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The Virgin Widow

Page 7

by Lillith Payne

"Good, I never cared for her perfume myself. Or at least the amount she used of it."

  "Good, then we understand each other?” Her hand continued to make lazy patterns against his skin and he grabbed her wrist with his fingers.

  "Keep that up and we'll have other decisions to make, Serena."

  She started to pull away, but he held her tight, finally laughing. Serena settled beside him, taking his warmth and offering hers.

  Zane wondered just who he'd become? His life had changed so much in mere weeks, so different than it had been for the past four years. Even longer than that. Serena gave him hope, made him feel confident for their future. He felt a cold bitterness inside as he accepted that Fiona and Derek had planned his demise. Already he had proof, but he'd wait until Charles arrived to reveal all.

  * * * *

  Every afternoon, Serena took to visiting the locals. Whether she brought fresh bread and goat's milk to the sick, or honey to the elderly, she explored the keep and the Trahorn lands. Everyone who lived and worked there knew her now, and she knew most by name and sight. The general agreement was the duke had married wisely. She had genuine concern for people, was quick to laugh and cheer them on, and wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty, something everyone had heard about after she'd helped turn a breach calf for delivery.

  While the stable hands had initially been upset at her input, they had to acknowledge she had a way with the animals. News of her birthing reached Zane before she made it back to the castle, and he walked out to meet her behind the barn, where she was washing.

  "I hear we have a new calf, thanks to my wife,” he said, surprising her. She spun around quickly, having thought she was alone.

  "I just did what had to be done; my hands are smaller than most of the men. It was easier for me to help."

  "I thank you for doing so, Serena. Somehow, I don't think many other young ladies would have pitched in as you did.” He hesitated, then added, “As you seem to do all around.” She gave him a curious look but he continued. “Oh, I've heard the stories, Serena. Soup and bread to the farmer whose wife was ill. How you sat with another until she birthed a strong boy, your soothing words making a difference. I've heard how you help in the barn, grooming your horse and feeding sweets to the rest. And don't try and tell me you haven't had anything to do with organizing classes for the little ones to learn to read and write when they're not needed in the fields."

  "They were learning; it just seemed easier to have them learn as a group..."

  "No matter what, Serena, the people who live and work on Trahorn land have accepted you, actually like you."

  "And that surprises you?"

  "Yes, it does. I'd thought I was marrying a spinster, short and round with no intention of interacting with the help. I figured I was marrying another...” He halted and Serena glanced at him.

  "You thought you were going to marry another woman like Fiona?"


  "And you'd have allowed that?"

  "Before meeting you it didn't seem important. Now, you're important, and our life together will be what we build together."

  "Then I think it's time for an afternoon rest, my lord.” Serena blushed but held her head high. “Will you join me?” she whispered, just before she leaned up and kissed the small birth mark near the corner of his lips. “I'm going to bathe and relax for a bit before our evening meal.” There was no mistake in her intentions and Zane smiled from the inside out.

  "I'll be up in a bit; go ahead and I'll be there shortly."

  "As you wish, my lord.” Her words were proper as was her slight curtsey, but not the grin on her lips that told him of the possibilities ahead.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Nine

  DeVore mentioned the duke's birthday and celebration. Between Hilda and Serena, the arrangements were in place, quickly and with confidence. It would be an afternoon feast in the keep, where everyone in the village would attend, and later that night, a more intimate meal for invited guests.

  Even with the sabotage Fiona had created, most of the staff had been pleasant to her face. She also realized they knew now that she was the Duchess of Trahorn; keeping her happy was more important than cowering before Fiona. While it wasn't spoken of, Serena brought up the subject of the guest list during a quiet evening feast. Now that the castle was back to its normal routine, they often enjoyed meals by themselves, the intimacy between them growing each day.

  Serena knew from the night Zane crawled into her bed in the west wing, she stood an excellent chance to make him a good wife. Now they'd had several weeks together, alone, and they were finding their rhythm.

  For Serena, these days had been the best she could remember. She'd gone and fallen in love with her husband, the one thing she hadn't wanted to do, but had. From the first glance of him on their rainy wedding night, she'd been taken. In the days that followed, she'd studied him carefully and found he was in general a kind and even-tempered man. He'd yet to get drunk or threaten her in any way. And he'd not raised a hand to her, yet. Which was why she hadn't mentioned the strange goings-on in the hives or the winery. On several occasions, she'd stopped at the hives to collect containers of honey to take as gifts to the sick or elderly. And twice, she'd caught a stranger there.

  The first time the vintner introduced himself and told her he was collecting honey for the mead. It sound plausible but something didn't feel right. The second time she hadn't let him see her. Instead, she watched from the distance as he put the netting over his head and gloved his hands. Then he'd taken to making the bees swarm and sting strange white cloths he'd draped around the hives. The noise of them swarming made her skin crawl but she couldn't let him find her, not with the bees so angry. After what seemed like days, he managed to get the hives contained and collected the cloths, concealing them under his coat as he left.

  Serena followed him that day, and hours later when he thought he was alone in the wine room, she watched him drop the venom laden cloths into a barrel of mead.

  Serena had shoved her index finger between her teeth to stop herself from calling out to him. In a moment of clarity, it had all come together for her. Now she had to figure out how to tell Zane he was systematically being poisoned. It now made sense that Fiona wanted to stay for long stretches and would ply him with the sweet mead. She was watching Zane drink her homemade poison with each sip. Serena knew she had to protect her husband.

  Knowing what William was capable of, she could only assume Fiona and Derek were on par. So far, with no real complaint, she'd managed to switch other drinks for the mead on the table and she had Hilda advise cook to be careful with the amount of the honey she used in her kitchen. Zane hadn't noticed any real difference that he spoke of and nobody made a big deal about it.

  The trio, as she began to think of Fiona, Derek and William, never counted on one thing—her falling in love with the duke and taking to his bed. If she'd been the quiet, compliant wife they'd thought they were foisting on him, he'd still be sick. Instead, though she hadn't let on she was aware of it, she'd noticed changes in him. At night, he sometimes used both his hands and arms when making love. And his vision had cleared. The slackness around his eye was all but gone, yet each morning he still put the patch on.

  The afternoon before the big feast, Serena knew there were guests already in residence. Most had started arriving midweek. Fiona was among them, strangely quiet with her husband, the Earl of Huxley, beside her. And in her assigned chamber! Serena and Hilda had seen to that. With so many guests, not each couple would have private chambers. It was decided the countess would have to make do.

  Passing through the keep in a hurry to get back and cleaned up after her ride on Snow, she'd found the vintner coming from the hives, more of the venom-soaked clothes hidden under his coat. That was when she took action. Not caring she wore trousers like a field hand, nor that she needed a bath, she confronted the man. A furious verbal fight had ensued and a crowd was slowly gathering. When she realized the
scene she was making, she grabbed the man and all but dragged him, literally kicking and screaming into the castle. She'd had him by the ear, just as nanny used to do when she'd been a bad child, and without ceremony burst into Zane's private study.

  Serena knew a new face was seated beside the fire, but didn't care. With all her force, she shoved the vintner to the center of the room and slammed the doors shut behind her.

  * * * *

  Zane hadn't remembered a time he was so content. While he figured Fiona and Derek had made the match to take control of Trahorn land and eventually the name, he was feeling better each day. Serena the main reason. She gave him hope for the future and she made him laugh. As well, he accepted the side of her that wouldn't keep back her opinions when he didn't want them. They'd argued several times, but wound up finding a common answer each time.

  He'd gotten her a new mount, a pure white beauty she named Snow. She was fast and hard-edged—both natural to Serena and her ability. Several times they'd ridden out together and he was amazed each time to see her interact with the animals, and with his people. She knew everyone and they knew her. She was rapidly becoming a major asset to his keep. He knew, through some of the checking he'd been doing, what had really been going on behind his back or bad eye—and attitude as he would sometimes say to himself, not believing the depth of scheming going on all around him.

  As soon as his birthday passed, he was going to implement some major changes. Not everyone would be happy; especially not Fiona and Derek, and he figured William would be hard-pressed for answers when the questions were asked. None of this he told Serena. He was gathering his facts and would use his birthday feast as a time of resolution. With his long-time friend Charles in residence, it would all work out. As long as he had Serena beside him, the rest would fall into place.

  His second secret from his new wife were the changes in his own physical self. Besides his hand starting to work again, even his arm was moving again. He still kept it in the sling in public, only taking it off and exercising it in the privacy of his study. He still wore the eye patch, but no longer really needed it, either. It seemed the muscles around the area were strengthening and his vision was no longer hampered by their slackness. Deep within him, he knew. Now all was a matter of letting it unfold.

  Serena hadn't winced when they talked over the guest list, even though Fiona was on it. She'd simply told Hilda which chamber to assign her in the guest wing. Zane clearing his throat made her pause.

  "Actually, I'd prefer Charles to have that chamber. Put Fiona at the far end, Hilda.” They finished the arrangements and waited until Hilda and DeVore were both gone before Serena mentioned Fiona would not be pleased with the accommodations. They'd both managed to hold back a laugh for several seconds but finally enjoyed the irony of the situation. When pushed for information about guests, she was given tidbits about each, except his long time friend, Charles.

  "Sir, I apologize for the disruption and to your guest,” she started.

  * * * *

  Zane figured he'd gone daft. Here was his slim wife, dragging a middle-aged, middleweight man by the ear into his study. And in front of Charles, whom Serena apparently didn't recognize. With a slight movement of Charles’ hand in signal, Zane didn't introduce him by name, but rather let Serena have her say. The man beside her started hollering at her, calling her vile names while she stood quietly, her hair long gone from its plait, her clothes dusty and slightly disheveled. She'd never looked more beautiful to Zane and he'd seen her good and bad days over the last months. Today, there was a fire inside her. Her normally chocolate brown eyes were blazing and he knew not to tamp it down.

  "Serena, what have we here?” he managed to say, holding his wine before his lips to hide his smile. The man across from him seemed very interested. Before she could answer, the vintner started yelling again, telling Zane his wife had gone crazy and dragged him here for no reason. “Is this true, Serena?"

  "Sir, I have found him twice now, poisoning your mead. That is why I dragged him here today, while the proof was still on him.” Dead silence covered the room; even the stranger was mute. “Go on; show him the cloths you hide under your coat.” When the vintner didn't move, Serena pulled back his coat, revealing a stack of white cloths, all stained with bee venom. “I couldn't let him poison another batch, sir."

  "Vintner, what do you have to say about this?” Zane asked, trying to hold back and act like the duke he was. There were only mumbled answers until Serena grabbed him by the lapel of his coat and pulled him closer to Zane.

  "Tell him, or I will."

  "I'm sorry, sir, but she said she'd turn out the rest of the family if I didn't come here to work for you."

  "And who is she?"

  "The countess, sir; I worked for the Earl of Huxley all my life."

  "And just what was your assignment?” Zane knew what was coming; he'd been in the process of explaining it all to Charles when Serena had stormed in.

  "To make sure the mead was laced with the venom.” Defeat resounded in the man's tone. He'd been caught and worse, everyone in the keep would know. He'd have no job, and his family would be turned out. He was a complete disgrace.

  "Just exactly what did the countess tell you to do?"

  "To make sure all your mead was tainted. And the honey used in the kitchen, I was to make sure it was tainted, too."

  "And how did you manage that?"

  "I'd sneak in after everyone was settled, late at night and wring out the cloths into the honey vat. It wasn't enough to kill anyone, she promised."

  "Anything else you'd like to share with us, Vintner?"

  "Only that I wish I had never accepted their ... I didn't have a choice, the family..."

  "You said that, please elaborate.” Those were the first words the other man had spoken.

  "Master Derek and Countess Huxley, sir. They told me after your accident that if I didn't come here to work and do this, they'd see my family was hurt. I have three young daughters, sir, and the way Master Derek and the other man looked at them..."

  "Other man? What other man?” Serena asked. She'd finally caught her breath and was sipping the sherry Zane had poured for her. With a quick glance down she realized she belonged in the barn more than the duke's private study. Zane squeezed her shoulder to calm her.

  "Don't know him, never saw him again. Only that once just after the accident."

  "Name man, give us a name!” The change in the stranger's voice made Serena take note and so did the vintner.

  "William is all I remember. Please, sir, don't let them have my family; I'd die before I'd let him have the children."

  "We'll think this through for a bit, Vintner. In reality, you were sent here to poison me and you have been. Yet I see your motivation behind it. If I had a child, I'd try my best to keep it away from Derek, too."

  "And the other one, too. He threatened to take them to his keep, far away from here, told me I'd never see them again.” A hesitation before he added, “I believed him."

  Zane pulled a cord near the fireplace, and DeVore appeared almost immediately.

  "Take the vintner someplace quiet, DeVore. Let him rest, alone. No one is to see him or speak to or with him."

  * * * *

  The sagging vintner assumed he'd now wind up in the dungeon; instead, he was taken to a small house just outside the main castle wall; a small one-room cottage. Clean, with a pallet and a table with chair. He was locked in and didn't fight with DeVore, nor did he beg when he heard the shutters being locked from the outside. Instead, he sank onto the pallet, let his weight fall onto the surface and cried aloud, for all the mistakes he'd made and for the future he'd created for his beloved family.

  He was brought a tray of bread and cheese, and in a bit of irony, only a flask of mead to drink. Not once did he make eye contact with DeVore during the delivery and he knew he wouldn't be seeing daylight for a while. Yet, it could be worse; the dungeon was a cold and cruel place. Duke Trahorn had chosen to show him c
onsideration so far. He'd not push his luck any further.

  * * * *

  Serena finally took a breath when the vintner was dragged away. She put the glass aside and was about to make her apologies when she realized Zane was about to pick up the cloths from the floor.

  "Don't,” she all but screamed at him, scrambling to her knees to take the venom-infused cloths from the floor herself. “I'm sorry, Zane, I realized weeks ago something wasn't right, but I had no proof. All I could do was try and keep you away from the mead until I could prove you were being poisoned.” Gathering the cloths, she walked directly to the fire and dropped them onto the flames, not realizing she'd destroyed her own evidence. Neither man pointed this out once they saw the relieved look on her face.

  Zane used his good arm to help her to stand, his arm pulling her to his body. “It's alright, Serena, I appreciate what you've done.” He let his lips fall to her forehead and linger there just a moment. “And as I was telling my dear friend Charles, when you came storming in.” Serena finally recognized their visitor.

  "My lord,” she managed, dropping from Zane's arms to curtsey before her king.

  "Arise, Serena, come and let me have a look at you."

  His voice was full of authority and she moved quickly, glancing down at the way she was dressed. “Please, sir, don't let my actions reflect on the duke, I only..."

  "Only wanted to protect your husband?” She didn't answer, didn't have to. She blushed bright red before him, making him let out the full laugh he'd been holding back. “On the contrary, girl, you serve him quite well. A bit out of the ordinary, but just as well. It seems the last time I saw you, you were just a bit of a thing, and in trouble with your step-mother.” Again the king laughed, and this time Serena did, too.

  "That was years ago, sir. I'm embarrassed you'd remember."

  "I do, but mainly because I thought your step-mother had been quite inconsiderate towards you.” Shuffling her weight from one foot to the other, she had no answer. To say anything would disgrace Lily and William. And after all, they were still her family.


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