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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

Page 27

by Lindsay Downs

  “No, Your Grace. When we arrived in Helston and I spoke with my brother, he told me they’d been there and left. I asked in which direction they sailed, and he said back this way. They also took on enough supplies for a long voyage but to where he didn’t know,” Rick explained.

  Hearing this news, Kathleen could feel panic start to overtake her. Should she flee to the ducal estate with Emma and Serena or, as she’d firmly stated, remain here? A gentle tap on her hand distracted her thoughts, causing her to glance over at Matthew.

  “Darling, I wish you’d reconsider your decision to remain here. From what we just heard, I’m thinking they might put the plan we discussed yesterday into action.”

  “M’ lady, I agree with Lord Matthew. However, as head of the family, I shan’t use that power to force you to do something against your will. If I did, I’m sure you would resent me for years,” Simon declared.

  “No, Your Grace, I wouldn’t. I’ve always been taught to never come between family members. With that said, I’m choosing to remain. They will have to come for me here.”

  “Excuse me, Your Graces, m’ lords and ladies, between Toby, myself, and the Radcliffe crew we can put a blanket, visible to all, around you Lady Kathleen,” Rick stated.

  “Thank you. I feel safer already,” Kathleen replied.

  “Rick, Toby, you are dismissed so you can get to work to protect Her Ladyship,” Simon uttered, then turned to his wife and Serena. “Even though you won’t travel too far today, I’d suggest you depart as soon as possible.”

  “On that we concur,” Emma said.

  From the settee, Kathleen watched the two young men depart followed by Emma and Serena and their husbands.

  “Darling, I am aware you’re not happy with my decision to stay, but as you have heard, I will be well protected. Now, shall we step outside to wish Emma and Serena off?”

  With an arm around Matthew’s waist, more for the feeling of security, she watched the Stratham traveling carriage leave.

  “Shall we retire inside? As luncheon will be served shortly,” he said.

  Stepping in, she turned to him. “I’m going to refresh myself then meet you in the office.”

  No sooner had she stepped into her suite than a sack was forced over her head.

  “Scream or make a sound, and you will regret it,” a man’s voice whispered.

  She couldn’t tell if the speaker was the earl or Jonas, but at this point that didn’t matter. With the luncheon bell ringing soon, Kathleen knew Matthew would immediately start searching for her when she didn’t arrive at the office. After nodding, she then felt her hands being tied in front of her, and then she was picked up and tossed over someone’s shoulder.


  Hearing the gong sound, Matthew glanced for the third time at the door wondering what was keeping Kathleen. A chill ran down his spine. After a minute, he looked over to his father and Simon.

  “Go on in to the dining room. I’ll go upstairs to see what is keeping Kathleen.”

  Matthew accepted a nod from the duke, quit the room, and climbed the stairs two at a time. As he marched down the corridor to their suites, he heard a noise coming from his. The door to the room she used to bathe and change was open which he knew was wrong. Racing in, he looked around and didn’t see her, much less her maid. Again hearing the sound coming from the suite they slept in, Matthew knew something was definitely wrong. Swinging the door open, he saw Patty tied, gagged, and lying on the floor. Quickly he loosened her bonds and removed the cloth from her mouth.

  “She’s been taken, correct?”

  “Yes, m’ lord, just a few minutes ago. I tried to stop them, but the men were too strong.”

  That was all he needed to hear. Turning, he raced down to the dining room.

  “She’s gone. Somehow Ringer and his father were able to sneak into the manor and up to her suite. According to Patty they’ve only been gone a few minutes,” Matthew blurted out.

  “They would have had to come in from the rear which is the closest to the cliffs and the ocean,” Jeffrey said.

  “I’ll start after them on foot. Matthew, you and your father get mounted.”

  Not bothering to answer, Matthew turned and raced toward the stable when he saw Toby coming out leading Devil but without a saddle or bridle.

  “Your Mistress has been taken. I don’t have time to have the beast saddled. Give me a leg up. Lord Jeffrey is—”

  “Right behind you, and I need a horse, saddled or not, to go after them and help bring Kathleen back safely,” Jeffrey demanded.

  “M’ lord, here’s Lucifer,” King announced.

  “Good, now assist me in getting on his back. And before you ask, every Radcliffe male is first taught to ride bareback. It’s a skill we never give up.”

  “Which way did they take Her Ladyship so I can send grooms after you?” King said.

  “Through the garden to the cliffs. Now we must be off as His Grace is on foot,” Matthew declared.

  “Be safe, and bring Her Ladyship back.”

  With a wave, Matthew tapped his heels onto Devil’s sides and in three strides was galloping around the manor toward the garden. Winding his way through the beds, he could hear his father on Lucifer following very closely. As the edge of the cliffs came into view he slowed to a walk and scanned the area for the narrow track leading down to the beach. Finding the path, Matthew allowed his beast to pick his own way down, and he watched Simon step onto the beach.

  Risking a glance along the shore in the distance, he spotted three people with one carrying Kathleen over their shoulder. Wishing he could race down the track to get to her quickly, he suspected doing so would put him and Devil at risk of falling. Not even daring to call out to Simon, he continued down then stepped onto the beach.

  Again he touched his heels against Devil’s side bringing the horse into a canter as Simon came into view. Racing up, Matthew slowed to a walk.

  “They are just ahead around the curve on the beach.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Simon, take Lucifer as your title will carry more weight than mine when you catch them,” Jeffrey declared, then slid from the back of the horse.

  Not waiting for the duke, Matthew gave them a nod then sent Devil into a ground-covering gallop. The sound of Simon following came as no surprise as the man had been in the guards, and charging the enemy was second nature to him. When they came to the curve, Matthew couldn’t believe the sight before him. Rick and eight of the crew had surrounded Ringer and the Redditches.

  From what he could tell, no one was speaking. Matthew was brought to anger when he saw Kathleen standing beside Ringer who was holding a knife to her throat. Risking everything, Matthew didn’t slow and guided Devil directly to the back of the man sending Ringer flying forward. This act caused the crew to lunge forward and take Ringer and the Redditches into custody. Matthew jumped down and wrapped his arms around Kathleen after taking the hood off.

  “My darling, you’re safe. Did they hurt you?” he whispered.

  “I knew you’d come and rescue me. As for being injured, only my pride at being snatched up.”

  “I demand you release me. You have no right—”

  “Yes, they do as you were attempting to kidnap Viscountess Rathbourne to try to force her into an illegal marriage,” Simon declared.

  “I’ll have the marriage proclaimed invalid, then to save her honor my son will wed the woman,” the earl called out.

  Matthew could feel his ire quickly rise at hearing the man’s words. Smiling down to Kathleen, he easily saw she wasn’t happy either. Releasing her from his gentle grasp, he kissed the tip of her nose, then with his hands balled marched over to the earl. Standing in front of the man, who was now cowering, Matthew didn’t say a word just raised a fist and hit the earl sending him staggering backward. Turning on his heel, he returned to his love who was now being protected by his father and Simon.

  “What do we do with them?” he demanded. “If we could, I’d
say we hang them here and now, except we’ve no trees until we get atop the cliff.”

  “I agree, but doing so would make us no better than them. We’ll take them back to Radcliffe Hall then notify the Earl of Ashburn they are in our custody. We’ll let him decide where they will meet their fate,” Simon stated.

  “Rick, take them to the manor, and secure them in the basement for now,” Matthew directed.

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  “Simon, can you and my father help escort the prisoners back? I wish to take Kathleen back, as her maid will be worried we’ve been gone so long.”

  “Of course, and as the ladies have only been traveling for a little over an hour have King send a groom after the carriage, letting our wives learn of the outcome. And if they wish, they may return,” Simon pronounced.

  With a nod, Matthew picked up the lead then climbed onto Devil’s back. Reaching down, he lifted Kathleen up and settled her in front of him, a hand around her waist.

  “My dear, are you comfortable at a canter?”

  “Darling, with you holding on to me, of course, I am.”

  A little while later, after turning Kathleen over to Patty, Matthew went to hunt down Toby and King but didn’t have to look far as they were marching across the courtyard to him.

  “Toby, put a saddle and bridle on Devil then chase down the Stratham traveling carriage. Inform Her Grace and Lady Stratham the villains have been caught and they may return if they so desire.”

  Handing his beast over to the groom, Matthew then directed his attention to King.

  “Select a groom, and have him report to me in the office. I’ve a message which needs delivering to the Earl of Ashburn.”

  “I know just the man.”

  Matthew gave the stable master a nod then retreated into the manor, there to be met by Connor.

  “Welcome back, m’ lord. I’m pleased to see Her Ladyship has returned safely. Patty just sent down for bath water and a tray.”

  “Thank you. His Grace and Lord Jeffrey are helping to bring the prisoners here to be kept in the basement. A groom is coming over to deliver a note to the Earl of Ashburn. I would expect the countess will be coming over to look in on the viscountess. Also, Toby has been sent to inform Her Grace and Lady Stratham so be prepared for their return here as well. Finally, as we never got to partake of luncheon, have three trays set up. When we’re ready I’ll call for them.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  After penning the note to the earl and handing the missive over to the groom with the direction to wait for a reply, he started to go see to his wife when voices outside stopped him. Retracing his steps to the front door, he watched as the prisoners, surrounded by the crew with Simon and Jeffrey following, crossed the courtyard.

  As they got closer to the manor, Matthew saw his father and Simon leave the group and come to where he was standing.

  “Your Grace, Toby has been dispatched to inform Her Grace and Lady Stratham. A note has been sent to the earl notifying him we have the prisoners and asking what he wishes done with them.”

  “Thank you. Now, as we seem to have missed luncheon, I need to arrange for trays,” Simon told him.

  “That’s already been taken care of. All we need to is tell Connor to bring them to the office. At least two of them. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I wish to look in on Kathleen.”


  With a nod, Matthew made his way to his wife’s suite. Without knocking he stepped in just as Kathleen exited her private room wearing a robe, much to his displeasure.

  “I’m happy you are feeling better, my love.”

  “I had to wash the stench of Ringer off me. Are they back yet?”

  “Yes, a few minutes ago. I ordered up trays for us as Connor told me you already had requested one.”

  “Good, then we can all eat together while awaiting the return of Emma and Serena. I also suspect at least my mother will be over as well once she learns of the attempt to kidnap me.”

  “Then I’d best leave, otherwise neither of us might get a chance to dine,” he said, as Patty entered with a peach dress over her arm.

  “I’ll be down shortly,” Kathleen said then glanced over to Patty. “I’ll be dining in the office so let’s get me dressed.”

  “As you wish, m’ lady.”

  Matthew smiled then returned to the ground floor to see Connor waiting by the office door.

  “Have all the trays, including the one Lady Kathleen ordered brought. She’ll be joining us.”

  “At once, m’ lord. Also, the groom sent to the Earl of Ashburn has returned. The requested response awaits you on the desk.”

  With a nod, Matthew walked in and picked up the note. Breaking the seal, he unfolded the missive and read Roger’s response and smiled.

  “What’s making you so happy, besides having rescued Kathleen?” Simon uttered as he and Jeffrey walked in.

  “As we had earlier discussed, Roger is going to arrange for the Redditches and Ringer along with Mr. Hopner to be shipped to London. Instead of taking a week by carriage, he’s going to arrange for a ship to transport them under the guard of several of the Radcliffe crew. He’s also requesting Rick accompany them as he witnessed the countess murder the men.”

  “Then, Your Grace and m’ lords, I’d suggest we eat as soon as the trays arrive. If I’m not mistaken, shortly we will have a duchess along with two countesses and most likely an earl descend upon us on hearing the wonderful news,” Kathleen declared as she swept into the room.

  No sooner had his wife finished speaking than Matthew saw Connor with three footmen in train carry in the salvers.

  Once their simple and pleasant meal was finished, Matthew turned to the window and watched two carriages enter the courtyard.

  “Your Grace, Father, and dearest Kathleen, shall we greet our returning ladies and mother?”

  “M’ lord, you are so impossible and have been since we met that first time when Mother and I were poaching the duke’s trout. That is exactly why I love you.”

  “So you finally admit to stealing fish from The Duke of Kettering? Is that correct young lady?” Simon teased.

  “I do, and when next I return, with my husband, I will again pilfer from you, Your Grace.”

  Standing then turning back to his wife, Matthew offered his hand to help her rise then followed Simon and Jeffrey out and to the front stoop. There to greet Emma and Serena along with Elsie and Roger.

  “Kathleen, this has to have been the most interesting commission I’ve ever been given. I meet and marry my true love, help solve several murders, and catch the killers all the while designing pavilions for here and your parents’,” Matthew declared wrapping an arm around Kathleen’s waist.

  The End


  I’ve been an avid reader ever since I was old enough to hold a red leather bound first edition copy of Sir Walter Scott’s The Lady of the Lake in my lap.

  So it only seemed natural at some point in my life I take up pen and paper to start writing. Over time my skills slightly improved which I attribute to my English teachers.

  My breakthrough came about in the mid 1970’s when I read a historical romance written by Sergeanne Golon, Angelique. This French husband and wife team opened my eyes to the real world of fiction. Stories about romance, beautiful damsels, handsome heroes and plots which kept me hooked. Of course, being a man, I had to keep my reading hidden from others as that wasn’t appropriate reading for men.

  With this new found appreciation of the written word I took up other books and devoured them as a starving person would a plate of food. I them attempted to write again. I still wasn’t satisfied so I put it aside for years as other events entered my life.

  Finally, in the early years of the new millennium I tried again to write and once again met with limited success. At least now I was able to get past the first page or two. Then, in 2006 a life changing event brought me back to my love, I took a job as a security officer. This all
owed me plenty of time to read different genres.

  My favorite was regency. As I poured through everyone I could get my hands on I knew this could be something I wanted to attempt.

  Since 2012 when my debut regency romantic suspense released I was hooked and have, except for a few contemporaries, focused on this genre.

  Since 2012 I’ve lived in central Texas. I’m also a member of Romance Writers of America and their local chapter.




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