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Peace Maker

Page 11

by Mary Rundle

  Cody was now laughing so hard, tears ran down his cheeks as he pictured Dylon getting spanked. Finally, he regained control and said, “There’s no need to do that because he is treating me fine. But thank you for the offer.”

  Jackson smiled at the interplay between his brother and Lizzie, quite taken with the sound of Cody’s laughter. Hearing it made him realize it had been a while since Cody laughed like that and it saddened him. Why didn’t I realize my brother was hurting? He made a mental note to find out more about Cody’s foresight.

  “Mom, will you stop? Please, I assure you I’m taking very good care of Cody,” said Dylon.

  She giggled as she hugged her son. “Don’t worry about it, sweetie. Cody knows I’ll do it if you misbehave.” That produced a new round of laughter from everyone.

  “Hello, Cody, I’m Dylon’s father, Franklin Royd. But please call me Frank. Welcome to the family.”

  But before he could say more, Lizzie spotted Oracle and said, “Oracle, how nice to see you, again. I swear, you look younger every time I see you. You have to tell me your secret. And you must be Maximus. Sorry I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you before. So, your son is mated to my son’s Fated Mate’s brother! Wow, that makes us related. Isn’t that wonderful? Oh Frank, dear, I’m going to need a bigger budget for the Long Night Moon Festival. So many gifts to buy.”

  Frank answered, “Yes, Lizzie, but first don’t you think we should meet the rest of the pack? Alpha, if that is okay with you?”

  “Call me Jackson, Frank. That’s a good idea. Let’s go in so you can meet everyone.”


  Rudy called every pack in California except the Blackwood Pack and all denied receiving a visit from Franklin Royd. As much as he didn’t want to accept the truth staring him in the face, he had to. Dylon Royd mated with someone in the Blackwood Pack. It had to be. It was the only pack left. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! He pounded his desk. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Think! But Rudy didn’t like the conclusion his thoughts led him to. If Josiah found out what he had done to Royd’s son, Rudy would be dead. Hell, Royd would order it himself.

  Taking a deep breath, he held it for a minute before letting it out. Rudy needed a calm mind to think about what he should do about this clusterfuck of bullshit. He snorted when he thought about Josiah’s job offer of head enforcer to Dylon. Like that fucking little piss-ant would ever want to come back here. But will he cry to his daddy about what we did? He went over everything in his mind about Dylon and came to the conclusion it was better than even odds Dylon would say nothing.

  His assessment was based on the man’s conduct at Silver Point. Even when the older enforcers hazed him, Dylon never reported it. No, that asshole wasn’t a cry baby. Well, that’s a break for me. He sighed because it was time to report his findings to Josiah. Locking his office door, he walked down the hall and stopped in front of his Alpha’s office. Giving two sharp raps, he waited for Josiah to respond. Receiving permission, he opened the door, walked in and made sure it was tightly shut behind him. He knew he was getting paranoid but couldn’t help it. Everything that could have gone wrong, had. And now he was sitting here with his neck stretched out on the block just waiting for the axe to fall.

  Josiah could tell by the way Rudy was acting he didn’t have good news. “Well, did you find him?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “What’s that fucking supposed to mean? Did you find him or not?”

  “My contacts at the High Council couldn’t find out exactly where Royd went. All I found out was he came to California. I called all the packs but no one had seen him.” Rudy let that sink in then added, “The only pack left is the Blackwood Pack. Dylon is mated to one of your nephews.”

  Chapter 14

  After introductions were made, Dakota announced that dinner was ready. Following the brothers in, Dylon led his mate and parents into the dining room. Taking their seats, he checked his mate for signs of distress but found only a slight wince when Cody’s sensitive cheeks met the chair.

  “My goodness, Dakota, did you make all this wonderful food for us? It smells delicious! Did you go to school to learn how to cook?” Lizzie asked, as the plates of steaks and slices of venison roast were passed around.

  “I had one year of culinary school, but before that, my mother taught me.”

  Cutting into her steak, Lizzie exclaimed, “This is perfectly done. Would you mind telling me your secret?” asked Lizzie.

  “Sure, maybe tomorrow I can show you how I do it, if that’s okay with Dylon and Cody,” said Dakota.

  Cody looked at Dylon, hoping he would answer. His mind was overloaded and he couldn’t think of what to say.

  Picking up Cody’s silent request, Dylon smiled at his mother and said, “I think that’s a great idea Mom. You know how fussy Dad gets when his steak isn’t done right.”

  “Fussy? Who’s fussy? Just because I like my steak very rare doesn’t mean I won’t eat it if it isn’t,” Frank said. “By the way, Dakota, my steak is perfect, so if you don’t mind teaching Lizzie how to make me a very happy man, then tell me the time and I will personally escort my wife to your kitchen.”

  “Then it’s settled,” chirped Lizzie. “I can’t wait to work with you, Dakota.”

  Conversation was sparse as dinner was eagerly consumed. After Jackson had finished, Steel handed Daniel to him before getting up to warm a bottle. Playing peek-a-boo with his son, Jackson hoped the rest of the evening would go as smoothly without too many questions asked. He could feel Frank scrutinizing him and his brothers and had no doubt it had to do with their complaint to the High Council. But he didn’t plan on discussing that with him while Frank was visiting. While feeding Daniel the bottle Steel had brought, he listened with half an ear to Frank chatting with Maximus. Suddenly, he heard a small sound that sounded like a cry. What the fuck is that? Looking around, he saw Carson talking quietly to Zane… Dakota, Lizzie and Oracle were comparing recipes and Cody was staring down at his empty plate while Dylon had his arm around him. Seeing nothing alarming, he turned his attention back to the conversation.

  “Well,” Frank was saying, “I heard Dire Enterprises was finally successful in setting up a Peace Conference in Tajikistan. Do you think you’ll be able to broker a peace treaty?”

  “I’m not sure. It depends on the three leaders. My son, Slate, is over there now getting everything set up.”

  “Are you going? If I remember correctly, the conference starts soon.”

  During his father’s conversation, Dylon felt Cody react to visions filling his mind again. Dylon saw them through their mind link and they were devastating. He needed to do something and quickly.

  “Mom, did you manage to find the trunk I wanted?”

  “Yes, sweetie,” Lizzie said. “It’s with our luggage.”

  “Thanks. Come on Cody, let’s get it.”

  Jackson’s eyes narrowed as he watched Dylon and Cody get up and leave the room, heading for the front door. Now what’s that all about? Looking back at Daniel, he saw the bottle was just about empty and his son had fallen asleep. “Excuse me everyone, it’s bedtime for someone.” Setting the bottle down, he lifted his sleeping son against his shoulder, got up and left the room. As he left, he sent a message to Steel through their mind link.

  Frank’s eyes followed Jackson’s exit from the room. Now if that isn’t the damnedest thing I ever saw. An Alpha, of a pack, no less, acting like an Omega. Of course, his mate was a Dire Wolf, but still. None of this is making sense. When he first met Alpha Blackwood, he was taken aback at the raw Alpha power he felt radiating from Jackson. It was like nothing he’d ever felt before from a Timber Wolf. Very puzzling. Frank didn’t like puzzles. He needed to dig deeper. Was this the real reason Jackson’s uncle put an illegal kill order out on him? Tomorrow, I’m going to demand some answers. After all, if my son’s life is in danger, I have the right to know. Frank received a squeeze on his leg from Lizzie and realized he’d been asked a question. “I’m sorry, Maximus. I dr
ifted off there for a moment. It’s been a long day.”

  “I understand. Maybe we should pick it up tomorrow?”

  “If you don’t mind, I would appreciate it.”

  Steel had been following the conversation and knew Frank was tired but preoccupied with Jackson. Shit, not good. I better talk to Mom tonight. Maybe she can steer him in a different direction.

  “Carson and Zane, please take Frank and Lizzie’s luggage to the suite next to my parents. I’ll help you get everything put away, Dakota,” offered Steel.

  “Colton and I can do that,” said Ian.

  “Good. Mom, Dad, I’m going to check on Daniel. Jackson and I will meet you and the Royds in the great room in a few minutes.”

  “Do you mind if I go outside to smoke my after-dinner cigar?” asked Frank.

  “That’s a great idea,” said Maximus. “Mind if I join you?”

  Oracle turned to Lizzie. “Come on, Lizzie. Let us leave them to their cigars. I have to show you the latest pictures of my grandson.”


  Dylon dug through the pile until he found the small trunk. It contained the rest of the items his Shaman had given him. Heaving it onto his shoulder, he grabbed Cody’s hand and quickly walked to their bedroom. They were finished with his parents tonight. His mom would take care of any problems his disappearance might cause with his father. He shepherded Cody inside their suite, set the trunk down on the floor and then locked the door. He waited to see what his mate would do.

  Getting him out of there was the only thing Dylon could think of doing. He recognized the moment Cody was in distress because their life thread started to turn black—something he knew was very bad. Now standing in their bedroom, he watched as it became lighter. Okay, so far so good. Then he saw Cody slowly pull the t-shirt over his head and drop it to the floor. Thank the gods! When his mate was fully undressed, he observed Cody slowly walking over to the foot of the bed before kneeling in his position. Finally, Dylon could let out the breath he was holding.

  I’m safe, I’m safe, I’m safe was the litany Cody was saying to himself. He knew his mate had seen what was happening to him and took charge immediately. Now he was in the place where his only mission was to please his mate. Yes, I can do that. Inhaling and exhaling, Cody concentrated on slowing down his breathing and heartbeat. Now he could focus on himself and start the tiny movements that would cause shots of pleasure for him.

  Dylon kicked off his boots, picked up the trunk and padded over to his mate. He was pleased with what he observed—Cody was relaxed and now involved with finding his pleasure. Their life thread was silver again but not as bright as before.

  Time to change that. Opening the trunk, he picked up the chains the Shaman had given him.

  Magical chains. Cody would not suffer the pain that his visions produced nor would he be drawn into the other world to escape his suffering while the cuffs were around his wrists. The chains would allow Dylon to sleep without fear of losing Cody. But even more important, the chains would give his mate the security he needed. Cody wouldn’t have to fight to stay awake in order to prevent a night vision episode. “Pet, which side of the bed do you prefer to sleep on?”

  “Left side, sir.” Cody answered softly.

  Dylon stretched the chains out on the bed and eyeballed how long they needed to be. He could always adjust them later if needed. Locking the ends to the bedpost, he opened the cuffs before setting them on the bed. It was time to remove the plug and the cock cage. But first, “How do you feel my pet?”

  “Better, sir. Thank you.”

  “Did you have any problems with the plug or the cage tonight?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Did you enjoy them?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean. They were my punishment for disobeying, sir.”

  “Pet, look at me,” Dylon said, pausing for Cody to raise his face, “Yes, you wore them because you were being punished. But the punishment was forcing you to maintain a balance between the pleasure the plug gave you and the pain the cock cage caused by keeping you on edge all night. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir. I did enjoy them, but I hated that I couldn’t come. My cock ached all night, sir.”

  “As it was supposed to. Now stand up. It’s time to remove them.”


  Steel opened the door to Daniel’s nursery very quietly, to avoid waking his son. He stepped inside and stopped at the picture in front of him. His mate was rocking their son and singing “Puff the Magic Dragon” as he tenderly rubbed Daniel’s back. The room was lit by the thousands of tiny star lights in the ceiling. Logan had been right; it was perfect for these moments. Steel waited until the song was finished before taking his son and putting him in the crib. Making sure the baby monitor was on, he took Jackson’s hand and led him out of the room before saying, “Why did you pick that song?”

  “Because my mother used to sing it to every one of us when we were small. I mean I don’t remember her singing it to me when I was Daniels’s age but I do remember her singing it to me as a toddler, especially after I had a bad dream.”

  “Oh babe, I love that you’re continuing the tradition with our son.”

  “I thought the song was about me because of Puff’s best friend, Jackie Paper,” Jackson smiled shyly. “You know, when I was very young, I always wanted a dragon named Puff to take me for a ride. Whenever I saw a large airplane in the sky, I always called it a dragon. My mother gave me a book about dragons because I was so crazy about them, I must have read that book thousands of times.”

  “Would you like to meet a dragon?”

  “Just one named Puff,” joked Jackson.

  “Is that a challenge?”

  “What? No, I was joking. I mean I know dragons are real, but the likelihood of meeting a dragon named Puff is unlikely. Don’t they have names like Muvier, Destroyer of Life or Grinnyntorth, The Fierce? Certainly not Puff, The Magic Dragon.”

  “Well, I don’t know about those names, but I know a dragon called Gryldrar, The Kind.”

  “You know a dragon?”

  “Yes, I know many dragons.”


  “Yes, really. Now let’s go see about pushing my parents and our guests to retire for the night so I can do some fire breathing on your cock.”


  “Holy shit! How long are they staying?” Zane asked, as he lugged the suitcases and wrapped boxes to Frank and Lizzie’s suite. “I thought it was only going to be for a few days, didn’t you?”

  “I don’t want them here at all.”

  “Why? They’re Dylon’s parents. You better not let Jackson hear you.”

  Carson grunted. He’d be in a shit load of crap if his brother found out how he felt. But he was willing to take the chance. He wasn’t going to forget who killed his father even if Cody did. “Hey, did you notice anything strange about Cody tonight?” he asked Zane.

  “No, not really. Maybe he was quieter but then he was trying to make a good impression on his mate’s parents. I mean, look at Frank. Shit, he’s one powerful wolf. I could feel his Alpha power all night. The only reason it didn’t affect me was Jackson’s Alpha power pushed back. And that reminds me. When the hell did Jackson get all that power? You know what I’m talking about? Did you feel it?”

  “Yeah, I felt it too. No, I don’t know when it happened. Most times I don’t even pay attention to it, but tonight with Franklin showing his balls, I could feel how strong it’s become.”

  “I wonder what that means? Shit, I don’t like change and everything is changing. Why did you ask me about Cody? Did you notice something?”

  Carson paused because he wanted to be careful about what he said. He needed Zane’s help, but he didn’t want his brother going to Jackson. “I don’t have a mind link anymore. And I don’t know why.”

  “Maybe because he’s mated now. You know, Colton had turned off his mind link, so Ian couldn’t see his secret.”

  “Yeah, that is
a possibility. But there are other things I noticed. For instance, Cody stayed by Dylon’s side the entire night. Then they left quickly and never came back. And Cody was constantly looking at Dylon almost like he was asking for permission to speak. Weird, huh?”

  “Mmm, I wasn’t paying that close attention to Cody. I was enjoying Lizzie too much. She’s a hoot! I wonder how Frank’s Alpha power works on her. I bet not good at all.”

  “Yeah, I did enjoy her,” Carson said, before changing the conversation back to his brother. “Something is wrong with Cody but damned if I know what.”

  “Why don’t you talk to Colton? He might be able to tell you how Cody is mind blocking you.”

  “I’ll do that. But in the meantime, would you search the web about Dylon—and Cody—and tell me what you find out. I know Jackson said Dylon wasn’t involved in the massacre, but I can’t help feeling he knows more than he’s letting on.”

  “Whoa, bro! You know what you’re asking me to do? Go against Jackson? And what about Cody? What if I find something that would force Jackson to kick him out of the pack? What would that do to Cody? Would he leave with Dylon? I don’t see what else he could do since they’re claimed.”

  “No, they aren’t—well, not totally yet. I saw the bite on Cody’s neck but not on Dylon’s. So far, it’s only one way. If there’s ever the right time to do this it is now, before Cody claims Dylon.”

  Zane thought about Carson’s argument for acting now and he had to admit it made sense. “Okay, but if I don’t find anything, promise you’ll drop the matter?”

  Carson smiled. That was an easy promise to make because he was so sure he was right. “I swear.”

  Chapter 15

  After Lizzie had gone to bed, Frank sat in the suite’s sitting room, sipping his cognac and reflecting on the evening. Concerned about what his son had gotten into, he’d used his Alpha power to test Jackson. It never fazed the young Alpha; Jackson had projected his Alpha power as a blanket over his pack, shielding everyone from feeling Frank’s. Never blinked an eye doing it either. Nor did he call me out. What kind of Alpha doesn’t take umbrage with what I did? Jackson was a huge contradiction and in all his years, Frank had never met anyone like Alpha Blackwood.


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