with your astride saddle and in the courtyard,” her mother blurted out.

  Tossing off the covers, Kathleen bolted up and raced over to the armoire and took out her riding clothes. Quickly putting them on, she tugged her boots on then rushed down the stairs to the front door held open by Brown with her father talking to Toby.

  “Father, can you give me a leg up.”

  “Of course. And Toby is armed in case of trouble.”

  In the saddle Kathleen turned to the groom.

  “Do you know how badly His Lordship is wounded?”

  “No, m’ lady. His Grace raced ahead of the crew to have me come get you and bring you back. I did, however, see blood on His Grace’s hands and shirt but I don’t know whose it is.”

  “From here to the main road a canter, then we gallop to the Hall,” she ordered.

  Accepting his nod, Kathleen turned her mare and in two strides was rushing out of the courtyard. She barely heard her father call after her to be safe. Once on the road which would take her to Matthew, she pushed Marigold into a ground covering gallop. For extra safety, Kathleen leaned forward and with both hands even holding the reins grabbed some of the mare’s long mane.

  Hearing hooves to her right, Kathleen risked a glance over and saw a happy Toby keeping stride with her. She wondered if he was holding Devil back or not. At some point, once Matthew was safe, she’d have to inquire. As the turn to Radcliffe Hall came into view she straightened and brought Marigold down to a canter.

  Kathleen swiftly cantered down the drive not slowing until she entered the courtyard, there to be met by King. Looking ahead, she saw Serena and Emma waiting for her on the front porch. She jumped down from her mare as the stable master took the reins from her, then ran up to the ladies.

  “How badly is he hurt?”

  “He’ll live. He was shot in the shoulder. Right now Cook and Mrs. Swithin are continuing to treat the wound. His Grace is in the office and wants to talk with you so you may learn what happened,” Emma stated.

  Kathleen marched in and down to the office.

  “Come in and have a seat,” Simon said.

  Not that she wanted to as seeing Matthew was more important, she did as requested as Emma and Serena entered and took seats. Accepting a glass from Simon, she took a sip then glared up at him.

  “All right, I’m as calm as can be considering everything, now what happened.”

  Patiently, Kathleen listened to the events of the night and was mildly happy everything went as planned.

  “Yes, however, once we beached the dory and started to unload the goods, we were set upon. No, they weren’t the authorities but another. The Redditch crew. I saw Ringer. He was the one who shot Matthew.”

  “Then, when we find the man, he’s mine. If anyone is going to attack my future husband I will be the one and with my tongue,” Kathleen declared.

  “Excellent choice of weapons my dear. Now, to help set your mind to rest Simon has already ordered watches set about the manor,” Serena added.

  “Thank you. Can I see him now?”

  “You may. Come with me,” Emma said.

  After handing the glass back to Simon, she followed Emma up to Matthew’s suite, stopping at the door.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I’m just a little nervous, that’s all. Don’t forget, for one, I’ve never been in a gentleman’s room, and I don’t know what to expect on seeing Matthew.”

  Letting out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, Kathleen depressed the latch and stepped in. Looking to the bed, she saw him covered up to his waist with a sheet, his left shoulder wrapped.

  Nervously, she walked over to him. Even in the candle light she easily saw he was pale, not the tanned gentleman she loved. What, where did that come from?

  “M’ lady, as you heard, he was shot and we are lucky in that the ball passed through him. From what Mrs. Swithin and I can see no bones were hit and he will heal nicely, but that will take time,” Cook told her.

  “And if he gets an infection, between Cook and myself we’ve enough different poultices and potions.”

  “Now, as Her Grace is here as chaperone, not that one is really needed considering His Lordship’s condition if you’ll excuse us. I want to start making a broth for him when he awakens,” Cook stated.

  With a head bob she dismissed the staff then stepped closer to the bed.

  Gently, Kathleen rested her hand on Matthew’s arm and was shocked at how cool the skin felt. She wondered if this was normal or not. Glancing over her shoulder she noticed Emma, now with Simon at her side.

  “I’ve a question, Simon?”

  She waited until they stepped up. “Is he supposed to be this cold?”

  “Yes, but once he awakes he’ll warm as Cook had to pour tea with a little laudanum down his throat so they could treat the wound.”

sp; “Kathleen, let’s get you settled in Serena’s suite as the other bed is still there. You may use one of my night rails,” Emma declared.

  “No, I’m not leaving Matthew’s side until he wakes up. As Cook said, he’s in no position to compromise me, not that that would matter as we’re marrying soon.”

  “I understand, as when my Simon was shot I refused to leave his side as well. For propriety’s sake I’ll stay with you,” Emma declared.

  “Thank you.”

  Feeling the stress of racing over here and the sip of whiskey Kathleen could feel fatigue start to set in. Turning, she stepped over and took a seat in one of the chairs by the fireplace. In a moment she was joined by Emma while she watched Simon leave.

  “He’s going to check on the guards then talk with Rick.”

  “Do you think-” Kathleen didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence as she saw Connor, carrying a tray, enter.

  “Your Grace, m’ lady, Lady Serena sent this up as she was aware you, m’ lady, wouldn’t leave her son’s side.”

  Kathleen pointed to a small round table between her and Emma.

  “Place the salver there, and thank Her Ladyship for us.”

  She gave Connor a nod dismissing the man, then poured a cup for Emma and herself.

  “As I was starting to say, with this attack on Matthew, do you feel confident Rick will be able to search out where Ringer hides?”

  “On that, I’m not sure. Remember what we learned after luncheon, the man seems close to distrustful of just about everyone,” Emma stated.

  “Except his parents, in particular the countess. I’m becoming more convinced she knows where he’s living. I believe she needs to be approached using the same tactics as discussed the other day,” Kathleen declared.

  “Then I would recommend we speak to the woman, and as Simon saw her son shoot Matthew, we threaten her. If she doesn’t give us the information we will be demanding,” Emma started to tell her when Simon entered.

  “Not without myself, Toby, and several more grooms along for protection,” Simon announced from the doorway.

  “If you insist, Simon. However, I would rather wait until I see Matthew improve which might be a day or so,” Kathleen demanded, then realized she’d snapped at a duke.


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