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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

Page 29

by Amelia Clearwater

  "Richard!" he roared, "I know you're in here you bastard!" He found a corner and waited, not hearing anything along the stairs he crept up them one at a time. He heard footsteps go down the hallway and saw a bulking shadow dodge back into the room at the far end. He quickly followed and flung the door open. Alexander exhaled sharply when he saw what it held. "Sweetling..." her eyes opened and widened, but she didn't make a sound.

  Richard held her tight by her hair, and had a gun pointed at her neck. "Hello Cromwell." Her Uncle's dulcet tones deceived the madness that shone from his gaze. Giselle was lying in a puddle on the floor blood matting her face.

  "Giselle." Alexander said her name clearly and she opened one eye and muttered a whimper. "It's alright now Giselle.” Tears fell down her face. "Let them go. I'll give you all the money you want." Alexander gasped.

  But Richard gripped her hair harder causing tears to spring in his love's eyes. "Oh, no, I think we're beyond that now."

  "Let her go," he growled his temper flaring as panic set in.

  "Tsk-tsk temper, temper. No." Richard ran the gun down her neck, down her chest and pressed the barrel against her belly. He saw a cold sweat break out along Charlotte's face and her pupils went to pinpricks.

  "Shh, Sweetling it's alright." But something came over Giselle's face, a grimace as she came to, groggily, and angrily. She struggled to get up, earning her a sharp kick in the ribs. She kicked her feet out and knocked into Richard, who had to move, his gun wavered away from Charlotte and-

  It was all they needed.

  Charlotte in stepped and slammed her heel into her Uncle's foot. Richard began howling in pain. She ducked and Alexander took the opportunity. Guns especially pistols, though accurate at close range, still had a chance of throwing your aim off with the power behind the shot…and he had his dagger ready should he need to embed it in the demon turned to human's flesh. But this time, fortune smiled upon his bullet and it easily cut through the evil heart, slaying the beast.

  Charlotte fell to her knees slowly, careful not to rock too hard, and gasped at the body that rolled grotesquely on the floor "Oh, god." She was about to be sick, but soon the sight was blocked out by the man she loved most cutting the bonds at her hands.

  "Oh, dear Lord, my sweet, sweet, sweet darling. What did that bastard do to you?" He had her head cradled and glanced at Giselle after checking Charlotte’s bruised face and head. "Giselle can you hear me?" They both went and rolled her over. She was wounded badly and murmured to them incoherent words.

  "Hang on." Charlotte petted her hair from her face, and smiled at her "We're friends now, aren't we?" she said with tears coating her throat. Giselle nodded.

  "Thank you," she whispered and fell asleep in Charlotte's rocking body and warmth. "Alexander, we cannot leave her." Alex simply nodded brushing his nose into his wife’s hair. Giselle did, in the end, save Charlotte's life...that had to count for something.

  "We still need to turn her over to the magistrates to investigate my parents deaths..." In around an hour they were joined by Kip, a dozen magistrates, Kade and Leroy.

  "Well..." Leroy said, "You handled that rather smashingly didn’t you," he looked at the bloody mess. “Couldn’t leave us any could you?” he grumbled.

  They got Giselle picked up and she was soon going back home to the estate in a fast carriage for Doctor Lambert, who awaited his patients.

  "Make sure she is taken care of!" Charlotte said sharply to the magistrates who nodded without question as the Lord that carried her had storm clouds with lightning about his person. Alexander had her secured in his arms and soothed her with soft words, and glares at anyone else. He would not let her go, not even when they asked if she would be escorted to the hospital.

  He nearly threw a fit when they tried to take her. "Sir..." but Alexander snarled at them.

  "No, damn you she's mine!" She snuggled closer to his warm embrace and he kissed her face tenderly all the way home in the carriage, still when he brought her upstairs to their bedroom.

  Charlotte was dazed as he reverently took her clothes off one garment at a time and kissed each span of skin that showed. He ran a cool cloth along her flesh, dabbing at her swollen lip before kissing it better.

  Running the cloth along her rope burned wrists and bruised arms all the while telling her, "I'll make it better sweetheart. Don't worry my Sweetling I'll make it all better." He gritted his teeth, refusing to let the emotions of rage come to the surface as he held her close and ran a trembling hand over her belly.

  "It's alright, he didn't dare touch the babe, but Giselle found out he was going to kill me. She threw a fit...and then he tied us both up," she sighed with a shake of relief and he fell forward, his head nuzzled into the juncture of her shoulder and neck. "Thank God," he choked out.

  And finally, he wept.

  She looked down at him, stunned. His tears scalded her heart and her skin. "I'm here." It only made it worse and he clung to her, like a terrified child desperate for reassurance.

  "I thought he had killed you. No more, God I cannot take anymore attempts Death has for your life Sweetling."

  “Alexander, it isn’t just that.” She took a steadying breath. “Giselle really was tricked. He told me that he poisoned my parents. And he tricked her into poisoning your father, after he had Giselle poison your mother. It’s all very confusing,” she admitted.

  “Are you sure?” he asked his brow furrowing.

  Charlotte nodded. “Yes, he admitted it, when we were tied up. Apparently he was the one who wrote the letters to Giselle, not your father. She had known him the whole time when your father refused to speak or even see her, after he had played a part in Evelyn dying.”

  She took another quivering breath. “Richard also killed my parents and did what he did for my inheritance, thinking if they died he would get something, well anything in my grief...but in the end he did not. So...”

  “He tried to kill you.” the rage began anew.

  “Yes.” She smiled at him as if to lighten his mood. "Well...the good news is I'm a Lady of reputable breeding...also. Papa had spoken of you when I was younger, I remembered him saying I was supposed to meet you. I suppose our parents arranged it."

  "I never heard of anything...but Essex did mention something about that." Alexander said in slight awe. "Well, I guess Fate had a way of playing it out right somehow." his eyes widened considerably "You remember?"

  "Uncle knocked me upside the head and everything just sort of pieced together when I was unconscious..." her eyes filled with tears "I miss Sara," she choked out before hugging him.

  He held her close and exhaled. "What if I told you there is a small chance that she still may be alive? Despite what your Uncle did to your parents.” Alexander glanced at her in question of whether or not she was ready to hear the news.

  "What? Alexander, do not toy with me. I watched her she was so sick." Charlotte sounded disbelieving.

  "Your family took you home after you got better. Apparently Sara was not dead, just very weak, but a young girl around the same time according to records was taken from the hospital and the nurse left the country."

  "Sara may be alive?" Charlotte was stunned and her sob came fresh. “You mean my Sara, Sara Devisher?" she demanded her voice strong.

  “Yes Charlotte, Sara may be alive. Kade will do everything in his power to help find her.”

  Charlotte nodded and sighed, "If she is, I hope she is well. I miss my sister so badly. I hadn't remembered her. But..."

  Alexander smiled softly as he cupped her face. "If she is alive, we will find her. I promise. Kade is the best at finding what lies in the dark and unknown."

  "Alright." She nodded her head and exhaled resigning to not knowing for the time being.

  When she was snuggled with her night rail and Precious tucked safely in her arms. Doctor Lambert came in and informed them Giselle was doing well, and that she had confessed to all. Alexander did not press charges. The magistrates had no other confession. Wel
l, except for a halting one by a woman not quite right, and no proof that she did indeed do it. So, she was labeled a bit daffy and traumatized.

  "What are you going to do?" Charlotte asked with a tight expression.

  “I was going to give her passage to France...She always said how she wanted to go there. I can give her a stipend." Alexander paced and Charlotte smiled at him.

  "I think that is very kind of you Alex." He saw pride in her gaze and stopped short with a lopsided grin.

  "Think of it as payment for her saving your lives." Doctor Lambert checked on her and the baby. Luckily neither was hurt nor bruised it seemed, in any way and kicking had resumed normally if not enthusiastically. Now, it was simply time to wait as everyone in the house greeted Charlotte with a present for the new baby and her cup ran over as her eyes did at the sight of so much love and care.


  Alexander and Charlotte were married in a chapel with Giselle and all who worked in the estate present along with friends. Kade joked around that it was about time. Leroy had given Charlotte a beautiful set of china that he had found on one of his travels. She was happy, and played gently with the children who ran around. Anne and her family came as well to wish the couple their best. Lottie was even there! She had taken to staying with the Essex family, as she and Anne had become fast friends. Charlotte loved to have them over for tea and usually one did not see any of them alone in public.

  Either it was two or all three bounding about from place to place causing a stir with their infectious laughter and prattling about babies and clothing and dinners and balls. Lottie did not suffer in the slightest bit over her father, as no one knew him. She was known as Charlotte's lovely cousin. Not that the news of her actual heritage was not a juicy bit of gossip around the town. She had nearly been a celebrity when news of her kidnap had hit the papers. Luckily Alexander had kept most of the people away from her.

  And that was all to be said about that, for no one crossed Alexander in regards to Charlotte’s well being. She noticed that Leroy and Kade were ready and talked of the war that was about to begin in India. The Maratha's supporters were rising and the British Empire was bent on their destruction, though no news of who was being sent came way.

  They never spoke of the war to Charlotte at all, but Alexander would have a tight line along his face when he was thinking of it. She sighed. It was not good to see him so upset. They were to leave in a couple years, thankfully, so the time that was spent with them was precious to Charlotte. She invited them for teas, brunch, dinner, anything to keep them near the little family.

  Giselle left for Scotland, instead of France, free of charges after showing Alexander her correspondence with his father and mother. Even though it hurt him, he realized she was a product of her upbringing and for her part in saving Charlotte and the baby gave her enough money to start herself a tiny little floral shop in a little village. As far as they knew, she was quite happy and had even married a farmer and they were content and well off.

  Charlotte thought that was just smashing and was glad that everyone had a happy ending. She frequently wrote Giselle for motherly advice, and the two had become even closer…despite Alexander's complaints.

  Lottie stayed with the Essex family and was currently spending all her time running amuck of society. She was known for her hotheaded nature and dimpled cheek, with the bright flashing eyes and gangly but graceful form. Leroy as always seemed secretly smitten with her and everyone but the object of his affections knew!

  Kade, as always did his job taking care of people in London, in regards to keeping the streets safe. His Military status was ranked higher although he refused to talk about or wear his uniform. Charlotte was under the impression that he was very wealthy…and wondered how on earth a sixteen year old had gotten so lucky in time to be wealthy at the age of twenty-two.

  He simply said that it was a cutthroat world and he was not happy with how he had gotten to where he was despite everything. He was still looking for Sara, and at the moment all searching had come to a halt and the trail had gone cold. Charlotte told him not to worry so much, and that if it was meant to happen, it would. She was quite the believer in fate, after her reunion with Alexander despite all obstacles.

  So the rest of the year had very gone well, with laughter, love and happiness; and finally seven months from their summer wedding in early spring of February she sat in her room and was watched like a hawk, lest Death have one more sneaky plan. Alexander, watchful as ever spent his time with his new wife coddling and telling her how much he adored her.

  A Lady could get used to it. And now later in her pregnancy she felt it from the top of her head to the tips of her toes- pregnancy was hard work!

  Charlotte sat propped up in her bed happily eating a slice of bread and jam. "Francesca truly I am fine," she said.

  "Now, now, Charlotte I don't want you and that little one taking on." Charlotte sighed and got out of bed and stretched feeling the lovely relaxation of muscle that was cramped for far too long.

  "I'm the size of the estate!" she cried laughing looking at her swollen front. "I feel like I weigh just as much too!" She pat her belly where she felt a kick, then another one, and another "Sometimes I wonder how it kicks so much, Francesca. Do all women get this big?" she sighed waddling to the door.

  "I'll go get Alexander, you relax."

  "No! I want to walk! I feel like- oh what was that animal- an elephant! I heard someone- I think it was Jessica speaking of her trip to Africa, why she went I have no knowledge. You should see the drawings!"

  Sophie had been coming in and set down the fresh sheets and pillowcases to get along side her. "Alright, but remember no stairs." Sophie scolded. They passed the nursery and Charlotte lit up. They had finally finished it, Alexander had a canopy of thin silk cascade down around the bassinet in their bedroom- he abhorred the idea of her sleeping away from him- and had created a lovely paradise in the nursery, with silver rattles, toys and stuffed bears and a lovely dark wooden crib gilded in gold lettering of a C on the front.

  "I hope the baby likes the crib." she whispered and Sophie chortled.

  "I'm sure it will dearie, don't you worry about anything but bringing a healthy baby and keeping yourself healthy." Finally they had gotten to Alexander's study.

  "Alex?" she called in a melodic voice.

  "In here, love." he called looking up from the open door a large smile breaking his face into a lighter appearance "There's my little Sweetling."

  "Little?" she laughed, "You must be joking Alexander. Look at me!" he did and she sat down on a lounge. He had put one into each room she could possibly want to be in just in case she needed to sit, there was even a giant cushy one in the kitchen! But since she was much larger now he had kept her to the second floor mostly and coddled her day in and day out.

  "Alexander I won't break. I am pregnant, not dying." she said annoyed batting his hands away from checking her head for fever. He instead placed his hands on her overly swollen belly and leaned down and kissed it through her gown.

  "Hello little one. You nearly ready?" a kick was his response and they both laughed. There was always kicking when Alexander would talk, or if Charlotte sang or read.

  Dr. Lambert luckily always popped in at the end of the day and vowed that he would stay close by. "So is the Doctor stopping in?"

  "He should soon sweetheart, it's nearly about that time." She nodded and sighed contentedly.

  "I am so happy." Everyone smiled at her, Charlotte thought for a moment about their little wedding and smiled at her husband "I love you." she whispered and he leaned down and kissed her soundly.

  "I love you too Sweetling."

  That afternoon Charlotte felt something like a pang in her back. Her lower back "Ooh." she complained and rubbed the offending area.

  "Ma'am?" Laura was sitting in a chair knitting a baby blanket and sat up as Charlotte shifted on her bed.

  "My back hurts..." she whined feeling awful about the tone in
her voice. She never whined. Ever.

  "Let me go get Sophie alright?" Laura squeaked and was bolting out the door before Charlotte could say:

  "Ok Laura, I'm sure it was just a backache." Charlotte was nonplussed but Mary came in after and sat by her holding her hand.

  "You feeling alright Ma'am?"

  "Yes dear, I'm fine." it hit again "Ow." she growled softly "Little one, you are doing a good deal of stress on Mummy aren't you? That's all right you're worth It." she cooed at her belly. But it struck again, and spread to her entire lower belly and she laid her head back and grit her teeth. "Is it really time now?" she asked and Sophie was closing the door on her way in.

  "What's all the fuss?" her eyes were shining as she caught sight of Charlotte. "Oh, poor lamb it's just beginning dear." and she came over and felt her face like a good nurse, "Hmm, not flushed so that's good. I'll send for the Doctor he should be here any moment."


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