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The Virgin Widow

Page 6

by Lillith Payne

  "I dare say we both have been manipulated in our pasts, sir. I ask only that our futures change course."

  "I completely agree. And think it's about time to remedy the situation, if you're willing to help?"

  "Of course, anything to make your life easier.” She glanced at him from under her lashes adding, “And mine too!"

  Serena watched him close the steps between them, her eyes trained on his mouth, and sighed openly when he touched his lips to hers. The kiss was different from the way he had tasted her last night. This started out hard and turned into a gentle heat that spread through his body, making him want more, her hands reaching behind his neck to hold him closer. When he finally pulled away it was to breathe.

  "You are nothing like what I expected, Serena. How did I get so lucky?” He held her close to his body with his right hand; her arms were still locked behind his neck, her cheek to his chest.

  "And you sir, are nothing like what I was afraid William had sold me to."

  "Sold you to? Serena, I didn't pay a bride price."

  "No, sir, I did. My home, land, pension and horses were the price. William kept everything Orson set out for me and foisted me on you, hoping I'd be out of sight and mind. I wasn't happy with how he was running our home and land. Unfortunately, I was quite vocal about it at times. A mistake, I now realize, but at the time I found it all so frustrating.” She didn't elaborate on her version of ‘being vocal', but he had a rough idea of the woman she truly was, the knowledge both bolstering and daunting.

  "Do you really think William made this match to rid himself of you?"

  "Yes, and by doing it, he was able to claim my holdings."

  "Do you want them back?” She took a step back and wandered several paces before coming to stand beside him.

  "No, Zane. I'd rather be here with you. If you'll still have me?"

  "Of course, Serena. It's an odd kinship I feel for you, as if we were supposed to meet."

  "I hated you during the last weeks, just the idea of you. Now I find my feelings are totally different. The land no longer matters, sir, as long as you plan to keep me as your wife."

  "Wife and mistress of Trahorn castle and lands.” He dropped a quick kiss on her forehead and felt how cool she was. “Come, we'd best head back; the sun is fading and it will get colder."

  They mounted and he told her he'd talk to the grooms so in the future she'd have a more ambitious horse to ride. She thanked him, and they slowly headed back to the keep, knowing the strange looks they were getting from anyone they passed questioned why the duke and his new duchess would ride out in the rain not properly attired. Not to mention how she rode, but he didn't care that she was unconventional.

  They did stop at several farms along the way, where Zane introduced his new wife to the occupants. She managed to smile and nod at each person and compliment their home or stock in the process. While wet through and through, she made a good impression on his people. At the stables, they returned their horses and gathered their woolen capes, laughing as they walked. When they passed the carriage barn, she left his side, the heavy door no match for her will. It took only seconds to find the coach that had driven her from the road yesterday morning, leaving her with a broken wheel and a lame horse. The horse worried her the most.

  "This is the coach,” she managed with a strangled voice.

  "The one that forced you from the road?” The Huxley crest was emblazoned on the side doors and Zane had been told by his driver earlier that day the same thing.

  "Yes.” He watched her eyes fill and her words were choked. “What happened to the lame horse? I didn't see him in the stable earlier."

  "He's in one of the other barns being looked after."

  "You mean, they didn't..."

  "No, Serena, although it might have been best, my driver has a way with healing the creatures. I've given him the go-ahead to try."

  "Oh, thank you, Zane. I was so afraid they'd put him down last night. I know I got quite hysterical when they discussed it roadside. I should thank him again for putting up with my attitude."

  "Wanting to see a gentle creature not injured isn't a flaw, Serena. In fact, I felt from my conversation with driver this morning he held you in high esteem, especially since it was you who wrapped the animal's ankle with your ... undergarment.” She blushed and smiled.

  "I didn't use the one I was wearing...” He laughed at her and she smiled.

  "I've been waiting for the issue to come forward, when it didn't I felt it best to leave unasked. Time will tell for the horse, Serena.” He saw relief cross her face as they continued they walk.

  * * * *

  Entering the main hall, Zane was telling her she'd now turned him into a mud pie as bad as when she'd arrived last night. With a slight blush, she mentioned she'd need to bathe before the evening feast. His smile told her it wouldn't be alone. They were met in the hall by DeVore, several heavy drying cloths being exchanged for capes.

  "A fire is heavy in the solar, sir, and I've set out some wine and cider. Shall I have hot water brought to your chambers?” The older man blushed but didn't turn away.

  "Just mine, DeVore, the duchess and I will be quick to remedy our condition and then join our guests for a drink before the evening feast. Please have a tray of hot coffee sent along, too."

  "Yes, my lord, at once."

  Minutes later, he appeared at the chamber as hot water was brought up and a coffee tray set before the fire. Hilda joined them with two gowns spread on her arm, a dark green wool and a brown one, similar in style and material. Serena chose the green wool and thanked her for her thoughtfulness, then added unspoken gratitude her for not questioning why she would leave her things in a guest chamber.

  As they were about to close the door on the servants, Fiona appeared in the doorway, dressed in flowing silk of the latest style with her hair bejeweled, her face heavily covered in powder. It didn't mask the anger her eyes held for both of them. Serena noticed the false beauty spot she'd placed near her left eye. Passion, Serena knew, just as she knew a spot placed near the nostril conveyed boldness. One near the corner of one's mouth asked for a kiss and if placed on the cheek, it was meant to denote fine character and lineage. With a passing remembrance, she thought about the small natural spot near Zane's lip. The very spot she'd touched just after they wed.

  "Really, Zane, now she had you playing in the mud. The king will think you've lost your mind and put Derek in charge if you aren't more careful.” Both Serena and Zane heard her threat; Zane stepped forward.

  "Why should the king care if we got caught in a rainstorm while touring the grounds?"

  "I just meant..."

  "That you'd be the one to tell him, of course. Only I'm sure the story will have gained a bit of impropriety by the time he hears it."

  Serena spoke quietly, but with confidence. “If you'll excuse us, Countess, we need to change for the evening feast. Everyone will meet downstairs in a bit.” Serena slowly closed the door and dropped the bar across, leaving Fiona standing on the other side, obviously seething. It didn't help further that both she and Zane both started to laugh openly and knew if she still stood there, she'd most likely hear them.

  "Come, have some coffee and get out of those wet clothes,” Zane told Serena, offering her a cup of the hot brew.

  "I've really annoyed her now,” Serena said, but couldn't help smiling.

  "So you have and so have I."

  "But I feel we'd better start making some defensive moves before she manages to ruin both our reputations. Between her and William, I fear their motives, sir."

  "I'll think of a way to handle her and William. For tonight, Serena, just enjoy our home and our guests."

  "And later, my husband?"

  "Yes, later, me too."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Eight

  Five days later, all hell broke loose in Trahorn castle. Serena awoke that morning, knowing she'd failed to conceive an heir for Zane. While she knew from
her experience with horse breeding, sometimes it took months, she couldn't help but feel disappointed. Zane was quick to reinforce their short time together, promising they'd try harder in the future, a concept that left her both awed and anxious at the same time. Their short week together had been a process of learning each other's bodies, moods and even their senses of humor. At times she wanted to scream at Zane to send Fiona home to her own keep and husband, but she bit her words back, knowing that was exactly what the other woman wanted.

  Another confrontation was the last thing Serena needed. An inner sense told her that her new husband was looking at his old friend with a different eye these past days. Fiona had taken to being openly hostile towards Serena; anything the duchess did was deemed wrong. It hadn't dawned on Serena that getting her cycle only reinforced her position with Zane. He had no doubts of her before, but now, no one would ever convince him she'd tricked him with an heir that wasn't his.

  He wondered if she were truly barren, and felt a heavy wave of sadness. Resigned, knowing he couldn't control such things, he'd let time tell the truth to all. For all his bravado plans of not bedding or having feelings for her, he'd let himself fall in love with his new wife.

  That afternoon, not feeling well but reassured by her husband, she'd taken to their chamber in the early afternoon for a short nap. While she had never done that before, just the quiet of their room made her feel better. She had taken Zane's advice after the scene Fiona made at the morning meal. She'd been quite verbal about Zane not drinking mead any more and ridiculed Serena for the shortcoming.

  * * * *

  From his perspective, lately it seemed overly sweet and the coffee and wine settled better. The tirade had been completely unnecessary; what should it bother Fiona what Zane drank during the day? He'd gone on to reassure Fiona the mead would be at her disposal, but for now he preferred other choices. He was even avoiding the ale, though nobody seemed to notice.

  While he hadn't said anything aloud to Serena, he'd taken her words to heart and didn't care if Fiona felt insulted he drank something different. Her reaction made him wonder why? The only thing that came to mind was she had to have a plan, and it involved the mead. Everyone at Trahorn knew of the duke's low resistance to bee stings; he'd gotten sick from them since he was a child. That was why he never went near the hives, but instead met the keeper in his office. That was when it suddenly struck him. Ever since his accident, Fiona had been all but forcing the horrible stuff down his throat, claiming it had healing properties for his useless arm and eye. He'd seen no positive effects, and hadn't bothered to think about it before Serena came to him. Now, with a few words of abstract observations, he began to wonder about Fiona's true intentions. And he remembered Fiona sending her favorite vintner to his keep, replacing his man just after the accident.

  * * * *

  He'd written to Charles, now king for the last three years. While he didn't make his friendship with the man open to the public, they'd been raised at court together. Though distance and circumstance separated them, their childhood bond remained strong. He felt no remorse sending a missive with an invitation to his birthday celebration in eight week's time. While he hinted at several topics he felt they should discuss, he didn't go into details. Zane had met Henrietta Maria, Charles’ queen only briefly, and looked forward to private time to get better acquainted. He also wanted Charles to meet Serena. Zane felt sure he'd have some information on her background and especially about her half-brother.

  * * * *

  The evening meal was the last straw. Fiona was their only guest who came to the table with too much wine or mead and a head full of temper; all the others had long since gone to their own homes and had come back for the weekend. Yet a week later she still remained, with no apparent intention of leaving. Fiona showed her frustration about Serena openly, reprimanding her as one might a child. From the meal served to the servants’ attitude, she quipped.

  Zane was learning his new wife's moods and knew she was on a short string. While it might have been interesting to watch Serena put Fiona in her place, he wanted to keep a truce between them until he had time to talk with Charles. However, after screaming at a young maid about her serving and then firing the girl, Zane finally took his lead. Reassuring the maid she was indeed still under his employ, he'd sent her to the kitchen, then turned his attention to Fiona.

  He made it clear to everyone in the room and anyone who might be within listening distance from the kitchen, he'd not tolerate her behavior any longer, and suggested it was time for her to be heading back to her own husband and keep. In fact, he'd made sure her carriage would be ready at first light and had Hilda send up several maids to pack for her. Her fair skin went still paler, then flushed a deep red, her anger welling up and spewing from her lips. Zane realized how much the woman actually drank lately.

  "How dare you presume to send me home,” she started and in her anger, continued. “Derek will not stand for this.” As soon as she spoke she realized her slip.

  "And what has Derek to say in the matter? He holds no authority over this land or castle.” He saw the slant of her cruel eyes and knew, without doubt, his accident had been planned.

  Later he would decide what an inconvenience it must have been to Fiona and Derek that he didn't die. With a smirk on his lips, he decided his very survival had been their penance! If they thought he'd been a pain before this, just wait and see what a nuisance he would become to them.

  "No, but he will soon.” Fiona stood abruptly, her chair dropping to the floor behind her as her moves became awkward because of her gown and her drunken behavior. Zane thought she'd leave when she realized the embarrassing show she was putting on, but he was wrong.

  Instead, she turned on Serena. “You! This is entirely your fault. You were supposed to come here and be amenable. Your brother promised you'd be no problem, yet look how you've disrupted our daily life here. Watch your step, Serena; I brought you here and I'll have you removed one way or another.” There was no mistaking the hatred in her words or her expression.

  "Countess, I don't see how my relationship with the duke changes anything in your daily life. You're married to the Earl of Huxley, not Zane. This keep isn't yours to control."

  Several servants had gathered outside the doorway; all of them waited quietly for Fiona's answer. But Serena beat her to the finish. With slow and steady grace, she rose and turned to her husband.

  "If you'll excuse me, my lord, this conversation tires me. I'll retire early...” Bending slightly, she kissed Zane full on the lips, letting hers linger much too long to be proper. When she stood, he didn't hesitate to wink at her, though the gesture was seen only by several around them. Everyone quickly cleared away as Serena made her way slowly from the room, pausing to wish a good evening to those she passed. With her head high, she managed to outshine Fiona.

  There were several rounds of Fiona's wicked thoughts expressed, before Zane signaled for DeVore to come and take the ranting woman from the room. Being escorted from the table was a complete disgrace. While he tried to make light of the situation, he knew everyone in his keep would know of the scene tonight within hours. And word would travel to the Earl's lands just as quickly. He gave definite orders for her to be gone by morning, skipped drinking his port in the library, and went to his room.

  Somehow he almost knew before he opened the door it would be empty. With a quick check, he knew he was right. He changed to his evening clothes, hearing Fiona rail several times at the maids helping her pack and about the injustice of the situation. Without hesitation, he moved through the halls towards Serena's original chamber. The door was not bolted and he entered quietly, finding her reclining in the center of the huge bed, her white rail covered by layers of blankets.

  "Why aren't you in our bed?” he asked, closing the door behind him and dropping the bar.

  "I wasn't sure you'd want me there this week. We never discussed it.” Serena held his eye and waited for a response.

  "All right
, then we'll discuss it. From now on, no matter what time of your cycle, I expect to sleep with my wife. Do you understand me, Serena?"

  "Oh, I understand, I just wondered what Fiona had to say on the subject!” Laughing wasn't the right response but the one he let fall forward. It lightened Serena's mood and soon she was biting back a smile.

  "Fiona's packing as we speak and will be on her way home at first light."

  Serena sat up against the pillows, her dark hair falling in waves around her shoulders, off-setting the white of her gown. “Really?” While she'd hoped for this very solution, she wasn't sure he'd actually follow through.

  "Yes, really. I'm sick of the way she treats you and me, for that matter. And I'm beyond sick of her forcing that damned mead down my throat. For God's sake, I'm a grown man; I'll decide what I want to drink!"

  "Well, it's about time.” He dropped his dressing gown and slipped beside her, his right arm tugging her closer to him. In a moment of panic she tried to move away, but he held her steady.

  "Just sleep, Serena. I'll not bother you until you've finished. But, I will not sleep alone. So understand this. Tomorrow, Hilda will move your things into the chamber beside mine. And while you may use it as a dressing area, you belong in my bed, beside me each night, no matter what the day has brought."

  "That's not very proper, is it, Zane?” She'd have sounded proper if she hadn't snuggled down against the warmth of his body.

  "Since when have we been proper, Serena? I say damn the formal rules of society. You're my wife and I like sleeping beside you. End of discussion."

  "All right, Zane. But just one thing...” She knew he was exhausted and didn't want to add to his stress but she'd have her say. With her soft fingers slipping along his chest, she continued. “I'll move to the other chamber, but not until it's been aired. I can't stand the smell of her perfume and won't live in that room until it's gone."


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