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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

Page 30

by Amelia Clearwater

  "Alex?" she asked hopeful.

  "Do you want him here?" her eyes widened in shock but she nodded "Very well I'll get him" Sophie grinned at Laura who was nervous as a chicken rushing and getting cloths asking if water was needed, and Charlotte despite the pain burst into laughter.

  Alexander sat in the Drawing Room with Kade talking about where he was to be headed soon after the Summer Social Charlotte had set up in mid July, not only to celebrate the baby, but to have friends and family over with baked goods and sweets, she did truly love strawberries and he laughed when he always teased her that she liked them due to her hair. He glanced at his wedding band and grinned so much that Kade just rolled his eyes "If I ever look like that slap me."

  "No punching?" Alexander asked in a mock sincerity.

  "I willnae be deserving of being punched. And neither are ye at the moment laddie."

  The door opened and Sophie came in. "Alexander.”

  He was already up and out the door and took the steps three at a time with his long legs. He quickly entered her rooms "Sweetling?" he saw her face with a gentle sheen of sweat.

  "Hello dear," she murmured.

  "Are you in pain?" He had heard that labor was excruciating from other women and that he'd best not be there but she had already gone through so much he could not bear to leave her alone.

  "I am-" she winced "-doing all right dear." she patted his hand comfortingly and he let out a harsh laugh.

  "Oh, good God! Where is Doctor Lambert?" he leapt up and Charlotte grabbed his arm and yanked him down with more force than was necessary, as he did not fight her. "Easy, the baby isn't due to come for a while." She blew out a breath "Everything will be just fine." she patted her belly happily.

  Charlotte wished she hadn’t said that. The contractions were rough now after a few hours, and Sophie kept a vigilant watch on her ward as they waited for the Doctor to arrive. Each wave had her clawing at the sheets and letting out a deep breath "Well, this is rather uncomfortable." she forced a laugh and threw her head back against the pillows as another wave hit her.

  Alexander patted her head with a cool cloth and kissed her face "It's alright love, I'm right here."

  She nodded "I know Alexander, I know you are here." Charlotte's dark eyes were riddled with pain "Well if it was easy it wouldn't be worth it I guess..." when another contraction hit, her eyes widened "Oh who the bloody hell am I kidding! Jesus Christ!" She had never said anything of that sort and it startled her husband.

  Alexander was panicked he had no idea what to do and Sophie simply watched amused "Easy dear" she said trying to console him.

  "Easy? Sophie isn't there anything you can do?" but the cook shook her head.

  "No Alexander, there isn't sadly." She patted Charlotte's head, as his wife panted and heaved her breathing and clutched his arm tightly.

  "It's fine love." She clutched at him and her eyes dilated to black as the pain shook her again.

  "Let me see." Sophie pressed her hands against Charlotte's belly and nodded "So far so good darling, but I will feel better when the Doctor gets here."

  As if called by magic Doctor Lambert strode in with his kit. "Now, now are we ready, Lady Cromwell? So much excitement.” Indeed half the staff made an excuse to check on Lady Cromwell through the day, bringing her cool cloths left in the ice house to make sure she wasn’t hot, fluffing pillows, propping her feet, massaging feet, brushing her hair- Charlotte laughed at each excuse.

  Now that Doctor Lambert was here she wanted to hurry up and deliver. She nodded, "Yes!" her breath came out in a whoosh.

  "Well let's see here." he got her positioned and checked to make sure her vitals were alright, her pulse strong her eyes responding and she passed with flying colors. "Now, let's see about getting a baby born!"

  Charlotte sighed, "It's about bloody time,” she growled and Alexander chortled- cut off by her gripping his hand and letting out a deep breath. "When?"

  "Not quite yet, you'll know, we just need to wait." her exasperated curse had the Doctor chuckling. "I know dear. It's going to be just fine."

  Another five hours had passed, and she groaned in agony, "Is it supposed to take this long?" She gasped, tears pricking her eyes as Doctor Lambert finally beamed.

  "Alright, I think we're ready! Give me one moment." he called out the door and a woman came in.

  "Huh? Hello." Charlotte smiled at the woman bearing cloths and some sheets and blankets. "Who are you?"

  "I'm Mrs. Lambert dear." The blond haired woman smiled at her "I'm going to help my husband if it's alright with you."

  "Of course! More the merrier!" Charlotte groaned mid laugh as another contraction ripped through her.

  Mrs. Lambert easily moved to her side and held her other hand "Now, are you ready?"

  "Yes." Charlotte was more than ready; in fact she was impatient for it to be over!

  "Do you feel like you need to push?" she pressed her womb "Here?"

  "Mmhm" through gritted teeth Charlotte clutched Alexander who placed a warm arm around her and brushed her mass of curls away from her face. "On three I want you to push for ten seconds, do not grit your teeth and don't hold your breath."

  She did...and a keening wail broke past her lips. Alexander was pale, but seeing no signs of alert from either Dr. or Mrs. Lambert he assumed all was going as planned. Doctor Lambert actually looked happy. "Again dear. I do think this will be quite easy for you Lady Cromwell!"

  When she finished with the next set of pushes she realized what he had said and snarled. "Easy? You call this easy you stupid man!" Charlotte glared a black hateful gaze.

  The Doctor just chuckled "Well, I've been called worse. Come now. Focus."


  "A boy!" Doctor Lambert was shocked for a moment, "My that didn't take long at all . . ." but his words were cut short when his wife gave him a sharp glance and another rack of contractions shook Charlotte's body.

  "What's going on?" Alexander was now propping her up as she flung her head against his shoulder nearly screaming in pain. He ran the cool cloth along her face and throat as she sobbed in exhaustion.

  "Charlotte, sweetheart." Mrs. Lambert had her face between her hands "Look at me, you need to push. Come now look at me. We're going to count together Hm? You in your head and me out loud."

  "I can't I'm so tired." she sobbed.

  "Lord Cromwell, she needs to be motivated." was the sharp reply.

  "Why?" He had no idea what was happening.

  "Your wife is having another baby,” she said simply.

  The shock was both of theirs "What?" he and his wife cried. Another wave of contractions hit her.

  "She needs to push!" Doctor Lambert snapped.

  "Sweetling, come on, just a few more." he pleaded with her but saw the look of weariness creep in where the resolve might have been moments ago.

  "Alex I'm so tired...I want to go to sleep." She wept into his neck and he kissed her forehead in reassurance.

  "Come on now, brave girl. Count. Ready?" she nodded and sure enough after four sets of ten...

  "My, my, my Lady Cromwell. A beautiful girl!"

  Charlotte's eyes snapped open despite her exhaustion as she watched Sophie take the girl and go to wash her after she had handed Mrs. Lambert the boy. "I have a girl? And a boy?" her eyes welled up with tears and they spilled down her face.

  Both babies soon were squalling and wailing their little limbs in protest to the cold and hands. Their mother lurched forward but Alexander caught her "Shh, easy love. They’re just cleaning them."

  "Why are they crying?" she demanded her eyes wide. The boy was first, and Sophie with tears coming down her face handed him over to Charlotte, laying him on her chest. The boy opened his eyes and stared out with the same color Alexander had "My, look at you little prince."

  He was breathing quickly and whimpering so she kissed his little nose. Sophie helped her nightdress come undone and quite quickly the
baby found what it needed and was soon making greedy content noises as he fed. Mrs. Lambert handed the girl to Alexander who for all description looked dumbstruck.

  "Two?" he was so shocked that they all laughed as he leaned back very unsophisticatedly in his chair.

  "Surely we cannot send one back, love." Charlotte asked with a sarcastic brow raised.

  "Never...never, never, never." he whispered and saw the lighter green eyes open and look at him. "Hello my little Princess. My sweet little Princess..." he whispered seeing the tuft of dark hair on her head. "What a beautiful, lovely, little lady you are." The newly born girl stuffed her chunky fist into her mouth and sucked "You hungry little princess? I think I know who can fix that." Alexander crooned at her causing chuckles from the entire room.

  Sophie yet again helped Charlotte position both of the babies, Alexander helping hold the girl against her and she stepped away wiping her face, the girl dark like her father the boy with hair like his mother. "This is just too lovely..."

  "Go get everyone Sophie." Charlotte smiled at her.

  Soon the room was full of curious onlookers gazing at the two little bundles, the bassinet easily fit them both and Alexander chuckled "Well, I guess it's a good thing we did neutral colors."

  Everyone laughed and Kade was leaning against the doorway, someone looked over his shoulder easily "Leroy!" Alexander walked over and clapped both men on the shoulder. "I'm glad you made it!"

  "Congrats Alexander. My fondest memories were when we were children." Leroy said, "I am so happy you have been blessed."

  Kade on the other hand went "Well, I didn't know you could bring on twins. Hm, good job Alex." he was cuffed in the arm "Ow, what?"

  "Only I call him Alex, Kade" Charlotte teased.

  "Oh so I need to go get red hair I see. Well sorry but the Scottish in me ain't that strong." Both of his friends chuckled and Leroy sighed,

  "Kade always has a way with words doesn't he?"

  "Hello Leroy!" Charlotte's smile split her face and Leroy walked over and kissed her hand.

  "Hello Lady Cromwell. I am so pleased to see you again. Thank you very much for giving me the honor of attending your wedding earlier this year. You look lovely as always!"

  She blushed "Always so formal Leroy, do call me Charlotte. You are family here." This made Alexander’s friend turn crimson.

  "My Lady is much too kind to Me." he bowed gently and took a few steps back to give her space.

  "Stuffy blaggard." Kade said affectionately. The babies were full and content and both slept in the bassinet by the bed. The dark haired man stared down at them with wonder

  "They are so small aren't ye wee things?" he spoke to them in low tones. "So much life you have. Well dinnae worry, Uncle Kade will make sure not a hair on yer heads is hurt."

  Leroy chuckled as he gazed at them too "Indeed, especially the sweet little Princess. Look how cute..." he wiggled a finger at them and Kade scoffed.

  "If it weren't a baby, you'd need to get smacked...but I guess we can make an excuse for ye Leroy." They both laughed quietly and looked at Alexander who was busy kissing his wife happily all over her face in joy.

  "Well, Alexander great job on the twins eh!" Leroy grinned

  "Great job? I say I'm the one who did all the work." Charlotte huffed good- naturedly.

  "Well he did some of the-" Leroy stopped when Kade elbowed him and they both fell into laughter. Charlotte liked that, the idea that her children would be surrounded by laughter. It made her smile and brought hope for the future.


  February 1818 . . .

  Charlotte's annual Spring or Summer Social was a smashing success! Anyone who was anybody was invited to explore in the sun and gardens that she had professionally tended with lovely roses and gardenias or whatever flower she saw fit! Piles of fruit in glass containers looking delectable and ready to devour by the wandering guests that walked through, stopping periodically to wish the hosts a fantastic compliment to their fine taste. Charlotte of course, always loved seeing people. Her sociable nature flourished under this type of environment.

  For the third one, it was becoming rather a habit for Ladies whenever they saw her to ask what would be the fruit of that season or what month it would be held in since the first had been so lovely. So far it was held in July but now twice held in May, and Charlotte felt like it suited the time of year. She had even done the first right after the children were born! Now two and enjoying their third Social in spring, they scampered about, Louis and Isabel were as wild as ever.

  The sun came through the new canopy Alexander had built in the gardens; Charlotte lay on a specially made lounge chair propped up. Her smile widened when she saw Kade leaning over the children who were on the grass making funny noises at them. They were bundles of energy constantly on the go. Despite Alexander never telling her what it was Kade actually did for the Crown, she knew his reputation as being dangerous had to be false, for no one dangerous could honestly look so silly playing with children.

  He and Leroy were soon to leave for India in a year…maybe sooner. The thought hung over everyone. Leroy was sitting down across from her sipping punch and watching his friend with amusement, he was as stoic and genteel as always. "Kade, surely you won't do that with your subordinates." he grinned.

  "No, but my subordinates aren't as adorable as these two tykes." He tickled them both and the kids began screaming with laughter.

  “Come on, say Uncle Kade! K.A.D.E.”

  The children giggled up at him.

  “Come on now, Kaaaaaade. Just like that.” they simply laughed, the two bouncing healthy twins were the apples of everyone's eye. Their chubby toddler cheeks always reddened with laughter when Uncle Kade was around. “Hey! Don’t tug my hair you scoundrel!” He had Louis in a soft embrace before settling him back in the arms of Beatrice their helpful nanny in training alongside of Francesca.

  Alexander came from behind and hugged Charlotte. “Hello, Sweetling.” He kissed her jaw and looked at Kade. “Just think, Kade! You’ll make a great father with the track record you have I’m surprised you aren’t already.”

  Leroy cackled, "Soon enough, if he doesn't learn to quit chasing skirts!"

  “Oh, no I do not and will not play that game…yet.” Charlotte chuckled at his decisive nature on the subject.

  “Well I think it’d be smashing if you had a wife, it’d be nice to have someone to talk to while you and Alexander go hunting.” She thought for a moment.

  “Ah, Charlotte don’t fret.” Leroy as always read her expression. “We leave for India in a week, but we’ll be home soon.”

  Charlotte nodded her face lightening a bit more. “I know… I just wish it was not so soon is all.”

  Francesca came forward and handed Isabel to her. “Sweet little baby.” Charlotte cuddled her daughter, and Alexander rocked Louis gently in his arms after Beatrice handed him over.

  “So, Sweetling?”

  “Yes?” she turned to her husband.

  "Are you happy?" he asked with a curious smile.

  She thought "Hmmmm. I am indescribably happy Alex. You know it's fascinating I never thought I'd be here at all…happy again."

  Alexander brightened considerably. "Well, that makes me happier than I have ever been."

  "I love you,” his wife murmured to his mouth.

  "And I love you more."

  In the spring air, life went on in the Cromwell estate, everyone laughed, and everyone loved. It was a simple concept, but Charlotte never wanted a day in her life to go by without happiness ever again.

  Charlotte realized that Fate had a way of running things, even when times seemed bleakest, and looking upon her family. Her heart swelled with understanding and love.

  And she and her Lord, lived happily ever after.

  Just as it should be.


  1818 November, Lord Devon’s . . .

  Lord Devon's manor was filled to the rafts with masked people. Alexander sw
ept Charlotte across the floor in a beautiful waltz, her hair bouncing and flying as she spun into his arms laughing. Everything was lovely and bright in the estate, so many people, so many sights and sounds. Charlotte was nearly dizzy with it all!

  "Are you alright love?" Alexander whispered to her softly.


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