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Double Doms

Page 22

by Tia Siren

  “I understand,” I said. “And I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m sure the school was at a tipping point.”

  “I’ve walked in every day afraid to check my emails,” she chuckled. “I am terrified we will take another hit, and I just don’t think we can withstand it. At least not with our Dean of Students. So, when do they want you to start?”

  “That’s what I personally came to speak to you about,” I said. “They requested that I start on Monday.”

  “Not a problem,” she said, smiling. “I’ll have our new professor take over your classes, and I’ll be handling the dean’s duties until I can find another replacement. Maybe someone from a nunnery.”

  “That might be good,” I said laughing. “I want to thank you for all of your support. I appreciate you listening to us and seeing through the lies to discover the truth. Still, it’s something I don’t know if I’d ever shake if I stayed here.”

  “I agree,” she said. “And it’s my job to know the truth even if it is always a little fuzzy.”

  “Absolutely,” I said standing up and walking toward the door. “Thank you for everything.”

  “Oh, and Ben,” she said, looking down at her paper. “If you ever find yourself in that situation again, the one in the hotel, you might want to make sure you have a reservation under your name.”

  “I, uh,” I stumbled over my words.

  “Good luck at Brown,” she said with a smirk.

  I smiled and nodded, closing the door behind me. I wasn’t sure if she was telling me she knew the truth or just letting me know she had checked up on me. Either way, from the smile on her face, I knew the case had been closed. That made me feel a whole lot better about leaving Kylie and Grant to themselves. They weren’t going to be facing any more issues while Kylie was in school there.

  I made my way back to the business building and smiled as I rounded the corner, watching Kylie eating a sandwich in the hallway. She swallowed hard and laughed, shrugging her shoulders. I walked up to her and wiped a bit of mayo off her chin.

  “It’s lunchtime. I’m hungry,” she said.

  “Understandable.” I laughed with her. “Why not eat outside?”

  “It’s cold out there.” She smirked. “And I have a class in a few minutes.”

  “I see,” I replied. “Listen, I was wondering if it would be possible for you to come over to Grant’s tonight?”

  “Oooh, are you going to cook too?”

  “Maybe.” I shook my head. “We’ll be there after school lets out.”

  “I’ll be there,” she said with a smile. “Ben?”


  “There’s something different about you.” She looked at me curiously. “Are you all right?”

  “It’s this crazy thing that I don’t know if you’ve ever seen on me before,” I whispered.

  “What?” Her genuine concern was adorable.

  “Happiness,” I said, tapping my finger on her nose and walking toward my office.

  “Can I borrow some?” she yelled down the hallway.

  “You already have it,” I said back. “You’re the one who’s been handing it out to everyone.”

  “Huh, who would have thought?” She took another bite of her sub.

  I laughed loudly, opening my door and walking into my office. I rounded the corner and plopped down in my office chair, sitting and looking around the room. Just a few months before, I’d sat there scheming on how I would become the youngest tenured professor, and now I was going to be the Dean of Students at Brown University. It was an amazing thing how much life could change in the blink of an eye. I was in love with a girl, going to be a father, and had my best friend by my side at all times. Life had definitely turned around in my favor. I picked up my phone and dialed Grant.

  “Hey there,” he said. “What’s up?”

  “I am hoping it was okay, but I invited Kylie to your place tonight,” I said.

  “Sure. I’ll cook some dinner,” he said happily. “You okay?”

  “Everyone keeps asking me that.” I laughed. “Yes, I’m fine. I have some really good news for both of you. That’s why I’m gathering the forces together.”

  “Great. We could use some good news,” he said. “I’ll see you when the day is over then.”

  “Perfect,” I replied, hanging up the phone.

  I spent the rest of the day finding boxes and beginning to pack my office. I was going to miss that place, but not all the drama that went with it. I was going to a new school with new opportunities and a clean slate. On top of all of that, I would be able to date Kylie in the open if I really wanted to, though I would probably wait until she graduated so Grant wouldn’t miss out on anything. Having them both over to my apartment might work out better, though. I couldn’t wait to see Kylie and tell her all about it. My life had finally become what I wanted it to be, and I got to share it with the most amazing people.

  Chapter 38


  When I got out of school, I was more than excited to go over to Grant’s and see them both. There was a renewed sense of excitement in my life, and I wasn’t sure where it was coming from. Ben seemed different, and I knew something was up. I hoped that he’d let the cat out of the bag that night because I was terrible at being left in the dark. I pulled up to Grant’s and got out of the car, skipping up the sidewalk. Laughing, Grant opened the door and let me in, taking my coat and kissing me on the forehead as always.

  “You are in a really good mood,” he said smiling.

  “I know. Isn’t it great?”

  “It is,” he said. “You and Ben are lighting up the house tonight.”

  “Is Ben already here?”

  “He is. He left campus when I did,” he said.

  “Yay,” I cheered, walking into the living room and kissing Ben on the cheek.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he said happily. “How are you feeling today?”

  “I’m great. Thanks for asking,” I said, sitting down on the couch. “I know there’s something up with you, and I want you to spill it. I hate when I’m left out of the loop.”

  “I guess since you both are here now, I can tell you,” he said, laughing. “Grant, you want to come in here and sit down.”

  “Sure.” He walked in and sat down next to me. “What’s up?”

  “Well, I was offered the Dean of Students position at Brown University,” he said. “And I accepted the position. They want me to start on Monday, and our president, though she commended me for my bravery and valor, said she would get everything taken care of for me to leave early.”

  “Wow,” Grant said, clapping his hands and standing up. “That is truly awesome. Congratulations, man. You really do deserve to be there. They have an amazing program, and I think you’ll fit right in.”

  “Thanks,” Ben replied, giving him a hug.

  “Kylie?” Ben looked at me warily. “Are you all right?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, feeling uneasy about him leaving. “I am so used to having you right down the hall. I mean, to go to another university, that is a big deal. I thought I would be in your protection until I graduated.”

  “First of all, you will always be under my protection, no matter where I am,” he said. “Second, Grant will still be there. Third, the school is less than an hour away, and this way, we can be together with no worries.”

  “He’ll still live here,” Grant said, shaking his head at Ben. “And it will only be a couple of weeks until you’re out of my class as well. Then, things will be less stressful for you as far as your love life is concerned. By Monday, you’ll be free to date Ben, and by next semester, it won’t be such a big deal if you date me. We still have to be careful because of our past, but everything will be a lot less anxiety-ridden and secretive.”

  “Maybe I like secretive,” I said, laughing. “I guess I’ve gotten used to everything as it was.”

  “Change is good.” Ben sat down next to me. “It will be easier to hide things from everyo
ne if I’m not there at all and you aren’t in Grant’s class. This move will be for all of us, not just me, and I think you’ll see once you get used to it that it was the best decision we could have made.”

  I sat there thinking about everything he just said. Maybe he was right. Maybe losing the anxiety of always looking over my shoulder was a good thing. Maybe now I could get through school and not be so nervous all the time. I was pretty sure all that anxiety was bad for the baby anyway. A smile crept across my face, and I nodded my head.

  “You’ll see,” Grant said, sitting down next to me. “Things are already looking up for us. We’re going to get through all of this together, side by side, I promise. And when it’s all over, we can sit back and relax and raise that beautiful baby together as a family. That’s what you wanted from the beginning, and we finally figured out how to make it work. We’ve come a long way from the day Ben was given his promotion, don’t you think?”

  “I do,” I said smiling. “You guys are right. This is all going to work out.”

  Tears started to flow from my eyes, but they were tears of happiness, and this time, Ben caught on right away. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me from one direction while Grant did from the other side. I sat there in their embrace, feeling so much love and hope for the future. It was almost overwhelming. When they pulled back, I looked in each of their eyes, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

  “I love you guys very much,” I said, kissing them both.

  “I love you too,” Grant said, smiling.

  “I love you as well.” Ben beamed.

  They hugged me again, this time longer, and when they pulled away, I stood up and stuck out my hands. They looked up at me curiously as a twinkle moved over my eye. I knew exactly what would make this night absolutely perfect, and though I was hungry as usual, it wasn’t the dinner waiting for us. I smiled and put my hands down, turning and walking toward the bedroom.

  “All right,” she said. “I’m going to go to the bedroom and take off my clothes if anyone cares to join me.”

  I laughed as I heard the boys jump up from the couch and trip over each other. I walked into the bedroom and turned around with my hands on my hips, waiting for them to enter. Ben carefully strolled around the corner laughing as Grant ran up behind him. As soon as the door was shut, though, the laughing was over, and lust hit all three of us hard. Ben walked up to one side and Grant to the other. I pressed my lips to Grant’s, turning and doing the same to Ben. Their hands traveled all over me, pulling my clothes off my body. I reached my arms up in the air so Grant could pull my top off while Ben pulled my leggings down to the floor. I stepped out of my pants and stood in my matching red satin bra and panties.

  “I like those,” Grant said with a wink. “But not that much.”

  He clicked my bra open, spilling my breasts out. Ben pulled my panties off and Grant pulled my breast into his mouth, sucking hard on my nipple. I groaned, leaning my head back as their hands moved ravenously over my skin. I wanted both of them so badly, I could taste it.

  “Lie on the bed and touch yourself while we undress,” Grant whispered.

  “It would be my pleasure,” I said, smiling.

  “Clever,” Ben said with a smirk.

  I laid down on the bed and propped myself against the headboard, reaching over and pulling the vibrator out of the drawer. I turned it on and rubbed it across my lips, licking the tip. Ben and Grant watched as they took off their clothes, their eyes glued to every place the vibrator went. I ran it over my nipples and then down my stomach, stopping just above my pubic bone. They both paused for a moment and then continued tearing off their clothes as I sunk it down over my wet mound. I took my other hand and spread my lips apart, rubbing the vibrator over my clit, moaning softly as it trailed down through my lips. I held it there for a moment before slipping it inside of me, feeling the vibration in my stomach.

  Grant and Ben grabbed their cocks and watched as I pleasured myself, using the vibrator like a dildo and screaming out in pleasure. I looked up as they walked forward, their dicks in hand, and smiled, clicking the toy off. I closed my legs and crawled on all fours toward them, stopping and rubbing my hands down both of their stomachs and over their long shafts. I opened my mouth and deep throated Grant’s erection, gripping tightly to Ben’s. Grant groaned loudly, pushing my head back down as soon as I came back to the top. I sucked his cock for a minute or so and switched, rolling my lips over Ben’s mushroom tip and trailing my tongue down his shaft as I pushed his cock deep down my throat.

  As I was sucking Ben’s cock, Grant reached over and put his hand on my head, pushing and pulling me against Ben. My hand slid up and down Grant’s stick as he helped me give Ben a deep, hard blowjob. I moaned from my chest, feeling the passion in the air, liking how it felt to be controlled by Grant but be swallowing Ben’s dick. I liked their control more than I had the first time. Every chance I got, I wanted to be under their spell, my holes filled and my fire extinguished. After a few minutes, Ben pulled my face back and pushed me over to Grant, smiling as I slid my mouth over his shaft.

  Ben walked around the bed and climbed up, crawling over to me and rising up on his knees. He lubed up his cock and my ass and slapped his long dick against my ass cheeks before spreading them apart and slowly pushing himself inside. Grant lifted his hands and nodded at Ben who began to plow into me, pushing my body forward, and Grant’s dick down my throat. It worked perfectly, and all I had to do was sit there with my throat open and my ass spread apart. I pulled my head to the side and grabbed Grant’s dick, stroking it fast as I screamed out in pleasure.

  “That feels so good,” I moaned.

  “Put that dick back in your mouth,” Ben ordered.

  I obliged, shoving Grant’s dick back inside and bobbing my head harder and faster over him. I gripped down on the comforter beneath me as Ben pushed his hips forward over and over, banging me as hard as he could. He reached back and swiped his hand across my ass cheeks, leaving them to sting and tingle as it mixed with the pleasure of his cock inside of me. He slowly pulled his dick out, and he and Grant traded places. He wiped the lube off his dick as Grant polished his with fresh stuff. I opened my mouth wide, ready for Ben and wanting him to fill me up again.

  I groaned as Grant slowly pushed his dick into my ass, grabbing my hips and slowly pulsating against me. Ben took me by the back of the head and pulled me into his body, fucking my mouth over and over again. It was so sexual and pleasing, and I couldn’t get enough. Grant leaned forward and wrapped his arm around my waist, pushing his fingers over my clit and beginning to massage it. I screamed over Ben’s dick, feeling the fire in my belly growing hotter and hotter. I wanted to come so bad. Ben pulled his dick out of my mouth and stood up, stroking it and watching.

  “Come for him,” he ordered.

  “Yes. God,” I screamed as he fucked me harder.

  As his hand slid faster over my hard nub, my body rocked open, my orgasm exploding over his shaft. I could feel my hot juices running down his pulsing member while I shook with pleasure. This was only the beginning, and it was going to be a long night.

  Chapter 39


  It felt so good to be inside of her, to feel her pussy pulsating against me. I had fallen in love with this girl as my submissive and as my other half. Right then, though, she was my submissive, and I had a bone to pick with her. I lifted her up off my cock and climbed off the bed, standing up and straightening out. I snapped my fingers and pointed to the floor in front of me. Kylie quickly made her way over, standing upright and looking down at the floor.

  “I think it’s time you get punished for almost getting all of us found out,” I said. “Get on all fours on the edge of the bed.”

  She nodded and walked over, climbing on top of the bed and looking back at me over her shoulder. She bit her bottom lip, but I could see the excitement twinkling in her eyes. I walked over to the closet and pulled out a soft leather whip and turned back to her with a grin. She
waved her ass back and forth in front of me as I stood there with it in my hand.

  “You’ve been really bad,” Ben said as he approached.

  “Yes. She. Has,” I said, slapping the whip gently against her ass.

  “More. I’ve been so bad,” she groaned.

  I chuckled to myself and whipped her a bit harder, swiping the leather stripes back and forth across her ass. I continued to do that for several minutes, watching as she flinched and moaned with each tighter swipe. I could see how wet she was from the back, her fat little pussy shimmering in the lamp light. We moved faster and faster, almost like a dance, and I offered it to Ben, but he had never used a whip before. I flicked my wrist lightly, snapping the straps against her ass again, smiling as she writhed in front of me, reaching under and rubbing her clit. I hadn’t used the whip in so long, and this had to be the most erotic thing I had ever seen in person.

  With the next slap, she screamed out louder, her hand rubbing feverishly through her pussy. She really liked to be whipped, and I had to admit, I liked giving it to her. I had a feeling she was going to come soon. I swayed from side to side keeping the rhythm with the swinging leather tassels. I flicked my wrist again, only this time with a bit of force, watching the red marks appear on her ass.

  “Yes,” she screamed out, her fingers moving frantically.

  I walked forward and grabbed her ass cheeks, squeezing them tightly as she massaged her clit. She moaned loudly and gasped in a deep breath, her body beginning to shiver under my hands. She came hard and long, laughing as the orgasm began to settle. I lay down on the bed next to her and smiled as she leaned over and kissed me, pulling her legs over my waist and sitting down on my long hard cock. She placed her hands on my chest, and I scooted back on the bed, making room for Ben.

  He crawled across toward her and smiled, rubbing his cock and preparing for her tight, reddened ass. He carefully ran his fingers across the light marks on her skin before pushing her over on top of me and sticking his cock inside of her. She moaned out loudly, feeling us fill her up, pulling her upper body up with her arms on both sides of my head. Her tits dangled down in front of me, and I reached up, grabbing a nipple in my mouth as she started to grind against my cock. She was so wet, and I loved to watch her struggle to regain her footing after an orgasm.


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