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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

Page 5

by Amelia Clearwater

  He wanted to be destroyed and devoured, so badly.

  I’d let you devour my soul any day… He quickly shook that thought off.

  Charlotte had no idea what he was staring at. This man had all but kidnapped her against her will when she had run; accused her of theft; yet took her only belonging! Who did he think he was? She puffed up a bit and glared at him, and noticed how well put together he was. From the wide shoulders and broad chest tapering down to his waist and hips, slim was not even the word. His waist and hips were slimmer than his upper body but by no means was he thin, slim, or small.

  She had felt that when he had carried her up the stairs. She knew she would love to feel it again. Shaking her head a bit as if dazed, Charlotte noticed that his body knew exactly what she was thinking; perhaps it was a subconscious thing. Lord Cromwell moved with the fluid ease of a predator, overly confident. He grinned a smoldering look her way, but seemed to catch himself and reform his face back into a composed state.

  “I hardly recognized myself to be honest.” She said sheepishly, and kept playing with her hair. “Well, not that I knew what I looked like to begin with.” She fiddled with another coil of hair, self conscious after the teasing from the young woman.

  Alexander finally spoke “The color is beautiful…Charlotte.”

  He saw her cheeks blush prettily and it pleased him. She blazed on with what she had apparently come to talk about.

  “The doctor said I have amnesia from what caused the cut to my head. But he said it best I do not fall asleep and do light activity, for a while…”

  Alexander nodded and despite his best attempts to keep his gaze on her face, found it wandering as she walked in gracefully to stand in front of his desk.

  I can definitely keep you awake if you want…but it would be by no means, light activity.

  He realized he very much wished to see her legs as they moved…without the damn dress. Alexander clenched his hands repeatedly to gain some form of control, before he gave in to touching her.

  "And you can recall nothing?" He asked softly. “Of your former life?” His voice held concern.

  Charlotte felt rather stupid for her lack of memory "No, my Lord. I truly am sorry for the difficulty I have caused. But you have been so kind to me."

  Kind? I had accused her of theft and had nearly gotten her arrested with no memory and wounded! He did not feel very kind at all, rather he felt like an insolent lout.

  Charlotte would rather have set herself aflame, than stand there and bear his gaze. The green in his eyes seemed to harden to emerald and shined strangely. Much like, she mused that of a hawk watching it’s prey. She did not like the idea of being prey, and inhaled sharply. As if his being sensed it, his arms flexed slightly as he leaned on his desk, the muscles tightening and relaxing. She realized if he truly did want something from her, she could not fight off his advances.

  His jaw tightened and he raised an eyebrow “How do you feel?” Alexander gritted his teeth in a smile he hoped seemed genuine.

  Why did I have to get saddled with a tempting chit? Why couldn’t she be hideous and that would be the end of it!

  “I feel much better. Sophie said I could help her in the kitchen…if that would be alright?” She fiddled with her sleeve on the right, plucking at lace, trying to distract herself from his gaze.

  He nodded “Yes, that would be perfectly fine, Charlotte.”

  She realized that she enjoyed how he said her name, and she felt a blush creep up her neck. A smirk crossed Alexander’s face and she realized he knew the effect he had.

  “Well, I better get to work.” She turned to leave.

  “No, you need to rest.” His brow furrowed and he walked around the desk to lean against the edge of it. “I want you to rest,” the tone was more determined.

  “But, I will do what I want.” She said firmly turning back around to face him. “And I want to help Sophie.”

  Alexander was not used to being told ‘No’ on any subject. He crossed his arms over the expanse of his chest, glowering down at her as he stood to his full height and came within inches of her.

  “Do you know how badly injured you were? Or could have been?” he growled at her softly. He caved in to the desire and reached; twined his index finger around a strand and rubbed it with his thumb, releasing it quickly when he found it was as soft as it looked. He had hoped it wouldn’t be.

  “I am not disabled, I merely was tired and hungry. I came to inform you of what I was doing, and that is all.” She was turning nearly as red as her hair across her cheekbones, now from anger.

  “No, that is not all. You will rest if I have to lock you in your rooms.”

  He stepped closer to her body and she could feel the heat radiating off of him, smell the sharpness of leather and male muskiness, along with something else...

  “My ‘rooms’ will be with Francesca and the others who work here, for that is what I will be doing! Working here!” she protested exasperated. She realized that she was poking a man who had a limited control on his temper.

  “You will do as I say Charlotte. As will the others, I am Lord of this estate.” Yes, he was indeed about to lose it.

  “May I remind you, I am not originally from this estate.” She felt like boxing his ears for his stubbornness. And Charlotte had an idea he felt the same of her.

  “But you are here now…and you will do as I say. That is the end of this discussion.” His face showed no sign of leniency.

  Charlotte turned. “How dare you think you can order me around?” she demanded. Alexander laughed and her temper flared even more. “I swear, I shall pray for the woman you end up with.” She vented and puffed up like an angry cat. In fact, she reminded him a great deal of an angry kitten, fluffed up to look as mean as it could.... and failing horribly.

  “Is that so?” He mused stroking his jaw thoughtfully. “Hmm, you must think highly of my wife then.”

  “I do, for she’ll have to deal with your obnoxious mannerisms! You pompous ass!” She crossed her arms and raised a brow at him pursing her lips in irritation.

  He on the other hand was grinning devilishly and finally spoke after a pause, “I am now questioning your upbringing as it is quite improper for you to even know of such language.” He feigned disapproval, but inwardly wanted to laugh.

  “I do not think it’s your job to know of my upbringing or my extensive vocabulary,” she said hotly. “But if you must know, I heard a woman call her husband that for apparently not steering properly...She lost her hat in the wind.”

  To this, he chuckled, and raised a brow “And what else did she call him?” but Charlotte was glaring at him.

  “Something I know you are not.”

  “A bastard?” he laughed.

  “Something to that effect.” She waved her hand. “Now don’t be stubborn about this. Just let me do what I will and leave me be,” she demanded. Her cheeks flushed and she ducked her head to avoid his gaze.

  Alexander grasped her chin softly, and raised her chin. His gaze roved down to the square bust line and the swell of her breasts as she breathed; now made more obvious from being cushioned by her slender arms; back up to the petulant mouth.

  “You might be careful with what you say chit, or I might have to find a better use for your mouth.” The idea of it had his loins tighten in eager response.

  He cursed himself for his words, but was pleased when that smart mouth dropped open in shock. He chuckled “Get back to resting…no hard work.” He waved her off and she stood there befuddled. “Are you still in need of something?” Alexander cultured his tone to be sweetened and deep.

  She wavered at the door her black gaze infuriated, darting across him as he sat in his chair, lounging and relaxed. “No. You sir, are no genteel Lord…”

  Alexander sat back and pondered this for a moment, “You are right, Sweetling. But I am one hell of a rake.”

  After her look of horror at the pet name, she sniffed; tilting her head up in a show of outrage to r
ival any Lady of breed, bustled out in a whoosh of silken skirts. Petulant little thing…

  The door clicked shut and he waited as her scent vanished. She smelled of the earth, not that flowery scent some women had, the kind that meant spring was there, murky and filled with life.

  “Damn!” He growled as his body protested to the lack of her presence. Nearly gripping a chunk of wood off his chair, he tried to go back to the introductions and to his paperwork.


  It had been around a week since she had started working for Lord Cromwell, and she still felt out of place, and only really felt comfortable or useful in the kitchen with Sophie. Charlotte donned simple dresses that she fit into, cotton and linen, and kept her hair up in combs or in a braid. Recently the Ladies had been demanding service while they were out lounging on the deck and in the foyer.

  If Alexander had a special outing planned for him and another Lady, she was to help with serving, or holding an umbrella for the Lady chosen. She also was to wait on Alexander, but it seemed to her that each day he grew more and more irritated with her. Francesca and Sophie had assured her that she had done no wrong that they could see, and that she was probably just seeing things.

  There was one morning that she asked Francesca what Alexander's favorite meal was. It was apparently roasted pheasant, but they were hard to catch, and a bit expensive to buy. With her work she was given quite a bit of money from Alexander, about fifteen pounds every week. She had taken two weeks of her money and gathered it up. "Sophie?" she asked coming into the kitchen.

  “Yes pet?"

  "Can you help me? I want to go with you to market."

  "Of course! What did you want to eat?"

  "Not me…" she shuffled her feet. "Lord Cromwell seems upset and I thought I could cook his favorite meal…that he might feel better!"

  Sophie glanced at her with her eyebrows raised and smiled "Of course! But I'll have to ask Alexander for a bit more-"

  "No! I have enough." she pushed the money at Sophie "I want it to be a present…A thank you." she smiled widely at the plump woman.

  "Alright! This is more than enough! What else did you want to make?"

  "Can we make anything with apples?" she loved apples. The sweet, crisp and lovely fruit always tantalized her senses.

  Sophie seemed to think for a moment and smiled clapping her hands "Oh! I know, something Kade brought back from his trips to America." she went and pulled out a small sheet of paper. "Ah-ha! Here it is! Apple pie."

  "What in the world is that?"

  "Quite good, I have yet to get Alexander to try it but perhaps if you make it? You've learned quite a bit already, and you have a knack with baking."

  It was very true, a knife she had a hard time wielding, but give her an oven and dough and she was set! Charlotte nodded "Well, all right!" she laughed, "I'll do it!"

  "Fantastic! We will need a couple cups of sugar, some herbs and spices. We have twine, and I'll have the butcher get the pheasants all set up and everything!"

  "Can we make enough for everyone?"

  "I don't see why not, but don't you want anything with the rest of the money while we are out?"

  "Well, I wanted a new dress but I don't think it will be that much."

  "Oh, heavens no it won't be, and we can put it on Alexander's tab at the tailor." She was bustling about making sure she had her basket and everything.

  "James! Please have the driver be ready to take Miss Charlotte and myself out. Dear, go get that pretty dress on. The blue one."

  "Whatever for?"

  "Well you want to look pretty don't you?" Sophie beamed at her and tucked a curl behind her ear "A girl like you shouldn't be walking in simple clothes dearie."

  Charlotte had an irrepressible urge to hug this woman. She trotted up to her bedroom and got ready. She piled her coiled hair in a delicate bun, some of the curls escaping to flow down her back and the rest bouncing around her ears and face in an attractive, wild manner.

  Sophie meanwhile had gone to Alexander. "Alexander? I'm taking Charlotte to the market." He waved his hand as he stared at his desk.

  Alexander barely even looked up from his papers; he leaned back and rubbed his temples, "Forgive me, Sophie. What is it?"

  "I said I am taking Charlotte to the market, I'd like to get her a couple dresses. She does need them."

  "No of course she does, get whatever she wants. Or what you deem appropriate. Cost is not an issue." He waved her off and Sophie left grumbling about him having his head in papers instead of on what was in front of him.

  Charlotte emerged from her room and met Sophie at the door. "What did you need to get?" she asked taking a basket from her.

  "Oh nothing, just informing Alexander what we will be up to. Just in case he needed anything."

  "Is he in need of anything?" Charlotte asked while following her down the front steps to the carriage.

  "No, not that I could see dearie." She turned back and smiled at Charlotte. "Ready?"

  "Yes!” her enthusiasm made Sophie laugh.

  Soon, they were at the market in Combe Down. It bustled and thrived as their carriage traveled through the streets. The driver was gentle with the ride and asked her if it had been too choppy.

  "Heavens no! The lightest ride I can ever recall!" Charlotte gave him a smile and the driver thanked her for the compliment sheepishly. They stepped down out of the carriage and a man rushed forward, he was blond, handsome and rugged.

  “You certainly have a way with men.” Sophie teased, Charlotte had no idea what she meant.

  "My Lady, might I help you?"

  "I can assure you I have it taken care of, thank you though for the kind gesture." Charlotte stepped down fully and took her hand away from his.

  "I am Mr. Charles Whitmore." he bowed gracefully, but the look in his eye told of other intentions. She did not like that he looked at her in such a manner.

  Sophie was watching him with feigned disinterest, when Charlotte did not respond she whispered "My Lady?"

  "Oh! Do forgive me, I have not been feeling well, I am Charlotte…I live with Lord Cromwell and help him with the estate."

  The man's brow crinkled "A beautiful woman such as yourself working for someone? Ha! With hair like that I'd make sure you never worked another day in your life."

  His face was well defined; the shadow of a beard still there, and his teeth sparkled when he smiled. It did not feel right, though.

  "Please forgive me, I have other things I must attend to." With that said, she rushed with Sophie off down the street.

  "Which way is the butcher?"

  "The other way dear." Sophie chuckled. “As I said, a way with men!” she gave Charlotte a playful nudge.

  "Bollocks!" she whispered glancing over her shoulder to the seemingly love- struck man gazing after her.

  "Don't worry, the tailor is right here, so is the general store." In a fit of laughter Sophie's eyes gleamed at her "No Lady says that, my dear."

  "Then it is quite fitting that I am not a Lady" was her prim reply.

  Sophie turned her into the tailor shop; it had beautiful gowns of chiffon, silk and satin, some made of gorgeously soft cotton and linen, the kind only wealth could buy. Her eyes widened when the small shopkeeper came forward.

  My word! She only came to Charlottes nose.

  "Hello Sophie! Giselle send you? And who might you be?" she eyed Charlotte over spectacles.

  "No Fiona, we're here for Miss Charlotte. Alexander has taken charge of her and wants to see her in a pretty gown." Fiona glanced at Charlotte and a smile broke out across her face.

  "Emerald greens, I am thinking." With that said she went for one of the numerous bolts of fabric that were stacked all over the place, upright, in bins, some were hanging on hooks even.


  "Yes, and another green and maybe a blue, perhaps one white one... Right now all the ladies are wearing that French muslin. But you my dear with that hair need something darker."

bsp; "Is it normal to wear that?" she asked confused.

  "Perhaps not, but what do you care? With that hair you must be used to looking different." Charlotte consciously fingered a curl of hair.


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