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Peace Maker

Page 9

by Mary Rundle

  He glanced down at the life thread connecting him to Cody; it was growing thicker and stronger. The Shaman told him when it was about an inch thick, he should stop flogging. He still had a way to go. Moving to a new part of Cody’s back, Dylon started over again. Then the whispery groans from his mate began. Good, he’s feeling the rewards of my flogging. Cody was descending deeper into that space where he could find his soul again—something he was very close to losing. Slightly increasing the force again, Dylon kept aiming the flogger exactly where he wanted it to fall.

  Finally, he could see and feel the weight—their life thread was now an inch thick. He stopped. Untying his mate and removing the blindfold, he lifted Cody onto his lap. He reached for a glass of water and pressed it to his mate’s lips. Then, Dylon set it down and picked up a blanket to wrap his mate in and snuggled Cody to his chest while whispering loving words to him. Together they cuddled, trust and love building in their life thread. The Shaman had explained how important this was because they would need to have unshakable trust and love in order to survive Cody’s visions.

  Cody was again in the space between worlds, only this time there weren’t any terrifying visions sucking the life out of him. Instead he was cocooned in a pleasurable state where his body was bonding with his mate. It was what he needed—the strength, trust, and love—to rebuild his soul and give him the power to move forward and do what had to be done. Contented, he floated in sub-space, knowing Dylon would always be there for him—to give him what he needed. Slowly, he fell asleep, letting his body go until he no longer cared about anything other than his mate and being filled by him.

  After Cody dozed off, Dylon lay back on the bed with Cody arranged on his chest so their life thread could continue to build in strength. Softly caressing the body on him, Dylon thought about what the Shaman had taught him. The lessons were endless, but his mother insisted he complete them. Month after month, he practiced and practiced until the Shaman finally released him and told him to make sure never to forget. So now, after all these years, he finally understood why it was so important.

  He felt his heart growing as the love from his mate filled it and he imagined the same was happening to Cody. He knew his love was real and strong and if he had done everything correctly, it would continue to strengthen every day. As the bonding occurred, he could feel himself slip into the sub-space his mate was in. Closing his eyes, he looked around until he saw Cody. Sharply inhaling, he was struck by the beauty of his mate, once his worldly worries had been expunged. Reaching for Cody, he pulled him tight and kissed the plump lips that were his alone.

  How long they stayed there was unknown, but it was time to finish the claiming. Dylon opened his eyes, meeting the rich chocolate brown eyes of his mate. Simultaneous smiles lit their two faces as they discovered they were back into the real world.

  “How do you feel, my pet?” asked Dylon.

  “Better than I’ve felt in my whole life, sir,” replied Cody.

  “Perfect. Ready to be claimed?”

  “Oh yes, sir.”

  Dylon sat up and placed his mate face down on the bed. Getting up, he then rearranged his mate so Cody’s arms were stretched out to the side, his knees under his chest, his ass in the air. Reaching through his mate’s legs, he pulled on Cody’s ball sack and said, “Spread your legs, my pet.” After his mate complied, Dylon let go of Cody’s balls and stood up. He saw the crimson jewel marking the center of the place his cock needed to be. Touching it, he jiggled it, sending flashes of pre-orgasmic pleasure through his mate.

  A whimper echoed through the bedroom. Dylon pulled the butt plug out slowly until the widest part held Cody’s pucker open and a low moan was heard. Pushing it back in, he swirled it, then wiggled it back and forth making sure he bumped Cody’s gland several times. A cry pierced the air. After several repetitions, Dylon withdrew it. Throwing the plug on the floor, He grabbed the lube and coated his fingers. Leaning down, he whispered in his mate’s ear, “Me.” Inserting one finger, he felt how well Cody’s hole had been stretched, allowing him to insert two, quickly followed by three. Pressing into his mate’s channel, Dylon found the button which would make his mate sing. Resting his fingertips on it, he pushed and quickly retreated. His mate let go with a low howl of frustration.

  Dylon kept up his assault, intent on driving his mate to the edge time and time again. He listened to the howls as they grew louder, waiting for the exact moment that Cody’s balls would disappear due to his extreme need to come. Now the howls were interspersed with Cody begging for release. Not yet! Reaching for his mate’s cock, Dylon stroked it, varying tempo and grip. He had to keep his mate off balance; keep him from sheltering his emotions as Cody had done for so long. Then he heard it—the long howl rising from the depths of his mate’s lost soul, a howl filled with male hunger, a howl demanding to be taken!

  He quickly lubed his cock. Gripping Cody’s hips, he placed his cock tip against his mate’s hole, now quivering in excitement. Slowly he pushed in, moaning as his cock felt enveloped by heat and tightness. Inch by inch, he filled Cody, needing it now just as much as his mate. When Dylon was balls deep, he stopped but his cock kept twitching in his mate. He had to stop the orgasm that was close. Inhaling, then letting it out, Dylon was finally able to move again. Zeroing in on his mate, he saw Cody’s hands scrabbling against the sheets in an effort to latch on. Good! Reaching down to his mate’s cock, he grabbed it and said, “You aren’t allowed to come until I give you permission. Understand?”

  He waited for a response but getting none, he slapped Cody’s ass hard.

  “Sorry sir, I promise I won’t come, sir.”

  Three infractions. Something for his mate to think about other than his visions. Beginning to slide his cock out of Cody, he stopped, keeping the tip just inside the bundle of nerves outlining his mate’s puckered hole before snapping his hips forward and filling his mate again. Over and over, in measured movements, he kept his mate on edge by hitting Cody’s pleasure gland randomly. Dylon could see his mate fight the need to come but he gave Cody no relief in that quarter. He knew it was important to drive all thoughts out of Cody’s mind, so their life thread could fill his mate’s mind with love and trust when Dylon gave his bite.

  More whispery moans floated on the air around Dylon as his mate struggled with his impending orgasm. Seeing Cody’s desperate condition, he sped up his thrusts. Skin slapping, grunts of need and soft begging now filled the air. And yet, Dylon refused to allow Cody to come. Speeding up his pumps Dylon started to pull his mate’s ass up to meet his cock. Deeper and deeper it went until he was striking his mate’s balls with each stroke. Dylon now heard Cody wailing with need and frustration. His mate was getting close.

  Bending down over Cody’s back, Dylon reached for his mate’s rigid cock. Running his hand over it and feeling the velvet skin slide over the steel below, he tugged it several times before heading for the tip. Rubbing his fingers over it, Dylon sought out the sensitive nerves around the ridge. Teasing with feather light touches, he heard his mate shout, demanding more. Back and forth, his fingers danced on his mate’s cock, hard and soft, painful and gentle, Dylon gave no quarter to Cody. He would force his mate to break the promise Cody had just given.

  Without warning, Dylon’s fingers were covered with his mate’s creamy jism. Jackhammering his hips for his own orgasm, Dylon’s mouth sought out his mate’s neck. As he felt his balls retract and his cum began to shoot, Dylon bared his fangs and bit Cody’s neck. Frozen in position and teeth buried, he sucked up his mate’s blood as his cum left his cock and filled his mate. It took! All his planning, all his training and now Dylon could see why it was all so important. He could see the love and trust in Cody’s mind and knew nothing would ever break it.

  Examining their life thread, Dylon found it had turned to steel, forged in the depths of pain and suffering, but now unbreakable. He retracted his teeth and licked the puncture wounds with his tongue, sealing them closed. His arms encircled his mate a
s he fell to the side, pulling Cody along with him. Resting his head against his mate, he closed his eyes, content and at peace, finally complete as their souls were now joined. Then Dylon felt his mate’s emotions; he had done everything right because Cody was happy—something his mate hadn’t been for a long time. Grabbing the blanket he’d placed at the head of the bed before they began their claiming Dylon tossed it over both of them.

  He listened as Cody’s breathing slowed down and quieted before hearing the tiny snores signaling his mate was asleep. Now he had time to examine the visions he saw in his mate’s mind before he’d driven them out. Horrifying, soul killing images flipped before his eyes and he wondered if Jackson or anyone else in this pack knew how close they’d come to losing their brother. He doubted it. His mate had buried the visions and the emotions they evoked in a section of his mind that gave no access to anyone.

  The length of time he had needed to flog his mate told him just how deep Cody had descended into his own personal hell. With no way out, he was literally at the end of his life thread. Dylon shivered at how close he came to losing his Fated Mate. Now, knowing this, he would gladly take the beatings he’d gotten at Silver Point all over again if he knew it would save Cody. Their mating wasn’t over yet and wouldn’t be for some time, but he had confidence that, in the end, his mate would emerge strong. Closing his eyes, he dozed off, smiling at the happy feelings coming from his mate.


  It was early afternoon when Cody awoke. Contentment flowed through his body. He giggled. He smiled. He was happy. He was at peace. His mate would protect him from all the pain created in his mind by his visions. Cody could feel the strength of their life thread giving him the security he had to have. Never again would he fear floating off into space when his visions occurred. No, now I will be firmly anchored to my mate, forever. No more worries every time my visions call to me. He no longer had to fear them because he would always be protected against the pain and suffering caused by them.

  He lay there, concentrating on the sounds around him—the soft breathing of his mate, the birds chirping outside, the distant sound of Daniel crying. It must be feeding time again. Oh, how I would love a child of my own. But he knew from his visions, he would never get pregnant as Jackson did. But at least the Fates made sure I have a nephew to spoil. He smiled widely, remembering the gift he received from Daniel—first sight of his nephew’s wolf. Chuckling softly, he wiggled his ass against Dylon’s groin, igniting a painful storm reminding him of his spanking.

  He knew there was more punishment coming for disobeying his mate. He was startled when he realized his body and mind were craving it. He grinned at the anticipation of taking whatever his mate decided. Wiggling his ass harder against Dylon, Cody hoped he would wake up and give him what he desperately needed—still.

  Dylon opened one eye. His mate was grinding against his cock, causing it to harden again. Searching Cody’s mind, he found everything he hoped would be there—and more. His mate accepted that he belonged to Dylon. And look at that, my mate wants me to punish him for breaking my rules. That knowledge brought a smile to his face as he kissed Cody’s soft hair, alerting his mate that he was awake.

  “Oh, you’re awake, sir. How are you?” Cody asked in a soft voice.

  “Fine. Ready to get your punishments for disobeying me?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m really sorry. I won’t do it again.”

  “Somehow, I think you’re wrong. But that’s a discussion for another day. Let’s shower first.”

  Rising, Dylon pulled his mate from the bed and led him by his cock into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, he stepped in with his mate, giving Cody the soap and washcloth, saying, “Make sure you clean me everywhere, including my hole.”

  “Yes, sir,” Cody said, as he started soaping Dylon and then following his instructions. He wasn’t going to disappoint his mate.

  Chapter 12

  Cody was kneeling at Dylon’s feet, waiting for his mate to speak. His mind was at rest, his body relaxed, and he knew he was safe. That was a world more than he had yesterday. He was comforted by his strong life thread, now firmly connected to Dylon’s heart. Never had he expected his Fated Mate to have the training to give him what he so desperately craved. And yet here he knelt, after being claimed, now firmly owned by the man in front of him. He didn’t know what his brothers would think but didn’t care. This is who he was.

  Dylon looked down at his mate, so still in a perfect submissive pose. Studying him, he saw slow breathing in a body devoid of tension. He saw Cody’s pure silver aura radiate from his mate and knew his mate was at peace—finally. Time to begin. “What did you do wrong, my pet?” he asked.

  “I didn’t have your permission when I came, sir.”


  Cody’s mind went over everything that happened so far. “I didn’t answer you when you asked me a question, sir.”


  Cody couldn’t think of anything else. “That’s all, sir.”

  “Are you sure, my pet?”

  Taking a minute to think, Cody answered, “Yes, sir.”

  “No, my pet,” Dylon said, then feeling his mate’s confusion, he continued, “You spoke without permission. My rule specifically stated you would not speak unless I ask you a question and you are not to speak otherwise unless I give you permission. Yet when I gave you two different orders, you spoke.”

  Cody then remembered. Catching himself, he said nothing, waiting for permission to speak.

  Dylon heard Cody’s quick intake of breath and was pleased when he heard nothing in response. His mate was learning. The Shaman told him how important it was to keep absolute control in the bedroom for it would become Cody’s safe haven from his visions. In there, his mate would be free of all the terrible images he’d carried around for years.

  “For coming without permission, I will cage your cock for 24 hours. For not answering when I asked you a question, I will paddle you ten times on each cheek. For speaking without permission, you will wear a butt plug tonight so you remember who you belong to; your ability to speak in this room will always be controlled by me. Do you accept your punishments?”

  Cody’s body responded to the mastery of his mate. His nipples became hard little nubs as his cock grew. Oh yes, I want this. “Yes, sir.”

  Dylon walked over to their closet and retrieved the wooden paddle his Shaman had given him. Sitting at the foot of the bed and petting his lap, he said, “Come here, my pet and take your punishment for not answering my question.”

  Cody rose, approached his mate, then draped himself across the sweatpants-covered legs of the man who owned him, body and soul. He felt Dylon adjust the placement of Cody’s cock and knew instantly he was not going to be allowed to come as he had with the previous spanking. Settling his riotous emotions, he tried to still his body while waiting for the first swat to land. His plump bubble butt was still rosy from the spanking he’d been given several hours before but knowing they would more punishment only excited him more; he couldn’t control the flexing of his ass cheeks.

  Lowering one hand to touch the perfect globes, Dylon felt a shudder go through his mate. He loved how they felt in his hand and started to rub and massage them. A deep guttural moan rose from his chest as he felt his cock grow hard. This was punishment for him too. He wouldn’t come either.

  Without warning, he swung the paddle which landed with a loud smack on one cheek resulting in a grunt from Cody. Rubbing his hand over the deep red paddle print on his mate’s left buttock, he could feel the heat. Then he swatted the other cheek, taking time in between each smack to caress and sooth his mate’s paddled globe. Twelve more times Dylon raised and lowered the paddle, each time just a little bit harder, knowing his mate needed it. By the sixteenth time, his mate was sobbing, as the pain from the paddling consumed his body.

  Dylon paused, waiting to hear a safe word but none was uttered. The Shaman told him how important these punishments were in helping his
mate deal with the guilt he had over the plight of the people in his visions, yet it was breaking Dylon’s heart to listen to Cody’s sobs. Stepping outside the rules the Shaman had given him, he asked Cody, “Ma moité, do you want me to stop?”

  Cody understood how hard it was on his mate to administer these punishments but he needed and wanted them. His crying caused by the paddling was cathartic and was helping him to restore his soul. “No, sir, please continue.”

  Now Dylon had two left to do, one on each cheek. By now, Cody was wailing, but his cock had hardened and now pointed straight down at the floor.

  Dylon kept his legs open so there wasn’t any friction on his mate’s cock. He raised the paddle and brought it down on the deep red left cheek. Lifting it, he placed his hand on it and felt the heat the paddle had inflicted. He paused. Then, rubbing the soon to be paddled right globe, he listened to the sobs coming from his mate. After completing the last stroke and throwing the paddle on the bed, Dylon lifted his mate and settled him on his lap.

  Hearing the quick hitch in his mate’s crying, he knew his mate was feeling pain. Hugging Cody close, he rubbed soothing circles over his mate’s back. After his mate stopped crying and was once again calm, Dylon asked Cody, “Do you know why I needed to do your punishment?”

  “Yes, sir. Because I didn’t answer you.”

  “That is partly correct. But also, because you needed it. Do you understand?”

  Cody started to silently shake his head before remembering the rule. “No, sir. I don’t understand that.”

  Dylon took one of Cody’s hands and caressed it while answering, “You needed to know that this is your safe space. If I had just forgiven you for your mistakes, you would worry I didn’t care enough about you to make sure you obeyed. Do you understand?”


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