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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

Page 21

by Amelia Clearwater

  The covers draped over half her body, Charlotte's chest pressed deliciously against him; hiding her from any eyes that might wander in, but he doubted it. Francesca had locked the door for him before leaving through the servants’ door. The whole staff would know by midday. Remembering, he looked at the clock in the corner of the room. It was midday.

  “Sweetling?” He ruffled her hair and she groaned into his chest.

  “No! Sleep…” her drugged sounding voice was music to his ears. “Come on now," he coaxed.

  "More sleep!" She mumbled.

  “We’ve been sleeping Sweetling.” He chuckled and ruffled her flame-licked hair.

  “Not for long…more sleep!” she cooed and snuggled closer.

  “Charlotte. Come on, love.” He tried to roll over, but she caught him easily and hugged tighter.

  “You can just lounge in bed, my Lord.” Her voice was husky and low. He wrestled with her and had her pinned beneath him

  "Oh, can I? Will a certain sweet woman be with me?" her lopsided grin had his heart fluttering.

  But soon a knock came. “Miss Charlotte?”

  “Oh bollocks!” She whispered and Alexander stifled a laugh. “I’m getting ready! Don’t come in!”

  “Um, well alright, Miss Charlotte, I’ll meet you downstairs.” Laura’s voice was confused, but soon her footsteps retreated.

  “Think anyone knows?” She whispered looking at her ball gown lying on the floor along with his eveningwear.

  “Oh, Francesca came in and set down tea…everyone probably knows if they are staff.” He pointed to the now cooling pot of tea and cups as if to say 'See?'

  Charlotte blushed a deep red and Alexander laughed. “Don’t look so upset!”

  “It isn’t that I am upset about people knowing Alexander, it’s embarrassing!” she covered her face with her hands.

  "Oh, poor Sweetling is embarrassed by me. Whatever will I do?" He wrapped an arm about her waist before nuzzling her throat.

  "Not like that you clod!" she cried.

  "Did anyone ever tell you that you have the mouth of a sailor?"


  "Ah- well we can easily fix that." He kissed her silent and she melted on the sheets.

  "Hmm, that's lovely."

  Alexander rolled over and leaned on one arm looking over her body entirely, his hand lazily running across her waist "I don't give a damn what people think…" he whispered.


  "Stay here…with me."

  "Alexander we can't-" she started her heart constricting.

  "I'll send them away!" he gasped kissing her deeply "I will send them all away, only you, Sweetling I promise." her heart beat hard within her chest.

  "You can't!" She was staring at those green eyes that pleaded with her and she sighed softly. He kissed her again, and she knew she could not refuse him anything at all.

  "You said I am the Lord of the house here, yes?" His eyes bore into her dark ones.

  "Yes I did say that-" drat my mouth!

  "Did you believe it?" he asked softly, “When you said so?”

  She nodded, "Yes…Alex I do believe it." He cuddled her closer, as though he would die before someone were to take what he considered his.

  "Then I have made my choice." He said into her curled hair. As if to make this for certain, he kissed her nose, deliberately and snaked his hands along her belly causing a fit of giggles and another tangling of sheets.

  His Lordship was not seen for the rest of the day. Neither was Miss Charlotte.

  It did give the staff quite the commotion, and celebration. For they had all decided that had Alexander chosen Lady Deirdre, they would looked for employment elsewhere!

  And so, our lovers entwined through the day, as only lovers can; in a timeless rhythm and song that is felt not a long speech, not even along touch, but when two hearts find their match, and resonate the song of completion through ages to come.


  He was true to his word, after two months as Alexander used the time for Charlotte to get comfortable with the household, other than Anne returning to visit…the only one absent being Deirdre during the time he informed them all that he was withdrawing his need of a wife having already found one.

  Giselle was furious and found him in the library reading over family names. "Alexander! I will not have you ruin your father's name!"

  "You saw to that Giselle. When you married him." Alexander said in a bemused tone with a sigh.

  "I was not Evelyn's real sister!" she fumed at him.

  "It doesn't matter, everyone saw you as such," he bellowed spinning around. "How dare you come to me and speak of my father! Or my mother! You never gave a damn about them anyway!"

  Giselle looked as though she had been slapped "That isn't true." She said softly, and then with vehemence “I loved my sister! She was the only one who loved me!” Alexander looked sardonic, but his own thoughts about her feelings for his late mother confused him.

  "And what about Lottie? What business did she have here? Who is her father?" But Giselle looked silent. "Cat got your tongue?" he asked. "Well?"

  “She is a good girl. Decent enough for any man.” Giselle snapped.

  “Yet she has no rank, so why is it you are against Charlotte?” he demanded.

  She flung something onto the floor that had been folded up. It was the blue sheets from Charlotte's bedroom. Sophie had told him they'd keep it just in case anyone questioned it he wanted to keep them for after the wedding night.

  "Why do you have those?" he asked with a low voice.

  "Because I'll show them to everyone if you marry her. Before the date." she said in a desperate attempt it seemed to gain the upper hand.

  "Everyone already assumes we have been together." He called her bluff and watched the woman's face fall. Was that regret? "Is it your intention Giselle to make everyone hate you?” This again made her face go sallow. “Or is it to make Charlotte suffer? What has she done to you?"

  "No. But, she is not of noble birth! And furthermore she’s just using you!”

  "So you think. And if you think Charlotte is using me, than I am interested to know what you consider not using someone…"

  "What? How dare you!" Giselle gasped. Her plan had backfired. Now she was wondering if the little Ginger girl had weight after all…but she’d be thrown out for sure, Charlotte didn’t like her. And she hadn’t made any moves to be friends… "You don't know that she is of any rank..." She said softly.

  "Not yet, but we have some proof. Once we find out, it's only a matter of time," Alexander sighed. "You will be kinder to her. For she will be my wife, once this is settled."

  She left enraged.

  He did not hear from Giselle for quite some time after.

  Charlotte was getting the Ladies’ belongings packed and carried a set of dried underthings up the stairs. Surely it wouldn’t matter if she went up the guest’s stairs? No one was here. She hummed happily to herself, recalling Alexander’s recent onslaught of touches and secret kisses that stole her breath away.

  Oh, Alex…

  She did not realize that Lottie was walking quickly down the stairs. She looked exceedingly unhappy, and with neither woman aware, they collided.

  “Oh!” both shouted as her hatbox opened up and Charlotte dropped the laundry. “Oh dear, I am so sorry My Lady!” Charlotte gushed apologies and reached for the spilled belongings, a grey worn out fabric rabbit bounced out of the hatbox and to her feet.

  When she looked up she saw recognition in the girl’s eyes.

  That’s right, I’ve had met her before, on Alexander’s outings. And had gotten the exact look the girl has now, as if I was a ghost. “Lottie, are you sure we have not met before?” Charlotte asked softly.

  “No, no of course not…” The girl named Lottie waved her hands frantically trying to pick up her hatbox at the same time, and dropping it a few times.

  “Here!” Charlotte grabbed the rabbit and stared at it for a moment. “It’s
very pretty…” she patted the rabbit with the blue ribbon and smiled at Lottie.

  “Keep him…his name is Bun-Bun.” Lottie glanced at her expectantly, as if waiting for an answer.

  “Bun-Bun? How cute!” Charlotte cooed “But he’s yours!”

  Disappointment shown in the girl’s eyes“ I have no need for him, I-I was going to sell him anyway!” Lottie chewed her lip.

  Why does she look so guilty? Charlotte wondered.

  She helped the girl gather her things, but when she tried to hand back the rabbit, Lottie’s eyes burned into her own and filled with tears. “I am truly sorry!” she fled, leaving Charlotte to wonder as the rabbit hung from her hands.

  Although everything was going well, and all had seemed fine with Alexander, Charlotte moped after a few weeks. Alexander hardly even paid attention to her at all. He never stopped and kept himself buried in papers, she wondered if it had been indeed just a dream after a while.

  She had been standing in the sitting room contemplating this, when Giselle had come in.

  "Oh…Charlotte!" The smile she had was rather bothersome.

  "May I help you, Giselle?" She was the one person she had tried to avoid these past weeks.

  "I wanted to apologize,” she whispered softly looking at her feet.

  "Oh?" Charlotte's gaze was sharp like daggers.

  "I feel awful for what Lady Devon did at the ball," Giselle said seriously.

  "It is nothing," she said softly, but Giselle came and sat by her.

  "No dear, it is not! I feel so awful for what happened. I wanted to make you something to cheer you up! I heard you were not feeling well?" She had a slice of apple pie.

  "You made this?" The happy tone slipped out. She had been dying for something sweet.

  "No, Sophie did, but I wanted to bring you some." She handed her the plate and fork. Charlotte dove in happily. The taste was exquisite and she wolfed a few bites down before setting it on the table.

  "So you and Alexander made up after the ball?" Giselle asked softly.

  "Yes." Charlotte nearly blushed but kept her emotions controlled.

  "Good, we'd hate for the two of you to be separated."


  "The staff of course!" Her smile seemed genuine but she couldn't help but feel something wrong in the pit of her stomach.

  "Thank you." she whispered patting Giselle's hand gently "I appreciate it."

  "Well, who knows what will happen Charlotte." The woman got up and walked away leaving Charlotte to stare at her plate pondering what her sense of foreboding meant.

  Alexander sat in his study with Kade, who was thrumming his fingers upon the desk in rapt interest listening to Alexander tell him all about Charlotte, and how he had to find her title, and reclaim her position in society.

  "What the devil does it matter who she is?" Kade asked rather ruffled.

  "What do you mean?" Alexander, was confused when Kade looked irritated, and glared at him “What is it?”

  "I mean you knob head, that it shouldn't matter who she is to others, but who she is to you!" the Scot looked exasperated. "God, man, can't you see it? You are head over heels for the girl!” He seemed to think for a moment, "Not that I blame you."

  "Watch it, Kade." Alexander snarled.

  "See?" he pointed at Alexander with a grin. "Got ya didn't I?"

  His friend did not find it very funny and so Kade stretched out and grinned. "You got caught Cromwell. She caught you and did not even try."

  "One day Kade," Alexander nodded. "You'll get it." but Kade shrugged.

  "I highly doubt this." He said with a grin “I’m too good to get caught, mostly because women don’t want to keep someone like myself around.”

  “I see…” Alexander shook his head. So did Alexander, in truth as he watched his friend, his deadly, but funny friend fiddle with a letter opener. "I need you to look into this claim that she is Lady Devisher."

  "I heard of such a Lady, but I also heard that she was hardly seen in society. Apparently very sheltered by her parents and uncle." Kade sighed, "I shall go and speak to his Grace Essex."

  "Do so." Alexander nodded. He grimaced, when he felt a guilt nag at him as Kade left. He had not spent a lot of time with Charlotte, a lot less than he had intended. He decided it was high time to fix that.

  Charlotte was handling the laundry with Francesca on the third floor when she felt her body go numb an hour later. Her abdomen burned and she stumbled to a pitcher and got violently sick.

  Something was wrong, something was very wrong. She collapsed and felt a clammy sweat overtake her. Her breaths came in spasms that wracked her chest as her bod attempted to be rid of whatever had invaded Francesca was just a dizzying blur above her and was screaming at the top of her lungs.

  Alexander crashed through the door moments later with Giselle in tow. He hollered for James and raced out of the room, she could faintly hear scrambling and crashing.

  "Sweetheart, what did you eat?" Sophie had arrived, and was asking her shaking her as she coughed, as her body rejected whatever it was in her system. Sophie turned her over so she would not choke.

  "You’re body is reacting to something, sweetheart, what did you eat?" She shook her again and Charlotte gasped like a fish out on the sand.

  "Apple…" she gagged before the dizziness overtook her and she slumped to the floor blacking out. Before the dark came, saw Giselle's expression, it was cold. And she felt her heart stop, something was most certainly not right.

  Alexander's heart had shattered upon seeing Charlotte pale and lifeless on the floor, after sending James for Doctor Lambert. "No," he saw her blank eyes staring at the ceiling before she passed out. With one motion, she was in his arms and he raced down the stairs. It was not the idea of what had happened, but of a memory long buried.

  She looked like his parents had, but it had taken them years to get to that point…He laid her down in his bed after all but kicking the door open. She was still shaking spastically with her breathing.

  "Sweetling?" he cradled her and felt her body aflame.

  "Sir, you need to leave." Sophie was there and rolling her sleeves up. "I need to induce her getting sick sir, now move or go get me towels a bucket and get me ginger, and a few other things."

  "What are you gaffing on about?"

  "Poison." She was propping her body up with pillows and tugging her hair from her face He saw the near lifeless look on Charlotte's expression, and he nearly broke down.

  "She has the same-"

  "The same thing your parents had Alexander! Don't you understand? An illness would have struck you too. This isn’t any illness. It never was."

  Cold dread hit him. "Poisoned? Who!" the rage was even worse adding to the illness he felt in his being.

  "We'll find out after she's cured. No one is allowed in this room. It is to be locked and I'll stay here with her. No one is to bring food or prepare it, unless it is you, myself or James and Francesca." The woman's eyes were misting as Francesca brought her a bunch of different herbs. One of them smelled dreadful, and sure enough when waved under Charlotte's nose her body emptied its contents into a held out basin.

  "Alexander." Sophie's command was insistent.

  "But-" he gasped in protest.

  "You're of no help here, go!"

  He left, closing the door just as Doctor Lambert sped in with instruments and his case opened, they had been lucky he was home and lived so close.

  Charlotte was getting rather annoyed with passing out, her entire body burned and she felt more ill than anything in the world. What had made her sick, the only thing she ate was-was…that damned apple pie.

  The people working over her were frantic, but firm. She felt herself being wrapped up, unwrapped. She was sweating, freezing, drained, leeched and given liquids of some form. Her breathing felt awful, she felt like she was breathing in glass.

  Someone save me she prayed.

  By the time that she was somewhat conscious, she could hear Giselle and A
lexander yelling at one another outside the door. She felt so weak and cold, so cold. Sophie was watching the door, her face stern.

  "He doesn't want certain people seeing you. You've been out for a week dear."

  "A week?" her voice croaked and Sophie nodded.


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