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Mr. Always & Forever

Page 23

by Ashlee Price

  He kicked the door closed behind us, sealing us in, and he laid me down on the bed, piling down on top of me, and the two of us continued to kiss. He began to dry hump me through our clothes, grinding his body up against me, and I felt his tremendous cock once again, pushing against me through the fabric, making me burn for him. His lips went from my mouth to the side of my neck, sinking his teeth into me, and my eyes went wide, my nostrils flaring, as my fingers curled into the bedspread, struggling to contain the pleasure.

  He rose up from me to peel out of his shirt, and I savored the sight of his tattoos, the black twisting around his form, emphasizing his brilliant musculature.

  And his hands were on me again now, peeling me out of my own clothes. He slid me out of my t-shirt, and effortlessly peeled me out of my bra, bringing my tits out into the open. He put his mouth on them, suckling on them like a newborn, his teeth biting down tenderly against the nipples, making me burn for him.

  I shrieked with pleasure, my toes curled, my buttocks clenched, and his hands laced down into my yoga pants, looping into my panties. He slid me out of these as well, and I kicked them from the bed, lying beneath him in my nudity and wetness.

  His kisses began to drip down, down, down along my body, sliding from my breasts, to my stomach, then his face sinking between my legs, causing my eyes to go wide.

  He put his lips on those of my pussy, and put his tongue inside me, twisting it around, gently stabbing my cunt with repetitive little blows. I moaned, and squirmed on the bed, pushing my ass forward, burying his face in me even more, wrapping my legs around his neck. He put his hands on my thighs to get a proper grip on me, and his head began to bob steadily, rhythmically as he ate me, rolling his tongue around steadily through my folds, lapping up my pussy like it was the most delectable thing he’d ever had the pleasure of consuming.

  I shook all over, and tried to contain my pleasure, but it was no use. He put his finger against my clit as he ate me, and set me over the edge. My thighs closed in around his head, threatening to crush him like a vice. I moaned, at the top of my lungs, as orgasm pushed through my body in waves, inundating me, destroying me, causing my body to glow from head to toe with sensation.

  I cried aloud, and at last he pulled his face away from me, my pussy still on his mouth as he leaned in to kiss me softly, perversely.

  He slid out of his jeans, his underwear, and I felt the long, hot shaft of that cock of his slide up against my inner thigh, making me wet, getting me ready for him.

  He raised himself up onto me, mounting me, and pushed his engorged purple tip through the opening of my pussy. Then he shoved his way inside me once again, stretching me out to capacity. Inch by inch by agonizing inch of his long, hard dick came sliding up into my body, drilling me to my deepest, wettest depths, filling me to capacity.

  And at last he was inside me, and I gasped with pleasure, struggling to contain him.

  His ass clenched as he pulled back out of me, and then pushed his way forward again, steadily breaking into a rhythm. Cleaving apart my folds, making them whole again, and then splitting them again. Faster and faster, humping, thrusting, fucking me, his hands all over my warm, wet anatomy, his mouth on mine, our legs entwined and sliding madly across the sheets as we fucked.

  “Oh God, oh God, oh God,” I was moaning, whenever his lips were off of mine and I had a chance to chant my pleasure. He was pounding me, almost violently, filling me up with sensations, and at last he drilled down deep, holding steady, fingers curled into my flesh, the two of us shaking as the world seemed to spin around our heads.

  He began to ejaculate into me wildly, his cum thick and hot and sticky as it poured into my flesh. Pulse after pulse of his thick, steamy essence, coating my folds, drenching me, and setting me wildly over the edge. Orgasm, the likes of which I’d never before known, came pushing through my body like a drug, invading every limb, causing me to tense up. My buttocks clenched, my toes curled, and I arched my spine up into him, feeling perfectly crushed beneath his weight, as at long, long last, the sensations drew to a close.

  He pulled out of me, and wrapped me up in his arms. Kissing me all over, nibbling on me, and reassuring me, somehow, that everything was going to be okay, in spite of all the doubts I might have had about the situation in which we found ourselves.

  For a bad boy, he really wasn’t that bad at all, where it mattered. And he’d given me a hope in life that I’d been missing for a long, long time now…

  Cowboy Seeks Wife

  Chapter 1

  “So what, you’re telling me you got a mail-order bride?”

  Shane shook his head. Caroline didn’t get it, most people didn’t and that was why he had kept it mostly to himself. He didn’t want to think about the comments that some would give him or the looks. It was unheard of in the online dating age, but he was sick of looking for a couple of dates that would turn into nothing. He wanted marriage and finding someone that was looking for the same, seemed to be the best way to go about it.

  “It’s not like that, not really. I found this site and it is for people that want to get married.”

  “So she is from here?”

  “Not exactly. She’s from Ukraine.”

  “Sounds like someone that needs a green card.”

  And that was what he was worried about hearing. It was the first thing that had popped into his head when he had heard about it driving to town on the radio. There was talk of a man locally getting married and the radio hosts were talking about what it would be like to marry a stranger. They had brought up the point that it used to be the way it was, a lot longer than for-love marriages that were so common nowadays. Shane liked that argument and working 12-14 hours a day at the ranch did not leave much time to date someone enough to take care of his needs, let alone enough to get married.

  “Could be, but I need a wife to help around here. Either way it goes, I get some help and companionship and she gets to live in this country.”

  Caroline bristled at the pragmatism. We had been wired to only think of chemical reactions that made her heart stop. Shane’s heart had never so much as skipped, let alone stopped and as he got older, he started to think that the whole idea was made up by fanciful writers late at night.

  “But what about love?”

  Shane shrugged. “Some people grow to love each other, some don’t. Are you happier because you married for love?”

  Her face got a mix of embarrassed and pissed and she turned away. “That’s a low blow Shane.”

  She had been married four times in her forty one years of life and Shane had never brought up the statistics when she was given him advice before. He just didn’t want to hear it. Caroline was a prime example of what happened when one followed their heart instead of their head. She was pretty, well preserved for her age, but she would fall for someone that was never what she needed. After a few months, or sometimes a couple of years they would leave her for someone else and she would start all over again.

  He pressed his lips together. It had been a low blow. “Sorry Caroline, it’s just you’re the only one I’ve told. I don’t mean to get defensive, but I kind of had to tell you about it.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Because she is moving in. We are getting married tomorrow and she’ll be here from then on.”

  He could tell she was shocked. “I thought there was time before you have to get married?”

  “There is, but why wait?”

  She was the one using restraint now. “And Caroline, I was wondering if you could help her out, you know show her the business side of it. She is an accountant in her country, so she will be doing the paperwork side of things from now on. You hate it and it will give you more time with the horses.”

  Caroline liked the idea. Every month she dreaded having to get together the paperwork to send in. The invoices, bills, if she could get out of doing that, her job at Afton Ranch would be perfect. “Okay, sure. It’s good timing cause next week is end of month and the seco
nd quarter, so all that will be left is learning annual.”

  She tried to push back the fear that maybe she would be replaced.

  Caroline didn’t even want to think about what she would do if she lost the job.

  Shane relaxed, his face showing the relief of pressure. “Thanks Caroline. I knew I could count on you to handle this, as well as your discretion.”

  “You are going to have to say something sooner or later boss. The boys are going to notice some young Ukraine woman walking around the ranch.”

  “How do you know she is young?”

  “Just a guess.”

  He looked off for a minute. She wasn’t that young, around twenty five or so. Shane actually didn’t have but one picture and it was kind of blurry. When he had finally gotten the nerve to go through with it, he spent as little time as he could finding someone. He read a few and one profile stood out. Her likes were outdoorsy and she was good with paperwork. With love out of the equation, he found it to be perfect.

  “She’s a bit younger, but not by much. I just turned thirty one.”

  “Fine Shane, it’s your life.” Her eyes looked a little sad. Shane knew that there had been a time that she had tried to make him the fifth husband and he had entertained it a little, but they were better as they were, without mucking it up with sex. Whether he could say it out loud or not, she didn’t have statistics behind her.

  “It’s not that bad. I mean, if we can’t make it work we will get divorced. It’s a lot more common now.”

  Caroline sighed. He really wasn’t the man for her. She still wanted the chemical reactions to explode in her brain, she wanted it all, even if for but a brief time before fizzling out.

  “So, enough of that. What’s on the agenda today?”

  “We have to transfer a couple horses upstate and I need to get the vet to come out and take a look at Levi’s foot. She had been favoring that leg for a couple of days now and I am starting to worry about it.”

  Caroline nodded. “So who am I going up there with, Sammy?” Her face was hopeful and it made him laugh as he put their coffee cups away.”

  “No. Talk about me liking them young though. Caroline he just turned twenty.”

  She had the good graces to look embarrassed, but her mind went to his hard body when he took his shirt off. There was nothing better in the summer than sitting on the porch and watching the trainers and labor men work. She fanned herself and then giggled back. “Alright be nice. I will see you tomorrow then. Just not Jimmy, that’s all I ask.”

  “Okay deal. Anton?”

  “That’s fine. He will just sleep the whole time anyways.”

  Shane took off out the door and got into his truck. He was going to the airport to pick her up and though he said there were no other thoughts than practicality, he couldn’t help but be a little nervous. One way or another, the woman was going to be in his life for a time and he wanted to make a good impression. Tomorrow, she would be his bride.

  He took time to shave that morning. The beard was a couple of days old and made him look gruff. Or so he had been told on multiple occasions. Shane had been up early that morning and though he had things to do later, like every day, all he could think about was his bride-to-be Dasha.

  Chapter 2

  Dasha looked at her watch again and was starting to get perturbed. She had been waiting for what felt like days, but was only about an hour. The plane was over thirty minutes early and then Shane was about a half an hour late. He better have a good excuse, she thought to herself.

  She didn’t even have a picture of him to know who she was looking for. There had been people standing around when they got off with little white placards with names on them, but none had her name. It was always a risk to do something like this, but she had not expected the man to not show up at all.

  Looking around, she tried to remember what he said. Six foot, dark hair and dark eyes. There wasn’t much else said except that he was some kind of cowboy, so she expected a tall hat and boots. She was not expecting the handsome man that said her name ever so softly behind her as he tapped her on the shoulder.


  She turned around, not expecting him to look like that. “Yes, you are Shane?”

  He nodded. His heart stopped for a moment. There was no skip, but a full moment where he wondered if it was going to start again.

  When the man didn’t say anything she figured it wasn’t him and she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

  “Oh, you are here to pick me up?”

  Shane finally got it together and grabbed her bag. “No, I’m Shane. Sorry, but your picture did you no justice.”

  “Neither did your description.”

  She waited for him to say more, but he just stared down at her.

  “So should we go?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  He was not expecting to feel that way. She was beautiful and while even her picture was pretty, there was no preparing him for the small, petite woman that stood in front of him. Shane had expected timid, shy maybe, but she did not seem that way at all. Dasha did not seem as affected by him, as he was by her. To think that he had picked her because of her accounting skills was almost laughable to him.

  They walked out to the vehicle and he put her bag in the back of the truck. Opening the door for her, she thanked him and didn’t quite meet his eyes as she got in. Shutting it behind her, he took the long way around the back to give his self a moment to cool down the ardor his body felt. Tomorrow the woman would be his bride and all he could think about was getting his hands on her. He started to wonder how real of a marriage they would actually have.

  Getting in next to her, he asked how her flight was.

  “It was good, but we were early and I’ve been there over an hour.”

  He was not expecting that tone and he kind of chuckled. Timid indeed. “Sorry about that Dasha, I had a sick horse and the vet would only see him early.”

  “I see. And?”


  “How is the horse?”

  “Oh, she needed a leg splint from an old injury that is acting up.”

  “Well that is good, to take care of those kind of things are important.”

  He could tell she was still a little upset, but she seemed to have made her peace with him being late. Looking out the window, she took in the surroundings. A silence fell over them and he wasn’t sure what to say. It was strange to meet someone like that, but he had to press on. There were plans to be made that day for the next.

  “I was thinking we would go get you a dress for tomorrow and let you pick out some flowers. Whatever you want to get, we can get in the city while we are here.”

  “There’s no need. I’ve brought my dress and flowers aren’t necessary. But there is something I would really like to do.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I just want to call home and let them know I got here okay. They will worry until I do. Let them know you are not traffickers or something.”

  The thought sobered him up. With those kinds of dangers, he had to admire her courage to come. He could have made a joke about it, but it didn’t seem the time. He wanted to make her feel safe and if that is what did it, it was easy enough to take care of. Handing her his phone, she dialed a few digits and then waited.

  Speaking in her native language, he liked the sound of it, yet didn’t know what she was saying. He really didn’t care as long as she kept talking. It gave him a moment to observe her when they got to a stop sign. Shane had thought it would be different, that he wouldn’t want to kiss her or that dare he say, love her, but he was already feeling something for the woman. There was something about her and the matter of fact way that she spoke. It was going to be an adventure, he thought to himself.

  Dasha didn’t talk for long before she handed the phone back to him. He set it on the dash and asked her if she was hungry. She said that she really wasn’t, more nervous than anything else. Another silence followed them fo
r the rest of the long trip home. Shane would start to say something and then second guess what he was going to say and then he was left to say nothing at all. He assured himself that it was just the newness of it all and soon enough it would be normal.

  “You’re very quiet Shane. Do you not have any questions for me, because I have questions for you.”

  Shane was almost surprised to hear her voice after such silence.

  “Sure, ask whatever you want.”

  “What does a cowboy do?”

  “Ah, well I run a horse training ranch. We train horses for racing or for personal use for customers. Have you ever been on a horse before?”

  She shook her head that she hadn’t and asked him if he would take her for a ride one day. Shane promised he would and she seemed to like that answer. He liked the idea of holding her tight against him as they rode.

  “So tomorrow we get married?”

  “As long as you still want to.” He looked over, hoping that was still the case. He had already warmed up to the idea and it sounded like a good one. He really wanted to marry her, have her for his own. She was beautiful.

  “I do. Do you like me for a wife?”

  He nodded his head a bit too quickly, but she didn’t laugh at him about it. Shane couldn’t think of anything else that he wanted more than to be her husband. “Yes, I think you are perfect.”

  Chapter 3

  The rest of the day was spent showing her where everything at the ranch was and then leaving her to unpack and settle in while he took care of some duties that still had to be done. He had several employees that worked there as well, though there was still more work than men and he picked up the slack where it was needed. Caroline still wasn’t back from upstate, so Dasha was left to her own devices in the house.

  He told her before he left that they would grab something in town when he was done brushing down a couple of the horses and after he checked on the one that had the hurt leg. Shane thought of the new woman in his life and wondered how he could be so lucky. He was waiting for her to lose it or for something to come out. She was just too perfect, too beautiful. There had to be something that made her choose to move all the way across the world instead of having her pick of men in her own country.


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