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Coming Full Circle

Page 3

by Liz Andrews

  JazzyGirl: Dream job? Do tell.

  Evilnbored: I have the opportunity to travel and I’m paid to be as creative as I want to be.

  JazzyGirl: Sounds as if you have the whole career thing wrapped up in a neat little bow.

  Evilnbored: I guess maybe I do.

  JazzyGirl: And are you married with a minivan and two point five kids?

  He hadn’t meant to be deliberately evasive, but now, since she’d come right out and asked the question, there would be no more secrets.

  Evilnbored: No. It’s not legal here yet.

  He watched the cursor blinking, but the computer didn’t indicate she was typing and he wondered what she was thinking. When he was about to type back to ask if she was still there, he noticed she’d begun to type.

  JazzyGirl: I don’t want to be presumptuous, but does this mean what I think it means? Are you gay?

  Evilnbored: Close, bi-sexual, but I’ve been in a monogamous long-term relationship with a man for the last seven years.

  JazzyGirl: Congrats. I give you a lot of credit. Howie and I couldn’t make it last that long.

  And there it was. She didn’t condemn or act shocked, only congratulated him and moved on. Even though he’d told Alex she wasn’t prejudiced, Chase was slightly apprehensive about her reaction.

  Evilnbored: Too bad. What happened?

  JazzyGirl: Let’s say missionary position gets old after two years.

  Chase almost spit his soda onto the keyboard as he read. It seemed she hadn’t lost her biting sense of humor.

  Evilnbored: Alrighty then, I guess I don’t feel too bad after all.

  JazzyGirl: LOL. Since you and Alex kept in contact, I assume he knows your partner.

  Evilnbored: Alex is my partner.

  He didn’t have to wait as long for her response this time. In fact, he could almost imagine her screaming through the computer.

  JazzyGirl: OMG, OMG, OMG. I had no idea. Were the two of you together in high school?

  Evilnbored: No, not at all. We’ve only been partners since our senior year in college. Back in high school…I never admitted to myself I liked guys as well as I did girls, although I had some inkling. And Alex…I’ll let him tell you his story.

  JazzyGirl: I can’t believe you guys never told me. I feel left out.

  Her words sounded so much like the old Jasmine he really did laugh out loud.

  Evilnbored: Sorry?

  JazzyGirl: Unacceptable. I need to be completely caught up on all the news that’s fit to print. And all the other stuff too.

  Evilnbored: Um, okay, what do you want to know exactly?

  JazzyGirl: Hehehe, oh, you don’t know it, but you gave me the keys to the castle.

  Evilnbored: Should I be scared?

  JazzyGirl: I’m not the evil one, LOL.

  Evilnbored: Oh boy. Ask away before I regret offering to tell you anything.

  JazzyGirl: You can’t see me right now, but I’m rubbing my hands gleefully.

  It wasn’t until she said it he realized he could see her, if she had a video cam. He and Alex each had one as part of their computer. While he was thinking about what it would be like to finally see Jasmine again, she started to type once more.

  JazzyGirl: You said something about liking guys and girls in high school. What did you mean?

  Chase sighed heavily. This was something he hadn’t talked much about to anyone except Alex. He must have taken too long to answer, because she began to type again.

  JazzyGirl: Was that too much to ask as the first question?

  Evilnbored: No, not at all. I was trying to figure out how to explain it. I was attracted to girls, but I was intrigued by guys too. The thing is, in high school it wasn’t something I was ready to admit to.

  JazzyGirl: I can certainly understand what you’re saying. Middlebrook wasn’t exactly the most liberal and open high school in the world.

  Understatement of the century. It was one of the reasons he and Alex really had no desire to return. The town and high school had both been very conservative and wouldn’t have accepted the quarterback and class president having a relationship.

  Evilnbored: Exactly. But in college I had the opportunity to explore other possibilities. And even though I still liked women, I realized I had an attraction to men I couldn’t ignore.

  JazzyGirl: Okay, I know this probably will sound crazy or perverted, but…

  Evilnbored: You can’t stop typing there. I want to hear what you think is perverted.

  JazzyGirl: You know how a lot of guys enjoy seeing two women together? For me, it’s the idea of two guys together.

  Chase sat back in his chair, somewhat surprised. He was definitely seeing a whole new side to her during this conversation.

  JazzyGirl: Okay, I’m worried. You haven’t said anything. Am I a total freak?

  Evilnbored: Total? Hmm, I’m not sure. I think I need to know more about your freakiness before I can make a determination on your freakiness.

  JazzyGirl: I wish I had more time, but I actually have plans with a friend of mine and need to get ready.

  Chase was suddenly disappointed as he realized how much fun he was having reconnecting and bantering back and forth with her.

  Evilnbored: Damn, reaching the good part and now you’re ready to cut and run.

  JazzyGirl: I’m sorry. I’ve been having the best time chatting.

  Evilnbored: Me too.

  JazzyGirl: God, I hate having to go right now. Maybe I can call my friend and—

  Evilnbored: No, go make yourself pretty and have a good time. I’ll catch up with you the next time I see you online.

  JazzyGirl: Are you sure?

  Evilnbored: Of course I am. We have your contact information now. You’ll be hearing from both Alex and I a lot.

  JazzyGirl: Good, I’m looking forward to it. TTYL.

  Chase clicked off the IM program and sat back in his chair. He hadn’t known what to expect from Jasmine, but it had gone better than expected. And he was anticipating their next conversation as much as she was.

  Three days later Jasmine was sitting in front of her computer. This time she had Stephanie sitting and staring over her shoulder. If the situation were reversed she’d be getting an earful right now, since Stephanie couldn’t stand to have someone peering over her shoulder. She had no reservations about subjecting others to her intense scrutiny, however.

  Jasmine turned her head slightly. “Must you hover?”

  “Yes, I must. Now send him a message.”

  “You can see as well as I can he’s not on. You can see his name is greyed out.”

  Stephanie scrunched her nose. “And you know he could be playing at being invisible and hiding from the world. Very cool name, by the way.”

  Before Jasmine could comment, her computer dinged as a friend signed in. And it wasn’t any friend either. It was Alex. She’d added him right after Chase sent her the information, but this was the first time she’d seen him online.

  “Is that…”


  “Damn, these guys are creative with their names, aren’t they?”

  Not2clevr: Hi Jasmine, do you have some time to chat?

  “Tell him yes.” Stephanie pushed her arm, as if she didn’t know how to type.

  “I am already, geez.” Jasmine jerked her arm away and began to type.

  JazzyGirl: Hi Alex. Yes, I have some time. I have to say though, I disagree with your IM name. Only someone clever could have thought of it.

  Not2clevr: Ahh, but you’re assuming I came up with the name.

  JazzyGirl: Didn’t you?

  Not2clevr: LOL. Yes, but you did assume.

  That was so Alex, the boy she remembered at least, she had to smile. He was always the type to insist he was right, making her admit to even the smallest concession.

  JazzyGirl: Wow, you haven’t changed much, huh? Still can’t let a girl escape with even a little assumption.

  Not2clevr: Oh, I think I’ve changed a whole lot.
  “He ain’t never lied. I mean the man is gay now, right?” Stephanie’s observation had Jasmine rolling her eyes. “Do you think he’s getting or giving?”

  “I don’t know and I am not going to ask him.”

  Not2clevr: Did I scare you off?

  Jasmine shot Stephanie a dirty look, then turned back to the computer screen.

  JazzyGirl: No, sorry, I was distracted by something else, but I’m here. As far as you changing, I guess you’ll have to tell me more.

  Not2clevr: LOL, it’s kind of a long story.

  JazzyGirl: What are you doing right now? Career-wise.

  Not2clevr: Oh, easy one. I’m a physical therapist.

  Stephanie whooped as she read over Jasmine’s shoulder. “A professional. Damn. Why the hell does he have to be gay?”

  “If you can’t control yourself—”

  “Okay, okay. Type already.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  JazzyGirl: Ha, see, I knew you were smart. Getting into a physical therapy program is very difficult.

  Not2clevr: Staying in it even more so. When I injured my knee in college I knew I’d never play professionally.

  JazzyGirl: What? I had no idea you were hurt. When did it happen?

  Not2clevr: My senior year, the final game of the season. I had to have arthroscopic surgery and months of physical therapy. Even though I was never going to be a professional athlete, I suddenly realized I could be involved in sports medicine and help people at the same time. It became my calling.

  “Aww, he’s like a humanitarian.”

  “He always was a good guy. Alex wasn’t the stereotypical dumb jock who tried to pick on the weak nerdy kids.”

  If he was that type, he never would have been her friend. Instead, he used to go out of his way to be kind to everyone. It was one of the reasons she liked him as much as she did. And one of the reasons she turned him down when he asked her out. She wasn’t sure if he was doing it because he was being a nice guy or because he really liked her and she was too chicken to find out.

  JazzyGirl: Sounds as if you have the perfect job.

  Not2clevr: Oh, hell no. I have to deal with people I don’t like all the time. But I do enjoy working with my patients for the most part. Which is why I wouldn’t do anything else.

  “Are you going to ask him how and when he turned gay?” Stephanie was leaning forward in her chair again until Jasmine gave her the side eye, making the other woman frown as she settled back in her seat.

  “Absolutely not. Will you chill out already? Besides, Chase said they were bisexual.”

  “What? You never said anything.”

  “I thought I did.”

  “No, you did not. I would have remembered that detail. It changes everything.”

  Jasmine shook her head in confusion. “How the hell does it change everything?”

  Speaking to her as if she were a child Stephanie explained. “Because, bisexual means they like sex with women and men.”

  “I’m not an idiot, you know.”

  Her friend continued to talk as if she hadn’t said a word. “Which means you still have a chance with one or both of them.”

  Before Jasmine could respond the computer dinged with a question from Alex.

  Not2clevr: What about you? Chase said you’re working at Middlebrook News.

  JazzyGirl: Yeah, I do enjoy it, although I’ve thought about doing something different.

  “Different, what different?” Stephanie asked. “What are you talking about?”

  “Urgh, you’re driving me crazy. I can’t talk to you both at the same time.”

  “Fine. I’m out of here. Call me later though, okay? I want to hear everything.”

  Jasmine nodded as she heard Stephanie leaving. She felt a little bit bad about ignoring her friend, but the here and now was about Alex.

  Not2clevr: Really, tell me more.

  JazzyGirl: I think online is the future of media. I’d love to do freelance work, especially for some e-zines.

  Not2clevr: It’s a great goal.

  JazzyGirl: I haven’t done much to make it happen yet.

  Not2clevr: Sounds as if I’m going to have to push you.

  She liked the sound of that. This was the first time they had talked in almost ten years, yet it seemed almost as if he never was out of her life.

  JazzyGirl: If you can help motivate me, I’m all for it.

  Not2clevr: I’m the man for the job. You better not complain when I start to bug the crap out of you.

  JazzyGirl: Me, complain? Never.

  Not2clevr: From what I hear, you aren’t the quiet little innocent thing you used to be in high school.

  Jasmine wasn’t sure she liked what he was inferring. She had said a few embarrassing things during her conversation with Chase. She’d felt very comfortable and hadn’t thought about what she was saying until after the fact.

  JazzyGirl: What the heck did he tell you?

  Not2clevr: LOL, you sound worried. Didn’t you realize he’d tell me everything you guys talked about?

  JazzyGirl: I guess I hadn’t thought about it, but I shouldn’t be surprised. You two were best friends and shared everything before. I’m sure it’s even true now.

  Not2clevr: Since we’re lovers, you mean.

  Nothing like putting it out there.

  JazzyGirl: Yeah, actually. That’s exactly what I mean.

  Not2clevr: I’m kind of surprised you haven’t asked me more questions about our relationship.

  JazzyGirl: It’s not as if I’m not curious, because believe you me, I am. But I’m trying to be polite and considerate. After talking with Chase I thought maybe I had gone a little overboard.

  Not2clevr: No need to worry, he wasn’t offended, and neither am I. You can ask me anything. I mean, we used to talk about everything before.

  JazzyGirl: We were kids. We really didn’t have much to share back then, except who dissed us in science class.

  Not2clevr: So true.

  JazzyGirl: I don’t know, I feel a little like some crazy pervert asking you questions.

  Not2clevr: Crazy pervert, huh? What are these questions, weirdo?

  The loving insult. An Alex staple she’d forgotten about.

  JazzyGirl: I guess I’m wondering when you knew you liked guys.

  Not2clevr: I don’t think it’s perverted. Although my answer may seem a little boring. The thing is, I’ve never liked guys. It’s always been Chase and no one else. And I never realized it until college. I know he told you that’s when he started to experiment with dating men.

  JazzyGirl: Yeah, he mentioned it.

  Not2clevr: He kept it quiet at first, kind of hid it from me. I found out by accident when I came home one night and found him with another guy. The thing is, I wasn’t disgusted by it at all. I actually stood there and watched, fascinated by what I was seeing, even though I felt as if I shouldn’t.

  Jasmine could almost imagine the scene and had to wonder if she wouldn’t have felt the same way, watching a guy like Chase with some other man. It made her moist to think about it.

  JazzyGirl: It turned you on?

  Not2clevr: Yeah, although I wasn’t ready to admit it. I told Chase he was my friend and whatever he did was okay with me. But it really wasn’t.

  JazzyGirl: What do you mean?

  Not2clevr: I was jealous. When I saw him with other guys, I wanted it to be me. And it freaked me out. In reaction I started dating every woman I could, sleeping around and acting stupid, all in some lame attempt to push away what I thought was an unnatural attraction to my best friend.

  Jasmine knew exactly how he’d felt since she’d basically been in the same situation. In high school she was attracted to both her friends. But good girls didn’t want to date two guys at once, let alone ones they were supposed to be friends with. She’d pushed those feelings deep and begun to date Howie, like a good girl should. And of course, it turned into a disaster.

  JazzyGirl: What happened to change things?

/>   Not2clevr: It was after I was injured. I was home feeling sorry for myself and Chase came home with some new guy. I was totally rude and he sent the guy home and we had a big fight. He confronted me about my attitude and in the midst of our argument, all my feelings came pouring out.

  JazzyGirl: Oh wow.

  She really had no other words. The thought of Alex and Chase fighting was foreign to her.

  Not2clevr: Yeah, needless to say, one thing led to another and when the weekend was over we were lovers. It still took me a while to come to grips with the whole idea I was bisexual, but thankfully I’ve always had Chase there with me.

  JazzyGirl: I do have one more question, if I haven’t bugged you enough.

  Not2clevr: Shoot.

  Stephanie’s discussion about their bisexuality started her thinking and she couldn’t help but wonder how women fit into their relationship.

  JazzyGirl: You and Chase are both really big about clarifying you’re bisexual. But if I understood him correctly, you’ve been together for the last seven years. How do the two concepts work together exactly?

  Not2clevr: LOL. I still see glimpses of the innocent girl I knew.

  JazzyGirl: I’m not innocent, believe me. I’ve been married and divorced, for God’s sake.

  Not2clevr: Yeah, but according to what you told Chase, it was the most vanilla marriage in the world.

  Okay, she’d told Chase way too much.

  JazzyGirl: Fine. I’m Little Miss Innocent. Now answer the question.

  Not2clevr: Yes, we’re in a committed relationship. It still doesn’t negate the fact we’re both attracted to women. We haven’t ever done anything about it though.

  JazzyGirl: Okay, I guess I can understand.

  She typed the words, but she wasn’t sure she believed them herself. It was hard for her to wrap her mind around the idea they were basically gay for seven years, but could still consider themselves bisexual. Maybe she was the good girl he accused her of being.

  Not2clevr: Damn, phone’s ringing. Can you hold for a second?

  JazzyGirl: Sure.

  Jasmine waited a few minutes before nature reared its ugly head and forced her to make a quick run to the bathroom. By the time she returned there was a message on the screen from Alex.


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