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Take Me [Dungeon Masters 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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by Cara Adams

  Dungeon Masters 1

  Take Me

  Tammy Wiltshire meets Leif Sneddon and Simon Jeffries at her cousin’s wedding. When she finds out they work at a BDSM club she eagerly agrees to visit it with them even though she’s sure this will only ever be a weekend fling. She is so ordinary and they are so delicious. Then she learns that Leif’s a Dom. What she doesn’t know is that Simon’s a werewolf shape-shifter.

  The men are entranced with Tamara. She’s everything they’ve been looking for in a ménage partner and as a sub for Leif. When he introduces her to shibari she really enjoys the experience.

  But then some idiots set off the fire alarm, the wedding is an enormous party taking over most of the hotel, and how are they going to mention to her Simon’s a werewolf? This is getting very complicated very fast. But the sex is good and they want her too much to give up just yet.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 35,678 words


  Dungeon Masters 1

  Cara Adams


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Cara Adams

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-055-9

  First E-book Publication: August 2014

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  About the Author


  Dungeon Masters 1


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Tamara Wiltshire stood with her back to the wall, half-hidden behind a fake-Corinthian pillar, and gently stroked her hand up and down what was almost certainly an imitation Aladdin’s lamp. I wish I was ten years old again and believed in magic. If I was, I’d ask your genie to get me the hell away from this pre-wedding party right now.

  Her mother’s cousin’s only child, Sophia, was marrying the love of her life tomorrow, and it seemed the family had invited every person they’d ever met in their entire lives to the festivities. Tammy wasn’t even sure what kind of a cousin she was to Sophia. Fourth cousins maybe? Second cousins twice removed? But she sure as hell knew she’d be dead from either boredom or embarrassment long before Sophia and Peter tied the knot officially at three tomorrow.

  Genie, please get me out of here before I do something really stupid, like tell all my aunts to stop asking me when I’m going to get married. I’m not wearing any rings. There’s no man hanging on my arm. It’s obviously not going to happen soon. Or ever. I’d much rather wear a man’s collar. Oh yes. A Dom of my own. That would be nice. Someone like Tall, Dark, and Devastating over there. Or him. Mr. Can’t Stand Still with the rich chocolate eyes.

  Tammy quickly looked down, snatching her hand away from the fake lamp. The two delicious pieces of eye candy who she’d been admiring were crossing the ballroom in her general direction. Not that they’d be coming anywhere near her. She was wearing a simple black dress, having saved her “best” outfit for the wedding tomorrow. It seemed most of the other women here had spent more on their clothes for tonight than she earned in a quarter. She hated to think how dowdy she was going to look tomorrow compared to them all, when they brought out their wedding finery.

  She’d bought the long-sleeved burgundy dress for her company’s annual ball last year, and she’d thought it would be appropriate for tomorrow. But having seen the way everyone dressed tonight she knew she was going to look like the country cousin. Well, it was too bad. Clearly, she didn’t make the kind of money many of these people evidently did.

  Keeping her gaze on the floor, Tammy tried to calculate how soon she could leave the ballroom and return to her hotel room. It was in this hotel, of course. Sophia’s family had likely booked the entire place out for the weekend. The good news was that her room was on the fifth floor and the ballroom was on the second, so she could take the stairs and avoid being crammed into an elevator and interrogated all the time.

  Tammy flicked a glance to the ballroom doors and sighed. Her mother’s cousin and his wife were circulating through the room speaking to everyone. The good news was that it was Adam coming in her direction, not Stephanie. The bad news was that her parents were also heading toward her.

  Ah fuck.

  Tammy inched back another step toward the wall behind her, but then her heel was against the baseboard. She couldn’t retreat any farther unfortunately. Sighing internally she pasted a smile on her face ready to greet her mother’s cousin. What the fuck do I call him? Adam? Cousin Adam? What’s the etiquette here?

  Fortunately she didn’t have to say anything.

  “Rae’s little girl. I’m so glad you coul
d join us on this auspicious occasion,” he gushed, kissing her on both cheeks, and moving immediately to shake the hand of the man standing next to her. A man she hadn’t even notice arriving. It was Mr. Tall, Dark, and Devastating himself.

  “Ah, Leif, nice to see you again. You, too, Simon.”

  Well damn. No wonder they were standing together. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Devastating is obviously partnered to Mr. Can’t Stand Still for Two Minutes. Just my fucking luck the best-looking men in the room are gay. Not that they would even notice me in this crowd anyway.

  But as soon as Sophia’s father had moved on to the next person, Leif touched her arm. “Can I take you to the bar? I’m sure you must be thirsty talking to all these people.”

  Tammy didn’t think saying she hadn’t actually had a conversation with anyone would be helpful. Besides, so what if they were gay. They were both incredibly good looking and a drink sounded marvelous to her right now. Especially as her parents were still heading in her direction.

  “Thank you. I’d like that.” She smiled at both of them, admiring the way Simon’s rich chocolate eyes sparkled and Leif’s eyebrows quirked up as he asked the question.

  In a matter of seconds the men had tucked her between them and were gently steering her through the crowd to the bar at the back of the ballroom.

  Maybe there was a genie in that lamp after all.

  * * * *

  Leif Sneddon was the co-owner of The Dom’s Dungeon BDSM club, along with his best friend and business partner, werewolf Simon Jeffries. He’d been really surprised to get an invitation to Peter’s wedding party, because although their fathers were cousins they’d only met a handful of times during their lives, usually at large family gatherings. Well, it looked as though this was to be yet another of those large family gatherings, and very likely it’d turn out to be as deadly dull as the previous ones he’d attended. Unless the delicious looking chick trying to hide behind the pillar was up for a bedtime romp. She was the only person in the entire overcrowded room who looked even remotely interesting.

  Her self-effacing manner had “sub” written all over it, and he was more than ready to find a new sub, especially one as attractive as her. It’d been far too long since he and Simon had shared a woman. But a woman prepared to be with two men in a BDSM relationship was hard to find. There were plenty of women who were willing to try BDSM just to see what it was like. And almost as many who were ready to hop into bed with two men once, just for the experience. But to become an ongoing partner in a BDSM ménage? Females weren’t exactly lining up at his door to apply for that position.

  He and Simon had barely managed to be near her before Peter’s about-to-be father-in-law had kissed the sexy chick on the cheek. Twice. But instead of using her name he’d referred to her dad which didn’t help Leif at all. Who the fuck was Ray anyway? Raymond? Ramon? Or even Ramirez? That didn’t tell him anything. From what he could see of the teeming hordes in this grossly overcrowded room there had to be a couple of hundred potential Rays here.

  One thing about being with Simon, his friend knew exactly how to help him execute a tidy maneuver. Together they shepherded the sexy chick over to the bar, stopping by a huge bowl of punch.

  “Would you like some punch?”

  She stared at him, her huge green eyes sparkling as she shook her head.

  “I’m not that stupid. It wouldn’t surprise me if every man here under the age of forty has tipped extra alcohol into it. Isn’t that what young men traditionally do at parties like this? Spike the punch? I imagine any more than a single sip would completely incapacitate me. I’ll have a soda, thank you, and I’ll watch the barman open the can or bottle myself.”

  “Smart as well as sexy. I like that in a woman.”

  “Sexy? When did you last have your eyesight checked? I think you need a reality check on that, but it’s always nice to be flattered.”

  She didn’t think she was sexy? With those breasts and that ass? She was the one needing a reality check and he was just the person to give it to her. Naked. In bed.

  They reached the head of the line and the bartender looked at him.

  “The lady would like a soda, please.”

  “Yes, ma’am. We have Coca-Cola, Sprite, homemade lemonade, iced tea…”

  Leif tuned him out, watching Sexy’s face. She didn’t hesitate, but chose her beverage while the barman was still reciting his list. Leif liked a woman who knew her mind. And one smart enough not to drink from an unwatched bowl of punch as well. He’d prefer her to be at least moderately sober the first time he fucked her.

  Simon ordered a Jack Daniels, so Leif one upped him and asked for Johnny Walker black label. The macho posing over, he lightly touched his lady’s elbow and guided her away from the bar to the far end of the room, which was slightly less crowded than the rest of the place. Not that anywhere was really uncrowded.

  “I’m Leif, and this is Simon. Adam said you were Ray’s daughter. How is your father related to Peter or Sophia?”

  “He’s not. Rae is my mother and she’s Adam’s cousin, which makes me something like a second cousin to Sophia. I still haven’t worked out why I was even invited here.”

  “We haven’t figured that out either. My first guess was that they’d booked the entire hotel for the wedding so figured that they might as well fill up all the rooms,” said Simon.

  “You didn’t tell us your name,” Leif chided her gently.

  Then he was amused as her cheeks flushed pink and she dropped her amazing green gaze to the floor.

  “Oh, sorry. I’m Tamara.”

  The space behind them became vacant as a group of people moved away. He took her arm this time and walked her into the corner, hemming her in with his body, although careful not to actually touch her. As always Simon was right there with him, blocking her in from the other side. Now she was only theirs. They could talk to her as much as they wanted without anyone coming up to her and distracting her, unless they approached him and Simon first. If only he could touch her. But right now that was impossible. Although, if he did this right, he’d have her in his bed tonight. Once he got her into bed he’d know for sure if she was his and Simon’s.

  “You said you were surprised to be invited to the wedding. Are you friends of Peter or of Sophia?” asked Sexy, well, Tamara he’d better call her. But he’d always think of her as Sexy.

  She was looking at Simon, but he pointed to Leif, so Leif answered. “It’s almost the same story as you said. My father and Peter’s father are cousins but I’ve met him so seldom I know almost nothing about him. I do recall one huge family holiday gathering when I might have been about eight or nine. It was in a school somewhere or other and all the kids were playing baseball, on a grassed area, not a real sports ground. One of the older kids hit the ball straight through a window and the fathers almost had a fight deciding who’d have to pay for it.”

  She laughed. “That’s far more fun than we ever had at our holiday gatherings. I learned quite young to take a book to read, find somewhere quiet, and disappear until the food was served.”

  “A much more sensible plan that breaking windows,” said Simon.

  Leif inched his foot forward until it was resting between her two feet. Letting her feel him there he said softly, “What about now? What do you do at such gatherings now?”

  Once again she blushed slightly, looked down, and then looked up again, and said firmly, “Nothing has changed. I still attempt to disappear as soon as I can.”

  Leif couldn’t hide his happy smile. He slid his leg closer to her, pressing it the entire length of her leg, and moving his back foot in closer to her as well. Simon stayed with him so now both their bodies brushed lightly against hers.

  “Peter’s parents have already done their tour of the room and Sophia’s are almost finished as well. I’d say we could disappear right now if we wanted to. Would you like to escape with us? To one of the restaurants perhaps?”

  She glanced from him to Simon and back to him a
gain. “Yes, please.”

  He took her hand and nodded to Simon. He knew Simon needed to walk around and this would ease the itch for him. Fucking Tamara’s brains out would help him as well, but that was for later. “Let’s go,” he ordered.

  * * * *

  Simon Jeffries was a werewolf shape-shifter. Unlike many of his brethren, though, he needed to change often. Or fuck. Fucking eased the itch in his skin. He got to the stage where his entire body was one massive itch and he had to be moving. He’d already stripped down to his running clothes and raced up and down the stairwell here in the hotel twice, which had helped, but not as much as a true run would ease his tension. He’d do that early tomorrow morning when other people would be running outside on the sidewalks and he’d blend in with the crowd.

  Seeing this delightful woman had made him itchier than ever. She called to his wolf on the most primitive of levels. As soon as he’d noticed her half hiding behind one of these atrocious reproduction pillars, he’d wanted her. He knew Leif liked her as well. Not just because he was trying to get his leg against her cunt, but because she had the aura of a BDSM sub about her. When she’d answered them back he knew she was perfect. There was a huge difference between a doormat and a submissive. A true sub only agreed to the Dom’s plans because she knew he had her best interests at his heart. A doormat simply obeyed whoever told her to do something. Tamara was no doormat. But he was willing to bet good money that she’d turn out to be a sub.

  But first, they needed to wine and dine her and learn more about her. Not that he planned to say, “Oh by the way, I’m a werewolf shape-shifter. Can I bite you?”


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