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Take Me [Dungeon Masters 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Cara Adams

  For the past generation, far more werewolf boys had been born than girls. At first the various Alphas had thought it was only a problem in their own pack, or perhaps in their state, or their country. Now, however, it was acknowledged as a worldwide problem and the Supreme Alpha of North America had joined with various other werewolves worldwide to fund a research project to solve the problem. Meanwhile he’d permitted interspecies marriages and ménage marriages where one woman took several male partners.

  Which was a damn good thing, because he and Leif had developed a taste for sharing a woman. Not that they had the opportunity to do it very often. But damn, having his dick inside the same woman at the same time as Leif gave him the best orgasms ever and quieted his wolf as well. If Tamara would agree to play with them he’d a very happy man indeed. And if she didn’t want to play, he’d be trying to convince her to change her mind. She had exactly the kind of body he liked, with rich curves at her ass and breasts, and bright intelligent eyes that proved she knew exactly what she was saying and doing.

  He was also sure that Leif would be heading for the top floor so-called “fine dining” restaurant. Most of the other wedding guests would either stay in the ballroom where there was a shitload of free alcohol, or move into one of the first floor restaurants where they could make as much noise as they wanted to. Personally he preferred the top floor restaurant himself. There they could hold an actual conversation without being deafened by noise.

  That was another thing. As a shape-shifter his hearing was more acute than a human’s and a million people all screeching at once tended to give him a headache.

  Just as he’d expected, Leif hit the elevator button for the top floor. But as they approached the restaurant Tamara held back. “Perhaps we could try the pizza and pasta bar downstairs instead,” she suggested.

  “Why?” asked Leif.

  “This is a public restaurant. You’ll be perfectly safe with us. Likely a whole lot safer that in that melee downstairs,” said Simon.

  But she still stood still, not moving even though Leif had his hand on her elbow again.

  “Why?” Leif repeated.

  Tamara blushed a fiery red, much more painfully obvious than the other slight and attractive blushes she’d had before. But she tilted her chin up and looked them in the face. “I’m on a tight budget for this weekend, and I don’t think I can afford to eat there. I’m not looking for a free meal. I’d rather pay for myself. So that means downstairs.” She turned, marched back to the elevator, and pressed the button to summon it.

  Very gently Simon touched her shoulder to rotate her to face them again. “All those people and that noise downstairs are giving me a headache. I really don’t like big crowds. I had no idea this wedding was going to be such a huge affair or else I would never have agreed to come. I’d much prefer to stay up here where the atmosphere is much more relaxed.”

  “We invited you to eat with us so we’d consider it a privilege if you’d let us pay for your meal. We won’t hold it over you. You won’t be asked to do anything you don’t want to do tonight,” added Leif.

  She gave them both a very searching look, and then shrugged. “Okay. Um, I mean, thank you.”

  They walked back to the restaurant and went inside. The maitre d’ seated them immediately and was soon back with the wine list and menus.

  “I’m surprised it’s not busier on a Friday night,” said Tamara.

  “We wondered if the wedding has booked up most of the rooms in the hotel. We’ve been joking about the number of people, but it really is an unusually large wedding,” said Simon.

  “And they’re all still in the ballroom instead of eating dinner. With so much free alcohol there, likely they haven’t noticed they’re hungry yet.” Tamara nodded and picked up her menu.

  Simon thought it was more likely that since the wedding wasn’t until three tomorrow afternoon, they’d drink as much as they could tonight and forget about food altogether. There’d be a nice meal tomorrow night and likely a lot less alcohol. He rather thought young men would prefer free beer to buying pizza if they had to choose between the two.

  “Some of the older people will likely come up here in a little while,” said Leif.

  “Oh, no. Not all my aunts again.”

  Simon smiled at her. “You don’t like your aunts?”

  “One at a time they’re fine. En masse, not so much.”

  “Actually, she’s got a point. I’m getting tired of being asked when I’m going to get a real job and a wife. We’ll ignore anyone who speaks to us. Better yet—”

  Simon watched as Leif held up his menu and wiggled it. He hadn’t decided what to eat yet so he guessed Leif had something else in mind. Sure enough when the waiter came across to them, notepad at the ready, Leif handed him a rolled up ten dollar bill.

  “We’re with the wedding group and are tired of speaking to all our relatives. We just want a little peace and quiet. If you could seat them well away from our table, and prevent them from interrupting us, we’d really appreciate it.”

  “Yes, sir. Of course, sir.”

  “Thank you. Tamara, are you ready to order?”

  Hastily Simon ran his finger down the menu and chose something, but all he really wanted was the time and space to get to know Tamara better, and then to take her to bed. Well, Leif had paved the way for the first step. And he was ready to keep the party progressing to what came next.

  * * * *

  As soon as Tammy saw there was lamb on the menu she knew what she’d order. It was a lovely tender meat, and so expensive she seldom got to eat it. Not on the kind of salary she earned anyway. Besides, for all her statement by the elevator, there was at least a fifty-fifty chance she’d go to bed with them if they asked her. They were both incredibly good looking for a start, and she genuinely liked what she’d seen of them as well. By the time they’d talked to each other over a meal she’d have made her mind up for sure.

  Unable to think of a better question immediately, and wanting to get the conversation focused on them, not on herself, Tammy asked the question it seemed like everyone had asked her today. “What do you do for a living?”

  “We manage a nightclub,” said Leif, smiling at her.

  “I guess you were lucky that the boss permitted you to take a weekend off. I suppose that’s the busiest time in your week.”

  “Leif usually arranges to do whatever he wants,” said Simon.

  Tammy wasn’t surprised. He had an aura of power about him. Not in a bad way, just as someone who knew what he wanted, and often managed to make that happen. Which was what Simon had hinted at. Likely it was something that drew her to them. She desperately needed a good Dom in her life. A man she would be content to serve because he’d free her from the endless decision making she found so emotionally draining. But first he had to prove he was trustworthy, so that was a long way ahead of her yet. She didn’t even know these men at all.

  Sipping her sweet vermouth, letting it roll over her taste buds before she swallowed it, Tammy relaxed and enjoyed being with the two best-looking men in the room. Likely the two best looking men in any room. However did she get so lucky as to have them want to take her to dinner? Did she give off needy vibrations? Were they so sure she’d agree to fuck them? Well, maybe she did portray that picture because it was looking more and more as though she would go to bed with them. So far she could find no fault with either of them, and that was one hell of a good recommendation.

  They talked about the wedding and various family members. They told each other stories of other weddings and family parties they’d attended.

  “The bride arrived an hour late at one wedding I went to. The guests were getting really bored and noisy. It was almost an anticlimax when she finally appeared. It turned out one of the bridesmaids had burst the zipper on her dress and they drove around and around while another bridesmaid sewed her into the dress. After the wedding they had to cut her out of it.” Tammy remembered wishing she’d been able to bring a bo
ok to read at that wedding, too. Rather like today. It was such a shame that adults weren’t free to sit in a corner and read like she’d been able to do as a child.

  The men both smiled and Simon said, “A huge spider was walking along the wall at one wedding reception. People kept moving away from that side of the room but no one was brave enough to say anything. Finally, of course, some woman got too close to it and screamed, sending the poor thing running in fear for the ceiling.”

  “And then half the people in the room were looking at the ceiling for the rest of the ceremony instead of at the bride,” finished Leif.

  Tammy giggled. “Oh my. At least that would have been more interesting than waiting, waiting, waiting for the bride and wondering if she’d changed her mind.”

  “You never told us what your work is,” said Leif.

  Tammy sighed. She felt so inferior to everyone else here. She should have guessed she wouldn’t be able to distract the men from asking her the question she’d first asked them. She didn’t even try to put a positive spin on her work as she’d done around her parents and their friends. “My title is senior archivist, but since I’m the only archivist it’s somewhat meaningless. Basically I input and index data no one wants anymore, in case someday someone discovers they do want it.”

  “Has anyone ever wanted anything you’ve saved?” asked Leif.

  Tammy giggled. “Only the man who hired me. He’s an absolute dinosaur. He’s been working for the company for absolutely ever, and he’s terrified that when he leaves no one will be able to remember anything. Hence my job.”

  “Are you happy there? Do you like the work? Have you made many friends among your colleagues?”

  Tammy looked down at the tablecloth. It was real linen, which was unusual these days. Most restaurants didn’t even provide tablecloths anymore. Diners were lucky to be even offered a placemat. But the pristine white surface didn’t help her answer the question. Was she happy?

  “I’m not unhappy. I get along okay with the other wage slaves and cubicle rats who work there. I suppose I’m like most people in that I dream of a job where I would get twice the fulfillment as well as double the paycheck.”

  Leif picked up her hand and entwined his fingers with hers. She stared at their hands joined together. Her fingers were paler and pudgier than his. His hand was bigger, browner, broader, and the fingers were longer. It was a sturdy, strong hand, with power behind it.

  Hers was ordinary. And she’d chipped the polish on one nail already. She’d need to fix that before the wedding. It was just as well she’d done her nails herself instead of paying someone else to do them for her. Although maybe then the polish wouldn’t have chipped so soon. Damn it, life was full of pluses and minuses. Were these men going to be a plus or a minus?

  Chapter Two

  Leif looked at Simon. He thought she’d agree to come to their room if he asked her. But was it too soon? Sure they’d shared a very nice meal together. They’d taken their time. Not rushed. But it was still only a few hours since they’d met, which was rather soon to be jumping into bed. There was no hurry. The wedding wasn’t until three and it was right here in the hotel, in the ballroom where tonight’s party had been. And where the wedding reception was going to be as well.

  Likely they’d be kicked out of the ballroom quite quickly after the ceremony tomorrow so the hotel staff could reconfigure it for the wedding reception. Although some of the family would be needed for the photographs. Oh well, that was all tomorrow. The key point was that they could stay up as late as they wanted to tonight without fear of being overtired in the morning.

  Simon grinned back at him and gave the tiniest nod. Good. Simon thought they would be successful. He hoped it wasn’t just the werewolf’s need to be moving, but that it was his true opinion. No, Simon wouldn’t jeopardize tonight for his own needs. It would be what he truly thought.

  Simon reached out, and picked up her other hand holding it in his. Leif gazed directly in her eyes. The bright green held a note of expectation as well as one of confusion. Excellent. She truly was open to their plans.

  “Would you like to come to our room? There’s no pressure whatsoever for you to agree. It’s completely your choice. We’d like you to come. We hope you’ll agree. But you’re free to say no and we’ll just escort you wherever you’d like to go.”

  “You’ll escort me anywhere?”

  Leif liked her snappy answer. “Maybe I should have said anywhere within reason. Although I have to admit, Waikiki beach would be a whole lot better than here right now.”

  “Pretty much any beach anywhere would be. Just the thought of hot sunshine, golden sand, emerald sea, and blue sky is enough to make me drool. I’ll come with you, but when we get there we need to talk first, all right.”


  Simon scribbled their room number on the bill, as Leif helped Tamara to stand up, and then they all left together.

  The wedding party had all the best suites on the upper few floors, but Leif and Simon had managed to get a business suite with a separate living area from the bedroom. That was perfect. They’d come here hoping to find someone interested in playing a few games with them. What Leif hadn’t expected to find was a woman who appealed to him as strongly as Tamara did. Her body called to him in every possibly dimension he could ever imagine, and then some more.

  He knew Simon felt the same, as he was much less fidgety since she’d joined them. Before that he’d been endlessly shuffling his feet and moving his body. Now, although he was by no means still, he was much more relaxed than before. Almost as if he’d been on a run in his wolf form. So that was an amazing testament to the power of his desire for this sexy woman.

  Leif swiped his card to open the door, but didn’t need to put it in the slot to make the lights come on. They’d left Simon’s card there while they were gone. Neither of them liked the thought of having to reset the TV and the clock every time they entered and left the room. It was easier to simply share the other swipe card. Not that they’d needed to. Neither of them had needed to return to the room anyway.

  “Oh, a suite. How exciting.”

  “It’s not one of the good suites. They were all taken by the wedding party,” said Simon.

  “Of course. They’ll need a lot of space for the beauticians to do their hair and nails and everything tomorrow, I guess.”

  Leif leaned against the wall and looked at Tamara. “I’ve always wondered, what are the men supposed to do while the women are getting their hair done and all that stuff?”

  She giggled. “Sobering up?”

  He laughed. “No, that’ll be the guests. I really don’t think having unlimited alcohol available the night before a wedding is a good idea, even though it’s an afternoon ceremony.”

  “Imagine how much worse it’d be for a morning wedding, though.”

  They all laughed and he waved her toward the table.

  “What did you want to talk about? Would you like some coffee?”

  She was looking down again as she said, “Thank you.”

  He wasn’t sure if that was thank you for the seat, or thank you for the coffee, but he walked over and got the coffee going anyway.

  He would stop her looking down all the time though. She needed to look up and face the world. He wanted to see what she was thinking, to look at her face, not the top of her head. He wondered why she stared at the floor so often. Was it embarrassment, or to hide her thoughts? Whatever it was, he’d teach her to look him full in the face.

  When there was silence, she glanced at Simon and then at him. “I’ve never been with two men before. What happens? Do you”—she broke off and waved one arm—“each other and then me, or what?”

  “We aren’t gay or bi. We fuck a woman. We share a woman. We don’t fuck each other. We never have. Does that change how you feel about us? Were you hoping to watch some red-hot male-male action?”

  Once again color stained her cheeks, but she didn’t look down. “I would have bee
n perfectly happy to watch two men make love. But two men making love to me sounds even better.”

  * * * *

  Simon’s dick was so hard his dress pants were going to be ruined if he didn’t take them off soon. They were pushed out of shape by the huge tent in the front of them. He felt sure Leif was experiencing a similar problem. But first he needed to touch and hold this delightful woman. He’d wanted to get his hands on her since the moment he saw her, and at last it was about to happen.

  He kicked off his dress shoes, toed off his socks, and tugged off his necktie as fast as he could, shrugging out of his jacket and hanging it neatly over the back of the chair as soon as he stood up. His belt was unbuckled and his pants sliding to the floor about a nanosecond later. When only his boxers remained on him he stared at Tamara. Her face was a delicate pink. She blushed so easily and it looked good on her. He liked that she was so easily embarrassed. He’d always know her thoughts because of that telltale blush.

  He held out his hands to her. “Now you.”

  She left the tiny purse she’d been clutching on the table, and stepped out of her heels. Like her dress, they were simple and black. Her hair was medium-brown and her skin a very light golden brown. Her eyes were her most attractive feature, a deep sparkling green.

  Simon looked at her body critically. To him, a werewolf, she was perfect. He liked rounded breasts and curved hips. Not to mention that deliciously lush ass he hoped to fuck sometime soon.

  Clothing might look nicer on a waif-thin figure, but he wanted a woman he could hold tightly and pound into. He wanted breasts that would fill his mouth, hips he could grip, and an ass he could massage as he fucked her. In his eyes, her body was pretty nearly perfect.

  Leif stood behind Tamara and unzipped her dress. She wiggled her shoulders and it slid down her body to lie in a puddle at her feet. Damn, that was sexy. One little wiggle and she was left wearing only a bra and panties. They were both black and made of shiny fabric, possibly silk or satin or something similar. But whatever it was, it was damn sexy. Just like her.


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