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The Ravenson Project [Chronicles of the Cursed Book 2]

Page 4

by Aline de Chevigny

  Malek ignored her. He only had eyes for his mate as it should be. Envy curled in the pit of Bella's stomach. Mikael used to look at her that way, before Daemor started all this chaos.

  * * * *

  Once back in their chamber, Malek firmly shut the door behind him and turned the key in the lock, then slipped it into his pocket. He wasn't letting Sharra out of his sight again.

  "You should have knocked before barging into Bella's office. What were you thinking?"

  He slowly advanced on her, his hunger for her gnawing away at him. “I wasn't. All I could think about was you. Holding you, making love to you, feeding from you!"

  He watched her start of surprise at the intensity of his words and smiled, his fangs extending to show his intentions. “Do I frighten you, Sharra?"

  Sharranna stepped forward, without a single trace of fear showing in her baby blue eyes. Reaching out her finger, she traced it down his incisor slowly.

  He'd never allowed anyone to touch him that way before. It was more sensual than anything he'd ever experienced in his entire lifetime.

  "I trust you Malek. I'd do anything to make you happy. As long as you're always honest with me and never betray me, I will do anything you ask of me."

  Malek shook with the effort it took for him to stand still and not slake his thirst.

  "I have a question for you Malek."

  "Ask it!"

  Sharra grinned at him impishly. “Have you ever considered having children?"

  Malek smiled sadly. “Of course I have. The day I met you, I made that wish. Yet you know I can no longer entertain such fancies, my love."

  "But if you could, would you like to have them with me?"

  Pulling her into his arms Malek ran his tongue possessively across the pulse in her neck. It would be so simple to take what he wanted. “I wouldn't want any other to be mother to my children Sharranna. You are my mate, the love of my life. If I could, I would give up my immortality for you."

  "Good!” She slid her hands up his chest seductively. Standing on her toes, she laid a soft kiss on his chin before pushing back her blonde locks to expose her neck for him in offering. “Would you like to feed now, or wait and feed while you ravish me?"

  Her offer tempted him beyond words. He wanted her now more than ever, but something she'd said made him hesitate. She wanted children, something he could never give her.

  It was time he grew up and thought about someone else's needs before his own. He had to release her from her bond to him. Malek knew he needed to fog Sharra's memories and return her to the human world. As she was no longer pure, he also needed to find her a new mate. One that would treat her like the princess she was. “As tempting as that offer is Sharra. I'm afraid I must decline both offers. Since I can't trust myself around you I will find other accommodations for the day."

  "Malek? What did I do wrong?"

  She backed quickly away from him, confusion evident in her teary blue eyes. The way she wrapped her arms around herself revealed the pain his rejection had caused. He wanted nothing more than to hold her, and chase away the hurt expression she now wore because of his words. He couldn't risk everything by taking her in his arms to soothe her; he loved her too much. “No love ... it's a keeper law."

  A look of relief washed over her beautiful face and she stepped forward forcing him to retreat from her touch.

  "Bella said that Mikael waved those laws for us."

  It pained him to lie and dash her hopes, but he wasn't strong enough to resist her if she were to offer herself to him again. “He offered and I refused."

  "You ... refused?"

  "I don't want special circumstances to be made on my account, Sharra. I'm new in this house and I truly don't wish to create animosity between myself and the others over this."

  "You don't ... I see!"

  "Tell me you understand, Sharra."

  He watched her spine stiffen, her shoulders square and her head lift high. Sharra was pissed off and that relieved him.

  "Oh I understand perfectly! The people of this house are more important to you than my feeling safe or wanted. You shouldn't have forced your way into Bella's office Malek. That will cause unrest in this house. More than our lovemaking or your feeding from me would have. Now please unlock the door or I'll scream. I'm going for a walk. Don't wait around for me. I won't be back until after daybreak."


  She narrowed her eyes angrily at him. “You don't have the right to ask me that question! I'll leave word with Nicolai that I need new lodgings and request that my...” She laughed sadly. “I really don't have anything that needs to be moved do I? I gave it all up to be with you."

  Unlocking the door, Malek made a mental note to ask Mikael to replace Sharra's things. He'd spend the rest of his life making amends to her if needed.

  "Goodbye, Malek."

  Goodbye? Why would she say goodbye?

  He never had a chance to ask her before she ran out of the room.

  Chapter Seven

  Sharra felt like her heart had been torn from her chest. Malek didn't want her anymore. It was this horrible place's fault. His words said that he still desired her, but his actions told a different story. He wouldn't touch her or kiss her since his meeting with Mikael and that hurt more than having him tell her he was tired of her.

  In a matter of minutes, she was completely lost within the walls of the manse. All she wanted was to find an exit and escape into the night, but the more she tried to find a way out the worse she got lost. The despair she'd been trying so hard to keep in check escaped, taking with it her ability to stand, think, or care.

  Malek's words of warning wafted back to her. Never show weakness within the walls of any of the houses. Weakness brings out the predator in my kind and that would make you their prey .Pushing away his silky voice, she curled in on herself and wished to die.

  "Miss Sharranna? Are you alright, my lady?"

  Looking up through tear filled eyes she saw Nicolai crouched down in front of her, a look of deep concern etched across his handsome features. Seeing his expression broke through the walls she started to build around herself. “I wish Daemor had killed me."

  The words had spilled out of her lips before she could curb them. Anger crossed his features, yet she didn't care. If she was lucky Nicolai would finish the job Mikael had stopped Daemor from doing.

  "What did the whelp do?"

  Confused Sharra looked up into his deep blue eyes. “Who?"

  "Young Malek. Did the whelp hurt you in any way?"

  Sharra laughed. “That depends on what you term hurt."

  Rage built in his eyes, a look telling Sharra she needed to explain or Nicolai might hurt Malek. “No Nicolai, Malek didn't hurt me, not in the physical sense. He could never harm me that way. He's decided that he no longer wants me. I'm sure I can't blame him for that. The women here at Wolf house are quite beautiful."

  Nicolai flashed her a grin. “I prefer blondes myself."

  Sharra blushed, her face, she knew from experience was probably scarlet in embarrassment.

  "Like your friend Kelly from Raven house."

  "I wish Kelly were here, then at least she'd be safe from Daemor's wrath. He likes to use and abuse her when he's frustrated."

  Nicolai's fierce growl startled her. “Not while I'm alive."

  "You're in love with her! I always thought it strange that two vampires from rival houses would spend so much time alone together. She would risk Daemor's wrath when she knew you were coming to Raven house. Now it all makes sense, the secrecy, the veiled looks...."

  "You're daft woman! I believe in Vater's laws. Protect the innocent, keep the balance and defend your house. Kelly is an innocent and I will protect her to the best of my abilities. Nothing more."

  Sharra smiled. She wasn't stupid. “Kelly is lucky to have someone like you on her side. She's a stubborn woman. Don't let her run you away.” Heaving a heavy sigh Sharra stared past Nicolai's shoulder. “Malek used to protect m
e that way too ... before we came here."

  Sharra though back to her days before Malek, how her life got so much better after he crashed through her front door demanding Sanctuary, that first morning. He filled something that had been empty inside of her. She knew she should have been frightened when this massive man barreled through her front door the moment she yelled out, “I'll let you in, just give me a chance to get to the door.” Then there was their first and last night together and finally Malek's rejection at her offering of love.

  "Nicolai, could you arrange for me to get new quarters?"

  "Of course, Sharra. Is there anything else you need?"

  Sharra thought it over. “A meeting with either Lady Bella or Lord Malek?"

  Nicolai stood gracefully and held out his hand to help her up. “Would now be a good time?"

  Sharra accepted his offer with a smile, something a few moments ago she never thought she'd do again. The smile was only skin deep but put Nicolai at ease. “Now would be perfect, but are you certain they aren't otherwise occupied? I'd hate to disturb them."

  With a flash of his fangs, Nicolai placed her hand on the crook of his arm. “This is something Vater and Lady Annabella will want to know about. They take care of those under their protection and that includes you, my little one."

  * * * *

  Malek followed Sharra's scent the moment he could get his legs to move. He told himself he was only following her to keep her safe, that this was a new house with new rules and she didn't know who could be trusted here. He couldn't stand to have anything happen to her. After the fourth time following her around the same corridors, he wondered why she wandered in circles. It was as if she was lost in a daze and didn't know where she was going.

  Pain flared in his chest when she stopped walking and slowly slid to the ground to land in a heap. A sharp stab ached, directly over his heart. Malek hadn't been prepared for the very real physical blow to manifest. How was it he felt her pain? How much more information had Daemor kept from them concerning mates and mating truths?

  As the pain intensified, he realized his actions had hurt his love, caused her such a deep pain he felt it etched in his own chest. Pain that deep only meant one thing: he'd made a serious mistake when he'd rejected her.

  Pushing away from the wall, he had but one goal in mind. He needed to reach Sharra, pull her into his arms and beg her to take him back. Without Sharra he knew his life would end.

  Turning the corner, he spotted Nicolai kneeling and speaking to Sharra. The thick concern in the older man's voice stopped him in his tracks before he could be seen. Sharra would rid herself of the vampire, she could never betray him with another ... could she? He felt her pain, surely that meant something! Watching Nicolai lean toward her, jealousy assailed him.

  "I wish Daemor had killed me."

  His jealousy evaporated at the sounds of those words. He'd done the one thing he'd been trying to avoid, he broke her heart. No reason on earth he could give her would ever earn him her forgiveness now.

  Blending back into the shadows, Malek quietly made his way toward the red room. It was time to confess his sins and have an honest chat with Mikael about his needs. It was time to trust Cerberus Gnosis and hope it wasn't too late to fix what he'd broken.

  Chapter Eight

  The wolf was hidden nearby. Daemor smelled his stench even from his perch in the tree. The humiliation he'd received from Mikael and his house still stung, and he planned on getting even with every wolf he could find within his lands. Mikael might rule the clans, but he didn't rule these lands, no matter what the arrogant wolf thought.

  Daemor moved from branch to branch scanning the ground for the hidden beast. A movement from the left caught his eye and he took flight after it. He didn't care if it was the wolf or not, something would die this night. He would have blood to ease the painful humiliation Mikael had caused, even if that meant taking it out on Kelly's smooth milky flesh. There was nothing more satisfying than bruised, open wounds on a willing slave.

  Thoughts of all he'd lost the night of his humiliation assaulted him. Malek, the tool he'd spent years forging to use in revenge against his greatest enemy; the childe's mate, Sharranna and her purity, all gone. His warriors were to use her to gather their strength for the coming battle. The blood of an enemy's newly bonded mate taken by force granted the warrior power beyond compare, that advantage ... that belief was lost to him as well.

  His only son, Sebastien, had been his greatest loss. All the power he poured into the young fool gone forever. If he'd known the idiotic childe would antagonize his weapon, he would have killed the boy himself and re-absorbed the power. With Sebastien gone, Daemor no longer had anyone to lead his army and none in his house deserved the honor.... none perhaps but his most faithful slave Kelly. She alone had show loyalty, strength and an underhanded streak that he couldn't help but admire.

  Then there was the loss of honor in front of the members of his house. Mikael would pay dearly for that. Even if Daemor had to kill them all, one wolf at a time.

  Blood lust consumed him, and the damn wolf was proving ever elusive. He'd get the beast tomorrow night. There were a few hours of darkness left and a slave awaiting his return in his chambers. Kelly would have to do this night. It was time to take out his favorite toys. Blood and torture always mellowed his mood and when he combined that with his favorite girl's screams of pain he was almost content.

  * * * *

  Malek was escorted into the red room an hour after presenting himself for an audience. Being made to wait after informing the guard that it was urgent he see Lord Mikael tested his patience. He entered to find Sharranna bent on one knee before Mikael in supplication. Anger warred with terror at the sight before him.

  He'd done all of this, broken his mate's heart, all in the attempt to save her future pain. He buried his anger, knowing it would only cause more trouble if Mikael saw it. Bowing at the waist, Malek followed every single form of diplomacy. “Thank you for seeing me, Lord Mikael."

  "After the request young Sharra made, I couldn't resist finding out what you wished to discuss with me."

  A glace at Sharra showed she still knelt with her head bent; she hadn't moved an inch. “May we speak privately, my Lord?"

  "No, I believe young Sharra has earned the right to hear this. What you have to say will color my decision to her request."

  Request? No she couldn't ... wouldn't request to bond herself to the clan as a Protestuates. Not after seeing what could happen to a woman in that post. He turned his full attention on Sharra, silently begging her to stand.

  "Tell me why you requested my presence Malek!"

  The authority in Mikael's voice, confirmed why he was the head of all the clans. “I came to beg a boon my Lord. I have questions, that I need answers to. I realized too late, that by trying to save Sharra from this life, by trying to give her everything she wanted that I could never provide her, that by sacrificing my happiness in letting her go, I broke her heart. My liege, I wounded her deeply."

  Sharra didn't move an inch while he spoke, scaring him more than any decision Mikael might make to her request. If he couldn't get through to her, then even if Mikael turned her down, he'd lost. “I physically feel her pain when she hurts, so I know she isn't thinking clearly at the moment, my liege."

  "Interesting. You believe she's acting impulsively then? What exactly do you believe Sharranna wishes, Malek?"


  Mikael nodded and leaned forward. “Most women who have found their lifemates wish for children, son. That shouldn't have surprised you. Why would you not be able to grant her that wish? I've witnessed the mate bond myself."

  Malek felt confusion. “I don't understand? I know the laws, strength, weaknesses and histories of the vampire. I studied well, wishing for advancement within Raven house. No Vampire can sire a child."

  "Damn Daemor and his twisted notions. He needs to be removed from his seat, Mikael. He's broken more laws than anyone man or vampire
combined. You need to do something,” Bella announced angrily entering the red room from Mikael's secret entrance.

  Mikael motioned her closer. “Hush my love, the council will deal with Daemor when the time is right."

  Malek envied them their closeness. Mikael and Annabella had what he'd hoped to share with Sharranna one day.

  "Mikael you need to tell the boy the truth. Now!"

  Mikael chuckled softly at his mate's order. “Forgive my wife, Malek. Pregnant women can be a tad emotional when they care deeply for someone. Seems she's decided to take you and your mate under her wing."

  "Pregnant? But how? How could you allow another...?"

  Mikael's laughter insulted him. “Malek, no other man has touched mi Bella in over a year."

  Bella smiled softy and rested her hand on his shoulder. “Actually, it's been since you stared courting me, you rogue."

  Malek watched Mikael slip his arm around Annabella's waist and pull her down onto his lap for a kiss. Turning his focus back onto Sharra he prayed for a reaction, any reaction, to what she'd heard to date, but found her still unmoving.

  "The child is mine, Malek. Some ... not all mind you, but some vampires can sire children. The key ingredients needed to a successful conception is a true mating bond and a woman who has not been turned. Until a few hours ago, you had both of those needed ingredients. Whether you still have the woman, only Sharra can answer."

  Malek stood stunned, rooted to the spot. Sharra could have everything her heart desired and he could be the one to give it all to her. If only she would grant him forgiveness for his mistaken deed.

  Daemor would die by his hand and no other for the lies and deceptions that lead to Sharra's broken heart and destroyed his chance at happiness.

  "Before I ask Sharra if she still wishes her request be granted, tell me Malek, what are your intentions concerning this woman?"

  Malek looked up startled. He'd been so lost in his own thoughts he'd forgotten that Mikael was about to stand judgment on his future. His whole attention had been focused solely on his mate kneeling at the foot of the throne. “I beg your forgiveness my Lord. Your news stunned me so, that I missed your last remark. Would you mind repeating the question?"


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