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Page 25

by A. S. Fenichel

  The doctor’s eyes widened. “I will leave my nurse with you for a few days.”

  “Fine.” Dorian stepped through the door to the master bedroom.

  Alice, Lillian’s maid, stood in the corner, wringing her hands. The girl’s normally rosy complexion was ashen as she watched her mistress. She looked at him.

  “We will get her back, Alice. Go get yourself something to eat and some rest. It will not do to have you fall ill now.”

  “Aye, milord. But you’ll ring if she needs anything, won’t you?”

  “I promise.”

  Alice stepped around the bed and out of the room as Dr. Robasan’s nurse stepped in.

  “I will sit with my fiancée for the time being.”

  The nurse tugged her apron. “As you wish. I will be right outside if Miss Dellacourt needs anything.” She lightly closed the door behind her.

  Lillian looked so small lying in their bed. Her skin was as white as the sheets she rested on. Her eyes were swollen and ringed.

  Dr. Robasan had said some people wither away for weeks and eventually starve to death after a bad strike to the head. Lillian had likely suffered other head injuries over the course of her career as a hunter, and the doctor believed these things could be cumulative.

  Dorian rounded to the other side of the bed, not wanting her to jostle her injured shoulder. He sat on the edge of the bed and took her hand. Leaning down, he kissed her cool flesh and rested his cheek there. The moisture from his own tears surprised him. He had to be strong, but the thought of losing her crippled him. “Lilly, you cannot leave me now. I need you with me. Please, mon trésor, fight. I know you are tired and perhaps worn down by everything you have done and seen. It has been a long road for you. I also know I am asking more than is my right. Still, I am selfish and cannot lose you. Stay with me, Lilly.”

  Tears streamed down his cheeks. Careful not to bump her, he slid onto the bed next to her. He kissed her cheek and rested his hand on her hip.

  * * * *

  Fingers combed through Dorian’s hair. He opened his eyes to a dimly lit room. A lamp flickered on the bedside table and a small fire in the hearth warmed the cool late-summer night.

  Lillian smiled at him.

  “You are awake.”

  “I am sorry I woke you, but I would kill for something to drink.”

  He was supposed to be caring for her, but he’d fallen asleep. Alice must have tended the fire and lit the lamp. It was full dark outside. He eased off the bed and poured her a glass of water from the pitcher.

  She made to sit up.

  “Wait, Lilly.” He put the cup down, sat at the head of the bed, and gentled her up against him. He took the cup and tipped it to her lips.

  She drank two sips before turning her head away. “Have I been unconscious a long time?”

  “All day and part of the night. How do you feel?” His heart was frantic. She was awake.

  “If there is a part of my body that does not hurt, I cannot tell you where it is.”

  “I was afraid I had lost you, my love.” His tears threatened again.

  She turned her head and faced him. Even that tiny effort made her wince. “I’m sorry.”

  “You will need to rest for a few weeks at least. Your shoulder may take months to heal properly, so no hunting for a while. It required quite a number of stiches to close. You have a rather large knot on the back of your head, and you are bruised from your neck to your pretty bottom.”

  “That must be a sight.”

  His stomach clenched. “It is.”

  “What happened, Dorian?”

  “We can talk about it tomorrow when you are more rested.”

  She laid her head against his shoulder. “Tell me now.”

  She should rest, not worry about things beyond their control. “What do you remember?”

  “Fletcher lifted me from the cave mouth and the ground collapsed behind us.”

  In the softest voice he could muster, he told her about the master coming and Tom having been the spy within The Company.

  She flinched. “Where is Tom now?”

  He didn’t know what to say.

  Lillian turned slowly toward him. “Dorian, what happened?”

  He’d tormented himself for hours over how he could have spared Tom’s life. “I killed him.”

  “Oh no.”

  “I had no choice. We tried to offer him asylum with The Company.”

  “Of course not. I know you would not have harmed that boy if he had given you any other choice.”

  Dorian hadn’t known how much he needed to hear those words from her. “I feel like I should have known much sooner and done something to help him.”

  “I feel the same way. That night in the archives when he came lurking around, I had a bad feeling.”

  “Did you?”

  “I ignored it. I thought I was being overly cautious. We all liked Tom, and we thought we knew him. All of the research into lies and treachery had made me jumpy. At least that was what I told myself. I should have brought it up then. Tom was acting strange. Perhaps we could have saved him from himself.”

  “Tybee is devastated. He loved Tom like a son. I do not know how I will face him again.”

  “I’m certain he understands you were not to blame.”

  They reclined against the headboard for a long time. Neither spoke. Dorian pushed away thoughts of the master and Tom. He had her back. Lillian was alive and talking to him, and for the moment, all the rest was quiet.

  “Will you marry me, Lilly?”

  She snuggled her head in closer. “I already said yes.”

  “As soon as you are healed?”

  “Tomorrow if you like.”

  His heart danced, and he wished he could spin her around the room. Instead, he kissed the top of her head. “I want you to be able to walk down the aisle at St. Andrews of your own free will.”

  She sighed and relaxed against him. “Then tomorrow will not do.”

  He eased her down onto the mattress. Tucking the covers in around her, he kissed her forehead. “No, but in few months you will be in top form, mon trésor, and then I will make you my wife.”

  She smiled and closed her eyes.

  She was so beautiful, and for the first time, fragile. His heart ached.


  Lillian stared into the mirror as Alice fussed with her hair. It was as if she were watching someone else.

  The maid placed every curl just so as if the next tress might make all the difference.

  Uncomfortable with her reflection, she turned toward the window. The trees were nearly bare, and soon snow would cover Edinburgh.

  “Keep still, miss.”

  Smiling, she turned back. “I think it looks lovely, Alice. Also, if I have to stay still another moment, I will lose my mind.”

  With a sigh, Alice placed one last curl atop Lillian’s head and pinned it. “Very well. You do look lovely.”

  “Thank you.”

  Someone knocked. “Open up, Lilly. I cannot stand here all day.”

  “Reece.” Lillian rushed to the door and pulled it open.

  He was thin and the bones of his face far too pronounced. His bright eyes were tired, but he was Reece and she fell into his open arms.

  She stepped back. “Come in.”

  “You canna’ have a man in your room, miss.”

  “But this is Reece.”

  “I don’t care if he’s the pope himself. He canna’ stay in here.” Alice put her hands on her hips and shook her head.

  Lillian giggled. “Alice, go and see if everything is in order for the wedding breakfast.”

  “But, miss.”


  The maid shook her head but rushed from the room.

  Lillian turned to Reece. “I did not know if I would see you today.”

  He kissed her cheek. “I could not miss your wedding day, my sweet.”

  “You are looking better.” It was true, though he still was not the rob
ust man from before his injuries.

  He walked to the bed and sat.

  It was irreverent, but she was used to Reece’s ways. After all, it was not as if she and Dorian shared that bed. Her chamber was relegated to dressing and primping. Lillian spent little time there, since she did very little primping. Alice longed for more to do, but Lillian was not going to change.

  “The leeches lived on my last treatment. Dr. Barns believes the poison is out of my body.”

  “You do not sound as if you believe the good doctor.”

  He shrugged. “I am tired, Lilly. I feel old and useless.”

  “You just need time and training, Reece.”

  “I have missed that stern voice telling me what I need to do.”

  “I’m sorry I have not been with you through all of this.”

  “You had important things to do.”

  “Not for quite some time. I wish I could have come to see you, but I had my own healing to do.”

  “Your letters were a great comfort. I was worried when I heard you had been badly hurt. To be honest, I did not believe it at first. You are never hurt.”

  An inward cringe at the memory of crashing against stone tightened every muscle. “You can imagine how difficult a time Dorian had trying to keep me from reinjuring myself. I am not used to being incapacitated. If not for the demons’ retreat from Edinburgh, he could not have succeeded.”

  “You are better now, and no demons have returned?”

  “The witches have gathered here and tell me the binding of the site under Holyrood is holding. They cannot say how long it will hold, but we believe the master has moved on to another location.”

  “And you, Lilly?”

  “I am fine. A bit out of fighting form, but I will begin training again soon.”

  He took her hand and kissed it. “You look fine. You look happy.”

  She changed the subject and retrieved her hand. “Have you been assigned a new partner?”

  “You mean since you have abandoned me?”

  “I have not. I cannot be your partner once I am married to Dorian. You could join us in London. The three of us could work together in London the way Belinda worked with you and me.”

  He shook his head. “You are going to London?”

  “Dorian and I have been reassigned. We are to protect the king and the prince.”

  “Because of the master’s obsession with royal blood.”

  “Yes. Drake thinks he will eventually try to get to the crown. Dorian and I are to redesign all the security. You did not answer my question.”

  “Lizzy has agreed to help me train. I have my doubts I can ever hunt again. I am her first assignment.”

  Lizzy had a strong will and would be good for Reece and his recovery. “I heard they closed the school in Inverness.”

  He nodded. “Shafton’s penance for his lies. His school is closed, and he is assigned to information gathering in London.”

  “Where will the students go?”

  “The Earl and Countess of Tullering have offered their country estate for the new school.”

  “Belinda and Gabriel will run the school?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not sure of that, but they have donated the estate.”

  “I suppose there is some symmetry to Shafton’s daughter taking over the school.” She stood up and brushed out her wedding dress. Catching a glimpse of herself in the oval mirror, she didn’t recognize the lady looking back.

  “I never thought I’d see this day, Lilly. I always thought you would grow old with me.”

  She went over and sat next to him. “I never intended to marry, though I never expect to grow old either. The demons have some say in our outcome.”

  “Why are you doing it?”

  “Marrying?” She grinned. “I love him. I never even knew something was missing from my life, but the idea of living without him breaks my heart.”

  He stood and kissed her forehead. “I’m happy for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Dorian stepped into the doorway. “I do not mean to interrupt, but a frantic maid rushed into my study in a panic because a man was in her lady’s room.”

  Reece stepped forward and put out his hand. “You are a lucky man.”

  Dorian shook his hand. “Thank you.”

  “I will see you both at the church.”

  Lillian rushed forward and hugged Reece.

  He ended the hug and stepped out with the slow, stooped gait of a much older man.

  “You should not be in here, Dorian.” In spite of her admonishment, she stepped into his outstretched arms. He was warm and strong and smelled of vanilla.

  He laughed. “But Reece belonged in your bedroom?”

  “This is not my bedroom. Are you jealous?”

  “Of Reece? No. We belong to each other, and I trust you.”

  She pulled him tighter. “Yes, we do. Now, get out so I can finish getting ready. You don’t want me to be late to my own wedding, do you?”

  He stepped aside and bowed. “I will wait for you at the altar for as long as it takes.”

  Her heart was ready to burst, and tears threatened her eyes. “I know you will, but I will not make you wait.”

  He nodded and pressed a finger to the corner of his eye. “I will never be able to tell you how much I love you, Lilly.”

  She touched his cheek. “Do not trouble yourself, Dorian. I already know.”

  He kissed her palm and took a deep breath. His voice brightened. “I have a wedding gift for you. Would you like it now?”

  She didn’t need anything, but the idea he had thought to buy her a present made her giddy. “Yes, of course.”

  He smiled. “I will return in a moment.”

  She smoothed her wedding dress and looked around the room for something to occupy her time.

  He must have had a footman waiting down the hall. He arrived with a long, rectangular box wrapped with a large, yellow bow and placed it on the bed.

  Lillian’s heart pounded. She stepped to the bed. “What is it?”

  “Open it.”

  She pulled the bow and flipped up the latch of the box. Running her hand along the fine wood, she lifted the lid. Her breath caught. A pair of sai swords lay inside the velvet lined box. Shined steel blades, curved pieces to protect her hands, leather wrapped at the hilt, and one stunning ruby at the apex of blade and hilt. She touched the cold metal. “Dorian, they’re beautiful.”

  “You like them?”

  She picked one up in each hand, leaving behind the leather sheathes that lay beside each. The balance was exquisite. She had not trained in months, but the blades felt good in her hands. One arm automatically went above her head and the other crossed to her waist. “I love them.”

  “I’m glad. I thought of a piece of jewelry, but then I remembered to whom I was getting married.”

  She giggled like a girl and reversed the stance. “How did you find them?”

  “Your friend Fletcher managed to procure them. He will be pleased they are to your liking.”

  She placed the fine swords back inside the case and walked into Dorian’s embrace. “I love them and you.”

  “You gave up your other set and saved our lives. It seemed only appropriate you should have another.”

  “You are a very thoughtful husband.”

  “I intend to make you very happy, Lilly. Though I’m not your husband yet.”

  She pushed him away.

  He took a quick step back.

  “You need to get out of here and get to the church or our guests will think we have both run for the hills.”

  His smile could have lit the entire house. “I do not care what anyone thinks as long as you are pleased.”

  Lillian’s heart had grown too big for her chest. “I am more than pleased, Dorian. I am in love.”

  He bowed low. “I will see you at St. Andrews then.”

  “And every day after.”

  Meet the Author

  A.S. Fenichel ga
ve up a successful IT career in New York City to follow her husband to Texas and pursue her lifelong dream of being a professional writer. She’s never looked back.

  A.S. adores writing stories filled with love, passion, desire, magic and maybe a little mayhem tossed in for good measure. Books have always been her perfect escape and she still relishes diving into one and staying up all night to finish a good story.

  Multi-published in erotic paranormal, erotic contemporary, Regency historical romance and of course historical paranormal romance, A.S. will be bringing you her brand of romance for many years to come.

  Originally from New York, she grew up in New Jersey, and now lives in East Texas with her real life hero, her wonderful husband. When not reading or writing she enjoys cooking, travel, history, and puttering in her garden.

  A.S. loves to hear from her readers. Be sure to write to her at

  Learn more about A.S at

  Don’t miss A.S. Fenichel’s


  When demons threaten London, Lady Belinda answers the call.

  Lord Gabriel Thurston returns home from war to find his fiancée is not the sweet young girl he left behind. She’s grown into a mysterious woman who guards her dark secrets well. When he sees her sneaking away from a ball, he’s convinced it’s for a lover’s rendezvous. Following her to London’s slums, Gabriel watches in horror as his fiancée ruthlessly slay a man.

  Lady Belinda Carlisle’s only concern was her dress for the next ball—until demons nearly killed her and changed everything. A lady by day, and a demon hunter by night, she knows where her duty lies. Ending her betrothal is the best way to protect Gabriel from death by a demon’s hand.

  Gabriel soon realizes, like him, Belinda has been fighting for her country. He joins in the fight, determined to show her that their love can endure, stronger than ever.

  Demon Hunters #1 on sale now!


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