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Double Doms

Page 21

by Tia Siren

  “That had to have raised some red flags,” I said, leaning forward.

  “It did, but I made up a story fast.” She shook her head. “I told her I’d made a mistake, that I trusted this fraternity guy and thought he actually cared about me. Of course, I broke down in tears thinking about how sad it would be if it were true. I told her that he got me pregnant and told me he didn’t want anything to do with the baby. She sat down next to me and rubbed my back, even telling me about services the college offered to women who were going through similar things. She told me I had a bright future ahead of me even with a baby and gave me this really sweet pep talk. I almost felt bad for lying to her.”

  “You had to,” I said, walking around and sitting next to her. “It was for all our best interests. I’m sorry you have to go through this. That you have to be in a place where everything is a lie.”

  “It won’t be for that much longer,” she said with a kind smile. “I think she is convinced, and that is the most important thing to me right now. Having her walk me out, hug me, and tell me to come to her with anything I need made me know she no longer suspected the two of you. What she will do with the picture and this crazy person online, I don’t know, but I think we’ll be in the clear from here on out unless we severely screw up in some way. I want all of this to be behind us. I want to move on, graduate, and start out lives together without looking over our shoulders every five seconds. No, I won’t be Ben’s date to any dean’s dinners for a while afterward, but I can come home to you guys every day and know we’re a family.”

  “You’re right,” I said, leaning forward and kissing her cheek. “Why don’t you go home, get a nap, and then come over to my house tonight? I’ll cook you some really good food, and we can relax and watch some movies or something.”

  “That sounds nice,” she said, looking at me lovingly. “Thank you for always being there for me and for never letting me down. And tell Ben what happened when you see him. It will calm his nerves a little bit. I’m sure he’s on pins and needles waiting to find out something.”

  “I will do that.” I helped her up and showed her to the door.

  I watched her walk out and down the hall, shaking my head and smiling as I went back in the office. At least we could all breath easily tonight, even if we hadn’t heard from the president. I wasn’t even sure she would call me to her office now. It was hard on Kylie, but I was glad she was there to save the day yet again.

  Chapter 36


  I was really surprised to see Ben at Grant’s house when I showed up for dinner. I hugged him tightly, and he thanked me quietly in my ear. I nodded at him and then looked up at Grant as he carried the food to the dining room table. Ben pulled my chair out for me and scooted me in before taking a seat beside Grant on the other side. Grant had prepared a delicious spaghetti dinner with salads, garlic bread, and his homemade spaghetti sauce. I really loved it when he cooked. It showed me a side of him that I didn’t get to see at school. I also loved when we sat around the table together eating like a family. It was a wonderful thing to have and to look forward to.

  “Here is to another narrow escape,” Grant said, lifting his glass. “Thanks to the two of you.”

  “Kylie is the one who bagged it.” Ben nodded and smiled at me.

  “I couldn’t have done if you hadn’t already taken the heat and set me up with your facts,” I said raising my water to him. “And Grant kept me together in one piece.”

  “And Ben kept me together.” He laughed, nodding at Ben.

  “What? The great, calm Grant needed calming down himself? I don’t believe it,” I said, laughing.

  “We all fall at some point.” He chuckled.

  “I want to say that I still think we should all stay together and make things work while making sure that we keep our secret close,” Ben said. “I’ve already almost lost you three times, twice because of other people and once because of myself. I don’t want to do that again. You two and a half are the most important people in my life. Today really showed me that being a family fits us perfectly, even more so than dating and sneaking around like we did at the beginning.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more,” I said, smiling.

  “Me too,” Grant said. “And it’s less than a year before Kylie graduates. Things will be much easier once that day comes.”

  “God, I can’t wait to finish. It feels like it’s been a hundred years.” I rolled my eyes. “This year alone has felt like an eternity. With everything going on, I felt like I had to sneak around the halls to even use the bathroom. It was not fun at all. I hope next semester goes a lot smoother.”

  “I’m sure it will.” Ben winked at me.

  “And you know the best parts about you graduating?”

  “I can quit the coffee shop?”

  “That too.” Grant laughed. “But we will be able to do whatever the hell we want with no one dictating our personal lives. No more looking over our shoulders.”

  “No more Facebook pictures trying to tell our story,” I added.

  “No more meetings with the president where I’m in trouble.” Ben laughed. “And no crazier old guys trying to have sex with my beautiful girlfriend.”

  “That’s the first time either of you has called me that,” I said, blushing. “I like how that sounds.”

  Everything about the future, even the very near future, was falling into place again. I wouldn’t put my guard down like I did last time, but I knew at least that night, I would sleep soundly. It would take a little more time before the president felt comfortable with our stories, and there would be moments where I wanted to talk to Grant or Ben and I would have to wait, but in less than six months, I would finally be leaving that school, taking with me a degree and the ability to have my family exactly the way I wanted them.

  Thinking about that exact thing, flashes of the boy’s naked bodies flew through my head. Sometimes, I felt like my hormones were purposely creating pornos in my head during dinner so that I would stop eating so much. Either way, just the thought of hot sex with these boys started to get me wet in all the right places. I was very turned on again, and I hoped my increased sex drive wasn’t wearing these boys out. I shifted in my chair and looked up, finding both Grant and Ben staring at me with curiosity.


  “You look like your mind went somewhere else,” Grant said.

  “You got really quiet. What’s up?” Ben leaned forward intently.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” I said, pushing my spaghetti around. “I was thinking about how horny I’ve been since getting pregnant. In fact, just then, I was thinking about you two naked on the bed, our bodies all over each other. I was also thinking about how much I want to be your submissive right now, let you do whatever you want to my tired little body. But if you guys are too tired, I completely understand.”

  Ben looked up at Grant, and the two exchanged glances. I shifted in my seat, still pushing around my spaghetti, trying to look coy. I could tell they were both into it from the clearing of throats and the napkins no longer in their laps. I smiled down at my bowl of spaghetti, wondering who was going to talk first.

  “I’m not tired,” Ben said. “How about you, Grant?”

  “Nope, not tired at all,” he said. “I was thinking about going for a run actually.”

  “I think we’re both up for something tonight,” Ben said, nodding at Grant and then looking at me. “I’m pretty sure we can take care of your needs.”

  I smiled up at Ben as Grant pushed himself from the table and walked over to me. He leaned down and kissed my neck, pulling my chair back. I reached up and took his hand, looking over as Ben followed us back to Grant’s bedroom. He clicked on the light by his bed and opened the drawers, pulling four long, red satin ribbons from the drawers.

  “You remember these, don’t you?” Grant smiled, waving them in the air.

  “They’re my favorite,” I said as Ben leaned over and unbuttoned my top, pulling it from my

  He unclasped my bra and slid the straps down my arms gently before walking around and pulling my leggings down to my ankles. I held onto his back as I gingerly stepped out of them and watched as he tossed them with my other clothes. He reached back up and pulled my panties down and off before taking my hand and leading me over to the bed. I crawled forward and lay down on my back, watching as Ben took one ribbon and Grant took another. They each tied the ribbons around my wrists and attached them to the bedposts. Then, they moved down my body and did the same with my ankles.

  Grant positioned a pillow comfortably under my head and then stepped back, taking his clothes off. Ben moved in front of me, tearing off his shirt and dropping his pants, his eyes moving over my body. He grasped his cock in his hand, already rock-solid, and climbed from the foot of the bed toward me. He ran his fingers over my pussy and then wobbled forward on his knees, pulling his legs out behind him and sliding through my juices until he was deep inside of me. Slowly, he began to thrust his hips forward, gliding in and out of me, his cock solid and bulging. I could feel every inch of cock, and I looked up into his eyes, biting my lip.

  He leaned his head down and kissed my lips, smiling as he pulled his body back up to his knees and picked me up at the waist. I could feel him jut his hips forward, slamming inside of me, pulling back out and doing it again. The bed began to squeak as he picked up the pace, fucking me fast and hard. I screamed out in ecstasy, wanting more and more after every descent. He dug his fingers into my hips as he fucked me, giving me that sweet feeling of pleasure and pain. I could see his back in the mirror behind me and watched as his muscles rippled with every thrust. It was sensual and hot, and I focused my attention solely on him for that moment, knowing Grant’s time would come. He thrust forward several more times before leaning over and kissing my lips.

  He pulled out and climbed off the bed, walking to the side and sitting down in the chair. Grant walked in front of me with a smirk on his face, carrying the vibrator. Immediately, I became even more excited, watching as he crawled toward me, switching it to high and rubbing it over my clit. I moaned loudly, pulling on the straps, wanting to feel him inside of me. He rubbed the vibrator over my clit again, stopping for a moment and pulsing it against my skin. I gripped my hands into fists and tossed my head back and forth, my moans going even louder. He set the vibrator on me, the shaking end still rubbing my hard nub. He scooted forward and slowly slid his dick inside, immediately starting to thrust.

  I pulled my chin back and wailed, feeling the heat in my stomach starting to bubble over. His hips picked up in movement as he grabbed the vibrator and pushed down harder on my clit. My hips moved in waves against it as his big, long dick pushed deep inside of me. He switched the toy to pulse and sat it back down, the feeling of the vibration moving through my veins. I moaned out, gripping my fists tightly as my body began to convulse. Pleasure shot through me quickly and furiously, reaching every inch of my body. Grant began to fuck me faster, groaning as my pussy tightened around his thick shaft. He slammed deep and looked me in the eyes until the orgasm had taken its course.

  “Now, it’s time for your punishment,” he grinned.

  He pulled out and went to one side, undoing my wrist and ankle while Ben untied the other side. I watched them as they folded the ribbons and put them back in the drawer for next time. I could already feel myself wanting the next time. I turned over and got up on fours, moving to the side as Ben lay down on the bed. I straddled him, pulling up to my knees so he could enter me. He thrust his hips up, forcing the breath from my lungs and pulling my hips down almost all the way to his body as he relaxed into the bed.

  Grant climbed up behind me as he lathered his cock with lube. He spread my ass apart and pushed into me halfway, pulsing himself in and out at that depth. I growled, feeling Ben begin to do the same thing, teasing me for several moments before they both sank their dicks as far as they could go. I screamed as they immediately began to fuck me hard and deep, filling my holes with their cocks. I raised my arms over my head and grabbed onto the headboard, giving myself stability as they fucked me, shaking the bed until it squeaked so loudly, I thought it might fall apart.

  Ben thrust upward three more times before grabbing my waist and slamming me down on his dick. He clenched his teeth and groaned, his cock pulsating inside of me. I turned and looked over my shoulder as Grant let out a deep breath, shooting his come into my ass. I was full of hot, thick juices from the men I loved. I couldn’t imagine anything better than that.

  Chapter 37


  I loved the fact that I had made Dean of Students at my alma mater, but I felt my term had already been tainted from all of the things that had happened since I had gotten there. I wanted so badly for it to work out, for me to feel at home where I was, but I knew it would be a long time before it did. So, in order to make the situation easier on everyone involved, I put in an application at Brown, which was also looking for a new Dean of Students. The prior dean had reigned in that position for nearly two decades but had passed away from an aneurysm during one of their lacrosse matches. It was an extremely difficult time for the school and a very good opportunity for me to start fresh and new somewhere away from all the drama and stigma that was following me around. I was sad to leave that college, but I knew it was the best choice for me, for Kylie, for Grant, and for the baby.

  I had secretly interviewed for the position only hours after sending in my resume, not wanting to let the secret out until I was offered a position. Brown was as good of a school, and they had no preconceived notions about anything that had gone on in my life up until that point. That afternoon, while sitting in my office, I received a call from the provost, letting me know I was being offered the position.

  “We think you’re perfect for us,” he said. “You’re young, fresh, and can hopefully bring some new vigor to our ranks. It has been difficult to say goodbye to Dean Albertson, but he is at rest now and would want to see his school move on to bigger and brighter tomorrows.”

  “That’s fantastic news,” I said happily. “This is exactly what I was hoping for and with a school of such high regard as yours. Thank you so much for this.”

  “You impressed us with your candor and ideas,” he said. “You earned this, just like you earned it there. I hope that we will be a better fit for you since you’re leaving your current position so quickly.”

  “I’m sure that you will be perfect,” I replied.

  “We would like you to start right away on Monday,” he said. “I understand if your president needs more time.”

  “I will speak to her this afternoon,” I said.

  “I only have one concern,” he said timidly.

  “The rumors,” I said.

  “Yes, they seemed to have been pretty damning,” he replied.

  “They were,” I admitted. “In the end, we found out the first picture was brought out by one of the young lady’s ex-boyfriends and the second by the former Dean of Students when he was out on bail.”

  “That is a shame,” he said.

  “It was a difficult time for all of us,” I admitted. “We lost the trust and faith of two powerful people in our little community, and then people started to attack us for bringing it to light. I’m just glad we were able to prove ourselves not guilty, and now we’re moving forward, trying to find our ways again.”

  “What happened with the professor and the student?”

  “Grant is one of my closest friends, and he’s still here teaching, and the young lady will graduate in May,” I said. “Everything turned out okay in the end. I only wish that we could have caught the other two earlier. So many people’s lives were turned upside down. Those girls will be affected for the rest of their lives. I feel terrible for not noticing sooner.”

  “Some things we just can’t see happening,” he said. “I can understand, though, why you want a fresh start. Things can become difficult when you’re branded with such a rumor. I’m sorry that happened to
you and the others. You should have been celebrated for catching those two men, not attacked.”

  “The only celebration I need is knowing they can’t do that to anyone again,” I said.

  “Right,” he said. “Well, give me a call once you’ve spoken to your president, and we’ll get everything set up.”

  “Will do,” I replied, hanging up.

  I sat there for a moment, not believing everything was falling into place so well. The only thing left for me to do was talk to the president, hoping she would let me out of my contract for the rest of the year and allow me to start at Brown on Monday. I wanted to tell Kylie and Grant so badly, but I knew I had to stay the course, keeping them out of trouble as much as I could while I was still there. I wasn’t sure how Kylie would take the news, but I knew Grant would be really happy for me. Once I explained the reasoning and the logistics, I knew Kylie would be happy too. This would also mean I could be a bit freer with seeing her, though Grant would still need to be careful.

  I made my way over to the president’s office, and she agreed to see me on short notice. I walked inside and looked around as she finished up her phone call. The room was amazing with mahogany everywhere, first edition books strewn across the shelves, and pictures of the president with some of the most prominent people in the world.

  “What can I do for you?”

  “I wanted to speak to you about a position I’ve decided to take at another university,” I said walking over and sitting down. “I think it might be best for the school if I move on. I have been offered Dean of Students at Brown.”

  “Wow, that is very impressive,” she said folding her hands in her lap. “You have been a very big asset to us, catching Jeffrey and Arthur, standing up when needed, and being an excellent professor. We will miss you dearly. Though I have to confess, I think this might be for the best as well. We have taken hit after hit with the arrests and then the vicious rumors spread about you and the others. It has been an exhausting ordeal. Maybe it was perfect timing, though I am regretful that their dean passed away. He was a good man.”


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