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Peace Maker

Page 10

by Mary Rundle

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Now let me dry your tears and cage your cock. My parents will be arriving soon.” Helping his mate stand, Dylon heard a hiss when his hand brushed against Cody’s rear. Chuckling, he got up and headed to his bag in the closet. Rummaging around, he found what he was looking for. Grabbing a butt plug he walked over to Cody. “Bend over the bed, my pet.”

  Lubing the plug, he watched as Cody placed himself perfectly, even lifting his ass and spreading his legs. Dylon gave just a light coating since his mate still had most of his cum in his channel. This time he picked one that ended with a diamond. Spreading Cody’s cheeks gently, he pushed the tip into his mate’s hole, very slowly, until it had reached the widest part. Keeping it there, he heard Cody’s low moan as the nerves around it sent those delicious streaks of pain up his groin. Then Dylon pushed it the rest of the way in, before pulling it in and out until it moved with ease. Finally, seating it properly, he took a step back and smiled. Just gorgeous.

  Grasping his mate’s waist, he pulled him upright. Moving in front of him, Dylon sat on the bed. Cody’s cock had lost its hard-on and would fit into the cock cage nicely. Placing it on his mate’s cock and securing it around Cody’s balls, Dylon snapped it shut and locked it. Tugging on it and finding it secure, he looked up at his mate.

  Cody was staring at his cock encased in stainless steel. He saw how effective it was when he felt his cock try to harden only to be trapped by the device. Oh, this is going to be delicious torment since I get hard every time my mate touches me. He shifted from foot to foot and immediately felt his butt plug lightly touch his prostate. Moaning, he realized tonight would require all his concentration to prevent the pain his cock would feel if he got an erection. My mate is wicked!

  Watching Cody’s face, Dylon saw his mate’s epiphany when he realized the effect the two devices would have on his body. Cody’s focus would now be on preventing a hard-on instead of thinking about the horrors of his visions. He smiled as Cody kept shifting from foot to foot, wanting the pleasure the plug was giving him but stopping suddenly when his cock started to harden. Dylon knew the pain Cody felt from the paddling would soon fade due to the quick healing powers of a wolf but Cody could not escape the deviltry of the hardware he would wear tonight.

  Dylon stood, and after giving his mate a quick slap on his ass, sauntered over to pick out the clothes Cody would wear tonight. Searching through his mate’s clothes, he found what he was looking for. Grabbing them along with some clean duds for himself, Dylon headed back to his mate and said, “These are the clothes you’ll wear tonight.”

  Cody glanced at the tight skinny jeans he usually wore to clubs and knew they would show his cock cage. How do I feel about everybody knowing? He shivered—excited but not sure if he was comfortable with the idea. His eyes moved to his mate’s face, searching for the answers there.

  “I know what you’re thinking and yes I want your cock cage to show. However, you will be meeting my parents for the first time so you will wear this t-shirt which is long enough to cover it.” Sitting on the bed again, Dylon said, “Position, my pet.”

  Cody knelt again but this time carefully arranging his very sore cheeks so they weren’t touching anything. His cock tried to harden as the plug shifted and pressed his gland. Making micro movements, Cody finally found a place of comfort and then waited.

  Quiet settled in the room as Dylon studied his mate for any signs of distress. Finding none, he said, “You and I both know why I’m doing this, but you are afraid about what other people will say if they find out you have totally submitted to me. Frankly, I don’t care since what we do in the privacy of our bedroom is only our business. However, you are not ready for everyone to know so I will always make sure that anything I require of you will not be seen by anyone else until you’re ready for it. Do you understand? And you may speak freely now.”

  “Yes, sir, I understand. But what if I’m never ready?” asked Cody, afraid he would fail his mate if that happened.

  “Then that’s okay,” Dylon said, “You’ll never disappoint me. Look at me.”

  Cody lifted his face, eyes flitting over Dylon’s gorgeous face.

  “I love you unconditionally—always and forever. This is our journey and ours alone. I’ve seen your visions, I know your torment and I feel your pain. There is nothing about you that would ever disappoint me. You are the strongest person I‘ve ever met and I’m so proud to be your mate. You’ve seen my role in your life and I will do it to the best of my ability. So, I will push you and prod you to accept who you are. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir and thank you. I love you—and need you so badly. I’m afraid…” Cody’s voice faded off as his mind was suddenly filled with his visions again.

  Dylon saw what was happening and pulled his mate back to the present. “Pay attention now, my pet. Here are additional rules you will follow; understand?”

  “Yes sir,” Cody said as he once again lowered his head, now focusing on his new instructions.

  “First rule, unless I instruct otherwise, upon entering our bedroom, you will immediately strip and assume your position at the foot of the bed, understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Second, I will chain you by your wrists to the bed each night so there will be no more pain if your visions reappear, understand?”

  Oh, that is good! “Yes, sir.”

  “Third, you will receive a maintenance spanking each morning, so you will be reminded how much you mean to me, understand?”

  Cody’s cock twitched. “Yes, sir.”

  “And the last one for now. In our bedroom, I control you and all decisions will be mine and you will obey them instantly, understand?”

  Cody was very relieved. He would have a place to be free of everything, a place where he could concentrate on his mate and pleasing him without worrying about anyone or anything else. A small smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “Yes, sir.”

  “Any questions?”

  “No, sir.”

  Just then Carson knocked, announcing that Dylon’s parents would be arriving in about ten minutes.

  “Thank you, Carson. We’ll be out soon,” Dylon replied before grabbing Cody’s pants, “Okay, my pet, stand so I can dress you.”


  Carson walked away from Cody’s room, lost in thought. Why didn’t my brother answer me? How come I couldn’t mind link with him? Maybe because he is mated? But I still can with Colton so that doesn’t make sense. He didn’t trust Dylon even though he was Cody’s mate. As far as Carson was concerned, Dylon was one of the murderers that killed his family.

  It was a thought he kept to himself after Jackson talked to them at breakfast. Yeah, I know, he wasn’t even in the pack when the massacre occurred but he hunted us afterward. And in my book, that makes my brother’s mate guilty as shit. Carson made a quick detour to his office, hoping he could find something on the web about Dylon that would prove he couldn’t be trusted. Shit! Especially now, since Daniel had been born.

  He needed proof. If he didn’t find any, he would ask Zane to use his computer skills on the dark web to find out about Dylon. In the meantime, he was going to watch him very closely tonight…and Cody, too.


  Rudy frowned as he listened to his contact at the High Council tell him the news he didn’t want to hear. “You mean to tell me, Helen, no one knows where the Vice Chair is? How can that be? He’s the Vice Chair for gods’ sake.”

  “I’m sorry Rudy, if I knew I’d tell you. But his assistant only said he was on personal business in California. She didn’t know where. But she gave me his cell number if you want it.”

  “No, that’s…,” Rudy started to say but changed his mind, “Yes, give it to me, please.”

  After scratching it down on a piece of paper and thanking Helen for her efforts, he ended the call, disgusted. Now how am I going to find that punk?

  Chapter 13

  Cody waited as Dylon finished getting ready
to meet his parents. Standing where his mate had left him, he remained silent as he reviewed the rules he must now follow. Cody was surprised at how happy he felt once he knew his place in Dylon’s life. The rules functioned as the walls of a box to contain him and give him the security he was missing as his visions grew more intense.

  Head bent in a standing submissive pose, his eyes wandered down to look at his crotch again. His cock cage was clearly outlined in his tight jeans and he could feel his cock’s tiny movements against the steel. Probably because his ass kept up a steady flow of clenching and unclenching around his plug but he didn’t mind. It was a constant reminder of who he belonged to.

  “Okay, pet, let’s put your shirt on and then we’re ready to go,” announced Dylon. Checking his mate to make sure everything was properly concealed, he said, “You’ll love my mother. She knows you have foresight and will understand our relationship but will say nothing. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Oh, one more thing. Our bonding will continue to strengthen during the next few days, so I want you to stay close to me at all times. If my father wishes to speak to me alone, as I believe he will, I want you to head back to our bedroom and stay there until I come and get you. And under no circumstances are you allowed to do a vision trip without me by your side. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Great, let’s go meet my parents.”

  Taking Cody’s hand, Dylon led him down the hall to the great room where the rest of his brothers had gathered.

  “Well, look who decided to get out of his bed, finally,” teased Colton.

  “Sexy. Dressed to impress Dylon’s parents?” joked Zane.

  “Naw, he’s just trying to make sure he can keep his mate with all this good-looking man flesh around,” cracked Carson.

  “Good thing you aren’t including yourself in that group,” chortled Logan.

  “Fuck you all,” Cody replied.

  “What did I say about language in front of Daniel,” demanded Jackson. “Not that our brothers didn’t deserve it, but still, can’t you guys learn some different terms like, I don’t know, like…”

  “Fudge nugget?” asked Logan.

  “How about Fragdaggler?” asked Ian

  “Oh, I know, Friggen fracking fudge!” shouted Carson.

  “Friggen fracking fudge?” Jackson repeated and then chuckled. “Why do all your suggestions start with ‘f’?”

  “It’s the letter that expresses me the best,” said Carson. “You know, like fuckingbedamned, fuckingunbelievable and then it’s also perfect to fit in the middle of a word you are trying to emphasis such as absofuckinglutely or I know…unfuckingreal—a personal favorite. See? ‘f’ words just sound right.”

  “Yeah, if you want us to switch to something else it has to be as strong and work as hard as fucking does,” added Zane.

  Cody joined in, “You know it’s true, bro. You use it all the time, too. And if you aren’t saying it, you are using it when you give us your finger. In fact, I think I saw Daniel try to make one the other day. Where did he learn that sign language from?”

  Jackson turned to Steel. “Are you teaching him that?”

  Startled, Steel looked up from feeding Daniel his bottle. “What the fuck are you saying? You think I’m teaching our son how to throw the finger? No, I’m not, at least not yet. But he may have already learned it from you before I ever get the chance to do so.”

  “You know, bro,” said Colton, “there’s a school of thought in Psychology that believes the less you make something a big deal, the less the child will be inclined to do it. For instance, swearing. If you make a big fuss over Daniel using a swear word, then he’ll use it to see how big the reaction will be each time he does. If you ignore it, Daniel will move onto something else, like refusing to eat a particular food,” he explained.

  “I can see that, because isn’t that what we did as kids?” asked Dakota who had joined the group, “Mom would tell us not to do something and what would we do?”

  “We would do it,” said Cody.

  “Yeah, like the time she told us to leave the red paint cans alone that Dad had put in the garage after painting the barn,” said Carson.

  “Oh boy, that was a freaking mess,” chuckled Logan.

  “What happened?” asked Ian.

  “It was the beginning of summer and Dad had gotten us new bikes—beautiful shiny blue and white bicycles for the seven of us. Mom had nagged him until he finally gave in and ordered them for us. Mom thought it would help keep us out of trouble learning how to ride them. So, one day all these boxes appeared,” Logan said and then snorted. “The bikes were in pieces and Dad had to assemble them.”

  Dakota picked up the story. “So one night when I snuck down to the kitchen, I heard voices out on the back porch. Peeking out I saw Mom and Dad assembling seven bikes. And let me tell you, there were a lot of swear words being thrown around that night.”

  “But what does the red paint have to do with your dad putting bikes together?” asked Steel.

  “Well, after the bikes were ready, we spent a week learning how to ride them. Then it became a contest of who could be the first to ride with no hands, pop a wheelie—you get the picture. After all that, we were bored and ignored them until we found the red paint. Even though we’d been told never to touch Dad’s stuff in the garage, we took the paint and painted our bikes red,” Jackson said with a grin.

  “And don’t forget how much paint we got on our clothes, the driveway and tracked into the house on the way to dinner,” Logan chuckled.

  “Okay, I see your point, bro. But…”

  “Dylon, your parents have arrived,” called Oracle.

  “Okay, remember my instructions,” Jackson said to his brothers as he took his son from his mate. “Did you burp him?”

  “Yes, he’s ready to meet the Vice Chair of the High Council,” Steel said laughing. He wrapped his arm around his mate’s waist and ushered him over to the front door. “Dylon, maybe you and Cody should come with us to greet your parents on the front porch.”

  “Good point. Come on mate, let’s say hello,” said Dylon. Grasping Cody’s hand in his, they followed Steel and Jackson outside. Dylon looked down at their life thread and saw it was pure silver—a good sign—his mate was relaxed and secure. After listening to the conversation among the brothers just now, it solidified his determination to reject the offer he knew his father was going to make. Cody needed to stay here. The love between the brothers was awesome and Cody would need it along with his for the dark days ahead. Looking at his mate, he could see Cody’s intense focus on maintaining a balance between the shots of pleasure he was getting from the plug and preventing the painful erection it would cause. Perfect! Keeping pain from the visions from invading Cody’s mind was critical until their bonding was complete.

  Cody couldn’t stop the tiny movements even if he wanted to. Every time the plug brushed his prostate, endorphins flooded his body and mind, which made him constantly seek it again and again. Nothing else was as important to him right now as his mate, because Dylon anchored him. He no longer felt he was going to simply disappear. His eyes scanned the sky and saw the helicopter making its approach. Finally, Cody would meet the woman who had made him laugh when he’d lost the ability to do so.

  Jackson watched as Robert opened the cabin door and a man climbed down. Turning around, he reached in and lifted out a petite woman. After setting her on the ground next to him, he turned back to grab his briefcase. Jackson chuckled as the woman gave instructions to her husband and Robert, gesturing toward several packages. That must be Dylon’s mother. Jackson examined Lizzie as she walked toward them wearing a trim turquoise suit with a necklace in a matching color. Short, white, wavy hair surrounded a round face that broke into a wide smile when her sparkling, sapphire-blue eyes spied her son. But what Jackson saw was the kindness that emanated from her. Oh, she will be good with Cody, very good.

  He shifted his focus from
Lizzie to Dylon’s father, Franklin Royd, who, along with Robert, was piling the packages and luggage at the bottom of the front steps. The High Council’s picture didn’t do justice to the man who stood looking up at him—a tall man with salt and pepper short hair, piercing black eyes, high cheek bones, straight nose and a full goatee. Franklin was wearing a dress shirt open at the neck with rolled up sleeves and a button up vest. But the clothes did little to hide the heavily muscled body which radiated power. Jackson instantly knew Franklin Royd was no fool. This man lived a hard life.

  “Alpha Blackwood, I’m Franklin Royd.”

  “Welcome to the Blackwood Pack,” Jackson said.

  “Thank you for inviting us. This is my wife, Elizabeth.”

  “Oh, hush Frank, stop with the protocol. We aren’t on Council business. This is our son’s pack and his Alpha. How do you do, Jackson. May I call you Jackson? That Alpha business is all fine and dandy for formal occasions but you’re family now.”

  Jackson couldn’t keep from smiling— even if he wanted to— after listening to Lizzie talk to her powerful husband that way. “That’s fine, Lizzie. I run an informal pack. This is my mate, Steel Valentin and our son, Daniel Maximillian.”

  “Oh, isn’t he the sweetest baby ever. Look Frank, doesn’t he remind you of our Dylon when he was just a baby,” Lizzie said, as she let Daniel grab her finger.

  “Lizzie, this is my brother Cody, Fated Mate of your son,” Jackson said.

  Turning to Cody, Lizzie gushed, “Oh my, you are the handsomest man I ever did see. I mean after my husband and my son,” said Lizzie before adding in a stage whisper, “I had to say that just so I wouldn’t hurt their feelings.”

  That did it, Cody roared with laughter. “Thank you, Lizzie. I’ll be sure to remind your son of that fact whenever he needs to be put in his place. Nice to meet you.”

  “Oh, come here,” Lizzie gushed as she wrapped her arms around Cody, giving him a big hug. Finally stepping back, she asked, “Is my son treating you right? You can tell me. He’s not too big to be taken over my knee for a spanking.”


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