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Lord Harrow's Heart

Page 6

by Susan M. Baganz

  “Well, my Phillip has definitely proven himself worthy of my love,” Beth inserted.

  Valeria was intrigued.

  “Phillip and Beth’s relationship did not start out as a love match. They were married hardly even knowing each other and quickly thrown into a difficult situation with her father, Lord Follett, and his partner, Lord Wolton, whom we found out later had ties to the Black Diamond.” Josie sipped her tea.

  Beth shivered. “What a difficult time we experienced. I thought I was losing my mind and would have done anything to save Phillip from Lord Wolton. I was foolish, but God watched over us. Phillip was so brave, but he was furious with the risks I took with our unborn child.” She gave a sad grin. “I was pregnant but had a miscarriage. I didn’t realize at the time that I had conceived twins and one still lived within me.” Her face brightened. “That would be Andrew. My father did not survive the fire that occurred the night that Wolton was defeated and buried under one of the underground smugglers’ tunnels at Follett Hall in Ipswich.” Beth wiped away a tear. “I’m glad to be done with the evil that he participated in.”

  Katrina patted her friend’s knee. “Michael and I are the only ones to meet the Black Diamond face to face, but he wore a mask. He was evil incarnate. We discovered that Michael is his illegitimate son. The Black Diamond wanted Michael dead and expressed an interest in taking over as my lover. Michael and I were not even married yet.”

  “It took a solid knock to his head to bring him around to realizing he loved Katrina.” Josie giggled.

  “It took far more than that.” Katrina placed a hand over her stomach. “Our daughter, Michaela, is four months old, and now we are hoping for a son.”

  Valeria took in the three unique women sitting around her. Three men, all friends, had found wives, but each had a tragic interaction with her father-in-law. It seemed ironic that the one single man in that band of brothers was now sniffing at her skirts. She shook her head and tried not to laugh at the thought of Lord Harrow as a puppy wagging his tail in an attempt to gain her favor. But in many ways his gray eyes held that kind of earnestness when he would gaze at her. An unspoken promise that he would never hurt her lured her heart into dangerous territory.

  Josie set her tea down. “Mrs. Wilson…Valeria, you have been quiet as we have shared our misadventures with you. We want to help you in whatever way we can.”

  “We would be your friends if you would let us.” Beth’s eyes pleaded with her.

  Valeria assessed the beautiful women around her. Lady Elizabeth Westcombe, Phillip’s wife. Red hair, lithe figure, and winning smile who had compassion on her and given her a safe place to heal. Lady Josephine Remington, with dark wavy hair and warm smile. Valeria wondered what Lord Remington, Marcus, looked like as she had yet to meet him. Then there was Mrs. Tidley, Sir Michael’s bride, petite with brown hair and big eyes that no longer held accusations but...friendship? Valeria set down her teacup and took a deep breath.

  “You have all been gracious to me. I do not deserve your offer of friendship.” She swallowed hard. “Yes, I am acquainted with the Black Diamond and I fear him.” She stared at Beth. “Lord Wolton didn’t die. He is still seeking vengeance. Please be careful.”

  Beth’s right hand went to cover her heart and she became pale. “You cannot be serious?”

  Valeria dropped her gaze to her hands. “I don’t want to cause trouble here. If you wish to help me...”

  “We do, Mrs. Wilson. We long to help you.” Katrina reached over and clasped one of Valeria’s hands.

  The tears stung in Valeria’s eyes. “I would like to sail to the Americas with Dartanian as soon as possible. I fear it is the only way I will be safe.”

  Silence fell among them.

  Katrina released Valeria’s hand.

  Valeria waited. It was humbling to need this kind of help. She feared what may befall these lovely women and their families if she stayed.

  “I do not think we can help you with that,” Josie spoke softly.

  The first tear escaped.

  “We want to help you, Mrs. Wilson, but running away will only leave the problem for someone else. We need you to stay and fight and help us defeat this evil.”

  “Do you understand just how wicked this man can be?” Valeria stood.

  They all nodded.

  Valeria paced. “He will rape and kill to get what he wants. No one can stand in his way. He has power—evil power—at his disposal. This is not a game.”

  Katrina walked over to her and placed a small hand on Valeria’s forearm. “We understand. He desired to rape me. He tried to kill me and my husband, who is his own son.” Katrina stepped back a moment and placed a hand over her mouth. “Oh, my. Valeria.”

  Valeria peered into Katrina’s startled brown eyes, wide open with fear. “What?”

  “He is your father-in-law, is he not? You were married to his son who would have been Michael’s half-brother.”

  Valeria shifted her gaze. “Damon was as evil as his father, but not as powerful.”

  “I am so sorry, Valeria. I am not sure why I never guessed this before now.”

  “I hoped you never would. If you will excuse me.” She walked to the door with as much decorum as she could manage.


  Theo found Mrs. Wilson sitting in the garden. Her shoulders were slumped as she stared into the distance. He followed her gaze and found only a dead bush amongst the shrubs. He approached, and she straightened up as he drew near.

  “Lord Harrow.”

  “It would please me greatly if you would call me Theodore or Theo.”

  She gave him a wan smile and shook her head. “You are obstiné, are you not, my lord?”

  “When it is important to me.” He motioned to the bench she sat on. “May I?”

  “I cannot stop you.” Her words lacked bite as her eyebrows rose.

  Theo longed to see a real smile on her face. One that would light up her dark eyes. Her hair shimmered gold with the sun shining on her. Her nose was slightly pink. She must have been sitting here for some time. Theo sat and followed her gaze back to the dead bush.

  “I am like that bush,” she stated.

  “How so?” He folded his arms across his chest and saw a hitch in her breathing. He stifled a grin. She was not as immune to him as she would indicate. He let his legs stretch out in front and crossed one boot over the other.

  “I am dead and stripped of all that would give me life.”

  “It does not need to stay that way.”

  “A dead bush is useless.”

  “I disagree.” She glanced over at him and he experienced a jolt as her eyes met his. Such desolation in those dark brown depths.

  “How so?”

  “While the bush appears like this. it may be so for two reasons. One. It has lost its life to disease or lack of food and water.”

  “And two?”

  “It is merely dormant, awaiting the nurture and care of someone to bring it back to life.”

  “And which one do you think I am?”

  “While a dead bush is great for kindling and can help start a raging fire, that burns out and eventually dissolves to ashes.”

  “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We all share that fate.”

  “Eventually, perhaps. I think you are the second kind. Perhaps dormant and neglected, in need of love and attention you would bloom to greater beauty than those who surround you.”

  Valeria gave him a soft smile. “You wax poetical, Lord Harrow.”

  “Only when so inspired.”

  “And what inspires you today?”

  “You do, Mrs. Wilson. You most certainly inspire many things in me.” His words struck home and a blush rose prettily in her cheeks. He longed to do nothing more than kiss her, rub his thumb along her square jaw, and convince her somehow to be his to protect and care for.

  She broke the gaze and rose to her full height. “Thank you, Lord Harrow for your lesson in the finer art of...gardening.” With that she w
alked away.

  Theo stayed. It may take time, but she would be his. She hadn’t realized it yet. As much as he desired a drama-free romance, he was finding that he was inwardly enjoying the pursuit of the elusive Mrs. Wilson.


  Theo entered the house and found Phillip in his study with Michael and Marcus.

  “Theo, just the man we wanted to see.” Phillip greeted his friend.

  Marcus gave his friend a pat on the back. “I hear that a romance is in the making. Am I understanding Michael correctly?”

  Heat rose in Theo’s face. “I’m making the attempt.”

  “I have yet to meet this paragon who has so inspired you to leap into the matrimonial pool.” Marcus grinned and sat back down.

  Theo also found a chair.

  “We have new information, Theo. Our wives have been trying to befriend Mrs. Wilson.”

  “Oh?” Theo was definitely interested.

  “The Black Diamond is her father-in-law and his son, Damon, was her husband.” Michael gave a smug grin.

  “So, you were right about that.” Theo rubbed his chin. “There’s something more?”

  Phillip nodded. “It seems that Lord Wolton survived the tunnel crash and Mrs. Wilson warned Beth to be careful.”

  Theo’s brow went up at this. “Lord Wolton? But he was in league with…”

  “The Black Diamond,” Marcus said.

  “It always comes back to him,” Theo remarked.

  “True. There’s more.” Phillip handed Theo a burnt piece of foolscap. “A maid found this in the fireplace in Mrs. Wilson’s room.”

  Theo looked at the slanted masculine script and a chill traveled up his spine. “I know where you are. I will have what is mine.” He glanced at his friends. “He realizes she is here.”

  Phillip nodded. “That means none of our wives or children are safe, least of all Mrs. Wilson, and Dartanian.”

  “What can we do?” Theo was eager to do anything to protect Mrs. Wilson and her son.

  “I have already called in favors and have set up extra guard around the perimeter,” Michael stated.

  “I suggest we all repair to Rose Hill. It will be easier to provide safety for all if we are in one location.”

  “The Black Diamond is aware of Rose Hill, Marcus. His thugs attacked my wife on your property,” Phillip stated.

  “Will Mrs. Wilson relent to this plan?” Theo asked.

  “Has she any choice?” Marcus asked.

  “If she would marry me I could protect her better,” Theo suggested.

  The three men stared at him, nonplussed.

  Phillip finally broke the silence. “Marriage will not protect her, Theo. I was already wed when Beth was assaulted.”

  A knock at the door broke the silence.

  “Come in,” Phillip called.

  The door opened, and a footman entered, out of breath. His coat was ripped, and his face stained with dirt and blood.

  “Jem, what happened to you?”

  Jem bent over, gasping for air. “They took him. I tried ...”

  “Who was taken?” Phillip asked in clipped tones as he strode towards the footman.


  Theo jumped up. “Who took him?”

  “A group of men. At the park.”

  “Andrew?” Phillip asked in a whisper.

  “Your son is unscathed but crying. Angel took him to Lady Westcombe.”

  “Is Mrs. Wilson aware?” Theo asked.

  “I only arrived.”

  “Did they say anything?” Phillip asked.

  “No. But they left this.” Jem handed over a crumpled-up envelope.

  Phillip broke the seal. “The boy is mine. Be warned, Valeria. I will be coming for you too. You will pay dearly for your betrayal.”

  Phillip threw the paper to his desk and called for his butler. “Have Mrs. Wilson brought to me immediately.” He turned to Jem. “You may go to the kitchen. Let Mrs. Miller tend your wounds and feed you. You served us well.”

  An anguished look appeared on the young man’s face. “I failed you, Lord Westcombe.”

  Phillip placed a hand on the young man’s shoulders. “It appears to me you fought valiantly to save Dartanian. You went beyond what was asked of you. Tell Mrs. Miller to send for the physician to make sure nothing is broken.”

  “You are too kind, my lord.” Jem bowed and departed.


  Valeria walked into the room filled with men. The grave expressions on their faces filled her with fear. Another inquisition?

  Lord Harrow moved forward to clasp the elbow on her left arm, the one not in a sling. He drew her to the couch and sat beside her, holding her arm on top of his as it rested on his thigh. She found herself momentarily distracted by the warmth from his touch and the solid muscle revealed by the stretch of his trousers as he sat. She saw heat and sorrow in his eyes, those gray depths flecked with green. “What is it?”

  Phillip handed her the note.

  Valeria searched his steely blue eyes and her heart sank. Her hand left the comfort of Theo’s arm to reach for the paper. But her heart knew.

  Dartanian was gone.

  She turned her face into Theo’s shoulder and his arm wrapped around her. His strength surrounding her, and the smell of clean linen and man combined to break down the rest of her defenses. She sobbed. A handkerchief was pressed into her palm and she clasped it as she placed her hand on his solid thigh. The muscle contracted and all she longed for in that moment was his strength and safety.

  When her sobs subsided, Phillip spoke. “Do you think you would be able to give us the information we need to help you find your son?”

  Valeria sighed. She continued to lean on Lord Harrow and took comfort from his arm around her. She glanced at him and he solemnly nodded.

  “Please, Mrs. Wilson. We only want to help.”

  Her body shuddered in the aftermath of her grief. She nodded. “What do you need to know?”

  “We need the identity of the Black Diamond and where his estate is.”

  She gulped. “Lord Harold St. John, the Duke of Diamonte. His estate is near…”

  The men looked thunderstruck.

  “Ashbourne, of course. Derbyshire,” Michael finally stated.

  She nodded.

  “You are aware of this person, Michael?” Marcus asked.

  “There was a St. John over at Cambridge. Nasty reputation. Never met him but sure heard of him. Remember?” Michael asked, glancing at Phillip.

  “Yes, I remember his reputation but never met the man or his father,” Phillip answered.

  “How did you come to be married to his son, Damon?” Michael asked.

  “Damon and I met while they were in France. My father was opposed to the match but for some reason Damon desired me and his father was willing to do what he could to acquire a French bride for his son. In one night my parents died and our estate was torched. I was left orphaned and homeless. I had no one else to turn to. We married in France and traveled back to Ashton.”

  “Did the Duke ever…?” Michael tilted his head and raised his eyebrows.

  “Proposition me?”

  Michael nodded.

  Valeria’s face grew warm. She stared down at her hands. Lord Harrow’s much larger one engulfed hers and gave her a reassuring squeeze. “I could not stay in Ashbourne any longer. I did not want Dartanian to be raised to be like his father or grandfather.”


  Mrs. Wilson’s eyes were bleak, and he sensed her despair and helplessness. He nodded. “I am sorry for what you have suffered. We will do everything we can to see you and Dartanian safe.”

  “I fear it is a trap to get me back into his power. He is evil. He will not hesitate to kill Dartanian if pushed too far.” Terror for her son made her voice hitch and she struggled to bring her emotions under control.

  “Dartanian is the sole heir?” Michael asked.

  Valeria nodded, unable to speak.

  “What is your real n
ame?” Theo asked.

  “Lady Valeria Barron St. John.”

  “Do you have any idea where they may have taken Dartanian?” Marcus asked in a take-charge manner.

  “He most likely took him to Damon’s principal estate near Newcastle-under-Lyme.”

  “We need to make a plan. Theo, you’ll join us?” Marcus asked.

  Theo looked at the woman next to him. She stiffened at Marcus’s brusque tone. “I will personally accompany Lady St. John to Newastle-under-Lyme.”

  “She cannot come with us. She needs to remain safe here,” Phillip said.

  Theo stood, dragging Valeria to her feet. “She is Dartanian’s mother. She needs to be there when he is rescued. He will need her.” He squeezed her hand which he still held. “She is also the only one who knows that estate and could get us in. I would say she is an essential part of any plan you care to make.”

  Valeria leaned into him and he put an arm around her shoulder again, drawing her close. He thought he heard her whisper, “Thank you, Theodore.”

  It made his heart beat faster.

  “There is a problem with this plan,” Marcus said.

  “What?” Valeria spoke now.

  “You would need a chaperon,” Marcus stated.

  “I am a widow. I do not need a compagnon. As I will be traveling in the company of four men, it is unnecessary.”

  “If you are worried about proprieties, Marcus, I could marry her.” The look on the faces of Theo’s friends was priceless. He had left them dumbfounded.

  Valeria’s reaction was different. She pulled her hand from his and stepped away. “No. No. No.” Her head was shaking.

  Before he could grab it she fled the room. “Bad timing?” He glanced at his friends.

  All three men nodded.

  Theo sat down and covered his face. He most certainly had messed up. No wonder he was still unmarried. “I’m a buffleheaded idiot.”

  “Never fear, Theo. I’m sure she will begin to see that you are a lovable, buffleheaded idiot. Give her time.” Michael grinned at him.

  Theo could only shake his head in response. “I hope so.”


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