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Coming Full Circle

Page 2

by Liz Andrews

  “Shut your mouth,” scolded the pretty African-American woman. “Those men have been waiting for you to come to your senses and appear at their door for the last ten years. In fact, I bet you there is not only an email, but both guys are available.”

  “Bet me what?” Stephanie was super competitive. She loved to be right, about everything.

  “How about you hook me up with the one you don’t pick?”

  “I can’t make any promises. What if they don’t still know each other? Or the other one is married or something?”

  “You have to try at least. And if the other one isn’t available, you have to find a male friend of theirs for me.”

  Jasmine pursed her lips and then nodded. “Fine, I’ll do my best.”

  They both picked up their plates and headed into the office. While Jasmine booted up the computer, she took a bite of her orange chicken.

  With a spring roll in hand, Stephanie started on her tirade again. “So, of the two, which one are you hoping to get with?”

  This was leading into dangerous territory. Jasmine had never truly shared her feelings about Chase and Alex with anyone. But if she were going to take the plunge, Stephanie would be the one she’d tell. Her friend was the most open-minded individual she’d ever met.

  “Here’s the conundrum. Back in high school I was attracted to both guys. In fact, it was one of the reasons I never agreed to date either one of them. I couldn’t choose.”

  “Hmm, threesome, you dirty girl.”

  “Very funny. It’s one of those things you read about in an erotic romance, but threesomes aren’t common.”

  “You might be surprised.”

  Jasmine’s eyebrows shot into her hairline. “Really? Do you have something to tell me?”

  Stephanie waved the spring roll at her. “We are not talking about me. We are talking about you, and these two guys.”

  “You do realize, don’t you, I won’t forget this?”

  “Moving on.” Stephanie tilted her head to look around Jasmine. “Looks as if your crappy computer is finally up. Check your email.”

  “Hey, I like my computer.”

  “Once you go Mac, you’ll never go back. That’s all I’m saying.”

  “Bullshit. You never shut up about your laptop. I swear, I think you sleep with the thing.”


  “Great comeback.”

  “Will you check your email already? I’m dying of curiosity here.”

  Jasmine laughed out loud and turned back to the computer to click on her email program. Her laughter died a quick death when she saw the message she’d been both anticipating and dreading waiting for her. “Chase emailed me back.”

  “Ha, I’m halfway to winning my bet. Open it!”

  She clicked on the message and read it to Stephanie. Swiveling her chair back around, she wrinkled her nose. “So what do you think?”

  “Very…to the point.”

  “My email to him was a bit…businesslike. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised he responded in a similar manner.”

  “Yeah, but you didn’t know if he was really who you thought. It wasn’t as if you’d be all lovey dovey with the guy if it wasn’t the right Chase Randolph.” Stephanie shrugged. “But, we’re going to be open to possibilities and move on to answering his email.”

  “We are going to be open?”

  “Yes, you and I.”

  Jasmine couldn’t help but laugh. Stephanie was a force to be reckoned with. Jasmine knew she needed to get on board or get out of the way. Turning back toward the computer, she hit reply. “Okay, what do we want to say?”

  “Tell him you’re disappointed they won’t be attending the reunion. You were hoping to renew your friendship with them.”

  As Jasmine typed, she wondered if this was all for naught. The email from Chase was pretty brief. He could have been responding to be polite. Her fingers paused in their typing. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “I don’t know.” How could she explain this to Stephanie, who had an abundance of self-confidence? Jasmine wasn’t sure her ego was ready to be bruised by the rejection she was sure would be coming. “Maybe I should let sleeping dogs lie.”

  Stephanie set down her plate and leaned forward, staring intently into her face for a long moment. “I see.”

  Jasmine narrowed her gaze. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re a bet welcher.”

  Jasmine gasped in indignation. “I am not.”

  “If you don’t send an email to them, there’s no way I can win my bet, is there?”

  “That has nothing to do with it.”

  Stephanie sat back in her chair and crossed her arms over her generous breasts. “Then why don’t you explain it to me?”

  Damn her. Stephanie was actually going to force her to bare her soul. “Fine, I don’t want to know for sure I’m a loser. This way I can pretend.”

  “You’re only a loser if you never put yourself out there and try. Send the damned email. If they don’t answer then I’ll bring over cheesecake and we’ll pull out your yearbooks and make up stories about how they’re fat and bald now.”

  “Cheesecake, huh?”

  “Yeah. And some chocolate, just for you.”

  Jasmine sighed, knowing Stephanie was right. “Fine.” She finished typing and with a slight hesitation, hit the send button. “Done and done. I guess we’re back to the waiting game.”

  “Come on, be positive. Maybe you can start dating them both.”

  “Oh yeah, as if I need that kind of complication in my life.”

  Alex couldn’t sleep. He lay in bed, flat on his back, one arm cocked behind his head as he stared at the ceiling. Ever since Chase had told him about the email from Jasmine he couldn’t get her off his mind. And subsequently, he reflected over his time in high school.

  Even though he was supposed to have been some kind of big man on campus back then, it had been a shield to hide his shyness. It was one of the reasons he was attracted to Jasmine. He recognized the fact they were more alike than most people realized.

  For four years they were friends and he kept it on that level, even though he always wanted more. Until their senior year and the Winter Gala, that is. Alex finally screwed up his courage to ask her to go with him, only to have her tell him she already had a date. When she’d arrived at the dance with Howie, he was devastated.

  The guy was a putz and Alex spent the rest of their senior year trying to convince Jasmine to break up with the loser. When he later heard she married Howie, he’d been disappointed. He’d thought she had much better judgment.

  His thoughts weren’t helping him sleep so he decided a change in environment was in order. He rose from the bed and as quietly as possible slipped on his pajama bottoms, tying the drawstring. Looking back over his shoulder, he smiled down at Chase. The other man was sleeping soundly, no worries keeping him up.

  Alex walked around the bed and brushed a lock of Chase’s inky black hair away from his face. He loved this man more than he ever believed possible. It was something he’d never thought he’d admit.

  Not wanting to wake Chase, Alex left the room and headed into the kitchen for a midnight snack. Rummaging through the fridge, he grabbed the fixings to make himself a sandwich. He scrounged together leftover ham and provolone, deciding to make a modified grilled cheese. He hoped by keeping himself busy he wouldn’t have time to think. What he hadn’t expected was to have arms wrap around his waist from behind as he stood at the stove.

  “Hey, baby, couldn’t sleep?”

  Alex leaned back into Chase’s embrace, loving the comfort he felt there. This man was his rock. “No, my mind’s going in a million different directions right now.”

  “Jasmine.” Chase was no dummy, that was for sure. Of course he’d know what was upsetting him.

  “Stupid, I know, but I can’t help but wonder if she’s answered yet.” Alex expertly flipped the sandwich. “And I don’t kno
w why her response is so damned important to me.”

  Chase’s fingers idly stroked Alex’s stomach, distracting his thoughts from Jasmine for the first time tonight. His partner’s hands could make him forget the house was on fire. Speaking of which, he tilted up the end of the sandwich to check the underside. Peeking at the grilled bread, he decided to give it one more minute.

  “And have you figured it out yet?”

  “No, which is why I’m up in the middle of the night making a sandwich.” Alex turned off the stove and flipped the grilled cheese sandwich onto the plate. Grabbing a knife, he cut it in half. “Want to share?”

  “I’d love to.” Chase released his hold on him and reached around to snatch half the sandwich before the offer barely left Alex’s lips.

  Alex leaned back against the counter while Chase snagged a chair and settled back to eat his grilled cheese. He loved the companionship he felt with Chase. The two of them seemed to fit. It had been that way when they were friends, even before they were lovers. Of course, back then, Jasmine also fit into their friendship. Alex secretly wondered how she would fit in with them now.

  “You’re awfully quiet.” Chase had finished his sandwich while Alex hadn’t even started to eat. He picked up his half and took a bite before answering.

  “Just thinking.”


  “Everything, nothing. I don’t know. I need to do something to settle my mind so I can sleep.” He laid the unfinished sandwich back on the plate, knowing food wasn’t even helping him at this point.

  Chase stared at him intently, his smoky grey gaze seeming to bore into him for a moment, and then he rose from the chair. Alex watched as his hands went to the waistband of his bottoms and he untied the drawstring, allowing them to drop to the floor.

  “Since you can’t sleep, maybe you can take care of this little problem for me then.”

  Little was not the word for what Alex was looking at. Neither was problem. Chase’s cock was only semi hard, but the thick member was making Alex drool. His partner knew him all too well.

  Alex loved to suck Chase’s cock almost more than anything else. He wasn’t sure why, perhaps some latent oral fixation, but all thoughts of anything else were pushed from his brain. All he could think about was pleasuring his man.

  “Come here and suck me. Now.” The last word was said more forcefully. And even though Alex was bigger and larger than the other man in every way, he was soon on his knees in front of Chase. The other man had always been the dominant partner in their relationship and that was just how Alex liked it. Leaning forward, he inhaled the clean masculine scent. God, he loved this.

  His tongue snaked out and licked over the tip, eliciting a groan from Chase. Alex looked up and watched his face as he sucked the crown into his mouth. The other man’s eyes closed, his face a mask of ecstasy. Maybe this was one of the reasons Alex loved to suck cock so much.

  “Yes, suck me, harder.”

  Alex followed Chase’s command eagerly, hollowing his cheeks to suck him deeper. Chase’s cock grew larger in his mouth. He used his tongue to tease the ridge around the head until the erection was hard and hot in his mouth.

  Chase reached down and threaded his fingers through Alex’s hair, bringing him closer. Taking his motion as a silent request, Alex opened wide and started to move further down on his dick. Little by little, he took more and more into his mouth, flattening his tongue and running it along the underside of Chase’s cock. He could feel hands tightening in his hair and dragging at him harder.

  “Take your cock out, Alex. Let me see how hard you are.” Chase’s voice was deep and gravelly.

  Giving one last suck, Alex paused for a moment and sat back on his heels. He moved his hands to his waistband. He didn’t even attempt to untie the drawstring. Instead, he pushed the material as far down his hips he could and then tugged his straining erection free.

  Already leaking pre-come, he rubbed his thumb over the bulbous head, spreading the fluid around, then down the length. He closed his hand over the shaft, stroking back and forth, his hips thrusting in time to the movement of his hand.

  “Look at me.”

  He opened his eyes, raising his gaze to stare up into Chase’s eyes. The desire he felt was reflected in his partner’s gaze. Keeping his hold on his own cock, he moved forward to engulf Chase in his mouth once more. His earlier controlled movements were gone, replaced with the desperation he felt to have Chase come in his mouth. His need overrode everything else.

  “Fuck, your mouth…so good.” Chase pumped his hips forward, driving his cock into Alex’s mouth. It was just what he wanted. He loved when his man lost his iron control, when he was as wild for him as Alex was for Chase.

  With one hand he gripped Chase’s thigh, while with the other he continued to stroke his own cock.

  “I’m getting close, baby, so close.”

  It was what he was hoping to hear. He retreated, so only the head of the cock was in his mouth. Alex wanted to taste Chase’s seed as he came. Thankfully, he didn’t have long to wait as Chase’s cock began to power into his mouth as he climaxed. He swallowed the warm viscous fluid, lapping it up as if it was the most delicious thing he ever tasted. And at this moment it was.

  As Chase’s cock softened, Alex released him with a final lick, before settling back on his heels. He jerked his own cock with uneven rough strokes, knowing his release was imminent. His orgasm rushed over him, coming in waves as he powered into his fist. Semen burst forth from his cock, shooting over his hand and onto the floor in front of him.

  He collapsed forward to the floor, one hand supporting him as he continued to tug on his deflating erection.

  Chase reached down and hauled Alex to his feet, capturing his mouth in a harsh soulful kiss. Their groins were pressed close to each other and even though he’d came, he actually felt his cock stirring again. When they finally broke apart they were both breathing heavily.

  “Your mouth was heaven.”

  Alex smiled at the oft heard compliment. “I suppose I need to clean up.” Looking around the kitchen he chuckled. “You know, we really shouldn’t be doing this in here. Every time we do, I feel the need to completely disinfect before we cook the next meal.”

  “You have OCD.” Chase picked up a towel and tossed it to him. Laughing, Alex cleaned himself as best as possible.

  “I know and accept myself for who I am.” Alex adjusted his pajama bottoms and then found the kitchen cleanser.

  “I’ll be right back.” Alex heard Chase leave the room, but he didn’t look up as he scrubbed at the floor, making sure to clean the evidence of their loving. As much as he’d enjoyed the interlude, his mind returned to Jasmine once again. He wondered what she would think about him being on his knees sucking off Chase. Why these thoughts continued to plague him he had no idea.

  He looked up from his position on the floor when Chase returned, noticing immediately his stunned expression. “What?”

  “I know I shouldn’t have, but I checked my email.”


  “We have a message.”

  Chapter Two

  Chase sat in front of his computer, drinking a soda and blindly looking at the screen, but not really seeing anything. They’d received Jasmine’s email last night and he’d spent most of his Saturday morning in his home office, pretending to work, but in truth, mulling over her message. It wasn’t as if he needed to read it to know what it said. He had memorized the words to the point they were burned into his brain.

  Dearest Chase,

  I was happy to hear back from you, and disappointed to discover you had no plans to come to the reunion. I was looking forward to seeing you both again. I’ve missed our friendship very much. Since you’re still in contact with Alex, can you please drop him a line and let him know I’d love to hear from him too? I’ve included all my contact information and can’t wait to hear from you both.



  Yours. If only it we
re true. It was what he’d wanted, once. Of course, he was with Alex now. But if he were honest, he couldn’t help but wonder about the what ifs. What if she’d accepted his date back in high school? What if she hadn’t married Howie?

  The truth of the matter was, he couldn’t change the past and he wouldn’t want to. Every experience he had made him the man he was today. And he wouldn’t change having Alex as his for anything.

  Thinking of his lover, he forwarded the message to Alex, allowing the other man to make his own decision about what he wanted to do in regards to contacting Jasmine. As for him, he planned to find out what Jasmine had been doing the last ten years.

  Chase clicked on the instant messaging program and added Jasmine as a friend. There was a little text box where he could send a message to her and he typed in “Hi, it’s Chase.” He felt a little ridiculous, but it wasn’t as if she’d automatically recognize his IM name. He popped open the top of his soda can and took a sip as the computer dinged at him. Somehow he wasn’t surprised when he received notice she had accepted his request.

  JazzyGirl: Chase? Is it really you?

  Evilnbored: No, I’m some random Internet guy who’s cruising you.

  JazzyGirl: LOL. I see some things never change.

  Chase smiled. He hadn’t thought it would be possible to pick right up where they left off ten years ago, but boy, was he happy he was wrong.

  Evilnbored: I guess not. What have you been doing for the last ten years?

  JazzyGirl: So much. I’ll Cliff Note it for you. I earned my associates degree and then my bachelor’s in journalism. Married Howie the summer after I graduated from college then divorced him two years later. I’m working as the senior copy editor at The Middlebrook News.

  Evilnbored: Wow, short and to the point.

  JazzyGirl: LOL. I said Cliff Note it. What about you?

  Evilnbored: Me? I’m the marketing director for a solar panel manufacturing firm.

  JazzyGirl: How very green of you, LOL.

  Evilnbored: It was actually the first place to offer me a job straight from college and I jumped on it. It was lucky happenstance it turned out to be my dream job.


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