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Page 18

by Violet Vaughn

  I nod as the anticipation of what he might do makes me shiver. He walks around me, slowly inspecting my body, as if I’m on sale. I think about how he said I was too skinny, but shove the thought out of my mind when I see his erection.

  He leans his mouth down to cover mine and thrusts his tongue between my lips. Searching me, searing me, with his lips and drinking me in. I squeeze my fingers into fists, fighting the temptation to touch his skin.

  Gripping my shoulders with his hands, his mouth moves down my neck, and leaves kisses light as a whisper. He continues his descent, and when he gets to my breasts he kisses and licks them everywhere but my areola and nipples. They beg to be touched, but he ignores them. The sensation of his breath on my moist skin drowns me. “Derrick.” The word comes out of me like the wind.

  I clench and unclench my hands, wishing I could be doing more with my fingers. He drops to his knees and flutters his lips over my stomach. Flitting his tongue in my navel, the metal of my belly button ring clinks as it hits his teeth, and he sucks it in.

  Strong hands caress my ass, and he moves his mouth down to my hipbone. I throw my head back as I gyrate my hips in an effort for release. “You’re making me crazy.”

  “Sshhh, just feel it, Gretchen.”

  The hiss of his words on my pubic bone just about does me in, and I’m trembling. He avoids my sex that weeps for his attention, and moves to my inner thighs. Nibbling down the inside of my legs and along my shins, he’s kneeling at my feet.

  Derrick lifts my foot and gazes up at me. His eyelids are low, and when he licks his lips I feel the sensation in my core. He sucks my big toe into his mouth and I whimper. Massaging the sole of my foot, he continues to nip and suck.

  “Jesus, Derrick, I’m so close.”

  He sits up on his haunches with his hands on the floor as if he’s going to pounce. He gives me his trademark stare, and I’m about to beg him to touch me when he says, “I don’t want to tie you up. I want you all around me, Gretchen.” Powerful thighs flex and extend his body upward. Derrick’s head motions behind me. “On the bed.”

  I walk backward as he stalks me like panther. His dark eyes are driving me to move, and the tiny hairs on my body stand erect. The soft velour of his duvet is against the back of my legs, and I drop down on the plush cushioning. Scrambling back, I lay down as Derrick crawls over me.

  “Touch me, Gretchen. Pull me in.”

  I reach for his cock and stroke it quickly before rolling on the condom. I spread my legs and guide him in me. My silken channel is slick, and he fills me with one thrust. Lifting my hips to give him deeper access, I wrap my legs around his waist and follow his lead as we climb together.

  So close to the crest, I call out first. Lost as I crash, he continues to pump and like a wave that has retracted out, I return. My ecstasy builds, and he tenses moments before I’m there. Digging my fingers into his ass, I pull him with my limbs as if I can swallow him whole. My release deafens me as I cry out his name.

  Sweat is slippery between us, and I can barely breathe under his weight, or move. I don’t want to. “Oh, God.”

  Derrick lifts off and out of me. A tiny moan leaves me as if a part of me was stolen. Derrick removes the condom and puts it in a tissue from his nightstand. Rolling me on top of him, he says. “Don’t stop touching me. I want to feel all of you a little longer.”

  I lay my cheek against his chest. His heart is pounding and the beat throbs through me. Hands down that was the most intense sex I’ve ever had, and no pain was involved. Un-freaking-believable. I shudder with an aftershock. Sleepy warmth rolls over me, and I let myself drift away.

  The taste in my mouth when I awake is foul, and I force myself out of bed to brush my teeth. I hope Derrick has an extra toothbrush in his bathroom. Finding my way with the nightlight, I wrap my arms around my naked body as my feet walk over cold tile. I sit on the toilet to pee.

  My eyes adjust, and by the time I’m done I recognize the items by the extra sink. Various toiletries of the girly variety line the counter and one of them is a new toothbrush. A citrus scent makes its way to my nose when I wash my hands, and I smile at the sweet gesture.

  With minty-fresh breath and an empty bladder, I walk slowly across the carpet of Derrick’s room. He appears to be sleeping, and I slide back under the covers as quietly as I can. But when his arm snakes around my waist to pull me against him, I know he’s awake.

  I breathe in the odor of us and relax in his arms. “Thanks for the toothbrush.”

  “If there’s anything I didn’t get for you, let me know, and I’ll pick it up tomorrow.”

  “Are you planning on my sleeping over being a regular thing?”

  “Do you promise to always sleep naked?” He kisses my neck, and his hands glide down the outline of my body and land on my hips. Desire twinges in my core.

  “If you promise to keep me warm, yes.”

  His cock has hardened against my stomach, and I grasp it as his fingers slide between my legs.

  “How about I make you sweat?”

  I don’t have a chance to answer as his mouth covers mine and he does just that.

  Chapter 38

  It’s opening day for Breckenridge Ski Resort, and I’m anxious to get on my board. Truthfully, the first day kind of sucks. There are only one or two trails open, and hundreds of people skiing or snowboarding them. But if you’re a competitor, it’s a different story. I’m on the chairlift and headed to the half pipe reserved for boarders on the North American competition circuit.

  Anxious to blow the cobwebs out of my snowboard brain, I’m one of the first people on the chair. Of course, the fact I sleep with an early riser almost every night has a little something to do with it as well.

  A group of four of us hangs on a metal chair that dangles from a cable high above ground as it takes us up the mountain. The wind is strong today and we sway. Lyndsey leans out so I can see her past our teammates, Dan and Brian, while she speaks. “I heard the pipe is in awesome shape. They’ve been making snow on it for a couple weeks now.”

  I pull my thoughts from Derrick and focus on what I heard, trying to comprehend it. Derrick and I have slipped into a euphoric existence. Unable to keep our hands off each other, we spend every free moment together. I know this feeling will fade with time, but for now I’m relishing every second.

  “Yeah, that’s what John says. Is he already up there?” John is our coach, and he’s a tough one. I need to get my head together because he won’t put up with anything less than one hundred percent. My parka zipper hums lightly as I pull it up higher to block out some of the cold. The wind is even more brutal as we near the top.

  Unfortunately I can’t seem to stop thinking about Derrick. I’m so infatuated I should be scared, but I’m not. I’m drunk on what we have, and I know he feels the same way.

  The heavy metal safety bar lifts, and I jerk back to avoid it hitting my chin. I’m a mess. Derrick is at rookie training for the ski patrol today, and I’m supposed to focus on my half pipe skills instead of the delicious soreness between my legs.

  Sliding down the exit ramp from the lift forces me to pay attention. The motion is familiar beneath my feet, and my legs respond to the action like an old friend.

  We take off down the trail as a group. My hips lead me through the turns with ease, and my rhythm is flawless as I float over the smooth snow. About halfway down we cut left toward the half pipe.

  At the top we all stop to check out this year’s design. A huge machine called a groomer creates a long gully in the shape of a rounded gutter. Stretched out a bit, it’s more oval in shape, and the lowest part in the middle is flat, while the sides are concave and lead up to a sharp lip with a flat landing section just beyond it.

  Half-pipe competition is judged on the difficulty of the tricks we do, how well we utilize the pipe, and how fast we go. One of the first things I like to do is get a feel for the way the walls throw up to the lip. Rapping my helmet two times, which is my signal I’m going,
I point my board down the slope and fall in.

  Moving to my right, I let speed take me and propel me up the wall. My board scrapes and snow swishes under me until I’m in the air. I’m low and twist around easily. Landing high on the wall, I’m setting up to do a simple grab off the next lip. The rush of speed at its maximum makes adrenaline pump through my veins.

  When I rise up in the air, I experience a moment of weightlessness before falling again. That moment is when everything changes. In competition, if you aren’t halfway through your trick, you could be toast.

  I continue through the pipe, doing nothing more than simple grabs and twists as I learn the snow and map its inconsistencies in my brain.

  At the bottom I’m a little out of breath and bend over with my hands on my thighs as my muscles burn comfortably with the exertion. Lyndsey stops next to me. “That was sweet.”

  “I know. Hike up with me?” While we could ride down to the bottom and take the chairlift up, it’s quicker to hike the sixty or so yards. It’s also a great way to strengthen our legs and build up aerobic endurance.

  Ignoring the guys, Lyndsey and I hike on our own. Our feet sink into the snow as we march to accommodate. Warm from our ride, it won’t be long before we’re unzipping and tying our coats around our waists. “Do you know who’s with us this year?” I ask. Lyndsey is my go-to person for gossip and news.

  “We lost Eric, Kelly, and Wyatt, but gained a girl from Maine named Hannah, and did you hear about Cooper?”

  “Cooper?” My heart soars for a second because having him around will be fun.

  “Yeah. He decided to move here for John’s coaching.” And it lands with a thud, hoping John is the only reason he moved to Breck.

  Lyndsey stops to remove her helmet, and I do the same. Her blond hair is loose and flows in waves down her back. While I know she enhances her color, she was probably a real blonde at one time in her life, unlike me. She says, “You guys must not be a thing anymore if you didn’t know, right?”

  I chuckle. “No, Lyndsey. He’s fair game.”

  She smirks. “Hey, I’m not going to swipe a friend’s guy, so it’s good to ask.”

  “He’s looking fine; you should definitely go for it. Plus he’s a really nice guy.” And then I won’t have to deal with Derrick’s jealousy. My stomach sinks as I worry about the poster. No proof for us to see yet, I’m crossing my fingers the merged version didn’t work.

  Lyndsey sighs. “I know. Every time he talks to me he’s so sweet, and I turn into a drooling idiot. I wouldn’t be surprised if he offered me a tissue to wipe it up.”

  “Brace yourself. He’s here.” We stop to watch a guy coming down the half pipe like a summer breeze. Cooper has incredible grace and a distinct style that has served him well. I’m sure he’ll be going to the Olympics this year.

  Lyndsey lets out an exaggerated sigh. “There goes my concentration for the day.”

  Over on the trail, a flurry of red patrol jackets are pulling orange sleds in a training drill. Trying to figure out which one is Derrick, I say, “I know just what you mean.”

  Chapter 39

  Pressing hard, I rub my thumbs along the sole of Derrick’s foot in a rhythmic motion. Because he’s doing the same to me, our moans are in tandem.

  Nika’s in the kitchen making coffee. The sputter of the machine announces the pot is done. She says, “You two are nauseating. I really have to get a boyfriend so I have somewhere else to hang out.”

  Derrick says, “C’mon over here, we could have a three-way.”

  I chuckle at Nika’s wide eyes. She says, “What a disgusting thought. With your sister? Gretchen, why do you put up with him?”

  I stop massaging and stretch like a cat. “Ummm. He’s got magic hands.” Derrick’s massage moves up to my calves, and I sink further into the couch.

  Nika says, “Coffee’s ready. But you have to come get it yourself. I’m not enabling your touch fest over there.”

  Derrick stands to get us coffee, and Nika plops herself down on the couch next to ours. She tucks a foot under her and cradles her mug in two hands. I ask, “So how was rookie training? Any hot new instructors?”

  The morning after the instructor-welcoming party, she gushed on about how many cute guys she would be working with. She ended up on Peak 8 with Casey, Megan, and Lori. I’m sure they pulled some strings to make it happen, and I’m glad. Derrick hands me a mug almost too hot to hold.

  Nika leans forward. “There’s this one guy from California, Kelly. He has that surfer-dude thing going on, and oh my.” Ollie and Jake lift their head to find out what has her excited.

  Derrick asks, “Kelly? What kind of pansy-ass name is that for a guy?”

  I hit him on the arm. “Are you kidding me? Haven’t you ever heard of Kelly Slater? Because that guy is no pansy ass.”

  Derrick’s eyes twinkle. “Maybe it’s him.” Ollie groans and lies back down.

  I roll my eyes. “Maybe his parents named him after a famous surfer.”

  “If he walks around in a wetsuit unzipped and hanging at his waist, I’ll call him mine.” Nika scrunches up her shoulders, shuts her eyes, and lets out a small sigh.

  “That cute, huh?” I blow on the top of my coffee, but know better than to take a sip yet.

  “He sat next to me at the orientation meeting, and I couldn’t stop smelling him. I seriously wanted to stick my nose in his shirt and take a deep breath.”

  I snort just as I’m about to sip my coffee and a little splashes over the edge of the mug. Casey’s voice rings in my head. “Your pheromones are digging his testosterone.” I say, “You’re in so much trouble.”

  “I know, right?” Nika slurps a bit of her hot drink.

  Derrick asks, “Wait, all a guy has to do is smell good, and you fall for him?”

  Nika nods, and from her smirk I think she’s hiding something.

  I say, “Pretty much.” I turn to Derrick. “You didn’t think it was your looks, did you? Because I told you, I like guys rough around the edges. Tattoos, scars, day-old beard—”

  Derrick’s mouth lands on mine, and he shuts me up with a kiss. A kiss so intense I’m breathless when he stops.

  “You sure it was only the way I smell? Because I like to think I have other talents.” Derrick’s voice is low and works its way to my core.

  Nika groans, “Take it to your room, please.”

  I push Derrick away and say, “You should probably shower and make yourself smell good again. I’ve got chili to make.” He chuckles as I get up and go to the kitchen.

  Nika moves to the counter so we can talk while I work. Her mug chinks on the granite, and I set the cutting board and knife before her. She asks, “You have a job for me?”

  I grin at her ability to let me give her orders. “Cut. In chunks please.” I hand her the package of chicken. “Now that Derrick is gone, tell me more about Kelly.” I place a big pot on the stovetop and hear the tick of the burner when I light it.

  “Okay.” She leans forward with a glimmer in her eyes. “So, after the orientation meeting we were on our way out to the trail. There are these metal steps that lead up to the snow, and I tripped. I slammed my shin really hard and dropped my skis. They fell down the steps, and it was a loud, embarrassing mess.” The dogs are up, and Jake jumps onto her legs wondering what fun he’s missing.

  Nika pushes him down and continues while I place my small cutting board near hers. “Kelly was below me, and while I was trying to deal with my pain, he brought me my skis. Only I was kind of crying because my leg hurt so much.” She rolls her eyes. “I wanted to die because he had my skis and his board, and he still managed to pull me up by my arm while I was a weepy girl.” She stops talking for a moment and plastic pops when she punctures the grocery store package of chicken.

  “He asked if I was okay, and then—” She pauses for effect. “He wiped a tear off my cheek with his finger.”

  “Oh, my God. That’s so sweet.” My knife taps steadily as I mince shallots.
  Nika says, “It gets better. Kelly went off with the snowboarders in the morning, and then we all met for lunch. I got up to go get a napkin and he pushed his chair out just as I walked by. I tripped again.” She snorts. “Only it didn’t hurt this time. But he pulled me up by my hands, apologized, and said he did it on purpose so I would fall for him.”

  “That’s really corny, but so adorable.” The hand can opener grinds as I open beans.

  Nika’s grin covers her face. “I know. But I’m such a dork. All I could do was turn bright red.”

  “Well he clearly knows who you are now; you’ll just have to keep being your charming self.”

  “That could get painful.” We both chuckle, and I remember the first day Derrick came to my bar.

  I say, “Did you know Derrick fell off his stool the first day he visited me at the Grill?”

  “He did? It must be a Hamilton thing. We get flustered and fall.”

  “Must be, because he’s not a klutz.” I smile when it occurs to me that he really was nervous that day.

  The corners of Nika’s mouth turn up and she says, “I’m not, either.”

  “So Derrick really did fall for me?”

  “Fall? Gretchen, my brother’s more than just in love with you. You’re his forever. I hope you like me, because we’re going to be family.”

  “I, um. We haven’t even said ‘I love you’ yet.” I turn away and open the cabinet to rummage for spices. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the goats. He loves me in the forever way? When I turn back around to get the meat I can’t help the ridiculous smile I have.

  Nika breaks into a grin, too, and does a tight clap of her hands. “Oh, goodie. You feel the same way.”

  Derrick saunters down the stairs, and when he sees my face, he asks, “What are you two talking about?”

  In unison Nika and I answer, “Falling.” We both giggle and Derrick just shakes his head.

  Chapter 40

  A rare occurrence, Lyndsey is silent, and the sound of our boards scraping snow is loud in my ears. She’s nervous because we’re headed over to the board cross course. Overcast, the world seems to be shades of gray. The deep green of the pine trees is the only other color, and I’m reminded of Haiku paintings.


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