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The Virgin Widow

Page 3

by Lillith Payne

  "Good night, Countess. I'll be up in a little while, Duke; I want to talk with DeVore about the morning details."

  There was little he could say, so he said nothing, continuing towards the south corridor with the countess beside him, chattering at nothing and making his head ache more.

  "This castle ran smoothly before she arrived. What could she possibly think she could better? Imagine, the nerve of the chit assuming duties that aren't hers."

  Zane halted and stared her down. “Fiona, Serena is now my wife and mistress of this castle and keep. I think it best you remember that."

  Affronted by his words, she stammered, but didn't answer verbally. Instead, he saw the slant of her blue eyes and knew she was deciding how to undermine Serena. And the Duke of Trahorn suddenly didn't like the idea of anyone, especially Fiona, trying to make a joke of his new bride.

  He saw her to her door and refused her invitation for a drink. He pushed away from her door frame after much wrangling and untangling from Fiona's arms and moved towards his own room.

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  Chapter Four

  It didn't take long for Serena to undress and pull on a linen gown, all but storming down the corridor as she pulled on her wrapper. Her hair was down and flowed along her back in soft waves. While she'd expected this wedding night to be awkward, she hadn't expected to be attracted to the duke, to feel the pull of want he created inside her. What she wanted was him to sooth her ache, knowing once he did, her soul would lay bare. If he were a true gentleman, they might stand a chance together. And if that was to happen, she had to assume the duties of duchess and rid the keep of Zane's mistress.

  Two voices came from the chamber, one male and one female. With one deep breath she rapped on the duke's door only once before entering the unlocked chamber from the hall. To her surprise and yet not, she found the countess in her nightclothes, sprawled across Zane's massive bed. Thankfully, he stood before the fire, another cup in his hand. She heard Fiona's voice tell the intruder to ‘go away’ but didn't.

  "I told you to get out.” Fiona rose on her elbow and set her eyes squarely on Serena. Even in the softer lighting she could see the countess was hard edged and not aging well.

  "Countess, I've come to speak with my husband. If you'll excuse us...” Anyone with any sense would have recognized the tone in Serena's voice, a warning the other woman wasn't perceptive enough to acknowledge.

  "No, I won't. Let's settle this now. You are merely window dressing for the county folk and servants. I run this castle and will not be undermined by the likes of you. I was assured by William that you would be complacent."

  "William! I didn't know you knew my half-brother. Might I enquire how you met?"

  "At court, of course.” Her quick answer was prepared in advance and all three in the chamber knew it.

  "And you felt it your business to discuss my marriage to the duke with him? I find that quite odd, especially since you are the Countess Huxley, are you not? What could you have to say in the matter?” Serena looked to Zane, who was holding back a smile, the first she'd witnessed since her arrival.

  "I was merely making sure my lifelong friend was not making a deal that would be detrimental to him."

  "Are you sure, or were you hoping I might bring the same misfortune to his castle that came with my first two marriages? Is Cousin Derek associated with William also?” Serena planted her feet and her hands on her hips and stared at the countess.

  "Anyone who is invited to court knows everyone. If you'd had better manners or lineage, you might have found out for yourself. Instead, you're the black sheep half-sister William's had to look after for years now."

  "Actually, you're wrong, Countess, but I won't belabor the point now. Instead, I wish for you to leave the duke and me alone for the rest of the night."

  Fiona laughed outright before finally sliding to her feet, watching both Zane and Serena. She moved to a doorway between chambers and opened it, but hesitated.

  "You'd better educate your bride about the way this keep is run, Zane, my darling. I'll not take any more of her snide remarks.” She closed the door firmly behind her and it took several seconds before Serena or Zane moved.

  She watched him closely. Out of his formal dress, he wore simple trousers with a dressing gown over them, a silk wrap at his throat. His left arm was unbound but his hand was in the pocket of his dressing gown, his left eye was still covered.

  * * * *

  Zane was interested in finding out just how his new wife would handle Fiona. If she lost this battle, Fiona would rule over her forever. He hoped Serena would prevail.

  He watched his new wife process the information she'd been given and knew she was most likely about to start yelling at him. Taking the defensive, he told her to do just that.

  "Go ahead, Serena; I've already learned you're about to burst, so let it out.” If he hadn't had to hold back a laugh, it might have carried more weight. Her answer wasn't what he expected.

  "I have no wish to yell at you, Duke. Especially tonight. Rather, I feel a quiet conversation would be to both our benefit."

  A rational Serena he was not prepared for. Instead, she did something that totally confused him. Slowly, she walked towards him, stopping only inches away from his chest, watching him intently. He felt his body start to betray him as his blood started to fill his lower quarters. When he said nothing, Serena tipped up on her toes and kissed his lips lightly. When he made no move, she did it a second time before stepping back.

  "I believe, sir, that we should settle some things between us."

  "It might be best,” he started, but stopped when her hand reached towards his eye patch. He reluctantly let her pull it off. What she did next astounded him. Instead of being horrified by the slack muscles, she leaned up and placed a light kiss over his closed eyelid. He was taken aback, and she didn't move when he wrapped his right arm around her waist and pulled her up along the length of him, leaving no doubt as to his desire for her.

  Serena squirmed against him; Zane felt himself harden. Brown eyes watched brown, and silence between them became heady. Serena's hands wound up along his chest, finding rest behind his head, her fingers absently running through his hair.

  Zane had to stop this; bedding her wasn't his intention. But she refused to be stared down, refused to be intimidated so he dropped his head, hovering just over hers, waiting for her to pull away. When she didn't, he dropped his mouth to hers and was surprised at the untutored kiss he received back.

  Expecting Serena, who was now married to her fourth husband, to know how to kiss was a given, except she didn't, or wasn't letting on that she did. She made several attempts to follow his lead, letting her lips fall open to his prompting, accepting his tongue with a strangled groan. He kissed her harder, fuller and kept expecting her to let loose, yet she held back.

  The Duke of Trahorn pulled back and studied her, muttering, “What the hell!” He dropped his mouth over hers a second time. Serena accepted his advances, gently letting the tip of her tongue glance at his lips, to touch the tip of his, allowing him to suck it deeply into his heat. She didn't hold back the whimper that stuck in her throat and pulled him closer as his attentions obviously heated her further.

  His arm slipped down, his fingers cupping her lower cheeks, pulling her against the hardness she created. Serena moved with him, her fingers testing the power of his shoulders, feeling the strength of his back. Zane let out a strangled groan and pulled away, his lungs seeking air while he watched his bride openly, silently questioning her.

  She pleaded with her eyes, and he knew not to ask aloud. Serena reached up and kissed him squarely on the lips, her tongue now ready to take charge as her body melted further against his. He held her tight as they began to banter for control of the kiss.

  Had there not been a noise from the chamber next door, they might have stayed that way. She pulled back and suddenly moved to the connecting door, opening it abruptly, too quick for Fiona to regain
her balance. The spying woman slipped and grabbed for the door as balance, giving away her position and intentions.

  "Countess, did you want something?” Serena asked in a calm voice. Zane knew it was too calm. “I believe we've already said goodnight.” Steadily, she closed the door in the other woman's face, dropping the bar loudly into position, locking it tight. She drew several breaths before turning to Zane.

  "May we go to my chamber, perhaps, for some privacy?"

  "No, she'll not bother us again. You've made sure of that.” He laughed aloud for the first time and Serena was pleased. Dropping her weight onto the bed, she slid across the center, asking her husband which side he preferred. When he told her he had a headache and it would be best for them to get some rest, she hesitated, raising up and off the softness.

  "I thought the bride was supposed to have the headache?” While she said her words clearly, she'd forgotten he was listening. She was so used to being alone with her thoughts, she often spoke aloud, knowing nobody would hear her. His strange look told her otherwise.

  "Is she your mistress?” The soft brown eyes that reminded him of hot chocolate turned cold and hard. “I deserve an answer, a truthful one."

  "Fiona and I were once lovers, but that ended years ago. Now she's just a friend."

  "And as the saying goes, with friends like her, you've no need for enemies."

  "She doesn't know how to deal with you, Serena. She's always just ... well, she helped run the place for years. You can't blame her..."

  She moved quickly, too quickly for his liking, as she all but had him pinned against the hearth.

  "Why did you marry me?"

  "Because I needed a wife."

  "Why not Fiona, then?” She refused to back down and Zane realized the best way to handle Serena would be with the truth.

  "Because of my accident. We were engaged, but after, when my injuries were found to be permanent, I released her. I didn't want her marrying me out of pity.” This time he held Serena's look and knew she was trying to figure out the rest of the situation. “It was my choice, Serena. I knew the style of life she wanted to lead, what she deserved to have, and wouldn't because of me. I bear her no ill feelings, but rather was relieved when she and Earl Huxley made their arrangements."

  "Yet you've let her run your keep all this time. How long ago was your accident and what happened?"

  "Four years ago and the accident doesn't matter. It happened. I was told you were informed of my limitations and didn't seem to mind."

  "I don't mind, only I'm curious what happened, mainly because it turned you into the man you are today.” After a long pause between them she whispered her thought aloud. “Did you think marrying me would end your life and your suffering?"

  "It did cross my mind,” he said, waiting for her to turn on him, but she surprised him by laughing. “I have a good life here with many responsibilities. Take me as I am, Serena. You'll get no more from me, I won't change or heal."

  "Will you someday tell me what happened?"


  "Then I'll drop the subject for now, only know I feel it's relevant information for me to know. Everyone I meet will most likely know what happened or a version of it. It would sound foolish if I'm not informed."

  "I suppose from that point, but not tonight, my head has finally stopped aching."

  "I'm glad to hear that. Does it ache during times of stress?” This time he laughed and somehow felt his life might have taken a turn for the better, or at least more stable.

  "Why me? I'm sure there were other women aching to become the Duchess of Trahorn. Why me, from so far away?"

  "I would ask why you agreed to the bond?"

  "I didn't have a choice, I wasn't asked, I was told!” Her mouth was only inches from his face but he knew she wouldn't kiss him, not now, not when she was finally gearing up to lose her temper. It had struck him back in the study earlier, he liked her spirit. She hadn't backed down when he grumbled, and she hadn't let Fiona run her ragged. She'd been careful with her words in front of company, but now—alone—he was sure she was ready to burst. Her words confused him.

  "What do you mean, you were told? I sent several missives with the arrangements I had in mind and you agreed."

  "No. I never saw any letter or note. I was told I was going to marry you two weeks ago by William. He said I had no choice, for he'd already taken control of the home and land Orson arranged for me. He took the pension and my horses. I was given no choice, sir. I was told to marry you or find myself on the streets of Sheffield, a pauper."

  "But your brother..."

  "My half-brother, my younger half-brother, whose mother was my mother's maid. She passed when I was five, although nobody really knew why. She simply went to sleep one evening and never woke.” Zane Trahorn watched her pull several deep breaths before turning away from his sight. “My father married just weeks later and William was born six months after that.” Her shoulder's dropped for only a second before she pulled herself up to full height. “His second wife, Lily, had been my mother's maid."

  "And then?” He was confused; he had thought the girl was willing, wanting even to escape her past and the court gossip. Now he wasn't so sure. “What happened than, Serena?"

  A thought crossed his mind that her mother might have been done away with if her maid was already pregnant. It was something to look into quietly, but not now. Too much was happening to ask Serena if she thought her step-mother had murdered her mother. If she hadn't, he didn't want to plant the idea inside her to worry over. What good would it do now? Her father was dead and certainly her step-mother would never reveal any wrongdoing. No, he decided; best to be informed before he spoke with her.

  "When I turned seventeen I was betrothed to Ellis Grayson. We were young and in love and had high hopes...” Finally she turned back. “William was twelve at the time and already had an angry soul. Too much gossip among the servants about his early birth. As far back as I can remember, he was always a dark being. When Ellis died, my father quickly made arrangements with Lyndell. He was older and had land to settle on. I wasn't asked then, rather told the wedding would happen. We met only twice before and in all honesty, while it isn't christianly to say, let alone think, I can only say the gods were with me that night. Spending my life with Lord Hutton would have been a mirror of my father's life, only in reverse. He was cold and domineering, used to having his ranks follow orders and not ask questions. I was supposed to also."

  "So his fall didn't..."

  "I felt I was given a reprieve. At the time, I had hoped Father would let me alone for a while, to mourn. I even volunteered to go to the convent, but he wouldn't hear of it, or rather William's mother wouldn't. She didn't want to be associated with a daughter who's gone to convent rather than marry and produce heirs. Even if I was just a step-child."

  "How long was it before your marriage to Tamson?"

  "A mere year later. Orson and I arranged we'd take two years to produce a child, or he would have full reason to divorce me. At the time, he was the lesser of the evils in my life. He was kind and never..."

  "Never what, Serena?” He'd moved closer to her before she could move away, his right hand moving to her shoulder, slowly turning her. “He never what?"

  "He never hit me,” she whispered, choking back the tears that threatened to spill forward.

  "And who did?” Serena tried to pull away but his fingers held tight and reluctantly she answered.

  "At first my father, but only when I'd done something to displease his wife."

  "His second wife, William's mother, not yours."


  "Who else? William? Your step-mother?"

  "It doesn't matter, really. It was all years ago. I expect the more important question is whether you'll strike me, too?” This time she stood tall, openly daring him.

  "I'm not known for striking women, Serena. Have not been provoked ... yet."

  Serena laughed at him and moved from his grasp. “But you'
re expecting me to do just that, one way or another."

  "I've no longer a clue as to what to expect from you. I was under the impression you were in agreement to the arrangement and my physical limitations wouldn't be offensive to you.” This time he stood tall, waiting for her to respond.

  "Your limitations? I knew nothing of them or you. Only that I had no choice."

  "Would you prefer another, Serena? We can annul this marriage; nothing's made that impossible so far."

  "Only your reputation, sir. No, to annul this marriage would only harm you in the long run."

  "And what about you?"

  "I'd prefer not to be physically abused by my husband. I came here with good intentions of trying to be a wife you would be proud of. It seems I've failed at that already. Your mistress has made that quite clear."

  "I told you, she's not my mistress. Just a friend, and she'll come to accept you with time. Fiona is just used to getting her way."

  "Well, she's not going to like me at all then!"

  Dead air hung around them for several seconds before he started to smile and Serena followed his lead. “I do not wish to bring anger into your household, sir, but I will not abide by your mistress ruling your castle or your heart while I am your wife."

  "She rules neither, Serena. I've just never bothered to confront her."

  "Well, you better be prepared for me to confront her on several fronts, starting tomorrow."

  "Just go slow, until you know her better. She's not all bad once you get to know her."

  "Don't be naive, Zane. She's in love with you, and I stand beside you now. She's lost her place here and doesn't like it."

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  Chapter Five

  "But it was her idea to take a wife to run the castle..."

  "Yes, a quiet wife, who wouldn't make a fuss if she wanted to sample the duke's affections.” They both watched the fire dwindling, and Serena moved to drop several more logs on top of the embers.

  "We have servants to do that."


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