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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

Page 20

by Amelia Clearwater

  "I told you I am not something-"

  "To possess?" The low tone of the question meant he had to lean down to brush noses with her. But, it did not really seem like a question at all. It was an observation, and a realization in one.

  He wanted to own her…and as if by magic her thoughts had reached out to his.

  "I will possess you, all of you. For you are mine… You were mine when I spotted you in the woods in nothing but a night rail and chemise, tattered and torn about the wind. You were mine when you came to me that night, after I had taken what I rightfully thought as my own and sent you on your way. It proved that you are as drawn to me as I am to you. By a a chain." His emerald eyes looked half crazed as they swooped over her dress, bodice, and face and finally rested on her eyes and the look pierced her soul.

  "You will not merely be mine. You. Are. Mine." with that said she was snatched up by the wrist and yanked into his chest.

  "Alex," she tried to take a detour and his expression was one of a pleasurable vengeance.

  One that she knew he would thoroughly enjoy extracting on her person.

  "Tell me, you are mine,” he whispered softly against her forehead his lips trailing soft kisses along her nose and cheeks. "Tell me, Charlotte. That I possess you." He began unbuttoning the dress from the back with quick fingers. The silk shed and pooled to the floor. His fingers attacked the strings of her corset and stays. "Charlotte." he chided her for no response nipping her mouth. "I want to hear you say it. 'Alex I am yours'" his tone was grated and heat riddled.

  "Alex you know-" he was sliding her drawers off, leaving her chemise.

  "Oh I know I possess you, but I want you to say it…and before I am done with you…you will be screaming it."

  Charlotte wouldn't have been able to tell him anything, even if there were a brace of ghosts behind him, her tongue felt so swollen. He had her against him in the most provocative way, his body sizzled with power and heat from under the layers of clothing, and she realized this was spiraling out of control rather quickly. "Alex, I already said that you couldn’t possess me." She sounded firm and sure, except for that tiny waiver of apprehension.

  He looked triumphant at that small sound "Tell me." He easily pushed her onto the bed and was on her in a flash. His hands dove into her hair, and she arched; causing the neckline of her chemise to tighten on her chest outlining the stiff buds that ached for his touch.

  “Just a taste…” she heard the breathless whisper above her as his eyes glittered and his voice choked out the words as though they were made of glass. “Just one taste…” his head ducked and he swiped one bud and then the other through the fabric, sucking each into his mouth roughly.

  He stopped and looked at her longingly before he pulled her up to him and tugged the offending item off. She gently fell back against the bed. He twined his tongue around the cream and raised bud before sucking it into his mouth again. Charlotte cried out and clutched his head to her body.

  “Alex.” her breath came in panting gasps, as if she would never be able to catch it.

  “One…one more taste, just one more....” his hands were fumbling against her, touching her as if she might break.

  She ran her fingers through his hair and felt him shudder. " possess me." A curse sprang from his mouth before he gave into the inner struggle he had been having for months.

  Desperation, that was what he felt like. His hands were now skirting across her breasts, molding them in his hands before his mouth traveled to her lips. Alexander held himself up on his hands, hovering over her. She watched him look at her; and she blushed at her nakedness.



  She had to tell him.

  “I’m a virgin…Alex.” She whispered it. Charlotte watched him stop short and stare at her.


  “A virgin…Sophie had the doctor check, I mean I haven’t-"

  He was exasperated and nearly laughed. Alexander stared at her, hard now. He felt as if he was seeing her for the first time. All the things seemed to click into place, the locket, her prim nature at the teahouse, how certain things just came naturally to her. As if she had been taught as a young child how to act, but did not know of it.

  “You can’t be one and be a virgin…” The missing courtesan was told to be well knowledgeable in the acts of romance and seduction…so that meant…She was pure.

  She had to be Lady Devisher…or at least someone of middle class birth. He needed to go talk to Essex but.... Either way…a revelation struck him like lightning.

  He could marry her either way. If he took her, he would have to marry her! So there, that settled it...didn't it?

  “One what?” but he did not answer her. Before she even knew what had happened his fingers were there causing her thighs to fall open in restless invitation. Charlotte cried out when his middle digit entered her after swiping at her center. She flinched when his thick warm finger struck her barrier as it slid as deep as it could go. She grabbed his hand holding it back. “Ah!” She choked from the pain.

  Why did it hurt! Charlotte opened her eyes and his expression was one single emotion. Possessive.

  That look, the one that burned into her flesh. It seemed to strip away all pretenses of a civilized man. Before her was one who saw exactly what he wanted and would get it at any cost.

  His mind was addled with only simple words.

  Virgin…Untouched…pure… Sweet…succulent…Wet, hot, need...Now.

  Mine “…Hell and brimstone... You unman me,” The line was followed by a guttural curse, before he claimed her mouth in a hard kiss that was sure to bruise. His finger left the tight channel he could have just buried himself in and he cupped her in his palm. When she squirmed in response that primal urge to take what was his was shot to full scale.

  Must make her mine, before anyone else has a chance to snatch her away. Alexander rubbed his palm gently over her in a circular motion, until her hips moved in time.

  “That’s it Sweetling.” He suckled her earlobe and her back arched. She was tearing at his clothes. Alexander kept his lips on hers as he quickly shoved his clothing off, leaving her only long enough to tear off his breeches and smalls. He watched her eyes go wide and her mouth form a sweet little oh in shock as he bobbed against his stomach. So he stood for a moment, letting her eyes stare and wander.

  “Alex…” Her voice sounded so unsure he chuckled and stroked himself gently.

  “Don’t fret Sweetling, remember? I won’t hurt you.”

  Charlotte did not doubt he meant not to hurt her. But with the pain that she had with just his finger jutting inside of her, this was so much thicker...almost alarmingly so, and the length startled her as well.

  “Um...” he had crawled back on the bed like a predator, and was looming over her now as she scrambled backwards.

  “I’ll get you ready Charlotte, don’t worry.”

  “Ready-?” suddenly her legs were linked over his forearms and he had dragged her hips back to him and up leaving her most intimate place splayed for him.

  “Alex!” she struggled slightly in embarrassment as he linked her knees over the crooks of his arms, and opened her to his gaze.

  “Hush. Let me love you Sweetling.” She blushed crimson when his nose nuzzled the thick curls on her and he inhaled her scent, groaning as he exhaled. Charlotte remembered how he had licked her dampness off his fingers and she whimpered.

  He wouldn’t…would he?

  Alexander watched the expressions playing on her face, her musk and scent tantalized his sense of smell, and the memory of her slickness and taste wasn’t enough to satisfy him. He leaned forward, and gave a tentative swipe of his tongue on from the bottom of her to the top. When her legs clamped and her back arched he moaned in pleasure and darted his tongue against her again.

  “That’s my Sweetling.” He growled against her nub before sucking it gently into his mouth. “Let go.”

  “Alex!” her body wa
s so tense she trembled with each dart and swipe he gave her on that throbbing spot. “Remember when I licked you off my fingers? I want more than that, and you need to give it to me…Come now, Sweetling” He flicked her nub with his tongue before sucking it. Hard.

  It was all it took.

  He felt her shatter and break, with a keening cry beneath his mouth and her channel clench in wet spasms around his fingers. “Yes, that’s my Sweetling,” but he didn’t stop, he flicked his tongue furiously over her feeling the trembling and shaking in her build up again.

  Charlotte’s entire body had broken, that was it. She was broken, and here he was about to break her again.

  “Alex, please it’s too much-I can’t!”

  “Oh, yes you can Sweetling.” The primal growl from between her thighs as he looked at her was erotic and entrancing. She watched his tongue sweep out across her and she shattered again, hearing his groan as his tongue probed into her depths.

  Her eyes opened, she felt like putty, or perhaps clay, hot melted clay that was his to mold, and mold her he did, and she like hot clay on a spinning wheel allowed her body to be molded as her world spun away.

  "I want to touch you,” her voice sounded like she was under water and the look on his face told her that she had surprised him.

  Before he could even register it, after letting her legs down, her hands were everywhere, trailing his stomach and chest feeling the wiry darker hair there. Her mouth followed in her fingertips wake, till finally she latched onto his mouth, her legs entwining with his thighs as her feet tickled the backs of his calves. Alexander was quite unsure of what to do she had caught him so off guard.

  Charlotte felt her legs held and positioned where he wanted, and felt something thick and hot nudge her.

  “Alex?” Her frightened whisper escaped her despite the thrumming warmth.

  “I won’t hurt you more than needed, it will hurt a bit…but I’ll wait as long as I can.” He seemed so determined. The expression on his face was tender, but serious.

  “You can always tell me to stop, Sweetling.” She recognized the truth in his words.

  “I trust you…” she felt his thrumming on that nub where pleasure radiated from. “Ohhhhhh, Alex…” her head tossed back and forth on the pillow when her body was on the brink. He brought her back down and cleared his throat, “The last woman I was with left me…for a merchant. I haven't lain with a woman since…I've touched and looked…but…

  His voice was rough, and she looked startled by the admission. “Lissie was my first love…” He stroked her softly keeping her in pleasured limbo.

  She reached up and touched his hand on her thigh, he trembled relishing in it.

  Alexander felt her close again and relaxed his stroking on her

  “Oh, no pet. I’ve never felt a woman come while coupled…and I find I am fascinated to feel you come for me.”

  The admittance nearly detonated her right then and there it seemed, and nearly did himself in as well. He positioned himself against her and rubbed the crown against her, when she squirmed and whimpered he pressed his hips forward, her nails digging into his hips.

  Alexander watched her eyes widen and her mouth drop open in shock. He kept her knees hooked over his arms and leaned forward and kissed her. He loved how she was able to bend for him. Reaching her barrier, he paused when she jolted.

  “Hush, precious.” He remembered having to be gentle with Lissie. She had hardly been able to take him let alone deal with his width, and had cried torrents. “Tell me if you hurt.” When Charlotte nodded he braced his arms on either side of her, keeping her spread wide to his advances and thrust forward.

  Charlotte felt the sharp pinch inside her body and her scream was cut off by his tongue thrusting into her mouth “I’m so sorry, Sweetling…” he paused his movements. Her body squeezed at the intruding presence in her. She realized once the pain subsided a throbbing from him radiated and fueled her own beat that pulsed.

  It also seemed that after a few beats, they matched to become one single pulse. Even with the feeling of soreness, she squirmed her hips feeling him and wanting more. He wasn’t deep enough. And she let her annoyance show in a complaining groan.

  “I know Sweet it hurts I-" He felt like a cad and started to back away.

  “No! More!” Her nails had found his back and raked downward. She had never felt this need. Her body throbbed and clutched at his flesh as if trying to weld him to her self.

  “Sweetling, you’re too small I can’t-“ without even thinking she squirmed down and bucked her hips upward on instinct, he was slammed to the hilt causing a deep groan to tear from them both. “Charlotte…” he gasped his teeth gritted and the muscle in his neck corded with strain. She was pleased when he looked not only shocked but on the verge of…something. He looked pleased and his hips ground against hers, he twitched inside her and she moaned and twisted under him.

  “Alex! Please…” she clutched at him.

  Alexander’s mind shattered. The first stab for fear of hurting her vanished when he slipped forward and buried him self completely inside her. Feeling her wetness against his pelvis set his blood thundering. Suddenly it was simply one thing. Connection.

  “Sweetling…” His control dissolved and his hips moved. He retreated, barely clinging to her, on her sob of desperation and jerking of her hips he slammed forward again.

  “You’re mine…” He thrust in the same way, long thrusts letting her feel every inch of him, and he her.

  “Alex…Alexander, more…” He felt her channel clutch him and her head toss back in delight, the red hair he adored splaying on his bed. She groaned his name deep in her throat. Wild was what it was. And it threatened to deteriorate his well-placed control.

  “Yes…you know what that does to me.” He growled softly at her. It wasn’t enough, and as if she was in his mind

  “Alex, more. It's not enough I need you. Please.” Charlotte’s body was soft and molding to his roaming hands. He smiled and disconnected them, her whimper made him chuckle.

  Charlotte pouted at him, but was surprised when he scooped her up and she was straddling his lap, remembering the time in his study she tried to position him with her hips against her opening.

  “Oh, no Sweetling.” Humor danced in his eyes. He turned her around and kept her legs splayed open for him, and with an arm snaked around her waist he entered her. She thought she might faint. His hands were everywhere.

  “Alexander, oh god!” He pressed that deep spot in her belly and she shuddered. “You were made just for me,” he growled into her ear, nipping at the spot that made her back arch and his hands were readily at her breasts. “You fit me perfectly,” he whispered. It seemed almost as if he worshiped the fact. The pleasure mounted, and she trembled on the edge. She felt different, that clutching her body had done when empty was nothing compared to clamping down on his thick flesh.

  “That’s it, love.” He ran one hand down her breasts, belly and hips and thrummed his fingers on that throbbing nub rapidly. The feeling of her shattering made stars go off behind his eyes.

  “Alex!” The cry was drawn out and high pitched in feminine release.

  “Yes, Sweetling…” his teeth sank softly into her neck and it set her off again as his fingers desperately kept at that swollen nub that made her scream and buckle in ecstasy, through gasps and spasms.

  “Alex, please. I want you to feel like I do...” Her hips were moving frantically against him. She did not need to ask twice.

  He felt his entire being tense as he gripped onto her waist and slammed himself into her rapidly, short thrusts as she shuddered one more release around him. Alexander felt his body tighten and he howled her name as she wrung a heart stopping orgasm from him. He bucked his hips and held himself against her.

  Alexander eased her back with him on to her bed, still lodged deep in her body. She was panting, sweat sheened on her soft skin.

  “Alex…” her whisper made him groan.


  “I love you…” Her hips squirmed and he groaned.

  “Charlotte…my Sweetling.” His teeth bit gently into her shoulder as her body melted against him. His heart swelled even as he dislodged himself from her and they both gasped at the loss. He rolled her over and kissed her gently. “I love you too. If Charles goes near you again he's sincerely a dead man.” He murmured kissing her forehead.

  Charlotte giggled into his chest feeling light hearted "Of course, darling, of course."

  When dawn broke through the curtains, Alexander opened one eye lazily. Francesca, not finding him in his room, obviously had guessed where he was and quietly set down a tray of tea, biscuits, scones and jams. She winked at him, shaking her head and left. He chuckled and looked down at the sprawling of limbs on his body. Charlotte’s long arms were draped across his chest, her hand against his shoulder, the other tucked against her own body, and her legs were entwined with his.


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