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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

Page 26

by Lindsay Downs

  “Your Grace, m’ lord and ladies, as you can plainly see we will be in the town as well. However, you won’t be able to find us as we will be hiding in a building which overlooks the main street,” Simon said, explaining their attire.

  Immediately, Kathleen knew where they were going to be, her father’s warehouse which was situated at the far end of the main street.

  “We will return in time for luncheon and hopefully with good news,” Jeffrey added.

  “May I ask you this, Your Grace. I am well aware of the building you’ll be hiding in. From there you won’t be able to set a hue and cry on them, much less alert the crew. What do you hope to learn?” Kathleen asked.

  “No, but as the Redditch warehouse can’t be used, we need to find where they hide if and when they come into Cornwall. This will be our chance to at least find the street they come from. From there we can locate the building,” Simon explained.

  Now, not only she but Matthew understood their reason. She waited for them to depart then turned back to her first meal of the day. She soon finished and with the ladies and Matthew retired to the parlor while awaiting the carriage.

  “Emma, mother, are you sure you’d rather stay here?” Matthew said.

  “Yes, Son. The idea is to attempt to bring them out of hiding, and with us along you’d need several grooms or footmen. Wouldn’t doing that defeat the purpose?”

  “Yes, as usual you are correct. Then, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll make sure the landau is in the courtyard so we may depart.”

  With a kiss to his mother’s proffered cheek, Matthew quit the room. Hearing delicate footsteps following, he smiled and slowed so Kathleen might join him. As she got to his side he held out his hand, which she took.

  “Will you have a fitting or be looking over plates and material? I’m only asking, for I plan to visit the tailor to order several new shirts.”

  “Then, dearest husband, take your time as I will be doing both. When we arrive in London, soon I pray, we will be attending balls, and I will need several gowns until I can find the perfect dressmaker.”

  “On that, speak with Serena as hers is excellent. However, you’re correct in that you should have several ready.”

  Stepping outside, Matthew smiled on seeing the coach waiting with Toby in the box.

  “Let me collect my bonnet and parasol. I shan’t be but a moment.”

  With a nod, Matthew watched as his wife swept into the manor then stepped down to speak with Toby.

  “As you can see, we’re not taking extra grooms or footmen. We’re hoping to be able to bring the earl, countess, or Ringer out of hiding. If you happen to see any of them, don’t set up a hue and cry, as Rick has arranged for members of the crew to be around. If any of the three disappear only mark where they went then later inform me.”

  “Yes, m’ lord, I suspected as such when I spoke with Rick earlier before he sent word to some of the gang.”

  Now Matthew was curious. Why only alert a few? Could there be a spy amongst the men which Rick hadn’t mentioned before? Again, another question and no answer. When will it ever end?

  With a nod, Matthew turned as Kathleen swept down the steps, a smile gracing her lips. Handing her up, he joined his wife then relaxed as Toby brought the team of matched bays to a walk, then a trot.

  In front of the dress shop, Matthew helped his wife down then waited for her to disappear inside.

  “Stay here as that would be the most natural. I’ll walk down to the tailor. I shouldn’t be gone more than half an hour.”

  “M’ lord. As you were handing Her Ladyship out of the coach I happened to notice Ringer heading to the docks.”

  “Thank you. Hopefully, some of the Radcliffe men spotted him as well.”

  Matthew started for the harbor when he paused and glanced around. Not seeing any of the crew, he suspected to follow could be dangerous. Ringer had already proven, twice, he was a bad shot but a knife was something else completely. Hopefully, his father and Simon had spied the man. This he’d learn later when they returned to the manor.

  “M’ lord, do you wish I remain here for Her Ladyship?”


  That being said, Matthew strolled down the street to the tailor. Walking in, he was met by a middle-aged man with sandy brown hair who looked familiar.

  “M’ lord, welcome to my humble shop, and yes I’m one of the Radcliffe crew. As we don’t use names during a run, you may call me by my profession, Tailor. I’m also glad you came before lunch as I close the store and fish in the afternoon with my two boys.”

  “Tailor then, it’s a pleasure to meet you. As I’ve been staying longer than planned, because of the deaths, I’m in need of several shirts and jackets. Since I never am aware of my lengths of stays at different estates due to being an architect, I have my sizes,” Matthew declared, handing over a sheet of foolscap.

  He waited while the tailor looked over the paper then peered up to him.

  “This will make things so easy for me. As it happens, I trained under your man in London so I’m sure the figures are accurate.”

  Now this, Matthew found interesting and was about to ask why Tailor lived here when a young man burst in.

  “Father, our sloop has been stolen. I went down to make sure everything was ready for fishing and saw three people in the boat clearing the headwater.”

  “Son, slow down, but first make your bows to Lord Matthew,” Tailor ordered.

  “I’m sorry, m’ lord, forgive me for my behavior?”

  “Think nothing of it as finding part of your livelihood disappearing before you can be upsetting. Were you able to get a good look at the people?”

  “Two men and a woman. I believe one of the men, more a young man, could have been Jonas Ringer,” the son answered.

  Immediately, Matthew knew what this meant. The other two were the earl and countess. Why escape by sea? Turning to the son, he smiled to calm the young man.

  “Were you able to see in which direction, up or down the coast, they went?”

  “I did, so we could retrieve our sloop. They sailed toward Helston.”

  “That’s a good half days ride from here, m’ lord. If you’re thinking of chasing them, I’d take several solid men with you,” Tailor suggested.

  If he wished to go after them, it would first have to be discussed with the others, including Toby and Rick.

  “Tailor, I will take your advice. Thank you. If I were you, I’d wait until more can be learned as to why they went to Helston. Do you or anyone of your friends have contacts with a crew there.”

  “Not that I know of. However, Rick might?”

  “Thank you. Now on to the reason for me visiting your shop. How soon do you think you can have three shirts along with a dark-brown evening jacket and a blue one?”

  “I can have everything for you in two days. Will that be soon enough?” Tailor said.

  “That will be perfect. Now, I need to see if Her Ladyship has left me enough monies to pay for them,” Matthew teased, then gave the father and son a nod.

  Stepping from the shop, he was met by Toby and Kathleen, in the landau.

  “To what do I owe this honor, m’ lady?”

  “As I finished earlier than I thought, when I came out of the dress shop Toby told me what he’d seen. Knowing you wouldn’t go after him alone, we came down to meet you.”

  “Good, and I learned something interesting while at the same time confusing. We need to collect His Grace and Lord Jeffrey then return to the manor.”

  “Yes, m’ lord. I believe they are in the Ashburn warehouse,” Toby stated.

  Giving the coachman a nod, Matthew climbed in, taking a seat beside his wife. When the landau stopped in front of the building, Matthew watched as his father and Simon, with blood on both their shirts, come out and marched over to them.

  “Worry not, son, m’ lady, this isn’t from us,” Jeffrey uttered.

  “Your Grace, m’ lord, we came to get you as we need to return to Radclif
fe Hall. I’ve learned some disturbing information,” Matthew declared.

  “And you may explain to Her Grace and Lady Stratham why you have bloody shirts. I’m sure the account will be highly interesting,” Kathleen said.

  “Trust me, it will be and, m’ lord, if what you have has to do with a stolen sloop then yes,” Simon uttered.

  “On that you are correct. Your Grace and I have learned in which direction they sailed.”

  “Toby, take us back to the manor as quickly and safely as possible. Once there and after the team has been taken care of, you and Rick have luncheon, and be ready to meet with us at half one in the office,” Matthew directed.

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  Twenty minutes later, after his father and Simon climbed out of the coach and were met by two very unhappy wives Matthew noted, he helped Kathleen down.

  Once the noon meal was finished, Matthew turned to Connor as they departed the dining room.

  “Bring Toby and Rick to the office.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  Strolling into the room, Matthew guided his wife to the settee then took a seat beside her.

  “All right, as we know Redditch and Ringer stole a boat and in the process attacked two men, thus the blood on our shirts. When we saw it happen, Jeffrey and I ran down, hoping to prevent the men from being murdered. I’m guessing our hasty approach caused the three to bolt. Now, Matthew, before you tell us what you learned, let’s have Toby and Rick join us,” Simon announced.

  Standing, Matthew went to the door, opened it, and waved the two in. What he found interesting this time both were much more relaxed in the presence of Simon and Emma.

  “Have seats by the door.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  “Lord Matthew, from what you said earlier, you learned in which direction the boat took?” Simon stated.

  “Your Grace, I was visiting the tailor to order several shirts and jackets when his son rushed in. The young man told me they were headed to Helston.”

  “Rick, Toby, do either of you have contacts there?” Simon inquired.

  “I do, Your Grace. My younger brother works on a ship based out of there,” Toby informed them.

  “Good. We’ve learned Redditch and Ringer were headed there in a stolen sailboat. Do you have any way to contact your brother and have him arrange to keep a watch on them?” Matthew asked.

  “Your Graces, m’ lords and ladies, considering how much of a lead they have and by water, which would only take a few hours, there’s no way I can before they disappear,” Rick declared.

  “That maybe so, but if you, Lord Matthew, allow me to borrow Devil I can be in Helston before dinner,” Toby added.

  “Yes, why didn’t I think of that. On either Satan or Lucifer, for safety I should accompany Toby. This way he can hunt them down while I speak with my sibling,” Rick said.

  “Then get those beasts ready for the race of their life. While you do that, I’ll pen a note permitting you both to stay at an inn for the night. This way you can return in the daylight,” Simon ordered.

  Once the two left and Simon took a seat at the desk, Matthew stood and, much to the annoyance of his mother and wife, started pacing about the room. Even the glowers from them didn’t stop him. He was trying to figure out why the Redditch’s and Ringer had stolen a boat. A fast one at that. What was their end game? From what he knew, a ship that small couldn’t cross the ocean to the West Indies. The best and farthest they could travel would be across the channel to the continent. This he knew, having snuck into France while chasing down a traitor.

  Or was their plan something more nefarious? He, along with the others, were aware of Jonas Ringer’s obsession with Kathleen. Could they have taken the boat and then planned to return to snatch her up? But, again, to what end? All of England had learned of their marriage, but what about Scotland or Ireland. Even if Ringer forced her to go to Gretna Green, she’d protest loudly. And none of them could declare her mad. Then he wondered what if the earl or countess had forged Kathleen’s signature on a wedding document, then then they could have her sent to Bedlam, and they’d still be able to claim the dowry.

  Turning, he peered down to his wife. “My dear, if I’m not mistaken, you are still in danger. I’m suspecting Ringer is going to attempt to kidnap you.”

  “But to what end?”

  “Your dowry. Remember in the marriage contract I only accepted you pass along a quarter of the monies. As you know, I’m well-funded as an architect. They will, somehow, produce a marriage license showing you and Jonas were husband and wife, having married over an anvil. Then, demand the entire amount from your father.”

  “Matthew, I know where you are going with this, and I don’t like it one bit,” Serena started then turned to Kathleen. “They will keep you hidden away then at the proper time have you declared mad, once they have all the funds. Even though Jeffrey has contacts, so do I. Redditch is close to broke with collectors getting ready to take them away. With this plan, they will be saved and later lay claim to the Ashburn lands.”

  “Agreed, Serena, but I have a brother and sister.”

  “But if they die, then with a son the earl and countess could partition Parliament to pass the title and lands to them,” Simon explained.

  Matthew glanced to Kathleen only to see abject fear and panic in her eyes. How could he calm her? What words could he say to ease the pain? “My dear, I will do everything possible to protect you. On my word as a gentleman, I promise no harm will come to you. That said, we know Lady Valerie is in London and being squired about town by my brother, but where is your brother?”

  “Last I was told by my mother he’s in Northern England looking over an investment possibility.”

  That was all he needed to hear. Glancing to Simon and Jeffrey, Matthew knew the young man could only be with one person. The only young lady brave enough to help run a distillery. Lady Laura Radcliffe. His niece.

  “Then son, on the morrow, send for the guards at the inn, for I will be taking Kathleen away from here to London. There, she will be safe while you figure out how to catch the Redditch’s and Ringer,” Serena declared.

  “No, I will not run and hide. If they want me, I’m putting all my faith and trust in my husband,” Kathleen firmly stated.

  “And we will be at your side,” Simon added.

  “Thank you, but my brother and sister need to be warned. How can that be done as a letter will take a week to reach the city and longer to York?” Kathleen asked.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  After informing her parents of the new, and possible, threat to her and Matthew’s happiness, they returned to Radcliffe Hall. Rolling into the forecourt, Kathleen was surprised to see one of the Stratham traveling carriages being loaded with trunks. Turning to Matthew, she raised a brow.

  “I thought we agreed I wouldn’t go to London but stay here to meet the danger head-on.”

  “Yes, and neither of my parents said anything to me before we left,” Matthew replied.

  Once the landau stopped and Matthew had helped her down, Kathleen led the way into the manor. She was about to climb the stairs to where the suites were when voices coming from the parlor distracted her. With a glance to Matthew, who gave her a smile, she swept down the corridor and entered to see Serena and Emma talking.

  “Serena, are you returning north?”

  “Along with Emma. Son, could you excuse us as we’ve a few things to discuss which aren’t proper for a gentleman’s ears.”

  “Certainly. Do you know were Simon and my father are as they aren’t in the office?” Matthew replied.

  “I believe on the veranda wisely staying out of the way while the trunks are packed and brought down,” Emma told him.

  Kathleen waited until he marched out before turning to Serena.

  “Now, what is so delicate Matthew can’t be here?”

  “Simply put, I’m increasing. Simon nor I wished to say anything until I was sure. To that end, and for my safety, Se
rena and I are retreating to the ducal estate.”

  “My dear, that is wonderful news, and now I understand why Matthew was sent packing.”

  “Thank you and yes. If I’m not mistaken, Simon will be informing him of the same as we speak,” Emma explained.

  As much as she wished to, Kathleen refrained from jumping up and rushing over to give Emma a warm hug.

  “By doing so, we will be two less ladies the men will have to worry about if something untoward should happen,” Serena said.

  From what she understood, Simon and Jeffrey would be staying behind to help protect her from Ringer and his parents. The only other question was whether Rick and Toby had returned. She was about to inquire when Connor stepped into the doorway.

  “Your Grace, m’ ladies, Toby and Rick are back, and from their expressions neither appears pleased.”

  “His Grace, along with Lords Jeffrey and Matthew are on the veranda. Please ask them to join us in the office. Then have the two grooms wait in the hall,” Emma directed.

  “Yes, Your Grace.”

  Following Emma and Serena down to the office, Kathleen took her usual seat just as the men marched in. Patting the cushion beside her, she waited for Matthew to join her.

  “All I know is Toby and Rick are not happy about something,” she whispered.

  “That may be so, but I’m happy for Simon and Emma and don’t blame her or mother for leaving. I do wish you’d reconsider though.”

  Kathleen wasn’t surprised at his request, and depending on what they learned from the grooms she might change her mind. But, she suspected if she did retreat to the ducal estate or London more people might be hurt or killed. At least here and with the crew to help protect her, Kathleen would feel safer. When she heard Simon clear his throat, she turned her attention to him.

  “Connor, have Toby and Rick brought in,” Simon directed.

  “Yes, Your Grace.”

  She watched the two young men walk in, both looking as if they’d not slept since yesterday.

  “From what Connor said, neither of you are happy,” Simon stated.


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