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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

Page 6

by Amelia Clearwater

  "I guess…"

  "You will look extravagant." She promised.

  The small tailor had drawn up four designs, one was of the that soft white fabric she had seen, it was light and airy, it needed quite a few layers so her skin did not show through. There was an emerald green, much like Alexander's eyes, Charlotte had thought. And the last was a brighter light green, the waists were all high but that was where the similarities stopped.

  The white had gold trimmings on the bottom; it's sleeves loose and bunching at the elbow in a rather odd fashion. In fact instead of odd, it was something that seemed a bit out of fashion to her. It had a V neckline, that was modest and elegant. The hem came to a flattering stop at her ankle in length.

  The emerald one was oval necked, it's sleeves short and puffed but they would drop off her shoulders. It was high waisted, meant to accent her bust. The fabric was a beautiful light and airy silk that would billow about her when she twirled, unlike most dresses, this seemed to style from the older designs she saw in the woman's books.

  "Where are these from?"

  "Those are from Greece, their gowns are very flowing and beautiful, you are so small and petite I need to get some form of movement on you, you do not have a swan like shape to appear graceful."

  Charlotte was sort of stung by that comment but the tiny tailor kept going, "I am going to bring about a new fashion style! You wait and see!" This tiny woman was passionate about what she did, and it made her smile.

  It was sky blue, the blue of a new day, it had lighter blues underneath and it made the skirt flow like clouds about her fingertips. The design was off the shoulder. The sleeves short on her shoulders and the waist high, the dress would mold with every move she made, showing off what the dress maker called "Your petite ankles a princess would swoon over."

  The last dress was her favorite; the satin was so light that when she touched it, it felt decadent. She liked how they looked. She was measured and the woman had chuckled "You have a good figure, tiny waist but you have hips and a bust, odd measurements but I'll get you the right dresses. Give me a week or so."

  "Good Lord you can make those all in one week?"

  "I am a miracle worker! Lord Cromwell won't know what to do when he sees you. But I luckily can do your white one right now, since I have the base. Would you mind staying for a couple hours? I can tailor it easily."

  When shown the beautiful cotton and she smiled "Please I would love to wear it!" Within two hours she had a beautiful dress. The seamstress’s little hands had been like magic.

  "Now, here are some gold ribbons, Sophie take her curls and wrap them like so, she wrapped a golden ribbon around her head, billowing her hair down her back, and tied another at the base of her neck, accenting the curve of it like a necklace.

  "Beautiful." Sophie smiled at her warmly and they got everything bagged and left. "The butcher?"

  Oh no dear, we need to go to the General Store next." She turned left two shops down and they bought spices, sugar, which Charlotte sniffed confusedly when they bought something that looked the same, but when she tasted it. "Ack!"

  "Salt, and sugar…don't ever mix them up. It will be a bad day!" They both giggled as the clerk rang them up.

  Finally they got to the butcher. He was a young gentleman, despite his roughed up appearance. He smiled bashfully when Charlotte asked about pheasants, and happily had them and gave them the best pick. Five large birds were theirs. They put them into the baskets and they got into the buggy and drove on.

  That Night. . .

  She was exuberant, the pheasant was coming out beautifully and the pie was cooling on the windowsill. Charlotte had taken great pains to keep an eye on it in the oven, lest it burn in the two seconds she had her back turned.

  Alexander’s papers scattered as he got up “Blistering hell…come in,” he grumbled.

  Lately it was getting harder to see Charlotte serving him. He had a mind to dismiss her and keep her in the kitchens, if only he wasn’t so aware of her presence. Perhaps it was the soft touch she had when she handed him things, such as the badminton racket, or getting him a book to read aloud to a Lady who was bored to tears, but her attention rapt with awe in those big dark eyes.

  He grew tired of the flitting eyelashes of the well-bred Ladies he entertained. He was no closer to picking out the one he liked most. Now, here she was again, entering his study, his mother's blue dress had been tailored to her now, simple but accentuating her small waist and curves. He gritted his teeth against the now familiar ache in his groin and chest.

  “What?” he snapped, and felt regret when her expression showed her unease. He had been curt with her more frequently, hoping to stamp down the need that threatened to overtake him. She came in and hovered by the door.

  “Well?” he growled at her. The dress she wore might have been simple and plain, but it didn’t make his brain any less imaginative.

  “I-I wanted to know if you needed anything?”

  “A cold plunge,” he muttered to himself.

  “I beg pardon?” the dainty brows drew together.

  “Nothing…” he muttered roughing his hair. She did not look convinced, but he knew he had to be wary of her.

  “Look, I need you to leave me be. I’ll come find you when we can speak.” Charlotte’s face seemed to fall a bit and he hardened himself from rushing over to balm her feelings.

  "Alright, well…I will send James when dinner is ready," and she left quickly. He had to stay away. That was the end of it. But he did feel bad for being so terse.

  A few hours later, it was not Charlotte that came to get him, but Sophie. And she looked rather cross when he said that he did not have time. More than cross actually, she stood there and actually glared at him. "Begging your pardon, Cromwell."

  Bollocks, he was in deep trouble when she called him by his last name, usually only Francesca did so.

  "Why is this so important?" he grumbled.

  "Because you ninny, Charlotte went and got your favorite dish to say thank you, and that girl has worked her fanny off cooking with me all day long and you will go downstairs and eat with us and like it! It's only for the staff and you. So I hope you don't mind eating in our dining area."

  Sophie sighed and put her hands on her hips.

  "That girl asked what you wanted because she wanted to say thank you. Despite the fact that you've been abominable to her, making her parade around with you and those cocky ladies is just sad." Sophie continued: "She even used her own pay! Wouldn't hear about me using the tab we have with the butcher."

  He felt even more like sinking deeper into his chair but roughed his hair "She didn't have t-"

  "But she did. Happily too. I'm actually amazed at how well she’s learned to cook. But nearly everyone fell head over heels for her at the market, especially this Whitmore fellow. Not that it matters…right?"

  He felt like flames had punched down his throat and into his stomach "Whom?"

  "Doesn't matter…" he was displeased and saw Sophie's grin. "You coming to dinner my Lord?" she emphasized Lord as if it were a poke.

  "I'd be more than happy to come eat with you all." he smiled at her sheepishly.

  "I thought so. I'll set a place, we're all dressing up, it's quite a feast." she looked exuberant as she left.

  Alexander was sitting at his desk contemplating what had gone on. He had not really paid Charlotte any mind, if anything he had kept being sharp with her over the silliest of things. The guilt that he had been so desperately trying to avoid came back with a vengeance. Angrily, he got up and went to go dress.

  The staff's area was off the kitchens, but Alexander had made it rather lovely, a large dining table and comfortable chairs. Alexander was startled though. No wonder she had looked so happy when she had come to inform him of dinner, and he had rather been an ass.

  Charlotte was nervously picking at herself, the white dress seemed to plaster rather provocatively to her and she felt self-conscious. It stood out against her warm
cream skin. Working in the garden had given her a healthy vibrant, rosy glow to her complexion. It made her eyes spark and her hair stand out even more. Francesca had smudged rouge across her lips, but everything else was left to be natural. She glanced at herself and was startled as Francesca piled her long hair in a Grecian style, the curls freshly towel dried an hour prior were springy and soft, the gold ribbon glinted in the light, and at her throat it brought attention to her face.

  "She was right, you look magnificent." Francesca hugged her from behind and smiled at her

  "Thank you, you look beautiful Francesca." The woman had on a coquelicot color dress on, and it suited her vibrant nature.

  They walked downstairs to the ground floor and she saw James getting ready to head down, in rather nice looking evening wear.

  "My, James!" she smiled at him "You look so handsome!

  He blushed deeply and bowed. "My Lady, it is you with hair of flame, who makes the moon fear that the sun is still out." Charlotte was abashed by his beautiful declaration when she heard another voice.

  "Indeed, it seems the sun has come back. Whatever shall the moon do with such formidable competition?" The dark voice caused a shiver to crawl up her spine and she turned, chin held high to face Lord Cromwell walking down the steps.

  He looked magnificent. He had shoved his hair back from his face, but one rakish lock just did not seem to want to stay put. The relaxed evening attire was black, and it suited him well. The chestnut hair contrasted with the bright green that had latched onto her as he slowly walked down the last step and closer to her.

  Alexander could have sworn that the goddess Venus had set foot into his home. The dress clutched in a delicate whisper of every curve and sway when she turned and it accentuated the natural shape that had gotten him in trouble to begin with. The eyes that regarded him favorably in return, reflected the lamplight with warm tones of amber and darkness. He bowed deeply before smiling softly at her.

  "I cannot wait to see what you have helped prepare for me. Forgive me for being so terse before, I was handling situations that were rather in need of focus." He kissed her hand ever so softly, the eyes that watched him widened, and a soft blush crept across her cheeks, but that chin did not go down.

  "It seems that your mind has been weighed heavy…forget your worries tonight Alexander, and rest. Tonight you are among friends." The wide, unhidden smile she bestowed on him shot through all the stress and irritation, and he felt his heart clench when she had said his name, he wanted to hear it again.

  Alexander also realized he'd kill a man to see that smile again. She was like a fire who exuded affection and love. He like any human turned into moth, followed wherever she went, desired her presence when gone; he did not mind the scorching flames that would possibly destroy him from loving them.

  He offered his arm, and was worried for a moment that she would not take it, but she smiled and placed her slender limb into the crook of his. They walked into the dining room.

  When they all sat down Laura and Mary were across from her; Alexander at the head of the table; James at the other end by Francesca; and Sophie on Charlotte's left; Alexander at her right. Everyone smiled and she got up to help Sophie, Alexander got up as well

  "What are you doing?" She was perplexed.

  "I may be Lord of this estate, but I assure you I've helped Sophie with things even so. She raised me with Francesca, when my mother passed."

  Despite Charlotte seeing it caused him pain to mention it, he smiled at Sophie when he took a platter of freshly baked pheasant. His eyes sparkled when he saw what was there.

  "I see Sophie has taught you my favorite meal, it's tender and savory." She had a platter of freshly cooked vegetables that they had harvested from the garden and she set it on the table. The wine was brought out and Alexander and James valiantly got the bottles open even though they seemed stubborn amidst teasing and laughter.

  Everyone started enjoying his or her meal.

  "I have indeed missed this,” he said softly to her as if in private.

  "Then why not do it more often?" the sip of wine felt like flower petals on her tongue.

  "Unfortunately I've been preoccupied…" He looked as if in pain and Charlotte felt a desperate desire to see him smile.

  "Finding a bride?" she took another long sip of her wine and it went to her head. He nodded and she had a grand idea amidst the alcohol-induced rush. "Well, don't do it."

  "What?" He nearly coughed on a bite of pheasant.

  "Don't choose. It's your estate. Why are you letting your Aunt run the show? Here! Go find yourself a milkmaid on the side of the road! If Titan doesn't frighten her off that is!" Her laughter hit him like fresh rain.

  "Poor thing would probably faint." he grinned, tilting his head.

  "If she didn't run off that is…either way better than a snobby woman who only wants your money." She clapped a hand over her mouth, and blushed. "Forgive me I shouldn't have said that."

  "For some it very well may be true,” he confided in hushed tones.

  They both laughed and Alexander's gaze sharpened "Or I could pick a fairy. I hear they are quite amusing."

  Their conversation stopped shortly and she slowly chewed a bite of food as if thinking of what to say.

  "They are, but they are small…they only have enough space for one emotion. So it's best not to anger them." She winked at him saucily, emboldened by her drink, before turning to Laura and answering a question.

  Alexander watched her; the coils of her hair springy and warm as she tossed her head back and laughed whole-heartedly. She was not like any of the demure creatures that had come into his life for marriage. No, if he wanted her he'd have to catch her like some wild animal and make her bend to his own will. But he wondered if a tamed version would be a crime against her nature. And as if reading his mind she glanced at him, her coal eyes glinting with amber fire.

  “I’d have to tame her, but I fear it would be a violation against such loveliness,” he said into the shell of her ear and she shivered the pupils dilating to pinpricks.

  "Fairies are never tamed, but they choose to be where they are, and once they choose, I hear it takes their whole forest to be destroyed before they leave."

  "And when it is destroyed?" He asked softly.

  "They die…" she whispered softly, sadness flowing into her eyes.

  "Well, we cannot have that happen can we…" his fingers had brushed her hand under the table and the faint ghost of a smile tugged at his lips.

  Charlotte could have drowned herself! Damn wine. She took a long draw of it before setting it down, she watched Sophie set out the baked pie and they all clapped.

  "Now, Charlotte I must say you outdid yourself."

  "Please! You helped." The apples were delicate and soft, with enough firmness to give texture. The cinnamon and sugar had melted and caramelized to a gooey warm heaven on a spoon. She closed her eyes in bliss and a small smile formed on her mouth, she nearly moaned in pleasure.

  Alexander couldn't help but think he'd love to see that look on her face with her hair spread across his bed. She looked as if she was in heaven.

  "You need to try this,” she said opening her eyes, the pupils had dilated again, rushing to expand to the point where he knew they were truly black as no amber lit her gaze when it touched light. It made his blood rush to southern areas of his anatomy. He shifted in his chair as if it would ease the ache.

  How in God's name is this exciting? He wondered, but it was. Her eyes, her hair, the look was all it would take to have him begging, and she didn't even know it.

  "Please?" the coy little smile on her lips aroused him, but he opened his mouth to protest; she quickly spooned a bite past his lips before going back to eating her own. He coughed but chewed, what was even worse; he wondered what it would be like eating from her hand, the mixture of flesh and fruit instead of a fork.

  The staff thought it was great fun and were nudging each other, and he chewed slowly looking at her befo
re swallowing "Are you satisfied?"

  "Did you like it?" she asked with an eyebrow cocked.

  "Actually…yes." He took a proffered plate from Sophie who was in a fit of laughter.

  "I told you." Charlotte whispered.

  Alexander stifled a grin. "You tell me a lot of things it seems."

  "Out of the mouths of babe's as the Good Book says, though I am not that young." her eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks as she looked down at her hands. She wondered to herself where she had heard that verse.

  "No, but you seem to be more wise than most, even without your memory." He took a long gulp of wine to steady his nerves. It only made the rush she gave him even worse.


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