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The Virgin Widow

Page 4

by Lillith Payne

  "You'd wake them to feed the fire, tonight of all nights. You'd let them know we've nearly met the rise of the sun and have yet to..."

  He knew not to touch her, legal wife or not, yet she got to him on a core level. Beyond pretty, she was smart and seemed sincere. Actually for him, she seemed a good match. With time, they might find a rhythm good for them both. But now, this very moment was about lust, pure and simple. She was his wife and his cock had been hard since he had first laid eyes on her. Now it throbbed under his trousers, pulsing for relief.

  He had full rights, and she didn't seem to be shying from him now. Rather she'd come to him and thrown his believed mistress from their chamber and her rightful place. It had been Serena who had moved into his arms earlier.

  Four times a bride, she should know her wants and it looked to Zane like Serena wanted him. If he took her invitation, he knew he'd make her his and then keep her. Serena wasn't a woman one used and tossed away.

  "Yet to what?” His lips tilted into a smile and he took a step towards her. As he did, she took one back; ultimately, after several paces, her legs hit the foot of his bed. Zane watched as she composed herself, standing tall, her shoulders squared, ready for any assault.

  He touched her only with his lips. Over and over again until Serena lifted her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, her newly tutored lips taking his under hers, her tongue slipping out to trace the contour of his. A groan worked its way up his chest and through this throat.

  "Serena,” he managed to utter, but she pulled him tighter. Her hand reached for his right hand and placed it over her breast. For one brief second he froze, letting his fingers cup her, pull against her taught nipple. It budded at his touch and he knew he had no restraint. In the firelight, she was beautiful. A bit mouthy for his taste, but she had a spirit inside her that he had to admire.

  "Serena, my accident..."

  "Tell me about it tomorrow, Zane. Tonight..."

  While she didn't verbalize what she wanted, she let her hand drop between them, to cup his erection. She held him tight when he pulled the belt of her wrapper, moving back to drop it off her shoulders. The linen gown hid nothing in the low light; her silhouette showed her long, lean body. He looked at how her high breasts slimmed to a small waist and filled to full hips. Her legs were long and lean, muscled. Definitely she'd been a horsewoman, he thought, not stopping the urge to run his hand along her thigh, to feel the muscles tighten under his fingers.

  Zane dropped his mouth, drawing a line of feathery kisses along her chin and collarbone. He felt the shudder work through her, exciting him further. He took her slim hand and placed it over his erection, moving it slowly back and forth. She understood and took his direction while he nudged her gown off her shoulder with his teeth, baring her skin to his heated mouth. Wherever he kissed her became heated. She didn't pull back when he tugged her gown, baring her breasts to his gaze. He took a step back and stared in a strange kind of awe at his bride, and her skin turned red under his gaze.

  * * * *

  These were truly odd feelings she'd only known long ago when she'd been engaged for the first time and truly in love. She felt a flush creep up her neck and heat her cheeks. But Fiona's scent filled the room, clawing at her, reminding her she'd been there first. She didn't completely understand her overwhelming need for this complete stranger's affections, nor what she felt for him. Even if they were now married, certainly there should be a period of adjustment. Instead, she felt like she'd found an old friend she hadn't known existed. Serena knew there would be repercussions, there always were in her world. But for a few hours, she wanted to believe she was his wife, a wanted wife, and she ached to please him. Her shaking fingers pulled the tie at her throat, the neckline of her gown spreading open on her shoulders.

  Serena pulled the belt of his dressing gown and pushed if off his shoulders, baring his chest to her touch. As she pulled the silk neckcloth, she noticed a small shiver run through him; his penis throbbed in her hand. She became enamored of his skin, the smell and feel of it, how small dark curls covered his chest and wound down towards what she was still stroking.

  In a moment of complete confidence, she dropped her mouth to his shoulder and copied his movements, leaving a trail of light kisses in her wake, feeling him respond in her hand. When her lips found his nipple, he tensed. She pulled away quickly only to see a strange smile on his face.

  "Don't stop, Serena...” he managed in a low stretch of words.

  She didn't, she let her mind go free and accepted his touch, giving what came naturally. He moved his right arm around her waist and lifted her until his mouth covered one raspberry peak, then the other. Back and forth he continued and she never let go of him, her arm still stretching to keep hold of his erection, still stroking him as he laved against her. Her strangled groan of submission made him stop, raising his head to watch as she shuddered against him, not caring he saw her body react to his touch.

  Serena wanted to know what it felt like to be touched by him and didn't stop when she became embarrassed. She decided to take what he offered and worry about it in the morning. When his fingers dropped to her lower curls, she felt her body voluntarily push against him, felt him slip along her lower lips. Somehow she understood her moistness was an advantage and didn't shy away when he probed at her. His groan made her feel she was doing something right. He entered her, slowly at first, then all at once, a feeling Serena had never experienced. Her body took a strange flight from normalcy, tightening around his finger. She dared not look at him; being so bold would probably count against her later, but she didn't care.

  Zane felt her contract around his finger, felt her moisten further and he lost all restraint. In one impulsive move, he pushed her back onto the bed and dropped over her, his mouth suckling her breast while he continued to tease her.

  Zane was always in control, at least he had been. Since his accident he'd made sure to always take charge; tonight with Serena he was set aloft. Instead of backing off as he knew he should, he pulled the rest of her gown from her hips, letting it drop to the floor at her feet. He lowered his head back to her breast as his hand stroked her flat stomach, felt the bone of her hip and the swell of her thigh. All the while she still held him, some strokes light, others harder, matching what he was doing.

  Her strangled whispers of his name made him pull away, dropping his trousers and slipping between her legs.

  "I thought to take this slow, Serena, but you move me past my limit...” With one push forward, her legs fell aside and he glided his throbbing penis into her warmth. His mouth dropped over hers when he pushed fully in her, stunned by the barrier he'd forced away, thankful his mouth covered her scream. He lay still above her and inside her, leaning back slightly to look at her.

  "Please...” was all she managed to gasp while he felt her inner muscle tone stroke him inward, pull him further inside her body.

  "Damn it, Serena,” he managed before he let himself get lost in the push and pull of their bodies. He emptied deeply inside her as soon as an inner strength grabbed at him with a new fervor. He'd known he was working her up a cliff she had never fallen from before. Somehow, this was different than any other maid he'd had before. In a last effort, he managed to hold her tight, to whisper he'd take care of her, to let herself fall.

  Serena's eyes fluttered open for only a second, full of trust and promise just before she fell into the abyss. Zane went with her, feeling something he'd never felt before; he was content. For the first time in his life he knew what it felt like when it was right between a man and a woman. Their bodies were covered in a thin layer of sweat and he felt her heartbeat against his chest as rapidly as his. For long moments neither moved.

  Finally, he shifted his weight onto his right forearm and gazed down at her. “Something you forgot to tell me, Serena?” He felt her tense under him, around him and smiled at her before kissing her fully on the mouth. Only then did she relax under him.

  "Nothing that matters now
, milord.” She managed to hold back a laugh until he shook his head and laughed with her. “I'm sorry, but how was I supposed to bring up the subject?” Serena watched him as he went to move his weight from her, her hands reaching up to hold him in place.

  Pulling gently from her grasp, he dropped beside her and pulled her to his chest. “Had you told me, I would have gone slower."

  "Slower,” she said with a sigh. “I don't think I could stand it if you went slower!"

  Zane laughed aloud and pulled her closer. “I'm sorry if I hurt you, but the next time...” As he said the words he realized there would be a next time and all his plans for long-term companionship were pushed out the door. He'd taken his wife and now that he'd had her, he knew he wouldn't let her go.

  * * * *

  That didn't mean there weren't a few things he wanted cleared up. He didn't like being played the fool and somehow accepted Serena's secret would never leave his lips. “Are you thirsty? I'll get us some mead.” He went to pull away and she held him again. Lightly, her fingers ran through the hair on his chest, making his cock twitch against his leg, lengthening against his belly. Serena caught it with her hand and held him tight. He didn't verbalize what miracle she had worked; his body responded fully and completely to her and now, so soon, he was aroused again.

  "May we be honest, sir, at least when we're alone?” His nod told her to continue. “Then I must confess, I ... I hate mead, sir. It's overly sweet and hits my stomach wrong. If it wouldn't bother you, from now on, I'd prefer water, wine, tea or cider. Even ale or milk, anything but mead."

  Zane hadn't been sure what her request would be, but confessing to hate mead wasn't it. “If that's all it will take to keep you happy, I'll be a lucky man, Serena."

  "Well, one of the things, anyway.” Her hand tightened around him and he watched her skin blush in the dwindling firelight. “Zane, is it, I mean..."

  She let him go when he pulled away, obviously relieved when he moved to the wash stand, poured water onto a soft cloth, and returned to the bed to cleanse their fluids from her thighs. He gently moved the cloth along her nether folds, watching as they spread wide with his motions. She was beautiful; her lips were long and plump, her clit hooded. Glistening in the low candlelight, her hips moved in a silent invitation. He stroked again and again, watching her body react. His cock grew with the need to be buried inside her.

  She took the cloth and cleaned him while he stood beside the bed. When the cleansing became an erotic journey, he took the flannel from her hand and tossed it aside before slipping along the length of her body.

  "Talk to me, Serena, I'm your husband. And it seems we've had a strange enough courtship; let us start our marriage with the truth, at least behind closed doors."

  "I agree. I make a terrible liar. I get caught up in them and stammer and blush..."

  "I'd prefer honesty, at least in private."

  "Then can we do it again? I'd like to touch you ... Unless that's not proper?"

  Relief flooded through him. Never did he think he'd have a relationship that would transcend to this level, especially knowing the girl less than a day. “You will be sore in the morning, Serena.” His words were a warning but she laughed at them.

  "Then a bit more won't hurt, unless you're not up to it?” Her shy words were meant to provoke him, but he accepted the innocence behind them. Later he would know she had understood the double meaning, but for tonight, her innocence overwhelmed him.

  "Serena, whatever happens in our bed chamber is between us, always. I don't tell tales or boast to my friends, do you understand? Here, this is our private haven. I'll never laugh at you, and I expect you to be honest if you don't like something."

  "Alright, my lord. Thank you. Does that mean I can touch you?” He dropped his weight onto his back, lying spread for her eyes and hands.

  "Oh, Zane, I never knew...” she said, her voice erotically low and inviting. Slim fingers danced along his chest and he didn't find it surprising when her mouth covered his flat nipple, his cock hardening against her palm. “Anything?” she whispered.

  "Within reason, Serena. We'll learn our limits together."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Six

  Morning arrived without welcome. The Duke and Duchess of Trahorn were exhausted but sated, Zane with a bit of awe. When the bargain had been struck, he'd been under the impression his bride to be was jaded and wanted no part of the physical side of marriage. That had been fine with him. Since the accident and Fiona's abandonment, he'd had no urge. Hadn't known if he even could perform. Serena had done something to him, inside and out. She'd made him feel alive again.

  It had been a long time, four years to be exact, since the accident. She was sleeping peacefully against his body; his left arm was tucked under her neck, his right free to roam her body at will. She stirred under his touch and stretched. Zane knew she hadn't a clue to the provocative way her body slid along his, knew she was innocent beyond reason.

  He vowed to find out just how he'd managed to marry a virgin that had been wed three times previously. He brushed his fingers against her nipple and it budded boldly for him. He was moving his mouth towards it when a hard knock on the hall door interrupted. DeVore barged in, his words a rush of worry. Zane pulled the sheet up to cover them.

  "Sir, the duchess, she's gone. Her things are here but...” DeVore stopped halfway into the room, realizing the duke was not alone. One glance at the long, brown waves of hair cascading across the pillows brought him to an abrupt halt. “I'm sorry, sir,” he managed, then began backing out, a strange smile on his lips.

  "DeVore, have some tea sent up please, and hot water to bathe."

  "Of course, milord."

  "And one more thing, please see to it that there's cider and wine on the table at all times. My wife finds mead too sweet for her stomach."

  "Of course, milord."

  "Thank you. Give us half an hour...” DeVore was gone before Serena opened her eyes, her skin red from embarrassment. Zane laughed aloud. “Well, it seems we've scandalized the servants already, Serena. Now you'll have to stay on as my wife."

  "I fully intended to, my lord."

  "Did you now? And when did you decide that?” He gently pulled her further up from under the sheet, delighting in the sensuous feeling of flesh against flesh. He had never thought to find lust again. Serena had reawakened him from the inside out.

  "From the moment I sat in your study, wet and muddy, and found you arguing with me."

  "And you wanted a husband who argues with you?” He nuzzled against the hollow of her throat, sending visible jolts of pleasure through her body.

  "No, but I didn't want to be married to a man with no spine. Perhaps a lively row occasionally, but not complete indifference."

  "I see; does this constitute indifference?” He made short work of her intended answer as he laved at her nipple.

  Serena dropped her hand to his penis, which was pulsing already and slowly growing in her palm. “I don't care what we call it, just don't stop."

  "You'll be sore, Serena.” His words were muffled around her breast but she understood.

  "Then what's a bit more, my lord!"

  "That's what you said last night."

  "I know,” she answered, and winked at him before using her hand to hold his mouth to her breast. Just when he began to suckle her in earnest, the hall door slammed open a second time. They both uttered similar curse words and Serena dove under the covers.

  "Get out!” he bellowed, only to find a sleep-rumpled Fiona seething in the doorway.

  "You bitch! Get out of his bed."

  "No, Fiona, get out of this room, now. We'll see you at breakfast.” His look told her not to second-guess him this time and she turned on her heel and left, slamming the door with all the force she could muster. “Somehow, I don't think this is going to work this morning.” He tried to tease Serena but knew she'd been embarrassed and annoyed by the intrusion.

  At that very m
oment, Zane knew Serena had been right. Fiona couldn't continue to behave as Lady of Trahorn castle. That was Serena's position now. One he'd not let Fiona spoil for either of them. Their future was at stake with her happiness as well as his. Deep inside, he'd always known Fiona was spoiled and spiteful. He had hoped he'd already experienced the depth of her hate; now he saw that was doubtful. She'd not give up without a fight or at least making Serena's presence a sham. He was lost in thought when Serena spoke.

  "Is your bed chamber always so busy in the morning, sir? Maybe we should try using mine tonight.” She said it with a straight face, but there was laughter in her voice and her eyes.

  "Aye, maybe we should. But be prepared, tomorrow someone might burst in on you, thinking I'd left!” She stiffened beside him, all humor gone.

  "Serena, I was joking, I'm not going to leave you."

  "Are you sure? Maybe after you've had time to think alone..."

  "No, Serena. When I married you yesterday, I meant if for my lifetime."

  "Promise me, Zane. If you start to hate me, tell me and send me away. I couldn't live thinking I made you unhappy."

  "Serena, that won't happen. Yes, we probably will argue and fight occasionally, but each night, we'll come together here and start anew. I promise.” His words made her smile and she snuggled down next to him.

  Their coupling was quick, his erection hard and pulsing, Serena slick from his mouth to her breast. He knew he hurt her, knew she was inflamed, but he took her anyway. Serena accepted him eagerly, her short nails drawing patterns on his back, his skin tingling from her touch. Still, she was so warm and tight it took all his strength not to empty quickly. He dropped his hand to their joining, rubbing her lightly, watching her release in a different way. His own followed, her body tensing around him, leaving him no choice but to surrender.

  * * * *

  All too soon and with a knock on their door, DeVore entered with a tray, followed by several young boys carrying buckets of hot water. Tucked against the warmth of Zane's pillow, the sheet pulled up to cover her completely, she knew he'd pulled on his dressing gown and was giving orders to DeVore. While she couldn't hear everything, it seemed he was making sure they were left alone for a bit longer.


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