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The Ravenson Project [Chronicles of the Cursed Book 2]

Page 5

by Aline de Chevigny

  Mikael sat back in his throne and glanced pointedly at Sharra before him. “It's not my forgiveness you need to beg, Malek."

  Malek turned crimson at the blatant reminder of his foolishness.

  "I asked what your intentions were concerning this human?"

  "To make her happy. I'm no fool Lord Mikael. I've hurt Sharra deeply. I know this because I felt her pain and despair. In this I will abide by her wishes, her choice. If she'll have me, I wish to marry her and spend the rest of my eternal life making it up to her."

  "And if she refuses?"

  The thought that Sharra might reject him had crossed his mind, yet he stubbornly held on to the hope that she loved him enough to move past his idiotic mistake. But he knew there was always that slim chance and had come prepared. “Then I will be her protector until she finds ... a new mate."

  Mikael growled at him, fangs bared in disgusted anger. “You listened to nothing you were told during our earlier meeting. I should kill you now childe. Rid this house of your presence and Sharra from future pain!"

  Malek stood tall, unmoving. If Sharra rejected him he'd welcome death with open arms.

  "Love, the boy is young and has been lied to by Daemor for many years. Pazienza, mi amore. He is in pain."

  Watching Mikael cover his queen's hand lovingly with his own, Malek saw all the killing anger flow out of his new lord. He wouldn't die today, at least not by Lord Mikael's hands. Malek turned his attention back to Sharra's unmoving form.

  Bella cleared her throat to regain his attention. “Sharra will never find another mate. Once the bond is forged it is unbreakable ... even with death whether it is acknowledged by both parties or not."

  "What if neither—” The look on Mikael's face stopped Malek cold.

  "You already have fool. Proven by the fact that she was the first person you thought of while chained in the dungeon. When she was your only concern once you'd been freed and when you put her happiness and desires above your own, you claimed her as your mate,” Mikael announced with venom in his voice.

  Malek held himself in place by sheer force of will. He refused to show any weakness that might work against him.

  "Why else do you think Daemor wished her for his own? The bond between you would have given him complete power over you, to control you. He knew you'd risk life and limb to keep Sharra safe. You would have allowed nothing to stand in your way if it meant keeping your mate safe."

  Mikael finished, turning his eyes away from Malek and back to the woman kneeling before him in contemplation.

  Malek dropped his eyes from Sharra's kneeling form. She hadn't moved once since he'd entered the chamber. He remembered back to the days when she'd flash him that sexy grin the moment he entered the room, those nights he couldn't stay away and didn't understand why. The way she'd run into his arms the moment she saw him. He missed that. “I wish I could take it all back..."

  "Enough,” Sharra said softly.

  Sharra's one word was barely above a whisper and so full of pain he felt what was left of his heart crumble like ash.

  "If Malek wishes me forgotten, wishes to take back all we've meant to each other the past four years, then so be it. But I will not allow you to take my memories of him. I deserve those at the very least."

  He smelled the salt from her tears. Those words dearly cost her. He should have realized that his mate would see the truth behind his words. Sharra always had known what he wished before he did.

  Looking up for the first time since he'd entered the room, Sharra started reciting her pledge. “I pledge my life, my blood, and my...."

  He knew those words, had heard many mortals recite them to Daemor. He'd be damned if he'd allow her to throw their future away to feed anyone's damn clan. No vampire would lay a single fang on her precious flesh but him.

  Shifting his form, he moved before Nicolai could stop him. He'd never shifted in the presence of another before, nor so quickly. His body flowed into his lupine form only long enough to reach his mate, then shifted back to human, pulling her into a kiss the moment he reached her, cutting off the vow mid sentence.

  "Malek you insolent whelp, how dare you use your powers in this room!"

  "I dare to stop my mate from finishing that vow.” Malek's teeth were exposed in defiance, his whole body eager and willing to protect what was his. “She misunderstood my words. I'd rather die than stand by and watch her desecrate herself because of my foolishness."

  He expected Mikael to order him taken away and put to death, yet he didn't care if his rash actions saved Sharra.

  "Are you satisfied, Sharranna?” Mikael asked with a satisfied smirk.

  He realized then that Sharra clung to him, her face buried against his chest and her fingers tangled possessively in his shirt, a smile pressed against his chest.

  "When can we make it official so he doesn't change his mind again?” She asked quickly, the excitement in her voice surprising him.

  In shock he looked down on his woman's face. “You planned this? This was a ruse?"

  "No Malek, if you hadn't stopped her, she'd have pledged herself to the clan, mind, body, and soul,” Bella explained.

  Anger flared at his core. “I forbid it!"

  Sharra laughed at him, actually laughed with defiance etched firmly over her beautiful face. “You can't forbid me to do anything Malek. You may request, beg, or plead but after today you've lost the right to forbid."

  He liked this new determination in her. He had hoped she would mature into a true partner, a woman he longed desperately to have in his life and his bed. That she would arrange this elaborate ruse with the Lord and Lady's aid, just to teach him a well deserved lesson gave him hope he'd been forgiven even if just a little. “You mentioned making our mating official Sharra. This I wish deeply.

  "When may it occur, Lord Mikael?"

  Mikael laughed. “I will call for the Antedeluvians at dusk. For now Sharranna, please return to your room."

  Malek slipped his arm around Sharra's waist and turned to go. They only had an hour together before sunrise and he had much to beg her forgiveness for.

  "Alone Malek. Until the joining she may no longer share your bed or your chambers."

  Malek stopped, his arms rigid around Sharra's waist halting her progression. “Where will my mate be sleeping?"

  "Nicolai has offered her the use of his spare chamber."

  Bloodlust called to him at the thought of his Sharra alone with the wolf he considered his only competition. Nicolai, the one person in this house who'd taken the time to make certain she was alright, when even he, himself didn't think of asking her.

  Sharra tried to soothe him. “Hush Malek. I trust Nicolai. I'll see you at sunset. Now that you've come to terms with your feelings, nothing could keep me away from you."

  Sharra had never been much for wasted words, so to hear her vow that nothing could keep her from him lifted his spirits. Brushing the hair from her neck, Malek growled possessively, and extended his fangs to give her a fresh mark of ownership.

  Sharra gently stopped him. “You can't. Feeding is prohibited until the joining ceremony. Punishment for your rash actions.” Her lips trembled as she traced a finger along his lips. “You'll need to visit the ... the protestuates to feed until then."


  "You must. If Daemor attacks you'll need your strength."

  "I won't. I refuse to sully our bond further by visiting that place.” If Daemor attacked, not that Malek believed he would, the man was too cowardly for a frontal attack. Daemor preferred subterfuge and underhanded actions. He'd deal with the beast when the time arose.

  Sharra looked at him sadly. “Please explain it to him for me. I can't."

  She kissed him softly and ran from the room in tears.

  "Explain what?” Malek, turned from the closed door and back towards the Lord and Lady on the throne. Sharra had just forgiven him, why now did she insist he betray their love by visiting those women? “I don't understand? Hasn't she been throug
h enough pain?"

  "Pain you had a firm hand in creating.” Mikael narrowed his eyes angrily. “Nicolai go after her, make certain she reaches her room safely."

  With jealousy tinged with gratitude, Malek turned to the older vamp. “Make sure she eats. She hasn't had sustenance since ... I never had the chance to offer her food since the night before last."

  Mikael leaned forward to whisper into Lady Bella's ear, trying to calm the Lady's rising temper. Angrily she rose from his lap and started pacing behind the throne while counting to ten.

  When Bella reached ten, she turned furious eyes on Malek. “Explain!"

  Malek stepped back, stunned by the vehemence in the Lady Bella's voice. “At Raven house females are forbidden to dine without their men. I'd always insisted Sharra return to her home during daylight hours to await me. There she would be safe to sleep and eat when she felt the need."

  Bella pounded the top of the throne with the palm of her hand. “You haven't answered my question! Why hasn't she eaten in the past twenty-four hours?"

  "Sharra got tired of waiting for me to realize she was there.” Looking back toward the doors Sharra had run through, Malek fought his urge to go after her. “She ignored my request and hid until the Vampires in the house were asleep, then snuck into my room. Once Daemor retires for the evening, the day guards are to lock down the house. No one can get in or out."

  Bella returned to sit on her husband's knee, all the fight gone out of her.

  Mikael stroked Bella hair thoughtfully. “You're excused childe, remember my orders."

  Malek walked out of the room wondering why he'd gotten off so easily and if perhaps they weren't finished with him yet.

  * * * *

  "Mikael, he deserves more than being kept apart from the girl. He forgot to feed her knowing she wasn't allowed to fetch food on her own."

  Mikael, pulled her closer to her chest and held his wife tight. “Amore, if I were to met out punishment to each foolish childe who ignored his heart when he met his mate I would have lost control over the houses long ago. He's young and had the girl's best interests at heart, even if he went about it wrongly."

  "But the poor girl has been abused..."

  Laughing, he stood with his wife still in his arms. “I'm positive the girl is as much to blame for his memory loss as he is. You women can be very determined when you have a goal in mind and hers was to seduce the young wolf."

  Sliding her arms around his neck, she rested her head on his shoulder. “When you put it that way, he's a pretty good kid isn't he?"

  "Si, mi Bella, now shall we retire for the day? Tomorrow will be full of excitement and we both need our rest."

  "Take me to bed, you romantic fool."

  Chapter Nine

  An hour past sunset and Sharra still hadn't appeared. Malek had searched everywhere for her, everywhere, but her new rooms in Nicolai's suite. He woke to find a note from Lady Bella reminding him that Nicolai's room was off limits and he was to stay away.

  This annoyed him as Nicolai was nowhere to be found. Every person he stopped to ask told him he'd either just missed him or that he was back where Malek had already been. On the word of a guard, he stormed his way toward the opposite end of the manse, to confront Nicolai. “Where is she, Nicolai? Sharra promised to meet me at sunset and my Sharra always keeps her promises."

  Nicolai growled angrily and slammed down the clipboard he'd been looking at. “Cub if you've done anything to upset that girl again, I'll have your head."

  Malek took a step back in surprise, a horrible feeling forming in the pit of his stomach. “You mean you haven't seen her tonight?"

  "Not since sunset. She'd been preparing to see you, when I left the room!"

  Terror filled him. Something was wrong. He took off at a run, flowing into his lupine form to better track her scent, Nicolai right on his tail.

  They found her in Malek's chambers, lying face down on his bed not moving. He lost his hold on his lupine form the second he saw her. “Sharranna ... Baby?"

  Pulling her into his arms he kissed her repeatedly, begging her to wake.


  "I'm here Sharra, what's wrong? Why are you here?"

  "Malek ... traitor ... poison ... need Nicolai."

  She asked for another while in the throes of death. Hurt filled him. She didn't love him enough to completely forgive after all. He started to lay her back down onto the bed to fetch Nicolai for her as requested, wondering briefly where the older wolf had gone, when her hands clutched weakly at his shirt front pulling his attentions back to her.

  "Don't let me go ... please—"

  "I won't Sharra. I told you, I'll never let you go again. Talk to me, what happened?"

  "Where am I? Why is it so cold?"

  Malek wanted to howl in frustration and pain. Nicolai had disappeared the moment they'd tracked her scent to his rooms. Sharra was dying. He smelled death in the air and the thought that he was helpless to save her, killed him.

  "Against Mikael's orders, you're in my rooms my love."

  "No, no, no, no, that isn't allowed.” Sharra stopped to take a breath. Speaking drained her. Malek get me out ... before he ... forbids us to marry. I can't loose you ... not again ... please ... not again."

  He kissed her softly to quiet her, pulling her further into his arms. She was naked beneath the sheets. The person who did this to her, had violated her, or worse ... Holding Sharra tighter, he vowed he would find that person and make them pay dearly for what they'd done to his mate.

  "Malek, move out of the way so we can help her.” Mikael entered the room and went straight to Sharra's side.

  "No! I'm not leaving her side."

  As weakly as Sharra clung to him, he refused to upset her more by breaking his word and letting her go. “I made her a promise and I refuse to break it."

  Nicolai hissed, his hand landing firmly on Malek's shoulder gaining his attention. “What did she say? And don't lie to me boy, I can smell the poison in her blood."

  "Poison? No ... save her, heal her..."

  Nicolai grabbed him by the collar and shook him. “Focus! What did she say?"

  Malek thought back, all but three of her words had been garbled and hard to understand. “She said traitor, poison, and Nicolai."

  Mikael stood and started pacing. “Your little lady there must have uncovered a traitor in our midst on her way to meet you. Can she be saved, Nicolai?"

  "What do you mean by ‘can’ and why are you asking Nicolai to save her? Call a doctor, a surgeon, the damned poison control experts!” Malek had been through war, famine, loneliness and betrayal in his lifetime. Nothing frightened him more than the threat of going through eternity without his Sharra.

  "Nicolai is Wolf house's Spy Master childe. He is the resident expert in all of Italy on poisons and poisonous substances.” Mikael explained with more patience than the Lord had shown to date.

  Nicolai looked Malek straight in the eyes, before answering. “I'll need to taste her to determine how deep the poison has penetrated her body."

  Malek bared his fangs in warning. “No one will..."

  "Malek please ... if it can help,” Annabella pleaded.

  He held Sharra possessively against him. “How much of her blood will you need?"

  Nicolai sat on the corner of the bed, and took Sharra's wrist in his hand. “A few drops, no more. I must warn you, if the poison has gone too deep—"


  Nicolai looked at him sadly. “The only thing that will save her will be to turn her."

  Malek growled in warning. “We can't. Sharra wishes to have children, and you said only an unchanged female may bear children."

  Her fingers softly traced his lips. She was weaker, dying, and there was nothing he could do to save her except the unthinkable. This helpless feeling was one he'd hoped to never experience again.

  "I want you..."

  That was all he needed to hear, Sharra had chosen and he would respect her choice. Leani
ng his head down, he drew her into a soft kiss, distracting her while Nicolai pierced her wrist with his fangs.

  "I love you, Malek."

  Her hand fell away from his lips as she slipped into unconsciousness once more. “Sharra?"

  Nicolai rested the hand he held on the bed beside her. “It's the poison cub, either we turn her ... or she dies!"

  How did he decide? He'd promised himself to never sire another, never to put another through the pain and suffering he'd experienced. Sharra deserved better than a life relegated to darkness.

  Annabella placed a hand on his shoulder in sympathy. “She wished to be with you more than life itself Malek. Children may still be a part of your future. There are thousands of children in the world that need loving parents. You can adopt, but only if she lives."

  Nodding his understanding, he brushed back her hair and tilted her head back exposing her neck. Fangs extended, he leaned in for the bite that would take her life and realized he couldn't go through with it. “I can't ... I can't be the one to kill her."

  Nicolai pushed him out of the way with such force Malek fell off the bed. “Move! I won't let her die. Only she can tell us who the traitor is!"

  Bella entered further into the room and had a seat. “Malek, her dearest wish was to be with you forever. I know this because I feel the same way about my own mate."

  No matter his feelings, it was too late to change his mind. Nicolai had already pierced her neck and drained away the tainted blood. Finished, Nicolai gestured toward Sharra's lifeless body.

  "Now feed her, I won't be the one to sire your mate, nor will I risk her change by feeding her tainted blood. If she lives or dies is all in your hands. So choose!"

  Still Malek hesitated. Was this really Sharra's wish? Her fondest desire?

  Nicolai growled angrily. Why was he being so protective of Sharra's immortal life? Could Nicolai have fallen in love with his mate? Did Sharra feel the same? No ... “ Malek shook his head to stop the flood of questions and doubt from running rampant through his mind. I care for her emotional well being along with her physical. Nicolai wishes to catch a traitor is all! She told me she loves me and wished to be with me.


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