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The Dragons of Sara Sara

Page 50

by Robert Chalmers

  "Desare," he whispered. "Where did you get that?"

  "My Lord, a gift from The Trader Anan Hamar. He declares that only I and he can touch this object, but surely it belongs to you my Lord?"

  Antonin could feel something strange happening to him. He seemed to be able to see even the particles of air around him. His senses were increasing, but his strength was rapidly dissipating.

  "Desare, stay back. Stay back. Cover the seal in its pouch - quickly. It is not for me. I am the hammer, it is the smith. It is for the Seal to direct us, not I directing it. Quickly girl, cover the Seal." Antonin was by now all but slumping in the stone seat, almost falling forward. Catharina leapt forward to help him and was immediately surrounded by the rainbow haze. Desare was not covering the seal. It lay in her outstretched palm, glowing brightly.

  "Antonin," she cried. "The seal commands me, I cannot put it away." The bell of the Blue Tower boomed across the landscape at her call. She did not continue to step forward though. The tendrils of haze around Antonin and Catharina began to flow into the golden circlet in streams. Suddenly it was gone. The seal lay in Desare's hand. Now no more than a shiny disk. Antonin's strength returned and he sat up. "So much I do not understand. So much, and the battle yet to come."

  He struggled to his feet.

  "Listen to me." He called to his friends. "We stay here thirty days. Then we march on the Tharsians. Preparations must begin now. Today. Tomorrow morning at dawn the dragons come to me in this room." He hesitated and seemed to be looking inwards.

  "I am now bound to the Great Seal of the Creator. Through Desare, Catharina and I are now bound. While Desare holds the seal in her possession, we are indestructible. Only the Dark One by his own hand can reach through to harm us. Observe."

  He hefted a spear in his right hand and drew back in one flowing motion and launched it at Desare. Elsa and Edina leapt to deflect it but were too late. Desare screamed as the spear seemed to bury itself in her chest. The scream faded to a sob as the spear simply vanished. She was not harmed at all. Just badly frightened. Not a drop of blood on the white expanse of Desare's dress. Yet everyone had seen the huge lance pierce her body. It had not come out the other side, it had simply ceased to exist.

  Antonin handed his sword to Gaul.

  "Gaul, take off my head. Do not hesitate. " Gaul blinked.

  "Now man. As your friend I assure you. You will not harm me."

  With some considerable reluctance, and glances at the others, Gaul drew the sword back with a double handed grasp and launched the death blow.

  The blade of the sword simply vanished where it should have passed through Antonin's neck. The last span of the blade tip clattered to the floor as Gaul tottered off balance at the sudden change in weight. He regained his feet, and his composure and stalked up to Antonin.

  "Don't ever ask me to do such a thing again, or you will surely loose one good friend." He snapped and flung down the remains of the sword. As he turned away he added. "You also need a new sword."

  "Oh." Was all Antonin could say. He then realized that it had been his best sword. Perfect balance. A grip worn by time to fit his hand. And a friend he had almost lost, even more important. And frightening young Desare. Catharina was looking at his as if to say 'Don't try me - just don't.' For all his new found power, he blushed red to the roots of his hair line.

  The gales of laughter from the Maidens nearby who had been watching with interest broke the mood like pales of ice. Their finger talk caused Catharina to turn her back on them and fold her arms in indignation. She had not been afraid at all. Just didn't see the point in such wasteful displays.

  "Desare, please come here a moment." Antonin stepped toward her. As she reluctantly came close, he reached out and took her in his arms in a warm and caring embrace as a brother might do.

  "Desare, please forgive my stupidity. I frightened you badly, and I am so sorry. It seems we are destined to be bound together in many things." He could smell the perfume of sweet herbs from her skin. Her hair shone in the light of the large candles on high. She felt almost brittle in his huge arms.

  The Maidens looked on. Everyone in the room looked on. All were silent. Antonin didn't move, and Desare seemed to be content wrapped in his arms.

  "Desare?" Antonin moved her back to arms length. He hesitated.

  "Yes my Lord." She said in a tiny voice. Every inch of her tingled from his touch. The seal tightly clenched in her hand long forgotten.

  Antonin struggled with the words.

  "You are so young - yet I am helpless before you." He dropped to his knees and took her hands.

  "Will you be my Queen."

  Desare's jaw dropped. Her heart sang for joy, but yet she hesitated. She did not even realize it, but she was ever so slowly shaking her head from side to side.

  The Maidens were silent. Not a breath was being drawn. For a fleeting moment a look of pain and loss flickered in Catharina's eyes.

  Desare let go his hands and clutched her skirts. The tears were streaming down her cheeks as she spoke, ever so quietly. With eyes downcast she said.

  "I cannot be your Queen without I also be your wife. I cannot be your wife without you declare your love for me, and I for you. I cannot be either without the blessings of my mother and father. And that will not come for another three summers yet." She turned and fled from the room, her guard of Maidens hurrying with her.

  Antonin regained his feet. Nonplussed he looked at Catharina and Elsa, and Edina. Palms upturned, "But what did I say?" He said to no one in particular.

  "Men. Humph" came from one of the Maidens as they all went to console Desare.

  Antonin thought he would never figure it all out. Of course he loved Desare. Admittedly he had never said as much, even to himself. He truly thought of her as a little sister, and he thought his love for her was as a brother would love a sister. So actually saying it didn't seem to matter. But Desare was talking about something else, he was sure. And wife!

  The only one who had not left was Catharina. She still stood silently by the stonework of the throne. She had a confused look on her face, and seemed undecided whether to run or stay. Antonin saw her standing there and stepped over to her.

  "You are not running off to console Desare?"

  "No Antonin, she needs no consoling. Life is but a wheel on which we all ride, and even now events are taking shape, and Desare's future is bound to us in any event."

  Antonin was looking at Catharina in open surprise. They were alone in the throne room now. Those who had not left with Desare had suddenly remembered pressing duties elsewhere.

  In all his life, Antonin had never heard Catharina speak like that.

  "Catharina?" Antonin's voice rose in a question.

  "Could you please repeat that?"

  "Antonin, you may be Lord of all you see, but yet you are as a child. Desare and Catharina both. Remember? Yes, I too with you shall be joined in wedding ceremony. Forever we are joined in the Great Seal, and I will be with you always. Catharina is your right hand, and Desare your left. One to defend you, and one to advise you, both to bring children in the fullness of time. And it please me, your enemies shall be destroyed for your enemies are my enemies, as always. The Dark Lord himself shall be cast down by your own hand. Then might all live in peace upon this world. Trust well your friend Catharina and Desare and let them not stray from your side, as even now Desare is from yours. I caution you, Desare is in great peril, even now. Behold!"

  Antonin was struck speechless. He was standing before Catharina with his mouth hanging open in surprise. It sounded as though there was another person talking through her. At her sharp command to behold, he looked in the direction she was pointing, and there in a sparkling cloud he could see Cinnabar The Morgoth was still alive, if looking the worse for wear.

  Antonin reached for his sword and in alarm remembered he had just recently destroyed it. With a wild yell he shouted "To arms, to arms."

  As he reached for Catharina's spear, the guar
ds were streaming into the room fully armed and looking for the threat. Antonin leapt toward the silvery cloud, and at that moment Cinnabar looked out directly at him. In a twinkle both he and the cloud vanished. Warriors were milling about the room looking for the danger. All they saw was a very surprised Antonin, and Catharina still standing on the throne steps.

  "Er, sorry. A mistake it seems. Well, not a mistake, but a call too soon. Be on your guard. Cinnabar is about the castle."

  With a few chuckles, and some backward glances, the warriors left the throne room again. They all agreed that it might be wise to put some distance between themselves and Antonin. For the moment at least. He was not the only one either. Catharina was looking very strange, standing there not blinking, Antonin with her spear.

  Suddenly Antonin called to the last few Maidens on their way out.

  "Maidens of the Mare Altan, you will bring Desare to me in this room now. By force if necessary. Be quick, danger is about the castle."

  The Maidens started to saunter back across toward the doors leading to the apartments.

  "Quickly!" Roared Antonin.

  They sprang for the doors, more in surprise than any desire for obedience. Antonin spun about to face Catharina. He mounted the dais and confronter her, almost nose to nose. He looked deep into her eyes.

  "Who are you?" He demanded, his voice brooking no argument. He saw stirring in Catharina's eyes,

  "I am the Lord of Creation. I am the Prime Being. I am the White One. I am Anakar. Know me. For I am the destroyer of Be'lal."

  Antonin had taken a step back. This being who was speaking through Catharina had spoken the name of the Dark One. Nothing had happened. Catharina was still held in thrall.

  Desare was ushered forward to the dais by a group of grim faced Maidens. No one had ever spoken to them the way Antonin had done, yet they were bound to obey. Desare trembled slightly as though cold.

  Catharina took a halting step forward toward Antonin. She turned her head and looked directly at Desare.

  "Know me, I am Lord of the Morning." Desare stepped forward, the restraining hands about her frozen in mid air. In her outstretched hand the silver Seal of the Creator shimmered and glowed. Suddenly, a great light flared, rose up as high as a man. Within that light stood a robed figure. Robes of white, a white hood covering its head. The face seemed ancient, yet smooth and unblemished as a child. None could have guessed its gender if indeed it was male or female.

  Catharina sagged against Antonin, her breath ragged. The being had left her, and left her exhausted. It now shimmered in the air, some three or four hand spans from the floor. Everyone in the room noticed the faint haze of rainbow colour that surrounded the heads of Antonin, Catharina, and Desare, and seemed to link all three together. Everyone in the room could see the column of light and the robed figure within.

  "And it please me, this gathering will listen to my words. For it is to be so. These are the ones close by me. Catharina, Desare and Antonin. They will not be apart until the battle is won. I say to you all, that each alone is in peril, but joined as one indestructible. Their friends of new and old, will be sorely pressed to keep them so. I say again, it must be so." The strange language of this shimmering being was difficult to understand, but everyone listened.

  The being turned slowly in its tower of light, One full circle. Not a soul stirred. A red tinge came into the light.

  "I deliver to you your key to the forest of the Tharsians. Have a care that the Great Seal never leaves the person of Desare."

  The red tinge flared into a blazing storm, and with a shriek that made everyone jump, suddenly Cinnabar appeared in their midst. Shackled in chains, a shining black band around his head. He crouched on the stone floor, and snarled at those about him. It took but an instant for a wide circle to form around him, crouched at the feet of the being in the light.

  Catharina struggled to gain her feet and her composure. Antonin kept an arm around her though, and would not let go. Slowly Desare came up onto the dais, and Antonin put his right arm around her waist. The vision in the light had gone. The three friends smiled at each other then turned their attention to the snarling Cinnabar

  The warriors in their thousands were now all trying to crowd into the throne room. As large as the room was, it would not hold them all.

  There was still a large circle around Cinnabar though. He might be chained, but he still looked very dangerous. He was no longer snarling and flexing his claws, but instead squatting silently. His eyes never left the three on the dais. He watched with a hatred that smouldered like a banked fire.

  Catharina seemed recovered, and Desare moved to her side. They sat together in the far corner of the throne to rest.

  Antonin strode forward to Cinnabar who shrank back at his approach, snarling like a dog. The surrounding Maidens hefted their spears, ready in an instant.

  "Rees, your sword please."

  Antonin took its balance then after a moment's thought reached out with the tip toward Cinnabar The cold iron touched the shoulder of the Morgoth. He let out a roar that shook the stone walls, and a trail of smoke rose up from where the sword had touched.

  "So you are the key to finding Mordos of the Tharsians. I would prefer you dead myself."

  Antonin swung the sword back in an arc that began the deadly stroke. Cinnabar didn't flinch, yet the blow never came. Desare was on her feet and her hand held the shimmering blade, blood dripping steadily to the floor from where it ran down to her elbow. Antonin could not move the sword for fear of taking off her hand. His eyes nearly started from his head as he reacted to Desare's hold by letting go of the sword. It clattered to the floor.

  Desare had moved from the dais to where she could grasp the whirling blade in a flash. Yet the wisp of a girl had stopped the flight in her bare hand. She was cut, but even now the wound was healing. A brilliant light blazed from her. The voice that came from her hurt the ears of those around about.

  "You will not destroy what is given by my hand. Listen to me again I say. This Morgoth is your only way to the Keystone. For it is my will that you give him to the dragons. Even they will guard him well. Do it now, that this assembly can rest three and thirty days. Gather all the houses, for the pursuit will be arduous."

  Desare gasped and crumpled to the floor. Cinnabar smiled a hideous grin at her discomfort and actually tried to reach out to clutch at her.

  Antonin scooped her up and took her back to the dais out of harm's way.

  He sat with Catharina and Desare on the throne.

  "Summon the dragons I will." He pounded the stone arm of the throne. The booming filled the air. The golden band around his forehead flared and he roared,

  "The dragons to me. Rally to your Lord."

  The sound echoed through the castle and around the valley. All the dragons took flight and the leaders sped to the vaulted entrance to the castle. The three leaders shimmered into man-shape and marched boldly into the inner space and into the throne room.

  "Our Lord has finally summoned us." grated the leader of the three. "What is your will?"

  "For now, " replied Antonin. "You will take this prisoner and guard him well. "We need it to find our way to the Keystone, held by the Tharsians."

  Antonin had no energy left to question the dragon master over their lack of help in the recent battle. There was so much he didn't understand, and he was bone weary of it all. It seemed he had been on this quest all his life, but in truth barely a few seasons had passed. Perhaps a thirty three day rest would be good.

  The Dark Lord still remained in his cell, the wheel ever turning. Antonin and his band had barely begun the quest to stop his escape.

  "What are you called?" Antonin asked the dragon standing to the front.

  "I am called Atar - not the name you originally knew us by. You will not be able to pronounce our dragon names. Atar is close enough. My friends here are Andal, and this one is Mistak." The leader pointed left and right to the two who had accompanied him to the dais at Antonin's

  "Will my Lord rest the thirty three days?" Enquired Atar.

  "I tried to disobey the Creator once. Yes, I will wait the thirty and three days as commanded, though it pains me to do so. We must get some organisation in place. We must turn this whole valley into a liveable place and establish trade so that provisions can be supplied. There is much I need to learn. Travelling for instance."

  It suddenly came to Antonin that this whole thing had started by his accidentally falling - for want of a better description he thought - through those travel portals. So the Keeper of the Blue Tower held the key to that did she?

  "Desare, can you summon the Keeper of the Blue tower?"

  "Why, yes my Lord," she replied. "Should I call now?"

  Antonin looked steadily at Desare for a moment. She appeared none the worse for wear. Her hand was already healed, and a faint smile played around her lips. He was certain that women looked at the world in a way totally unlike men did. The world could be ending, but they would still straighten their skirts and lock the door before leaving. Added to that, everything that men did seemed to give them no end of amusement. As though they knew some secret that men didn't. Antonin shrugged a shoulder. Perhaps they did.

  "Yes please Desare." Sighed Antonin, and slumped into the hard stone chair.

  "Atar, can you deal with this thing?" He pointed to Cinnabar

  "With pleasure my Lord." The dragon turned his gaze o the squatting Cinnabar The gurgling snarl that rolled in his throat could have been a purring sound. Maybe. Cinnabar snarled back. He was far from cowed. Indeed he never would be. The Morgoth didn't know fear. Only defeat in death, or fighting on. He was held in chains and his ability to open gateways was blocked by the power of the Great Seal. He was content to await developments for now. The slightest opening in their guard and he would rip the heart out of that girl and curse the consequences. His eyes blazed with a malevolent hatred as he stared unblinking at Desare. She shrank back involuntarily as she caught his look. His laugh made the hair on Antonin's arms stand up.


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