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Shift Work

Page 7

by Christy Gissendaner

  He cupped her cheek and leaned in. “So the question is yes, I can have sex as a wolf, but I won’t. When I’m with you, it’ll be as a man. Your man.”

  She touched him, running her hands over his shoulders and up to cup his neck. “And you can’t make me be like you.”

  He shook his head. “I wouldn’t want you to be. You’re perfect as you are.”

  “You’re spitting a good game.”

  “It’s not a game,” he interrupted. “I want you, and I won’t stop until you’re mine.”

  He leaned in to kiss her, but she blocked him. “Wait.”

  He held still and waited. “What?”

  “I need to see it again. I have to get used to the idea.”

  He settled onto his haunches. “You want me to shift?”

  “Yes. Please.” Her cheeks turned red again. “Wait, let me pull the blinds.”

  He stood and waited while she covered the windows. When she finished, he removed his clothing one piece at a time. “You want me naked.”

  A whisper of a smile played across her lips. “Maybe.”

  Once he was naked, he willed the shift to come. Shifting multiple times in one day guaranteed he’d suffer in the morning, but he’d do whatever it took to convince Tolly. Pain exploded in his sore joints as his body transformed.

  Dropping to all fours, he waited for her reaction. Through the green lens of his wolf’s vision, he watched her approach. She lifted her hand and touched his head, and he nuzzled her palm. Tolly gasped, but she didn’t pull away.

  He stood still while she ran her fingers over his head and down his spine to his tail. She paid a lot of attention to his ears. He relaxed into her touch, enjoying the simple sensation of being stroked.

  Tolly came around to stand in front of him. “Okay. Turn into a man again.”

  He completed the shift. It took several moments for the pain to recede, and he lay there to catch his breath. Tolly crouched beside him. “What’s wrong?”

  He got his legs beneath him and knelt. “We’re not built to shift multiple times in a day. It’s my third time in less than twenty-four hours. It’ll take me a little time to recover.”

  She stood and hooked her arm beneath his and helped him to a standing position. He didn’t need the assistance, but touching her felt good. Naked, he couldn’t hide his reaction to her closeness.

  Tolly glanced down. “Well, parts of you seem to be in working order.”

  His first impulse was to apologize, but damn it, he wanted her. “You do it to me. I can’t help it.”

  She looked up and caught his gaze. “I can’t either.”

  Her words washed over him like a calming breeze. “You mean?”

  “I want to try. Yes.”

  Part of him wanted to whoop for joy while the rest of him worried at her easy capitulation. “What changed your mind?”

  She slid her hand down his chest and cupped his cock. “I don’t want to go through life not appreciating the gifts I’m given. I have a thousand questions, and I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to seeing you as a wolf, but I’m willing to give it a shot. To give us a shot. When I saw you with that snake and feared I’d never see you again, my entire life stopped. I can’t envision a life without you. We’ve just gotten started, but I know I need you. We have something real if you want it.”

  “Oh, I want. Don’t doubt that.” He covered her hand with his and moved her palm against his hard length. “Touch me.”

  She took over the motion, cupping his balls and stroking his shaft in an enticing rhythm, one that made him long to rip the clothes from her body.

  She knelt before him, and his breath caught in his throat. Oh, yes. God yes.

  She took him into her mouth, and he glimpsed the heaven he’d never believed in. Dropping his head back, he enjoyed the warmth of her mouth. She flicked her tongue along his length and licked the head, sucking it into her mouth and back out again with a soft popping noise. His sore muscles forgotten, he tightened his limbs and swayed his hips, moving back and forth in a slow rhythm until he nearly forgot how to breathe.

  Tolly lifted her head, and the need shining from her eyes undid him. He had to have her.


  He shucked off her pajamas and spread her on the floor before the cold fireplace. The hardwood floors were uncomfortable and chilly, but he cushioned her with his arms and crushed her to his warm chest. “I can’t wait. I need to be inside you.”

  Her response was to open her legs. All the invitation he needed.

  “Condom,” Tolly gasped out.

  Well, shit.

  She tilted her head. “Bedroom. Second drawer.”

  After a quick run to fetch a condom, he returned to her and plunged inside. Tolly wrapped around him so tight; he nearly came on the spot.

  Tightening his jaw, he restrained the urge to take her roughly, and filled her again and again until his heart pounded with the need to move faster. His knees pressed into the floor as he fought for traction, doing his best to keep her comfortable on the hard surface. One day, he’d fuck her in a bed, but right then, he couldn’t imagine any better way to seal their relationship.

  Tolly’s long hair spread over the hickory floor, a curtain of dark black against the lighter-colored wood. She looked beautiful with her head thrown back, her mouth open on a soundless cry, and pink flushing her skin.

  He’d been right. He’d never give up the chance to see her like this, through human vision, as he made love to her.

  He loved her, and now he had her, he didn’t plan on losing her.

  * * *

  A couple hours after dawn, Tolly stirred and felt the warm body next to her. She turned and studied Ty, who lay sleeping beside her. The white sheet was shoved to his waist, leaving his happy trail visible.

  She toyed with the idea of kissing her way down the line of fine hair and awakening him with a blowjob, but her body ached from the intense bout of lovemaking on the living room floor a few hours before.

  Turning onto her side, she studied his face in repose. His lips were parted, soft inhalations whispering past them and back out again. Dark lashes formed a crescent on his cheeks, and a five o’clock shadow darkened his jaw.

  He was so beautiful, rugged, and perfect. One hand lay clenched on his chest, and she studied the lean fingers and large knuckles. Perfect hands. She traced the line of veins and tendons along his wrist, and his fingers fluttered.

  She wrapped her hand in his, and he stilled.

  A wolf.

  Ty was a werewolf, and it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except being with him, sharing a moment like this when the only thing that existed was her and—

  The sound of her front door opening and closing had her bolting upright in bed.

  Oh, shit. It had to be Grandpa Harold.

  “Ty,” she said with a hiss. “Get up!”

  He burrowed deeper into the pillow. “Hmm?”

  “Ty!” she whispered. “My grandpa is here. You need to go.”

  Ty rolled onto his side and draped an arm around her waist. She slapped his arm away and slithered, nude, to the floor. Tiptoeing across the room, she found her robe and slid into it. She crept through the door right as her grandfather came down the short hallway.

  “There you are, girl,” Harold boomed. “You’re late for breakfast.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.” She typically met her grandfather every Monday morning at Sue’s Café. She should’ve guessed he would come looking when she didn’t show. “My alarm didn’t go off.”

  “Hmpf.” Harold eyed her. “What’s wrong with your hair?”

  Tolly touched the tangled messed atop her head, cheeks heating with the memory of Ty threading his fingers in it and pushing even deeper inside her. “I rode my bike without a helmet. The wind messed it up.”

  Pretty good excuse, if she said so herself.

  Harold narrowed his eyes. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say a man was with you.”

  “A…a man?” Tolly s
tuttered. “Don’t be silly. There’s no—”

  But it was too late. Harold reached past her and opened the door to her bedroom. Ty was still in bed, hugging her pillow to his chest with his bare behind plain to see. Harold glanced over his shoulder. “I knew it.”

  “It’s not what it looks like,” she began, but Harold held up his hand for silence.

  “My dear Annie may be gone, but I’m not blind. It’s exactly what it looks like. Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

  Tolly wanted to sink through the floor in embarrassment. Ever since her parents had moved to Florida, her grandfather had taken it upon himself to watch out for her. It had been comforting when she’d been eighteen, but at twenty-seven, she took care of herself. “I appreciate the concern, Grandpa, but Ty and I love each other.”

  “Love?” True alarm made his voice rise. “Girl, listen to what you’re saying. Do you even know what he is?”

  Tolly was taken aback. “What do you mean?”

  Ty stirred, finally waking and sitting up. When he noticed Harold, he tossed the sheet over the lower half of his body. “Morning,” he called out.

  Harold shook his fist at him. “I told you to keep it in your pants, boy. Don’t think I don’t suspect what you are.”

  Tolly touched her grandfather’s shoulder. “Grandpa, really. It’s not like he took my virginity or anything.”

  Harold shrugged her off and advanced on Ty. “For years, I’ve watched you Harris boys. You thought I wouldn’t figure it out, but I did. It’s not natural what you are. I should’ve shot you like the dog you are.”

  Her grandfather’s words finally penetrated the fog of embarrassment cloaking her. “You know!”

  “That he’s a werewolf?” Harold glanced at her. “Of course I do. I’m not stupid.”

  “Did you realize he knew?” Tolly asked Ty.

  Ty only shrugged. “I had a hunch he did.”

  “And you’re not worried?” she questioned.

  Ty shook his head. “Nope. Harold’s had years to say something if he wanted to. And he’s not lying. He had many opportunities to shoot me and Greg when we ran wild through the woods when we were younger. He didn’t.”

  Harold lowered his hand. “So I was right.”

  “You were,” Ty replied. “This isn’t what you wished for your granddaughter, sir, but rest assured I love her, and I intend to do everything I can to make her happy.”

  Tolly stared at the two of them. “What about Bryan? Am I the only one in this family in the dark?”

  Harold nodded. “Bryan knows.”

  “How? Did you tell him?” she asked.

  Ty answered first. “Greg told him.”

  “Greg?” Tolly shoved her hair away from her face. “Guess it makes sense since they always hung out as kids.”

  Harold shuffled to the door. “I’m heading back to Sue’s. Get dressed, girl, and meet me there.” He tossed a hard look over his shoulder. “You come too, boy. Guess I’ll have to get used to you dating my granddaughter. Might as well start today.”

  Tolly’s mouth fell open as her grandfather left without another word. Ty chuckled and patted the bed. “Harold’s always been all bark and no bite.”

  Too much had happened for Tolly to even process. She flopped onto the bed and fell backward. “I need to start this morning over again.”

  Ty reached over and tickled her thighs. “Sounds like a good idea to me.”

  Soon he had her too distracted to worry about the complete one-eighty her life had made.

  * * *

  After breakfast and dropping Tolly off at work, Ty stopped by his house to shower and change, and then headed to Hog Heaven. After being closed for a day, the scent of spilled beer and stale cigarette smoke made it hard to breathe.

  He left the door propped open and lifted the windows to allow the bar to air out before the workweek started again. The cleaning crew was due at ten, which gave him enough time.

  He went into the backroom and lifted the panel that led down to his office. No one but Greg knew it existed. He turned on the lights and pulled the panel closed behind him. A screen flickered to life, and the security camera feed showed in real time. He’d see if anyone approached.

  He sat in his ergonomic chair, grimacing at the ache in his hips. Too much shifting and sex left him moving like an old man. He powered up his computer and typed in a password. He changed it weekly, using a series of numbers, symbols, and letters that should be impossible to crack.

  He opened a file, and a schematic drawing of the firewall appeared. He’d created it at nineteen, never realizing the import of what he’d done. He’d kept it from the Blood Wolves until he perfected the system. Jackson had been the best bet to ensure it didn’t fall into the wrong hand. With his company’s backing and his millions, Jackson had the security in place to protect the original prototype.

  Ty closed the file and opened another, one containing a list of everyone who’d made an offer to buy the design. The top bidders were from first world countries and their leaders. Several high-profile financial companies filled out the top ten.

  Sometimes Ty wish he’d destroyed the prototype and the plans, but the benefits of his design outweighed the drawbacks. He reviewed the list again, the numbers still astounding him. As long as the prototype was in Jackson’s care, they’d never be safe. He had to decide and do it quick. He refused to put Tolly in a dangerous situation like the day before.

  Ty’s mouse hovered over the link to an email address most would kill to have. He clicked on it and typed out a short message. He hit send and then forwarded it to Jackson, who would handle delivery of the prototype and plans and deal with the exchange of funds.

  Ty didn’t do it for the money, although he’d soon be a multi-millionaire. He did it to keep his friends and family safe. He then went through and methodically stripped every mention of the firewall from his hard drive.


  When he was done, he leaned back in the chair and let out a sigh of relief. Jackson replied to the email first, his shock plain to read.

  “Are you sure?” Jackson’s message read.

  “One hundred percent,” Ty responded. “Do it.”

  A few minutes later, another message landed in his email box. This one from Sandy Howerton, an official in the department of Homeland Security. “Thank you, Mr. Harris, for accepting our offer. We look forward to the exchange.”

  Ty smiled.

  It was over.


  Tolly stared at the huge bouquet of flowers before her. “For me?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the young man said and deposited them on her desk. “Have a nice day.”

  She slipped the card from the envelope, but it wasn’t signed. Margaret sidled over and touched one of the blooms. “Who’s the guy?”

  “Doesn’t say,” Tolly replied and passed over the blank card. “But my guess is Ty Harris.”

  “Ty Harris?” Margaret’s plucked brows rose to her silver hairline. “You’re shitting me.”

  “Nope.” Tolly grinned.

  Margaret fluttered a hand in front of her face. “Lucky you.”

  Tolly enjoyed her aunt’s dramatics whenever it came to Ty. She’d always had a thing for the Harris men, starting with their father when they’d been younger. “Aren’t you supposed to say he’s the lucky one?”

  Margaret shrugged and went back to her desk. “I’d give a million dollars to be in your shoes.”

  “You don’t have a million dollars.”

  “I’d steal it,” Margaret rejoined. “Speaking of the Harris boys, Greg came in this morning and booked his vacation.”

  “Really?” Tolly was proud of him. “Where did he go?”

  “He made me promise not to tell you.”

  Tolly clicked on his name in their vacation booking program. “All I have to do is look.” She peered at the blank screen. “Wait. Where is it?”

  Margaret beamed. “He showed me how to set the privacy sett
ings. You’re blocked from his account. Those boys are mighty handy with computers. Smart and sexy.”

  Tolly closed the file. “Well if he doesn’t want me to know, that’s fine.”

  “Not you, dear. Ty. Greg wanted to escape for a while, and he knew his brother would worry. So he had me lock the file to keep Ty from following him. Not even Ty should be able to bypass the code.”

  Ty would worry, but there wasn’t anything she could do. Margaret would carry the secret to her grave. She always kept her promises.

  “Oh, and this came for you.” Margaret handed over a thick envelope. “I think it’s another of those publisher clearinghouse scams.”

  Tolly accepted the envelope. The return address made her sit straight up in her chair. “Margaret, do you know what this is?”

  Margaret sighed. “Don’t tell me you believe that crap. No one is going to show up at your door with a million dollars, dear.”

  “Not that,” Tolly answered. She ripped into the package, quickly scanning the letter before jumping up and whooping for joy. “I’m going to be featured!”

  She handed the letter to Margaret. “The portfolio I made of deer last season has been chosen for a special edition. Isn’t that fantastic?”

  “Congratulations.” Margaret handed the letter back to her. “Does this mean you’re quitting?”

  “No.” Tolly laughed. “But it’s a giant leap forward in my photography career. This is just the sort of opening I needed.”

  Tolly tried to call Ty at Hog Heaven but didn’t get an answer. She figured he’d be there already since the cleaning crew typically came on Monday mornings, but it would have to wait until she got off work. The hours crept past until finally it was five o’clock and she rushed to be with him.

  She found him stocking shelves, his T-shirt clinging to his chest and his cap turned backward. So sexy.

  She didn’t hesitate. She joined him and wrapped him in a bear hug. Ty held her tight, resting his chin on top of her head. “I’m happy to see you too.”


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