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The Dragons of Sara Sara

Page 49

by Robert Chalmers

  Somehow, he would command these beasts to do his will. The sun was setting behind the high mountain walls, and already the vast castle was falling into deep shadow. The Morgoth battle had been won with the help of the Wind Readers and their Companions at terrible cost. The few warriors who had accompanied Antonin and his companions in the shift from the cave had fared a little better, but even an unacceptable number of them had been lost. Antonin stood by the fire, still burning it's invisible kindling.

  "My friends, With your help we have won a decisive victory over the dark forces today. I have decided. We will regroup here. The castle will be cleaned and rebuilt. The plains roundabout will soon be covered again with grass and trees. When we are healed. When we are ready, we will take on the Tharsians, return the Keystone, and end this constant struggle forever." He looked up at the darkening sky. A few dragons circled in the high winds.

  "Tomorrow, I will bend the dragons to my will."

  With the setting sun glimmering its last rays over the peaks, the first of the mud spattered warriors struggled into the castle grounds. With them eventually came kindling, furs, food and all the trappings of camp life. The vast courtyard held their increasing numbers easily, and soon there were open camps and fires springing up all over the stone courtyard. A wide berth was being given to the fire that warmed Antonin and his friends. Soon a tent with open sides had been erected, the supporting pegs driven into the cracks between the stones. The stone, now dry and warm from the fire soon had rugs and cushions for Antonin and his friends. As the camps were set up, the bodies of the Morgoth were being moved outside the walls of the castle. Nobody made camp near the neat rows of fallen companions.

  The pack animals had arrived almost with the first warriors. Rees and Gaul looked at the trappings of their camp tent with some alarm. It looked very much like the camp of royalty. Antonin rested on the cushions on his side, cradling his head in the cup of his hand. He looked at the surrounding people. They accepted him without question, although they continued to give his fire a wide berth, and Desare alike. The word had soon spread that it was the doing of Desare. That slip of a girl in peasants dress who sat cross legged by Antonin's side. There was no formality from the warriors of the Star Field Plain. More from those who had come from the city in search of adventure. The warriors of the plain were proud and aloof. They had no fear, and gave way to no one. They fought if they wished, not if they were commanded. Antonin might be a Lord, but not one of them considered him their Lord.

  The warriors of the city were less sure of themselves. They were used to being commanded, and they dressed in full armour and carried weapons that had not been seen by the plains men and women.

  Rees noticed that they mingled happily enough. Sharing fires and ground sheets with little comment. they were all subdued. They had all seen the rows of bodies. The dead Morgoth. The dragons in the high places. They knew the dragons had not taken part in the battle, yet all the Morgoth were dead. Thousands of them. There were hundreds of Wind Readers and their Guard Companions, along with Star Field Plains warriors in the rows of dead. Not enough to have won so great a battle though. Many a mind did the sums, and uncertain eyes weighed up the young man called Antonin and his half dozen silent companions.

  Tomorrow, Antonin decided, the bodies of the Morgoth would be taken a few miles downwind from the castle and wood collected from the surrounding hills. There they would be burnt. The bodies of their friends would be given proper burial according their rites. Work would also begin on restoring the castle. It needed to be made habitable again. Perhaps it would provide a good means of increased trade for Nareena's distant city, although it still seemed that it was referred to as a village. It certainly seemed like half of that village was here at the castle. Even Antonin's horses, along with the others was here. Still the warriors streamed in out of the darkness. The entire force that had arrived from the Star Field Plain was arriving. The castle was slowly filling with people. Even the sprawling courtyard was not big enough to hold them all, as well as the animals, and the adjoining courtyards and halls began to fill as well. No one wanted to venture down to the lower levels just yet. The sun had long since set, yet still they arrived. Scattered in small groups among these late arrivals were people who were obviously not warriors. Women in small groups, their long skirts tied up to their knees out of the mud and carrying bags, older men in clothes that spoke of various trade crafts, and a number of older children with eyes as big as owls, astonished at the things they were seeing.

  Rees and Gaul talked quietly together. Elsa, Edina and Catharina sat near Desare and silent hand talk flicked between them. Hardly moving, just flicking their fingers, bringing the occasional smile. There was no doubt that Rees, Gaul and Antonin were the subject, but none of the men would be drawn.

  Rees spoke up to Antonin.

  "Antonin, my friend. May I speak?"

  Antonin looked up in surprise.

  "Of course. Why are you asking? You are my friend. I hope still after today. Do not ask permission of me. What is it? believe me, I need your advice."

  "Well Antonin. It will take many months to make this place liveable. It may take years to make the valley fertile again. Can we wait so long while we know that the Wheel still moves?"

  Antonin was silent for long moments.

  "We must wait here at least a while I think. At least until this place is rebuilt and seen again as the home of the Lord of the Dragon Armies. Not my home. My home is on the plains. But the Lord of the Morning must live here. Yes. We must wait. I need everyone here. I need those dragons. I do not want any of my friends ever hurt in battle again."

  "Antonin," said Gaul. "You know that is not possible. In battle, friends are lost."

  "Not my friends!" Shouted Antonin and smashed his fist on the flagstones. The ground rumbled deeply, and the dragons rose screeching into the night sky. The fierce look on Antonin's face caused his friends to back away slightly.

  'Could this be affecting my friend Antonin?' Thought Rees. He turned to Catharina, still watching Antonin through lowered eye lashes. Antonin was staring into the distance, a distracted air about him.

  "Catharina," whispered Rees. "What's happening to Antonin do you think?"

  Catharina reclined back onto one elbow, turning away from Antonin as she did so. Quietly she replied. "I don't know Rees. I really don't know, but it worries me. I think perhaps he needs some rest is all." She didn't sound at all confident though. Suddenly she sprang to her feet. Lightning fast, as graceful as a cat, Catharina quickly moved out into the surrounding camps. Stopping here, stopping there for a word, with other Maidens simply some flickering hand talk. There was as subdued flurry of activity, and within minutes there was a slaughtered goat being roasted on the spit of Antonin's fire. An iron pot of vegetable stew began to bubble, and a barrel of ale appeared from somewhere. Just within the entrance to the great throne room where they had made camp, the smoke hung in a cloud up on the high ceiling and funnelled out of the high windows, the glass long since gone. The smell of roast meat and steaming vegetables slowly brought Antonin back from his wandering thoughts. His stomach rumbled loudly. Heads turned in his direction. Antonin sat up in surprise, just as Edina casually passed him a dripping piece of meat impaled on one of her arrows. It wasn't until he stopped eating a good while later, and having emptied more than one tankard of ale, that he recalled just how hungry he had been. The others had made short work of their portions as well, and everyone felt much better. A small pile of bones and scraps by his side attested to it. His ale mug brimming again, he began to settle back in comfort now and take in his surroundings. With a start he saw that that there was a young child kneeling by his cushions keeping his mug full. Another had removed his food scraps. Yet another was busy arranging the rugs and cushions about his person.

  With a start he sat bolt upright.

  "Stop!" He roared. The entire building fell silent. Nothing moved but the dust motes in the air.

  Desare moved over and kn
elt by Antonin's side. She knew what was wrong.

  "Antonin, you are the Lord of the Morning. You are a King. The King. It is expected. People will be offended if you refuse them." She spoke very quietly, but there was a strength in her voice that Antonin had not heard before.

  "People look to you as their leader now, and in helping you as best they can, even if only to serve you, they feel that they are contributing and aiding you in the quest." She paused, and looked squarely at Antonin, deep into his gaze. Softly she spoke. "We are not all warriors my dearest Antonin."

  At the sound of his name, spoken so softly, the Bell of the Blue Tower gave no more than a soft thrumming sound. It was enough to break the spell that seemed to hold the entire company in thrall. No one else had heard what Desare had said to Antonin.

  He settled back to a relaxed cross legged position. He waved a hand to the people around him. "Sorry." He muttered somewhat bashfully. "I didn't mean to startle everyone." After a moment or two, the activity in the vast room and the courtyards started again. People eating, drinking, laughing. Some women resumed covering the bodies of the fallen with cloth and blankets, muttering prayers as they did so. There were many Gods it seemed, and one was as good as the next in such circumstances.

  Antonin's friends were looking sideways at him, but he wasn't game to look in their direction. Instead he looked at the dancing flames of the fire and thought of what Desare had said. It was true, he had to admit it. All of these people. Every single one. They were all here because they followed him here. Perhaps not him - but what he stood for.

  Antonin rose to his feet with a grunt. The preceding battle had taken a lot out of him. More than he thought, but there was work to be done. Catharina and Elsa were right alongside him.

  "Let us set the night guards, take a turn about the walls and see that all is well." Antonin strode off. Both girls knew that the guard was already in place. It was automatic. The Plains warriors set guards even in their sept houses within a village. The guard was rotated regularly, and everyone performed the duty. There was no rank within the warriors of the Plains. It didn't take Antonin long to realize this, so he contented himself with a walk along the battlements. The guards were deeper shadows within shadow and didn't stir at his passing. He was known by all, and they required no recognition. Catharina and Elsa both ignored the guards. Their eyes never rested. There were enemies in dark places, and the battle had only recently ended. Who knew if the Morgoth had been the only ones they fought.

  The vast courtyards of the castle were crowded with people. The flaming torches in a trail away to the mountain wall told Antonin that even more people were still arriving. So many in fact that camps were being set up on the boggy ground surrounding the outer walls. Half the city must be arriving. There was nothing to be done. Antonin returned to his camp. Some stood as he passed and gave greeting. Some ignored him. One outburst of laughter caused Catharina and Elsa both to whirl in the direction of the person laughing. The laughter was cut short with a strangling gurgle as the unfortunate warrior saw the look in Catharina and Elsa's eyes. Antonin stopped and came back to where the camp fire flickered on the burnished faces of the warriors, now all on their feet.

  "What was the joke?" Asked Antonin quietly, his hands clasped lightly behind his back. He presented no threat in that stance. The warriors looked at each other. One raised his chin and spoke up.

  "My Lord of the Dragons." He began.

  Antonin cut him off with a raised palm.

  "Just Antonin. Please. My name."

  "As my Lord pleases... er, as I was saying my Lord. There were three warriors from different houses camped in an old hut while out on the hunt. An Asha Altan from the Stone Dogs, and one from the Water Seekers. The third was a Mare Altan from the Broken Lance. The candle that lit the hut sputtered and went out. There was a kissing sound and a slap. The candle was relit and the Stone Dog was nursing a stinging cheek. The other two looked carefully away. The Stone Dog was thinking - 'That Water Seeker must have tried to kiss the Mare Altan and she has slapped me by mistake!' The maiden of the Broken Lance was thinking - 'That Stone Dog must have tried to kiss me, and kissed the Water Seeker by mistake and got a whack for his trouble.' - She smiled. The Water Seeker was thinking - 'I hope that candle goes out again so I can make a kissing sound and slap that stupid Stone Dog again!' "

  All was silent for a split second. Antonin caught the joke of it and in moments was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down his face. Elsa and Catharina both rattled their spears against their hide bucklers and grinned in appreciation.

  "A good joke Water Seeker. A good joke. Are there no Stone Dogs nearby though?" To everyone's surprise one warrior, rolling on the ground with laughter sputtered. "I am Stone Dog. A great joke." He yelled as he got too close to the hot embers, setting off another round of laughter.

  "It is good my friends," laughed Antonin. "Another day tomorrow. I think I can now rest easy, knowing that I am surrounded by warriors with no concerns for unexpected attack.. Thank you friends." Still chuckling, Antonin returned to his blankets and settled down to sleep. There were those who settled down close by, but not to sleep. As the fires died, they sat with eyes flicking from place to place, ever watchful.

  ●Chapter 29

  The morning sun rose over the mountain rim and within minutes the warming rays were causing the valley floor to steam. It would be a hot day. Not a cloud in the sky. The still air allowed the steam to rise as a mist straight up like smoke for a grass fire. Already people were out and about. The land around the castle was mostly flat for quite a way out from the rise that held the castle, and showed signs of having been inhabited at some time. It would not take long for this many people to make the valley liveable again. Already small streams had formed, and the draining water had found old levels. Antonin took one look with the others and decided that little time need be spent here. He would summon the dragons, and with the warriors would continue the quest for the Keystone. It would be easy to relax here in this now peaceful valley. Yet the Great Wheel still turned, and the Tharsians still had the Keystone.

  Antonin could not imagine why the dragons had stayed out of the battle. There was something here he did not understand. Perhaps Mei'An had an answer. In any case, this time he would summon the dragons on his terms. Meet them on his ground. He would be the leader they expected. The sun topped the walls of the castle, and Antonin had people hurrying in every direction. The audience chamber of the great throne room was cleaned and hung with brightly coloured flags and furs and battle pennants. It was a small show, but it would do. The throne itself seemed to be little more than granite slabs stacked in such a manner to form a seat. Antonin looked at it's uncomfortable prospects. Desare noticed and quickly had the stones draped with calf hide and wild animal furs, and some cushions from the camp. There would be no more camping in the castle function rooms. The audience chamber flickered with the smoking light of a thousand torches hissing and sizzling as the pitch in their bound heads dripped onto cold stones. In a short time, the vast chamber looked regal enough for any ruler. Someone had even found candles, and attached them to a wagon wheel that was hoisted high into the vaulted chamber dispelling the gloom and bringing to life the coloured mosaics of the ceiling panels.

  The antechambers and courtyard were receiving as much attention. There were certainly plenty of people for the tasks. It would not be long before the vast castle would be completely inhabitable. It had after all not been badly damaged by being trapped in ice. Rather the opposite, it had been preserved in near pristine condition in most areas. Just a lot of sediment that had settled after the sudden thaw, and had not had a chance to swirl away in the torrent's outpouring.

  Even the kitchens had been located and cleaned. The ice had preserved everything, and it only needed to dry properly. Whatever spell had held the lake frozen had released it into water in an instant. There had not been time then for the water to seep into the stone work and do any damage. The rapid emptying of the l
ake had now slowed to a bare trickle in a few streams. Water still poured out of drains from the castle dungeons and store rooms and flowed away down the slopes to join the streams. The thousands of people now in the area were already establishing permanent looking camps.

  Antonin badly wanted to move on, but after much consideration and discussion, decided it would be best to stay in the castle for at least a month to consolidate their gains, and assess the situation as it was.

  Rees and Gaul came to find Antonin.

  "Antonin," said Rees. "Should we see to the dragons? They still wait, perched on the towers and peaks. What they wait for might be good to know."

  Antonin had already decided. "Tomorrow will be soon enough. Let them enjoy another night in the open first. They will know my displeasure before I summon them again."

  Gaul muttered something about the dangers of holding a dragon by the tail. Antonin chose to ignore him.

  Catharina and the others were coming over to where Antonin stood with Rees and Gaul. They shielded Desare within their circle.

  The golden band on Antonin's head began to warm up. It was actually vibrating ever so softly. The closer Desare came, the hotter it got.

  "Stop!" Antonin called out in alarm, his hands on his head. This was painful. 'Now what was happening?' He thought.

  "But Antonin?" Said a surprised Desare. "I bring to you the Great Seal of the Creator." She held out her hand and there in her palm glowed the Seal. All the colours of the rainbow played in the haze that swirled around it. It was very hard to focus on the Seal itself. Tendrils of the shimmering haze began forming and drifting out toward Antonin. Toward the golden circlet on his head. Antonin found himself backing onto the dais, and sat heavily in the cushion filled granite seat that was his throne.


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